C# | 1215 lines | 927 code | 240 blank | 48 comment | 3 complexity | e739a6fa303b007c64a2204b8534521e MD5 | raw file
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
- using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Factories;
- using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
- using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives;
- using System.ComponentModel.Composition.UnitTesting;
- using System.Linq;
- using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
- using System.UnitTesting;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
- namespace System.ComponentModel.Composition
- {
- [TestClass]
- public class MetadataTests
- {
- #region Tests for metadata on exports
- public enum SimpleEnum
- {
- First
- }
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("String", "42")]
- [ExportMetadata("Int", 42)]
- [ExportMetadata("Float", 42.0f)]
- [ExportMetadata("Enum", SimpleEnum.First)]
- [ExportMetadata("Type", typeof(string))]
- [ExportMetadata("Object", 42)]
- public class SimpleMetadataExporter
- {
- }
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("String", null)] // null
- [ExportMetadata("Int", 42)]
- [ExportMetadata("Float", 42.0f)]
- [ExportMetadata("Enum", SimpleEnum.First)]
- [ExportMetadata("Type", typeof(string))]
- [ExportMetadata("Object", 42)]
- public class SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullReferenceValue
- {
- }
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("String", "42")]
- [ExportMetadata("Int", null)] //null
- [ExportMetadata("Float", 42.0f)]
- [ExportMetadata("Enum", SimpleEnum.First)]
- [ExportMetadata("Type", typeof(string))]
- [ExportMetadata("Object", 42)]
- public class SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullNonReferenceValue
- {
- }
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("String", "42")]
- [ExportMetadata("Int", "42")] // wrong type
- [ExportMetadata("Float", 42.0f)]
- [ExportMetadata("Enum", SimpleEnum.First)]
- [ExportMetadata("Type", typeof(string))]
- [ExportMetadata("Object", 42)]
- public class SimpleMetadataExporterWithTypeMismatch
- {
- }
- public interface ISimpleMetadataView
- {
- string String { get; }
- int Int { get; }
- float Float { get; }
- SimpleEnum Enum { get; }
- Type Type { get; }
- object Object { get; }
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void SimpleMetadataTest()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new SimpleMetadataExporter());
- var export = container.GetExport<SimpleMetadataExporter, ISimpleMetadataView>();
- Assert.AreEqual("42", export.Metadata.String);
- Assert.AreEqual(42, export.Metadata.Int);
- Assert.AreEqual(42.0f, export.Metadata.Float);
- Assert.AreEqual(SimpleEnum.First, export.Metadata.Enum);
- Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), export.Metadata.Type);
- Assert.AreEqual(42, export.Metadata.Object);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void SimpleMetadataTestWithNullReferenceValue()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullReferenceValue());
- var export = container.GetExport<SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullReferenceValue, ISimpleMetadataView>();
- Assert.AreEqual(null, export.Metadata.String);
- Assert.AreEqual(42, export.Metadata.Int);
- Assert.AreEqual(42.0f, export.Metadata.Float);
- Assert.AreEqual(SimpleEnum.First, export.Metadata.Enum);
- Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), export.Metadata.Type);
- Assert.AreEqual(42, export.Metadata.Object);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void SimpleMetadataTestWithNullNonReferenceValue()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullNonReferenceValue());
- var exports = container.GetExports<SimpleMetadataExporterWithNullNonReferenceValue, ISimpleMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsFalse(exports.Any());
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void SimpleMetadataTestWithTypeMismatch()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new SimpleMetadataExporterWithTypeMismatch());
- var exports = container.GetExports<SimpleMetadataExporterWithTypeMismatch, ISimpleMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsFalse(exports.Any());
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ValidMetadataTest()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithValidMetadata());
- container.Compose(batch);
- var typeVi = container.GetExport<MyExporterWithValidMetadata, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- var metadataFoo = typeVi.Metadata["foo"] as IList<string>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataFoo.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata foo's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataFoo.Contains("bar1"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar1'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataFoo.Contains("bar2"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar2'");
- Assert.AreEqual("world", typeVi.Metadata["hello"], "The single item metadata should be present");
- Assert.AreEqual("GoodOneValue2", typeVi.Metadata["GoodOne2"], "The metadata supplied by strong attribute should also be present");
