Python | 128 lines | 90 code | 20 blank | 18 comment | 21 complexity | f4cac42e2d6b7d1bd1af63dd976af09c MD5 | raw file
- """
- Echo server for test purposes.
- This is usually invoked by starting this module as a script:
- :command:`python -m Pyro4.test.echoserver`
- It is also possible to use the :class:`EchoServer` in user code
- but that is not terribly useful.
- Pyro - Python Remote Objects. Copyright by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net).
- """
- import sys, os, time
- from Pyro4 import threadutil
- from Pyro4 import naming
- import Pyro4
- __all__=["EchoServer"]
- class EchoServer(object):
- """
- The echo server object that is provided as a Pyro object by this module.
- If its :attr:`verbose` attribute is set to ``True``, it will print messages as it receives calls.
- """
- verbose=False
- must_shutdown=False
- def echo(self, args):
- """return the args"""
- if self.verbose:
- print("%s - echo: %s" % (time.asctime(), args))
- return args
- def error(self):
- """generates a simple exception (division by zero)"""
- if self.verbose:
- print("%s - error: generating exception" % time.asctime())
- return 1//0 # division by zero error
- def shutdown(self):
- """called to signal the echo server to shut down"""
- if self.verbose:
- print("%s - shutting down" % time.asctime())
- self.must_shutdown=True
- class NameServer(threadutil.Thread):
- def __init__(self, hostname):
- super(NameServer,self).__init__()
- self.setDaemon(1)
- self.hostname=hostname
- self.started=threadutil.Event()
- def run(self):
- self.uri, self.ns_daemon, self.bc_server = naming.startNS(self.hostname)
- self.started.set()
- self.ns_daemon.requestLoop()
- def startNameServer(host):
- ns=NameServer(host)
- ns.start()
- ns.started.wait()
- return ns
- def main(args, returnWithoutLooping=False):
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser=OptionParser()
- parser.add_option("-H","--host", default="localhost", help="hostname to bind server on (default=localhost)")
- parser.add_option("-p","--port", type="int", default=0, help="port to bind server on")
- parser.add_option("-u","--unixsocket", help="Unix domain socket name to bind server on")
- parser.add_option("-n","--naming", action="store_true", default=False, help="register with nameserver")
- parser.add_option("-N","--nameserver", action="store_true", default=False, help="also start a nameserver")
- parser.add_option("-v","--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="verbose output")
- parser.add_option("-q","--quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't output anything")
- parser.add_option("-k","--key", help="the HMAC key to use")
- options,args = parser.parse_args(args)
- if options.verbose:
- options.quiet=False
- if not options.quiet:
- print("Starting Pyro's built-in test echo server.")
- if os.name!="java":
- Pyro4.config.SERVERTYPE="multiplex"
- hmac=options.key
- if hmac and sys.version_info>=(3,0):
- hmac=bytes(hmac,"utf-8")
- Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY=hmac or Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY
- if not options.quiet and Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY:
- print("HMAC_KEY set to: %s" % Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY)
- nameserver=None
- if options.nameserver:
- options.naming=True
- nameserver=startNameServer(options.host)
- d=Pyro4.Daemon(host=options.host, port=options.port, unixsocket=options.unixsocket)
- echo=EchoServer()
- echo.verbose=options.verbose
- objectName="test.echoserver"
- uri=d.register(echo, objectName)
- if options.naming:
- host,port=None,None
- if nameserver is not None:
- host,port=nameserver.uri.host, nameserver.uri.port
- ns=naming.locateNS(host,port)
- ns.register(objectName, uri)
- if options.verbose:
- print("using name server at %s" % ns._pyroUri)
- else:
- if options.verbose:
- print("not using a name server.")
- if not options.quiet:
- print("object name: %s" % objectName)
- print("echo uri: %s" % uri)
- print("echoserver running.")
- if returnWithoutLooping:
- return d,echo,uri # for unit testing
- else:
- d.requestLoop(loopCondition=lambda:not echo.must_shutdown)
- d.close()
- if __name__=="__main__":
- main(sys.argv[1:])