Python | 796 lines | 697 code | 72 blank | 27 comment | 32 complexity | 0bf3deeac7af22a818b49d3ad1b6c2da MD5 | raw file
- import unittest
- from test.test_email import TestEmailBase, parameterize
- import textwrap
- from email import policy
- from email.message import EmailMessage
- from email.contentmanager import ContentManager, raw_data_manager
- @parameterize
- class TestContentManager(TestEmailBase):
- policy = policy.default
- message = EmailMessage
- get_key_params = {
- 'full_type': (1, 'text/plain',),
- 'maintype_only': (2, 'text',),
- 'null_key': (3, '',),
- }
- def get_key_as_get_content_key(self, order, key):
- def foo_getter(msg, foo=None):
- bar = msg['X-Bar-Header']
- return foo, bar
- cm = ContentManager()
- cm.add_get_handler(key, foo_getter)
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- m['X-Bar-Header'] = 'foo'
- self.assertEqual(cm.get_content(m, foo='bar'), ('bar', 'foo'))
- def get_key_as_get_content_key_order(self, order, key):
- def bar_getter(msg):
- return msg['X-Bar-Header']
- def foo_getter(msg):
- return msg['X-Foo-Header']
- cm = ContentManager()
- cm.add_get_handler(key, foo_getter)
- for precedence, key in self.get_key_params.values():
- if precedence > order:
- cm.add_get_handler(key, bar_getter)
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- m['X-Bar-Header'] = 'bar'
- m['X-Foo-Header'] = 'foo'
- self.assertEqual(cm.get_content(m), ('foo'))
- def test_get_content_raises_if_unknown_mimetype_and_no_default(self):
- cm = ContentManager()
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, 'text/plain'):
- cm.get_content(m)
- class BaseThing(str):
- pass
- baseobject_full_path = __name__ + '.' + 'TestContentManager.BaseThing'
- class Thing(BaseThing):
- pass
- testobject_full_path = __name__ + '.' + 'TestContentManager.Thing'
- set_key_params = {
- 'type': (0, Thing,),
- 'full_path': (1, testobject_full_path,),
- 'qualname': (2, 'TestContentManager.Thing',),
- 'name': (3, 'Thing',),
- 'base_type': (4, BaseThing,),
- 'base_full_path': (5, baseobject_full_path,),
- 'base_qualname': (6, 'TestContentManager.BaseThing',),
- 'base_name': (7, 'BaseThing',),
- 'str_type': (8, str,),
- 'str_full_path': (9, 'builtins.str',),
- 'str_name': (10, 'str',), # str name and qualname are the same
- 'null_key': (11, None,),
- }
- def set_key_as_set_content_key(self, order, key):
- def foo_setter(msg, obj, foo=None):
- msg['X-Foo-Header'] = foo
- msg.set_payload(obj)
- cm = ContentManager()
- cm.add_set_handler(key, foo_setter)
- m = self._make_message()
- msg_obj = self.Thing()
- cm.set_content(m, msg_obj, foo='bar')
- self.assertEqual(m['X-Foo-Header'], 'bar')
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(), msg_obj)
- def set_key_as_set_content_key_order(self, order, key):
- def foo_setter(msg, obj):
- msg['X-FooBar-Header'] = 'foo'
- msg.set_payload(obj)
- def bar_setter(msg, obj):
- msg['X-FooBar-Header'] = 'bar'
- cm = ContentManager()
- cm.add_set_handler(key, foo_setter)
- for precedence, key in self.get_key_params.values():
- if precedence > order:
- cm.add_set_handler(key, bar_setter)
- m = self._make_message()
- msg_obj = self.Thing()
- cm.set_content(m, msg_obj)
- self.assertEqual(m['X-FooBar-Header'], 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(), msg_obj)
- def test_set_content_raises_if_unknown_type_and_no_default(self):
- cm = ContentManager()
- m = self._make_message()
- msg_obj = self.Thing()
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(KeyError, self.testobject_full_path):
- cm.set_content(m, msg_obj)
- def test_set_content_raises_if_called_on_multipart(self):
- cm = ContentManager()
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/foo'
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- cm.set_content(m, 'test')
- def test_set_content_calls_clear_content(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Content-Foo'] = 'bar'
- m['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
- m['To'] = 'test'
- m.set_payload('abc')
- cm = ContentManager()
- cm.add_set_handler(str, lambda *args, **kw: None)
- m.set_content('xyz', content_manager=cm)
- self.assertIsNone(m['Content-Foo'])
- self.assertIsNone(m['Content-Type'])
- self.assertEqual(m['To'], 'test')
- self.assertIsNone(m.get_payload())
- @parameterize
- class TestRawDataManager(TestEmailBase):
- # Note: these tests are dependent on the order in which headers are added
- # to the message objects by the code. There's no defined ordering in
- # RFC5322/MIME, so this makes the tests more fragile than the standards
- # require. However, if the header order changes it is best to understand
- # *why*, and make sure it isn't a subtle bug in whatever change was
- # applied.