- var metadataAcme = typeVi.Metadata["acme"] as IList<object>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataAcme.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata acme's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataAcme.Contains("acmebar"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataAcme.Contains(2.0), "The metadata collection should include value 2");
- var memberVi = container.GetExport<Func<double>, IDictionary<string, object>>("ContractForValidMetadata");
- var metadataBar = memberVi.Metadata["bar"] as IList<string>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataBar.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata bar's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataBar.Contains("foo1"), "The metadata collection should include value 'foo1'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataBar.Contains("foo2"), "The metadata collection should include value 'foo2'");
- Assert.AreEqual("hello", memberVi.Metadata["world"], "The single item metadata should be present");
- Assert.AreEqual("GoodOneValue2", memberVi.Metadata["GoodOne2"], "The metadata supplied by strong attribute should also be present");
- var metadataStuff = memberVi.Metadata["stuff"] as IList<object>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataAcme.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata acme's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataStuff.Contains("acmebar"), "The metadata collection should include value 'acmebar'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataStuff.Contains(2.0), "The metadata collection should include value 2");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ValidMetadataDiscoveredByComponentCatalogTest()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- ValidMetadataDiscoveredByCatalog(container);
- }
- private void ValidMetadataDiscoveredByCatalog(CompositionContainer container)
- {
- var export1 = container.GetExport<MyExporterWithValidMetadata, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- var metadataFoo = export1.Metadata["foo"] as IList<string>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataFoo.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata foo's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataFoo.Contains("bar1"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar1'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataFoo.Contains("bar2"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar2'");
- Assert.AreEqual("world", export1.Metadata["hello"], "The single item metadata should also be present");
- Assert.AreEqual("GoodOneValue2", export1.Metadata["GoodOne2"], "The metadata supplied by strong attribute should also be present");
- var metadataAcme = export1.Metadata["acme"] as IList<object>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataAcme.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata acme's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataAcme.Contains("acmebar"), "The metadata collection should include value 'bar'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataAcme.Contains(2.0), "The metadata collection should include value 2");
- var export2 = container.GetExport<Func<double>, IDictionary<string, object>>("ContractForValidMetadata");
- var metadataBar = export2.Metadata["bar"] as IList<string>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataBar.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata foo's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataBar.Contains("foo1"), "The metadata collection should include value 'foo1'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataBar.Contains("foo2"), "The metadata collection should include value 'foo2'");
- Assert.AreEqual("hello", export2.Metadata["world"], "The single item metadata should also be present");
- Assert.AreEqual("GoodOneValue2", export2.Metadata["GoodOne2"], "The metadata supplied by strong attribute should also be present");
- var metadataStuff = export2.Metadata["stuff"] as IList<object>;
- Assert.AreEqual(2, metadataAcme.Count(), "There are should be two items in the metadata acme's collection");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataStuff.Contains("acmebar"), "The metadata collection should include value 'acmebar'");
- Assert.IsTrue(metadataStuff.Contains(2.0), "The metadata collection should include value 2");
- }
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true)]
- [MetadataAttribute]
- public class BadStrongMetadata : Attribute
- {
- public string SelfConflicted { get { return "SelfConflictedValue"; } }
- }
- [Export]
- [BadStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("InvalidCollection", "InvalidCollectionValue1")]
- [ExportMetadata("InvalidCollection", "InvalidCollectionValue2", IsMultiple = true)]
- [BadStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("RepeatedMetadata", "RepeatedMetadataValue1")]
- [ExportMetadata("RepeatedMetadata", "RepeatedMetadataValue2")]
- [ExportMetadata("GoodOne1", "GoodOneValue1")]
- [ExportMetadata("ConflictedOne1", "ConfilictedOneValue1")]
- [GoodStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("ConflictedOne2", "ConflictedOne2Value2")]
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- public class MyExporterWithInvalidMetadata
- {
- [Export("ContractForInvalidMetadata")]
- [ExportMetadata("ConflictedOne1", "ConfilictedOneValue1")]
- [GoodStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("ConflictedOne2", "ConflictedOne2Value2")]
