Python | 222 lines | 122 code | 26 blank | 74 comment | 28 complexity | a52d2060a5df39b49068d75268c40648 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # otl2table.py
- # convert a tab-formatted outline from VIM to tab-delimited table
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2004 Noel Henson All rights reserved
- #
- # $Revision: 1.2 $
- # $Date: 2005/09/25 14:24:28 $
- # $Author: noel $
- # $Source: /home/noel/active/otl2table/RCS/otl2table.py,v $
- # $Locker: $
- ###########################################################################
- # Basic function
- #
- # This program accepts text outline files and converts them
- # the tab-delimited text tables.
- # This:
- # Test
- # Dog
- # Barks
- # Howls
- # Cat
- # Meows
- # Yowls
- # Becomes this:
- # Test Dog Barks
- # Test Dog Howls
- # Test Cat Meows
- # Test Cat Yowls
- #
- # This will make searching for groups of data and report generation easier.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- # include whatever mdules we need
- import sys
- from string import *
- #from time import *
- ###########################################################################
- # global variables
- level = 0
- inputFile = ""
- formatMode = "tab"
- noTrailing = 0
- columns = []
- ###########################################################################
- # function definitions
- # usage
- # print the simplest form of help
- # input: none
- # output: simple command usage is printed on the console
- def showUsage():
- print
- print "Usage:"
- print "otl2table.py [options] inputfile > outputfile"
- print "Options"
- print " -n Don't include trailing columns."
- print " -t type Specify field separator type."
- print " Types:"
- print " tab - separate fields with tabs (default)"
- print " csv - separate fields with ,"
- print " qcsv - separate fields with \",\""
- print " bullets - uses HTML tags <ul> and <li>"
- print " -v Print version (RCS) information."
- print "output is on STDOUT"
- print
- # version
- # print the RCS version information
- # input: none
- # output: RSC version information is printed on the console
- def showVersion():
- print
- print "RCS"
- print " $Revision: 1.2 $"
- print " $Date: 2005/09/25 14:24:28 $"
- print " $Author: noel $"
- print " $Source: /home/noel/active/otl2table/RCS/otl2table.py,v $"
- print
- # getArgs
- # Check for input arguments and set the necessary switches
- # input: none
- # output: possible console output for help, switch variables may be set
- def getArgs():
- global inputfile, debug, noTrailing, formatMode
- if (len(sys.argv) == 1):
- showUsage()
- sys.exit()()
- else:
- for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
- if (i != 0):
- if (sys.argv[i] == "-d"): debug = 1 # test for debug flag
- if (sys.argv[i] == "-n"): noTrailing = 1 # test for noTrailing flag
- elif (sys.argv[i] == "-?"): # test for help flag
- showUsage() # show the help
- sys.exit() # exit
- elif (sys.argv[i] == "--help"):
- showUsage()
- sys.exit()
- elif (sys.argv[i] == "-h"):
- showUsage()
- sys.exit()
- elif (sys.argv[i] == "-v"):
- showVersion()
- sys.exit()
- elif (sys.argv[i] == "-t"): # test for the type flag
- formatMode = sys.argv[i+1] # get the type
- i = i + 1 # increment the pointer
- elif (sys.argv[i][0] == "-"):
- print "Error! Unknown option. Aborting"
- sys.exit()
- else: # get the input file name
- inputfile = sys.argv[i]
- # getLineLevel
- # get the level of the current line (count the number of tabs)
- # input: linein - a single line that may or may not have tabs at the beginning
- # output: returns a number 1 is the lowest
- def getLineLevel(linein):
- strstart = lstrip(linein) # find the start of text in line
- x = find(linein,strstart) # find the text index in the line
- n = count(linein,"\t",0,x) # count the tabs
- return(n+1) # return the count + 1 (for level)
- # getLineTextLevel
- # get the level of the current line (count the number of tabs)
- # input: linein - a single line that may or may not have tabs at the beginning
- # output: returns a number 1 is the lowest
- def getLineTextLevel(linein):
- strstart = lstrip(linein) # find the start of text in line
- x = find(linein,strstart) # find the text index in the line
- n = count(linein,"\t",0,x) # count the tabs
- n = n + count(linein," ",0,x) # count the spaces
- return(n+1) # return the count + 1 (for level)
- # closeLevels
- # print the assembled line
- # input: columns - an array of 10 lines (for 10 levels)
- # level - an integer between 1 and 9 that show the current level
- # (not to be confused with the level of the current line)
- # noTrailing - don't print trailing, empty columns
- # output: through standard out
- def closeLevels():
- global level,columns,noTrailing,formatMode
- if noTrailing == 1 :
- colcount = level
- else:
- colcount = 10
- if formatMode == "tab":
- for i in range(1,colcount+1):
- print columns[i] + "\t",
- print
- elif formatMode == "csv":
- output = ""
- for i in range(1,colcount):
- output = output + columns[i] + ","
- output = output + columns[colcount]
- print output
- elif formatMode == "qcsv":
- output = "\""
- for i in range(1,colcount):
- output = output + columns[i] + "\",\""
- output = output + columns[colcount] + "\""
- print output
- for i in range(level+1,10):
- columns[i] = ""
- # processLine
- # process a single line
- # input: linein - a single line that may or may not have tabs at the beginning
- # format - a string indicating the mode to use for formatting
- # level - an integer between 1 and 9 that show the current level
- # (not to be confused with the level of the current line)
- # output: through standard out
- def processLine(linein):
- global level, noTrailing, columns
- if (lstrip(linein) == ""): return
- lineLevel = getLineLevel(linein)
- if (lineLevel > level):
- columns[lineLevel] = lstrip(rstrip(linein))
- level = lineLevel
- elif (lineLevel == level):
- closeLevels()
- columns[lineLevel] = lstrip(rstrip(linein))
- else:
- closeLevels()
- level = lineLevel
- columns[lineLevel] = lstrip(rstrip(linein))
- def main():
- global columns
- getArgs()
- file = open(inputfile,"r")
- for i in range(11):
- columns.append("")
- linein = lstrip(rstrip(file.readline()))
- while linein != "":
- processLine(linein)
- linein = file.readline()
- closeLevels()
- file.close()
- main()