- policy = policy.default.clone(max_line_length=60,
- content_manager=raw_data_manager)
- message = EmailMessage
- def test_get_text_plain(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain
- Basic text.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), "Basic text.\n")
- def test_get_text_html(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/html
- <p>Basic text.</p>
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m),
- "<p>Basic text.</p>\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_latin1(self):
- m = self._bytes_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=latin1
- Basìc tëxt.
- """).encode('latin1'))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), "Basìc tëxt.\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_latin1_quoted_printable(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="latin-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Bas=ECc t=EBxt.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), "Basìc tëxt.\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_utf8_base64(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- QmFzw6xjIHTDq3h0Lgo=
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), "Basìc tëxt.\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_bad_utf8_quoted_printable(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Bas=c3=acc t=c3=abxt=fd.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), "Basìc tëxt�.\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_bad_utf8_quoted_printable_ignore_errors(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- Bas=c3=acc t=c3=abxt=fd.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m, errors='ignore'),
- "Basìc tëxt.\n")
- def test_get_text_plain_utf8_base64_recoverable_bad_CTE_data(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- QmFzw6xjIHTDq3h0Lgo\xFF=
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m, errors='ignore'),
- "Basìc tëxt.\n")
- def test_get_text_invalid_keyword(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain
- Basic text.
- """))
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- raw_data_manager.get_content(m, foo='ignore')
- def test_get_non_text(self):
- template = textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: {}
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- Ym9ndXMgZGF0YQ==
- """)
- for maintype in 'audio image video application'.split():
- with self.subTest(maintype=maintype):
- m = self._str_msg(template.format(maintype+'/foo'))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m), b"bogus data")
- def test_get_non_text_invalid_keyword(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: image/jpg
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- Ym9ndXMgZGF0YQ==
- """))
- with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
- raw_data_manager.get_content(m, errors='ignore')
- def test_get_raises_on_multipart(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="==="
- --===
- --===--
- """))
- with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
- raw_data_manager.get_content(m)
- def test_get_message_rfc822_and_external_body(self):
- template = textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: message/{}
- To: foo@example.com
- From: bar@example.com
- Subject: example
- an example message
- """)
- for subtype in 'rfc822 external-body'.split():
- with self.subTest(subtype=subtype):
- m = self._str_msg(template.format(subtype))
- sub_msg = raw_data_manager.get_content(m)
- self.assertIsInstance(sub_msg, self.message)
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(sub_msg),
- "an example message\n")
- self.assertEqual(sub_msg['to'], 'foo@example.com')
- self.assertEqual(sub_msg['from'].addresses[0].username, 'bar')
- def test_get_message_non_rfc822_or_external_body_yields_bytes(self):
- m = self._str_msg(textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: message/partial
- To: foo@example.com
- From: bar@example.com
- Subject: example
- The real body is in another message.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(raw_data_manager.get_content(m)[:10], b'To: foo@ex')
- def test_set_text_plain(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Simple message.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_html(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "<p>Simple message.</p>\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, subtype='html')
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- <p>Simple message.</p>
- """))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_charset_latin_1(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, charset='latin-1')
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Simple message.