- [ExportMetadata("RepeatedMetadata", "RepeatedMetadataValue1")]
- [ExportMetadata("RepeatedMetadata", "RepeatedMetadataValue2")]
- [BadStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("InvalidCollection", "InvalidCollectionValue1")]
- [ExportMetadata("InvalidCollection", "InvalidCollectionValue2", IsMultiple = true)]
- [BadStrongMetadata]
- [ExportMetadata("GoodOne1", "GoodOneValue1")]
- public double DoSomething() { return 0.618; }
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "My Name")]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "Your Name")]
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- public class ClassWithInvalidDuplicateMetadataOnType
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void InvalidDuplicateMetadataOnType_ShouldThrow()
- {
- var part = AttributedModelServices.CreatePart(new ClassWithInvalidDuplicateMetadataOnType());
- var export = part.ExportDefinitions.First();
- var ex = ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(RetryMode.DoNotRetry, () =>
- {
- var metadata = export.Metadata;
- });
- Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("DuplicateMetadataName"));
- }
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- public class ClassWithInvalidDuplicateMetadataOnMember
- {
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "My Name")]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "Your Name")]
- public ClassWithDuplicateMetadataOnMember Member { get; set; }
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void InvalidDuplicateMetadataOnMember_ShouldThrow()
- {
- var part = AttributedModelServices.CreatePart(new ClassWithInvalidDuplicateMetadataOnMember());
- var export = part.ExportDefinitions.First();
- var ex = ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(RetryMode.DoNotRetry, () =>
- {
- var metadata = export.Metadata;
- });
- Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("DuplicateMetadataName"));
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "My Name", IsMultiple=true)]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "Your Name", IsMultiple=true)]
- public class ClassWithValidDuplicateMetadataOnType
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ValidDuplicateMetadataOnType_ShouldDiscoverAllMetadata()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new ClassWithValidDuplicateMetadataOnType());
- container.Compose(batch);
- var export = container.GetExport<ClassWithValidDuplicateMetadataOnType, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- var names = export.Metadata["DuplicateMetadataName"] as string[];
- Assert.AreEqual(2, names.Length);
- }
- public class ClassWithDuplicateMetadataOnMember
- {
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "My Name", IsMultiple=true)]
- [ExportMetadata("DuplicateMetadataName", "Your Name", IsMultiple=true)]
- public ClassWithDuplicateMetadataOnMember Member { get; set; }
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ValidDuplicateMetadataOnMember_ShouldDiscoverAllMetadata()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new ClassWithDuplicateMetadataOnMember());
- container.Compose(batch);
- var export = container.GetExport<ClassWithDuplicateMetadataOnMember, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- var names = export.Metadata["DuplicateMetadataName"] as string[];
- Assert.AreEqual(2, names.Length);
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata(CompositionConstants.PartCreationPolicyMetadataName, "My Policy")]
- [PartNotDiscoverable]
- public class ClassWithReservedMetadataValue
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void InvalidMetadata_UseOfReservedName_ShouldThrow()
- {
- var part = AttributedModelServices.CreatePart(new ClassWithReservedMetadataValue());
- var export = part.ExportDefinitions.First();
- var ex = ExceptionAssert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(RetryMode.DoNotRetry, () =>
- {
- var metadata = export.Metadata;
- });
- Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains(CompositionConstants.PartCreationPolicyMetadataName));
- }
- #endregion
- #region Tests for weakly supported metadata as part of contract
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void FailureImportForNoRequiredMetadatForExportCollection()
- {
- CompositionContainer container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- MyImporterWithExportCollection importer;
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(importer = new MyImporterWithExportCollection());
- Assert.Fail();
- //var result = container.TryCompose();
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded, "Composition should be successful because collection import is not required");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Issues.Count, "There should be one issue reported");
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Issues[0].Description.Contains("Foo"), "The missing required metadata is 'Foo'");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(472538)]
- [Ignore]
- public void FailureImportForNoRequiredMetadataThroughComponentCatalogTest()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- FailureImportForNoRequiredMetadataThroughCatalog(container);
- }
- private void FailureImportForNoRequiredMetadataThroughCatalog(CompositionContainer container)
- {
- Assert.Fail("This needs to be fixed, see: 472538");
