Python | 266 lines | 218 code | 19 blank | 29 comment | 8 complexity | 56f2501ab4752e528a6f5778e7086368 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import googlecl
- import inspect
- import logging
- import os
- import sys
- from googlecl.base import Task
- safe_encode = googlecl.safe_encode
- service_name = __name__.split('.')[-1]
- LOGGER_NAME = __name__
- SECTION_HEADER = service_name.upper()
- LOG = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
- class BaseFormatter(object):
- """Base class for formatters."""
- def __init__(self, avail_fields, fields, sep=','):
- """Init formatter
- Args:
- avail_fields: list of tuples [(field_name, format_spec), ...] for all
- possible fields
- fields: string, list of <sep>-separated requested fields names.
- sep: string, separator, comma by default
- """
- if fields:
- self.fields = fields.split(sep)
- else:
- self.fields = [item[0] for item in avail_fields]
- self.avail_fields = avail_fields
- avail_dict = dict(avail_fields)
- self.format = ' '.join(avail_dict[name] for name in self.fields)
- @property
- def header(self):
- """Make output header.
- Uses names of available fields as column headers. replaces
- '_' with ' ' and capitalizes them. Utilizes the same format as
- used for body lines: self.format
- Returns: string, header.
- """
- return self.format % \
- dict([(item[0], item[0].replace('_', ' ').capitalize()) \
- for item in self.avail_fields])
- def get_line(self, entry):
- """Get formatted entry. Abstract method.
- Args:
- entry: entry object
- Returns:
- string, formatted entry.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method %s.%s called" % \
- (self.__class__.__name__,
- inspect.stack()[0][3] ))
- def output(self, entries, stream=sys.stdout):
- """Output list of entries to the output stream.
- Args:
- entries: list of entries.
- stream: output stream.
- """
- if self.header:
- stream.write(self.header + os.linesep)
- for entry in entries:
- stream.write(self.get_line(entry) + os.linesep)
- class PortfolioFormatter(BaseFormatter):
- avail_fields = [('id', '%(id)3s'), ('title', '%(title)-15s'),
- ('curr', '%(curr)-4s'),
- ('gain', '%(gain)-10s'),
- ('gain_persent', '%(gain_persent)-14s'),
- ('cost_basis', '%(cost_basis)-10s'),
- ('days_gain', '%(days_gain)-10s'),
- ('market_value', '%(market_value)-10s')]
- def __init__(self, fields):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.avail_fields, fields)
- def get_line(self, entry):
- data = entry.portfolio_data
- return self.format % \
- {'id': entry.portfolio_id, 'title': entry.portfolio_title,
- 'curr': data.currency_code,
- 'gain': data.gain and data.gain.money[0].amount,
- 'gain_persent': '%-14.2f' % (float(data.gain_percentage) * 100,),
- 'cost_basis': data.cost_basis and data.cost_basis.money[0].amount,
- 'days_gain': data.days_gain and data.days_gain.money[0].amount,
- 'market_value': data.market_value and data.market_value.money[0].amount
- }
- class PositionFormatter(BaseFormatter):
- avail_fields = [('ticker', '%(ticker)-14s'), ('shares', '%(shares)-10s'),
- ('gain', '%(gain)-10s'),
- ('gain_persent', '%(gain_persent)-14s'),
- ('cost_basis', '%(cost_basis)-10s'),
- ('days_gain', '%(days_gain)-10s'),
- ('market_value', '%(market_value)-10s')]
- def __init__(self, fields):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.avail_fields, fields)
- def get_line(self, entry):
- data = entry.position_data
- return self.format % \
- {'ticker': entry.ticker_id, 'shares': data.shares,
- 'gain': data.gain and data.gain.money[0].amount,
- 'gain_persent': '%-14.2f' % (float(data.gain_percentage) * 100,),
- 'cost_basis': data.cost_basis and data.cost_basis.money[0].amount,
- 'days_gain': data.days_gain and data.days_gain.money[0].amount,
- 'market_value': data.market_value and data.market_value.money[0].amount
- }
- class TransactionFormatter(BaseFormatter):
- avail_fields = [('id', '%(id)-3s'), ('type', '%(type)-12s'),
- ('shares', '%(shares)-10s'), ('price', '%(price)-10s'),
- ('commission', '%(commission)-10s'),
- ('date', '%(date)-10s'), ('notes', '%(notes)-30s')]
- def __init__(self, fields):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(self.avail_fields, fields)
- def get_line(self, entry):
- data = entry.transaction_data
- if data.date:
- data.date = data.date[:10] # stip isoformat tail
- return self.format % \
- {'id': entry.transaction_id, 'type': data.type, 'shares': data.shares,
- 'price': data.price.money[0].amount,
- 'commission': data.commission.money[0].amount,
- 'date': data.date or '', 'notes': data.notes or ''}
- #===============================================================================
- # Each of the following _run_* functions execute a particular task.