- """))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_short_line_minimal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "et là il est monté sur moi et il commence à m'éto.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- et là il est monté sur moi et il commence à m'éto.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_long_line_minimal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = ("j'ai un problème de python. il est sorti de son"
- " vivarium. et là il est monté sur moi et il commence"
- " à m'éto.\n")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- j'ai un probl=C3=A8me de python. il est sorti de son vivari=
- um. et l=C3=A0 il est mont=C3=A9 sur moi et il commence =
- =C3=A0 m'=C3=A9to.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_11_lines_long_line_minimal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = '\n'*10 + (
- "j'ai un problème de python. il est sorti de son"
- " vivarium. et là il est monté sur moi et il commence"
- " à m'éto.\n")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- """ + '\n'*10 + """
- j'ai un probl=C3=A8me de python. il est sorti de son vivari=
- um. et l=C3=A0 il est mont=C3=A9 sur moi et il commence =
- =C3=A0 m'=C3=A9to.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_maximal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "áàäéèęöő.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- áàäéèęöő.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_11_lines_maximal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = '\n'*10 + "áàäéèęöő.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- """ + '\n'*10 + """
- áàäéèęöő.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_long_line_maximal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = ("áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő.\n")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- w6HDoMOkw6nDqMSZw7bFkcOhw6DDpMOpw6jEmcO2xZHDocOgw6TDqcOoxJnD
- tsWRw6HDoMOkw6nDqMSZw7bFkcOhw6DDpMOpw6jEmcO2xZHDocOgw6TDqcOo
- xJnDtsWRw6HDoMOkw6nDqMSZw7bFkcOhw6DDpMOpw6jEmcO2xZHDocOgw6TD
- qcOoxJnDtsWRw6HDoMOkw6nDqMSZw7bFkcOhw6DDpMOpw6jEmcO2xZHDocOg
- w6TDqcOoxJnDtsWRLgo=
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_11_lines_long_line_maximal_non_ascii_heuristics(self):
- # Yes, it chooses "wrong" here. It's a heuristic. So this result
- # could change if we come up with a better heuristic.
- m = self._make_message()
- content = ('\n'*10 +
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő.\n")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, "\n"*10 +
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő"
- "áàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöőáàäéèęöő.\n")
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- """ + '\n'*10 + """
- =C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=
- =A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=
- =C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=
- =A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=
- =C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=
- =91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=
- =C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=
- =A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=
- =C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=
- =99=C3=B6=C5=91=C3=A1=C3=A0=C3=A4=C3=A9=C3=A8=C4=99=C3=B6=
- =C5=91.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True).decode('utf-8'), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_text_non_ascii_with_cte_7bit_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- with self.assertRaises(UnicodeError):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m,"áàäéèęöő.\n", cte='7bit')
- def test_set_text_non_ascii_with_charset_ascii_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- with self.assertRaises(UnicodeError):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m,"áàäéèęöő.\n", charset='ascii')
- def test_set_text_non_ascii_with_cte_7bit_and_charset_ascii_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- with self.assertRaises(UnicodeError):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m,"áàäéèęöő.\n", cte='7bit', charset='ascii')
- def test_set_message(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Subject'] = "Forwarded message"
- content = self._make_message()
- content['To'] = 'python@vivarium.org'
- content['From'] = 'police@monty.org'
- content['Subject'] = "get back in your box"
- content.set_content("Or face the comfy chair.")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Subject: Forwarded message
- Content-Type: message/rfc822
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- To: python@vivarium.org
- From: police@monty.org
- Subject: get back in your box
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Or face the comfy chair.
- """))
- payload = m.get_payload(0)
- self.assertIsInstance(payload, self.message)
- self.assertEqual(str(payload), str(content))
- self.assertIsInstance(m.get_content(), self.message)
- self.assertEqual(str(m.get_content()), str(content))
- def test_set_message_with_non_ascii_and_coercion_to_7bit(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m['Subject'] = "Escape report"
- content = self._make_message()
- content['To'] = 'police@monty.org'
- content['From'] = 'victim@monty.org'
- content['Subject'] = "Help"
- content.set_content("j'ai un problème de python. il est sorti de son"
- " vivarium.")