- //var export1 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExport>();
- //export1.TryGetExportedValue().VerifyFailure(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound, CompositionIssueId.CardinalityMismatch);
- //var export2 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExportCollection>();
- //export2.TryGetExportedValue().VerifySuccess(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound);
- //container.TryGetExportedValue<MyImporterWithValue>().VerifyFailure(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound, CompositionIssueId.CardinalityMismatch);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBasedOnMetadataForExport()
- {
- CompositionContainer container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- MyImporterWithExportForSelectiveImport importer;
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(importer = new MyImporterWithExportForSelectiveImport());
- Assert.Fail();
- //var result = container.TryCompose();
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded, "Composition should be successfull because one of two exports meets both the contract name and metadata requirement");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Issues.Count, "There should be one issue reported about the export who has no required metadata");
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Issues[0].Description.Contains("Foo"), "The missing required metadata is 'Foo'");
- //Assert.IsNotNull(importer.ValueInfo, "The import should really get bound");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBasedOnMetadataForExportCollection()
- {
- CompositionContainer container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- MyImporterWithExportCollectionForSelectiveImport importer;
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(importer = new MyImporterWithExportCollectionForSelectiveImport());
- Assert.Fail();
- //var result = container.TryCompose();
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded, "Composition should be successfull in anyway for collection import");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Issues.Count, "There should be one issue reported however, about the export who has no required metadata");
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Issues[0].Description.Contains("Foo"), "The missing required metadata is 'Foo'");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, importer.ValueInfoCol.Count, "The export with required metadata should get bound");
- //Assert.IsNotNull(importer.ValueInfoCol[0], "The import should really get bound");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(472538)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBasedOnMetadataThruoughComponentCatalogTest()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- SelectiveImportBasedOnMetadataThruoughCatalog(container);
- }
- private void SelectiveImportBasedOnMetadataThruoughCatalog(CompositionContainer container)
- {
- Assert.Fail("This needs to be fixed, see: 472538");
- //var export1 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExportForSelectiveImport>();
- //export1.TryGetExportedValue().VerifySuccess(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound);
- //var export2 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExportCollectionForSelectiveImport>();
- //export2.TryGetExportedValue().VerifySuccess(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ChildParentContainerTest1()
- {
- CompositionContainer parent = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionContainer child = new CompositionContainer(parent);
- CompositionBatch childBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- CompositionBatch parentBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- parentBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- childBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- parent.Compose(parentBatch);
- child.Compose(childBatch);
- var exports = child.GetExports(CreateImportDefinition(typeof(IMyExporter), "Foo"));
- Assert.AreEqual(1, exports.Count());
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ChildParentContainerTest2()
- {
- CompositionContainer parent = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionContainer child = new CompositionContainer(parent);
- CompositionBatch childBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- CompositionBatch parentBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- parentBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- childBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- parent.Compose(parentBatch);
- var exports = child.GetExports(CreateImportDefinition(typeof(IMyExporter), "Foo"));
- Assert.AreEqual(1, exports.Count());
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ChildParentContainerTest3()
- {
- CompositionContainer parent = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionContainer child = new CompositionContainer(parent);
- CompositionBatch childBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- CompositionBatch parentBatch = new CompositionBatch();
- parentBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- childBatch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- parent.Compose(parentBatch);
- child.Compose(childBatch);
- var exports = child.GetExports(CreateImportDefinition(typeof(IMyExporter), "Foo"));