- #
- # Keyword arguments:
- # client: Client to the service being used.
- # options: Contains all attributes required to perform the task
- # args: Additional arguments passed in on the command line, may or may not be
- # required
- #===============================================================================
- # Portfolio-related tasks
- def _run_create(client, options, args):
- client.CreatePortfolio(options.title, options.currency)
- def _run_delete(client, options, args):
- entries = client.get_portfolio_entries(options.title, positions=True)
- if entries:
- client.DeleteEntryList(entries, 'portfolio', options.prompt)
- def _run_list(client, options, args):
- entries = client.get_portfolio_entries(returns=True)
- if entries:
- PortfolioFormatter(options.fields).output(entries)
- else:
- LOG.info('No portfolios found')
- # Position-related tasks
- def _run_create_position(client, options, args):
- # Quote from Developer's Guide:
- # You can't directly create, update, or delete position entries;
- # positions are derived from transactions.
- # Therefore, to create or modify a position, send appropriate
- # transactions on that position.
- pfl = client.get_portfolio(options.title, positions=True)
- if pfl:
- # create empty transaction
- client.create_transaction(pfl, "Buy", options.ticker)
- def _run_delete_positions(client, options, args):
- positions = client.get_positions(portfolio_title=options.title,
- ticker_id=options.ticker)
- client.DeleteEntryList(positions, 'position', options.prompt,
- callback=lambda pos: client.DeletePosition(position_entry=pos))
- def _run_list_positions(client, options, args):
- positions = client.get_positions(options.title, options.ticker,
- include_returns=True)
- if positions:
- PositionFormatter(options.fields).output(positions)
- else:
- LOG.info('No positions found in this portfolio')
- # Transaction-related tasks
- def _run_create_transaction(client, options, args):
- pfl = client.get_portfolio(options.title)
- if pfl:
- client.create_transaction(pfl, options.ttype, options.ticker,
- options.shares, options.price,
- options.currency, options.commission,
- options.date, options.notes)
- def _run_delete_transactions(client, options, args):
- transactions = client.get_transactions(portfolio_title=options.title,
- ticker_id=options.ticker,
- transaction_id=options.txnid)
- client.DeleteEntryList(transactions, 'transaction', options.prompt)
- def _run_list_transactions(client, options, args):
- transactions = client.get_transactions(portfolio_title=options.title,
- ticker_id=options.ticker,
- transaction_id=options.txnid)
- TransactionFormatter(options.fields).output(transactions)
- TASKS = {'create': Task('Create a portfolio',
- callback=_run_create,
- required=['title', 'currency']),
- 'delete': Task('Delete portfolios',
- callback=_run_delete,
- required=['title']),
- 'list': Task('List portfolios',
- callback=_run_list,
- optional=['fields']),
- 'create-pos': Task('Create position',
- callback=_run_create_position,
- required=['title', 'ticker']),
- 'delete-pos': Task('Delete positions',
- callback=_run_delete_positions,
- required=['title'],
- optional=['ticker']),
- 'list-pos': Task('List positions',
- callback=_run_list_positions,
- required=['title'],
- optional=['fields']),
- 'create-txn': Task('Create transaction',
- callback=_run_create_transaction,
- required=['title', 'ticker', 'ttype',
- 'shares', 'price'],
- optional=['shares', 'price', 'date',
- 'commission', 'currency', 'notes']),
- 'list-txn': Task('List transactions',
- callback=_run_list_transactions,
- required=['title', 'ticker']),
- 'delete-txn': Task('Delete transactions',
- callback=_run_delete_transactions,
- required=['title', 'ticker'],
- optional=['txnid']),
- }