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content)
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Subject: Escape report
- Content-Type: message/rfc822
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- To: police@monty.org
- From: victim@monty.org
- Subject: Help
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- j'ai un problème de python. il est sorti de son vivarium.
- """).encode('utf-8'))
- # The choice of base64 for the body encoding is because generator
- # doesn't bother with heuristics and uses it unconditionally for utf-8
- # text.
- # XXX: the first cte should be 7bit, too...that's a generator bug.
- # XXX: the line length in the body also looks like a generator bug.
- self.assertEqual(m.as_string(maxheaderlen=self.policy.max_line_length),
- textwrap.dedent("""\
- Subject: Escape report
- Content-Type: message/rfc822
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- To: police@monty.org
- From: victim@monty.org
- Subject: Help
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- aidhaSB1biBwcm9ibMOobWUgZGUgcHl0aG9uLiBpbCBlc3Qgc29ydGkgZGUgc29uIHZpdmFyaXVt
- Lgo=
- """))
- self.assertIsInstance(m.get_content(), self.message)
- self.assertEqual(str(m.get_content()), str(content))
- def test_set_message_invalid_cte_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = self._make_message()
- for cte in 'quoted-printable base64'.split():
- for subtype in 'rfc822 external-body'.split():
- with self.subTest(cte=cte, subtype=subtype):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ar:
- m.set_content(content, subtype, cte=cte)
- exc = str(ar.exception)
- self.assertIn(cte, exc)
- self.assertIn(subtype, exc)
- subtype = 'external-body'
- for cte in '8bit binary'.split():
- with self.subTest(cte=cte, subtype=subtype):
- with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ar:
- m.set_content(content, subtype, cte=cte)
- exc = str(ar.exception)
- self.assertIn(cte, exc)
- self.assertIn(subtype, exc)
- def test_set_image_jpg(self):
- for content in (b"bogus content",
- bytearray(b"bogus content"),
- memoryview(b"bogus content")):
- with self.subTest(content=content):
- m = self._make_message()
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, 'image', 'jpeg')
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: image/jpeg
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
- Ym9ndXMgY29udGVudA==
- """))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_audio_aif_with_quoted_printable_cte(self):
- # Why you would use qp, I don't know, but it is technically supported.
- # XXX: the incorrect line length is because binascii.b2a_qp doesn't
- # support a line length parameter, but we must use it to get newline
- # encoding.
- # XXX: what about that lack of tailing newline? Do we actually handle
- # that correctly in all cases? That is, if the *source* has an
- # unencoded newline, do we add an extra newline to the returned payload
- # or not? And can that actually be disambiguated based on the RFC?
- m = self._make_message()
- content = b'b\xFFgus\tcon\nt\rent ' + b'z'*100
- m.set_content(content, 'audio', 'aif', cte='quoted-printable')
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: audio/aif
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- b=FFgus=09con=0At=0Dent=20zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz""").encode('latin-1'))
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_video_mpeg_with_binary_cte(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = b'b\xFFgus\tcon\nt\rent ' + b'z'*100
- m.set_content(content, 'video', 'mpeg', cte='binary')
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: video/mpeg
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- """).encode('ascii') +
- # XXX: the second \n ought to be a \r, but generator gets it wrong.
- b'b\xFFgus\tcon\nt\nent zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' +
- b'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz')
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_application_octet_stream_with_8bit_cte(self):
- # In 8bit mode, universal line end logic applies. It is up to the
- # application to make sure the lines are short enough; we don't check.
- m = self._make_message()
- content = b'b\xFFgus\tcon\nt\rent\n' + b'z'*60 + b'\n'
- m.set_content(content, 'application', 'octet-stream', cte='8bit')
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: application/octet-stream
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- """).encode('ascii') +
- b'b\xFFgus\tcon\nt\nent\n' +
- b'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz\n')
- self.assertEqual(m.get_payload(decode=True), content)
- self.assertEqual(m.get_content(), content)
- def test_set_headers_from_header_objects(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- header_factory = self.policy.header_factory
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- header_factory("To", "foo@example.com"),
- header_factory("From", "foo@example.com"),
- header_factory("Subject", "I'm talking to myself.")))