- Assert.AreEqual(2, exports.Count(), "There should be two from child and parent container each");
- }
- private static ImportDefinition CreateImportDefinition(Type type, string metadataKey)
- {
- return new ContractBasedImportDefinition(AttributedModelServices.GetContractName(typeof(IMyExporter)), null, new KeyValuePair<string, Type>[] { new KeyValuePair<string, Type>(metadataKey, typeof(object))}, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, true, CreationPolicy.Any);
- }
- #endregion
- #region Tests for strongly typed metadata as part of contract
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBySTM_Export()
- {
- CompositionContainer container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- MyImporterWithExportStronglyTypedMetadata importer;
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(importer = new MyImporterWithExportStronglyTypedMetadata());
- Assert.Fail();
- //var result = container.TryCompose();
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded, "Composition should be successful becasue one of two exports does not have required metadata");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Issues.Count, "There should be an issue reported about the export who has no required metadata");
- //Assert.IsNotNull(importer.ValueInfo, "The valid export should really get bound");
- //Assert.AreEqual("Bar", importer.ValueInfo.Metadata.Foo, "The value of metadata 'Foo' should be 'Bar'");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBySTM_ExportCollection()
- {
- CompositionContainer container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- MyImporterWithExportCollectionStronglyTypedMetadata importer;
- CompositionBatch batch = new CompositionBatch();
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithNoMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(new MyExporterWithMetadata());
- batch.AddPart(importer = new MyImporterWithExportCollectionStronglyTypedMetadata());
- Assert.Fail();
- //var result = container.TryCompose();
- //Assert.IsTrue(result.Succeeded, "Collection import should be successful in anyway");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Issues.Count, "There should be an issue reported about the export with no required metadata");
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, importer.ValueInfoCol.Count, "There should be only one export got bound");
- //Assert.AreEqual("Bar", importer.ValueInfoCol.First().Metadata.Foo, "The value of metadata 'Foo' should be 'Bar'");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void SelectiveImportBySTMThroughComponentCatalog1()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- SelectiveImportBySTMThroughCatalog1(container);
- }
- public void SelectiveImportBySTMThroughCatalog1(CompositionContainer container)
- {
- Assert.IsNotNull(container.GetExport<IMyExporter, IMetadataView>());
- var result2 = container.GetExports<IMyExporter, IMetadataView>();
- }
- [TestMethod]
- [WorkItem(468388)]
- [Ignore]
- public void SelectiveImportBySTMThroughComponentCatalog2()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- SelectiveImportBySTMThroughCatalog2(container);
- }
- public void SelectiveImportBySTMThroughCatalog2(CompositionContainer container)
- {
- Assert.Fail("This needs to be fixed, see: 472538");
- //var export1 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExportStronglyTypedMetadata>();
- //var result1 = export1.TryGetExportedValue().VerifySuccess(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound);
- //Assert.IsNotNull(result1.Value.ValueInfo, "The valid export should really get bound");
- //Assert.AreEqual("Bar", result1.Value.ValueInfo.Metadata.Foo, "The value of metadata 'Foo' should be 'Bar'");
- //var export2 = container.GetExport<MyImporterWithExportCollectionStronglyTypedMetadata>();
- //var result2 = export2.TryGetExportedValue().VerifySuccess(CompositionIssueId.RequiredMetadataNotFound);
- //Assert.AreEqual(1, result2.Value.ValueInfoCol.Count, "There should be only one export got bound");
- //Assert.AreEqual("Bar", result2.Value.ValueInfoCol.First().Metadata.Foo, "The value of metadata 'Foo' should be 'Bar'");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestMultipleStronglyTypedAttributes()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportMultiple, IMyOptions>();
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionNames.OrderBy(s => s), "name1", "name2", "name3");
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionValues.OrderBy(o => o.ToString()), "value1", "value2", "value3");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestMultipleStronglyTypedAttributesAsIEnumerable()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportMultiple, IMyOptionsAsIEnumerable>();
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionNames.OrderBy(s => s), "name1", "name2", "name3");
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionValues.OrderBy(o => o.ToString()), "value1", "value2", "value3");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestMultipleStronglyTypedAttributesAsArray()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportMultiple, IMyOptionsAsArray>();
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionNames.OrderBy(s => s), "name1", "name2", "name3");
- EnumerableAssert.AreEqual(export.Metadata.OptionValues.OrderBy(o => o.ToString()), "value1", "value2", "value3");
