ActionScript | 239 lines | 144 code | 25 blank | 70 comment | 19 complexity | b0322b60ae149675d6ebcf743ac38045 MD5 | raw file
- package net.flashpunk
- {
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.PixelSnapping;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import net.flashpunk.graphics.Image;
- /**
- * Container for the main screen buffer. Can be used to transform the screen.
- */
- public class Screen
- {
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function Screen()
- {
- FP.engine.addChild(_sprite);
- resize();
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Initialise buffers to current screen size.
- */
- public function resize():void
- {
- if (_bitmap[0]) {
- _sprite.removeChild(_bitmap[0]);
- _sprite.removeChild(_bitmap[1]);
- _bitmap[0].bitmapData.dispose();
- _bitmap[1].bitmapData.dispose();
- }
- // create screen buffers
- _bitmap[0] = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(FP.width, FP.height, false, _color), PixelSnapping.NEVER);
- _bitmap[1] = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(FP.width, FP.height, false, _color), PixelSnapping.NEVER);
- _sprite.addChild(_bitmap[0]).visible = true;
- _sprite.addChild(_bitmap[1]).visible = false;
- FP.buffer = _bitmap[0].bitmapData;
- _width = FP.width;
- _height = FP.height;
- _current = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Swaps screen buffers.
- */
- public function swap():void
- {
- _current = 1 - _current;
- FP.buffer = _bitmap[_current].bitmapData;
- }
- /**
- * Refreshes the screen.
- */
- public function refresh():void
- {
- // refreshes the screen
- FP.buffer.fillRect(FP.bounds, _color);
- }
- /**
- * Redraws the screen.
- */
- public function redraw():void
- {
- // refresh the buffers
- _bitmap[_current].visible = true;
- _bitmap[1 - _current].visible = false;
- }
- /** @private Re-applies transformation matrix. */
- public function update():void
- {
- _matrix.b = _matrix.c = 0;
- _matrix.a = _scaleX * _scale;
- _matrix.d = _scaleY * _scale;
- _matrix.tx = -_originX * _matrix.a;
- _matrix.ty = -_originY * _matrix.d;
- if (_angle != 0) _matrix.rotate(_angle);
- _matrix.tx += _originX * _scaleX * _scale + _x;
- _matrix.ty += _originY * _scaleX * _scale + _y;
- _sprite.transform.matrix = _matrix;
- }
- /**
- * Refresh color of the screen.
- */
- public function get color():uint { return _color; }
- public function set color(value:uint):void { _color = 0xFF000000 | value; }
- /**
- * X offset of the screen.
- */
- public function get x():int { return _x; }
- public function set x(value:int):void
- {
- if (_x == value) return;
- _x = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Y offset of the screen.
- */
- public function get y():int { return _y; }
- public function set y(value:int):void
- {
- if (_y == value) return;
- _y = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * X origin of transformations.
- */
- public function get originX():int { return _originX; }
- public function set originX(value:int):void
- {
- if (_originX == value) return;
- _originX = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Y origin of transformations.
- */
- public function get originY():int { return _originY; }
- public function set originY(value:int):void
- {
- if (_originY == value) return;
- _originY = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * X scale of the screen.
- */
- public function get scaleX():Number { return _scaleX; }
- public function set scaleX(value:Number):void
- {
- if (_scaleX == value) return;
- _scaleX = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Y scale of the screen.
- */
- public function get scaleY():Number { return _scaleY; }
- public function set scaleY(value:Number):void
- {
- if (_scaleY == value) return;
- _scaleY = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Scale factor of the screen. Final scale is scaleX * scale by scaleY * scale, so
- * you can use this factor to scale the screen both horizontally and vertically.
- */
- public function get scale():Number { return _scale; }
- public function set scale(value:Number):void
- {
- if (_scale == value) return;
- _scale = value;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Rotation of the screen, in degrees.
- */
- public function get angle():Number { return _angle * FP.DEG; }
- public function set angle(value:Number):void
- {
- if (_angle == value * FP.RAD) return;
- _angle = value * FP.RAD;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Whether screen smoothing should be used or not.
- */
- public function get smoothing():Boolean { return _bitmap[0].smoothing; }
- public function set smoothing(value:Boolean):void { _bitmap[0].smoothing = _bitmap[1].smoothing = value; }
- /**
- * Width of the screen.
- */
- public function get width():uint { return _width; }
- /**
- * Height of the screen.
- */
- public function get height():uint { return _height; }
- /**
- * X position of the mouse on the screen.
- */
- public function get mouseX():int { return _sprite.mouseX; }
- /**
- * Y position of the mouse on the screen.
- */
- public function get mouseY():int { return _sprite.mouseY; }
- /**
- * Captures the current screen as an Image object.
- * @return A new Image object.
- */
- public function capture():Image
- {
- return new Image(_bitmap[_current].bitmapData.clone());
- }
- // Screen information.
- /** @private */ private var _sprite:Sprite = new Sprite;
- /** @private */ private var _bitmap:Vector.<Bitmap> = new Vector.<Bitmap>(2);
- /** @private */ private var _current:int = 0;
- /** @private */ private var _matrix:Matrix = new Matrix;
- /** @private */ private var _x:int;
- /** @private */ private var _y:int;
- /** @private */ private var _width:uint;
- /** @private */ private var _height:uint;
- /** @private */ private var _originX:int;
- /** @private */ private var _originY:int;
- /** @private */ private var _scaleX:Number = 1;
- /** @private */ private var _scaleY:Number = 1;
- /** @private */ private var _scale:Number = 1;
- /** @private */ private var _angle:Number = 0;
- /** @private */ private var _color:uint = 0xFF202020;
- }
- }