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- To: foo@example.com
- From: foo@example.com
- Subject: I'm talking to myself.
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Simple message.
- """))
- def test_set_headers_from_strings(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- "X-Foo-Header: foo",
- "X-Bar-Header: bar",))
- self.assertEqual(str(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- X-Foo-Header: foo
- X-Bar-Header: bar
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Simple message.
- """))
- def test_set_headers_with_invalid_duplicate_string_header_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Content-Type'):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- "Content-Type: foo/bar",)
- )
- def test_set_headers_with_invalid_duplicate_header_header_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- header_factory = self.policy.header_factory
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'Content-Type'):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- header_factory("Content-Type", " foo/bar"),)
- )
- def test_set_headers_with_defective_string_header_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'a@fairly@@invalid@address'):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- 'To: a@fairly@@invalid@address',)
- )
- print(m['To'].defects)
- def test_set_headers_with_defective_header_header_raises(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- content = "Simple message.\n"
- header_factory = self.policy.header_factory
- with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'a@fairly@@invalid@address'):
- raw_data_manager.set_content(m, content, headers=(
- header_factory('To', 'a@fairly@@invalid@address'),)
- )
- print(m['To'].defects)
- def test_set_disposition_inline(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', disposition='inline')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'inline')
- def test_set_disposition_attachment(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', disposition='attachment')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'attachment')
- def test_set_disposition_foo(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', disposition='foo')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'foo')
- # XXX: we should have a 'strict' policy mode (beyond raise_on_defect) that
- # would cause 'foo' above to raise.
- def test_set_filename(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', filename='bar.txt')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'],
- 'attachment; filename="bar.txt"')
- def test_set_filename_and_disposition_inline(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', disposition='inline', filename='bar.txt')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'inline; filename="bar.txt"')
- def test_set_non_ascii_filename(self):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content('foo', filename='ábárî.txt')
- self.assertEqual(bytes(m), textwrap.dedent("""\
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Disposition: attachment;
- filename*=utf-8''%C3%A1b%C3%A1r%C3%AE.txt
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- foo
- """).encode('ascii'))
- content_object_params = {
- 'text_plain': ('content', ()),
- 'text_html': ('content', ('html',)),
- 'application_octet_stream': (b'content',
- ('application', 'octet_stream')),
- 'image_jpeg': (b'content', ('image', 'jpeg')),
- 'message_rfc822': (message(), ()),
- 'message_external_body': (message(), ('external-body',)),
- }
- def content_object_as_header_receiver(self, obj, mimetype):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content(obj, *mimetype, headers=(
- 'To: foo@example.com',
- 'From: bar@simple.net'))
- self.assertEqual(m['to'], 'foo@example.com')
- self.assertEqual(m['from'], 'bar@simple.net')
- def content_object_as_disposition_inline_receiver(self, obj, mimetype):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content(obj, *mimetype, disposition='inline')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'inline')
- def content_object_as_non_ascii_filename_receiver(self, obj, mimetype):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content(obj, *mimetype, disposition='inline', filename='bár.txt')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'], 'inline; filename="bár.txt"')
- self.assertEqual(m.get_filename(), "bár.txt")
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Disposition'].params['filename'], "bár.txt")
- def content_object_as_cid_receiver(self, obj, mimetype):
- m = self._make_message()
- m.set_content(obj, *mimetype, cid='some_random_stuff')
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-ID'], 'some_random_stuff')
- def content_object_as_params_receiver(self, obj, mimetype):
- m = self._make_message()
- params = {'foo': 'bár', 'abc': 'xyz'}
- m.set_content(obj, *mimetype, params=params)
- if isinstance(obj, str):
- params['charset'] = 'utf-8'
- self.assertEqual(m['Content-Type'].params, params)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()