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestMultipleStronglyTypedAttributesWithInvalidType()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithDefaultAttributedCatalog();
- // IMyOption2 actually contains all the correct properties but just the wrong types. This should cause us to not match the exports by metadata
- var exports = container.GetExports<ExportMultiple, IMyOption2>();
- Assert.AreEqual(0, exports.Count());
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void TestOptionalMetadataValueTypeMismatch()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithAttributedCatalog(typeof(OptionalFooIsInt));
- var exports = container.GetExports<OptionalFooIsInt, IMetadataView>();
- Assert.AreEqual(1, exports.Count());
- var export = exports.Single();
- Assert.AreEqual(null, export.Metadata.OptionalFoo);
- }
- #endregion
- [ExportMetadata("Name", "FromBaseType")]
- public abstract class BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport
- {
- }
- [Export(typeof(BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport))]
- public class DerivedClassWithExportButNoMetadata : BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void Metadata_BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithAttributedCatalog(
- typeof(BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport),
- typeof(DerivedClassWithExportButNoMetadata));
- var export = container.GetExport<BaseClassWithMetadataButNoExport, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- Assert.IsFalse(export.Metadata.ContainsKey("Name"), "Export should only contain metadata from the derived!");
- }
- [InheritedExport(typeof(BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata))]
- public abstract class BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata
- {
- }
- [ExportMetadata("Name", "FromDerivedType")]
- public class DerivedClassMetadataButNoExport : BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void Metadata_BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithAttributedCatalog(
- typeof(BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata),
- typeof(DerivedClassMetadataButNoExport));
- var export = container.GetExport<BaseClassWithExportButNoMetadata, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- Assert.IsFalse(export.Metadata.ContainsKey("Name"), "Export should only contain metadata from the base!");
- }
- [Export(typeof(BaseClassWithExportAndMetadata))]
- [ExportMetadata("Name", "FromBaseType")]
- public class BaseClassWithExportAndMetadata
- {
- }
- [Export(typeof(DerivedClassWithExportAndMetadata))]
- [ExportMetadata("Name", "FromDerivedType")]
- public class DerivedClassWithExportAndMetadata : BaseClassWithExportAndMetadata
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void Metadata_BaseAndDerivedWithExportAndMetadata()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.CreateWithAttributedCatalog(
- typeof(BaseClassWithExportAndMetadata),
- typeof(DerivedClassWithExportAndMetadata));
- var exportBase = container.GetExport<BaseClassWithExportAndMetadata, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- Assert.AreEqual("FromBaseType", exportBase.Metadata["Name"]);
- var exportDerived = container.GetExport<DerivedClassWithExportAndMetadata, IDictionary<string, object>>();
- Assert.AreEqual("FromDerivedType", exportDerived.Metadata["Name"]);
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", null, IsMultiple=true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", false, IsMultiple=true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", Int16.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", Int32.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", Int64.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", UInt16.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", UInt32.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", UInt64.MaxValue, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", "String", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", typeof(ClassWithLotsOfDifferentMetadataTypes), IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", CreationPolicy.NonShared, IsMultiple=true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", new object[] { 1, 2, null }, IsMultiple=true)]
- [CLSCompliant(false)]
- public class ClassWithLotsOfDifferentMetadataTypes
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithValidCollectionOfMetadata_ShouldDiscoverAllMetadata()
- {
- var catalog = CatalogFactory.CreateAttributed(typeof(ClassWithLotsOfDifferentMetadataTypes));
- var export = catalog.Parts.First().ExportDefinitions.First();
- var data = (object[])export.Metadata["Data"];
- Assert.AreEqual(12, data.Length);
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", null, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", 1, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", 2, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("Data", 3, IsMultiple = true)]
- public class ClassWithIntCollectionWithNullValue
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithIntCollectionPlusNullValueOfMetadata_ShouldDiscoverAllMetadata()
- {
- var catalog = CatalogFactory.CreateAttributed(typeof(ClassWithIntCollectionWithNullValue));
- var export = catalog.Parts.First().ExportDefinitions.First();
- var data = (object[])export.Metadata["Data"];
- Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(data, typeof(int[]));
- Assert.AreEqual(4, data.Length);
- }
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=true)]
- [MetadataAttribute]
- public class DataAttribute : Attribute
- {
- public object Object { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- [Data(Object="42")]
- [Data(Object = "10")]
- public class ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [Data(Object = "42")]
- [Data(Object = "10")]
- [Data(Object = null)]
- public class ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects_WithNull
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [Data(Object = 42)]
- [Data(Object = 10)]
- public class ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [Data(Object = null)]
- [Data(Object = 42)]
- [Data(Object = 10)]
- public class ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_WithNull
- {
- }
- public interface IObjectView_AsStrings
- {
- string[] Object { get; }
- }
- public interface IObjectView_AsInts
- {
- int[] Object { get; }
- }
- public interface IObjectView
- {
- object[] Object { get; }
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects_ShouldDiscoverMetadataAsStrings()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects());
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects, IObjectView_AsStrings>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Object);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, export.Metadata.Object.Length);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects_With_Null_ShouldDiscoverMetadataAsStrings()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects_WithNull());
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAsObjects_WithNull, IObjectView_AsStrings>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Object);
- Assert.AreEqual(3, export.Metadata.Object.Length);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_ShouldDiscoverMetadataAsInts()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects());
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects, IObjectView_AsInts>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Object);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, export.Metadata.Object.Length);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_With_Null_ShouldDiscoverMetadataAsObjects()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_WithNull());
- var exports = container.GetExports<ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_WithNull, IObjectView_AsInts>();
- Assert.IsFalse(exports.Any());
- var export = container.GetExport<ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportIntsAsObjects_WithNull, IObjectView>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Object);
- Assert.AreEqual(3, export.Metadata.Object.Length);
- }
- [MetadataAttribute]
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
- public class OrderAttribute : Attribute
- {
- public string Before { get; set; }
- public string After { get; set; }
- }
- public interface IOrderMetadataView
- {
- string[] Before { get; }
- string[] After { get; }
- }
- [Export]
- [Order(Before = "Step3")]
- [Order(Before = "Step2")]
- public class OrderedItemBeforesOnly
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportStringsAndNulls_ThroughMetadataAttributes()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new OrderedItemBeforesOnly());
- var export = container.GetExport<OrderedItemBeforesOnly, IOrderMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Before);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.After);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, export.Metadata.Before.Length);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, export.Metadata.After.Length);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Before[0]);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Before[1]);
- Assert.IsNull(export.Metadata.After[0]);
- Assert.IsNull(export.Metadata.After[1]);
- }
- [MetadataAttribute]
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
- public class DataTypeAttribute : Attribute
- {
- public Type Type { get; set; }
- }
- public interface ITypesMetadataView
- {
- Type[] Type { get; }
- }
- [Export]
- [DataType(Type = typeof(int))]
- [DataType(Type = typeof(string))]
- public class ItemWithTypeExports
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [DataType(Type = typeof(int))]
- [DataType(Type = typeof(string))]
- [DataType(Type = null)]
- public class ItemWithTypeExports_WithNulls
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [DataType(Type = null)]
- [DataType(Type = null)]
- [DataType(Type = null)]
- public class ItemWithTypeExports_WithAllNulls
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportTypes()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ItemWithTypeExports());
- var export = container.GetExport<ItemWithTypeExports, ITypesMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Type);
- Assert.AreEqual(2, export.Metadata.Type.Length);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportTypes_WithNulls()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ItemWithTypeExports_WithNulls());
- var export = container.GetExport<ItemWithTypeExports_WithNulls, ITypesMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Type);
- Assert.AreEqual(3, export.Metadata.Type.Length);
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportWithMultipleMetadata_ExportTypes_WithAllNulls()
- {
- var container = ContainerFactory.Create();
- container.ComposeParts(new ItemWithTypeExports_WithAllNulls());
- var export = container.GetExport<ItemWithTypeExports_WithAllNulls, ITypesMetadataView>();
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata);
- Assert.IsNotNull(export.Metadata.Type);
- Assert.AreEqual(3, export.Metadata.Type.Length);
- Assert.IsNull(export.Metadata.Type[0]);
- Assert.IsNull(export.Metadata.Type[1]);
- Assert.IsNull(export.Metadata.Type[2]);
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata(null, "ValueOfNullKey")]
- public class ClassWithNullMetadataKey
- {
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public void ExportMetadataWithNullKey_ShouldUseEmptyString()
- {
- var nullMetadataCatalog = CatalogFactory.CreateAttributed(typeof(ClassWithNullMetadataKey));
- var nullMetadataExport = nullMetadataCatalog.Parts.Single().ExportDefinitions.Single();
- Assert.IsTrue(nullMetadataExport.Metadata.ContainsKey(string.Empty));
- Assert.AreEqual("ValueOfNullKey", nullMetadataExport.Metadata[string.Empty]);
- }
- }
- // Tests for metadata issues on export
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("foo", "bar1", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("foo", "bar2", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("acme", "acmebar", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("acme", 2.0, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("hello", "world")]
- [GoodStrongMetadata]
- public class MyExporterWithValidMetadata
- {
- [Export("ContractForValidMetadata")]
- [ExportMetadata("bar", "foo1", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("bar", "foo2", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("stuff", "acmebar", IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("stuff", 2.0, IsMultiple = true)]
- [ExportMetadata("world", "hello")] // the order of the attribute should not affect the result
- [GoodStrongMetadata]
- public double DoSomething() { return 0.618; }
- }
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false)]
- [MetadataAttribute]
- public class GoodStrongMetadata : Attribute
- {
- public string GoodOne2 { get { return "GoodOneValue2"; } }
- public string ConflictedOne1 { get { return "ConflictedOneValue1"; } }
- public string ConflictedOne2 { get { return "ConflictedOneValue2"; } }
- }
- // Tests for metadata as part of contract
- public interface IMyExporter { }
- [Export]
- [Export(typeof(IMyExporter))]
- public class MyExporterWithNoMetadata : IMyExporter
- {
- }
- [Export]
- [Export(typeof(IMyExporter))]
- [ExportMetadata("Foo", "Bar")]
- public class MyExporterWithMetadata : IMyExporter
- {
- }
- public interface IMetadataFoo
- {
- string Foo { get; }
- }
- public interface IMetadataBar
- {
- string Bar { get; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExport
- {
- [Import(typeof(MyExporterWithNoMetadata))]
- public Lazy<MyExporterWithNoMetadata, IMetadataFoo> ValueInfo { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class SingleImportWithAllowDefault
- {
- [Import("Import", AllowDefault = true)]
- public Lazy<object> Import { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class SingleImport
- {
- [Import("Import")]
- public Lazy<object> Import { get; set; }
- }
- public interface IFooMetadataView
- {
- string Foo { get; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExportCollection
- {
- [ImportMany(typeof(MyExporterWithNoMetadata))]
- public IEnumerable<Lazy<MyExporterWithNoMetadata, IFooMetadataView>> ValueInfoCol { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExportForSelectiveImport
- {
- [Import]
- public Lazy<IMyExporter, IFooMetadataView> ValueInfo { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExportCollectionForSelectiveImport
- {
- [ImportMany]
- public Collection<Lazy<IMyExporter, IFooMetadataView>> ValueInfoCol { get; set; }
- }
- public interface IMetadataView
- {
- string Foo { get; }
- [System.ComponentModel.DefaultValue(null)]
- string OptionalFoo { get; }
- }
- [Export]
- [ExportMetadata("Foo", "fooValue3")]
- [ExportMetadata("OptionalFoo", 42)]
- public class OptionalFooIsInt { }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExportStronglyTypedMetadata
- {
- [Import]
- public Lazy<IMyExporter, IMetadataView> ValueInfo { get; set; }
- }
- [Export]
- public class MyImporterWithExportCollectionStronglyTypedMetadata
- {
- [ImportMany]
- public Collection<Lazy<IMyExporter, IMetadataView>> ValueInfoCol { get; set; }
- }
- public class MyExporterWithFullMetadata
- {
- [Export("MyStringContract")]
- public string String1 { get { return "String1"; } }
- [Export("MyStringContract")]
- [ExportMetadata("Foo", "fooValue")]
- public string String2 { get { return "String2"; } }
- [Export("MyStringContract")]
- [ExportMetadata("Bar", "barValue")]
- public string String3 { get { return "String3"; } }
- [Export("MyStringContract")]
- [ExportMetadata("Foo", "fooValue")]
- [ExportMetadata("Bar", "barValue")]
- public string String4 { get { return "String4"; } }
- }
- [MetadataAttribute]
- [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true)]
- public class MyOption : Attribute
- {
- public MyOption(string name, object value)