Python | 102 lines | 55 code | 26 blank | 21 comment | 1 complexity | cbd78e77832fb1c88ccd8ee99f94e898 MD5 | raw file
- #! /usr/bin/python
- import cmd
- import logging
- import time
- import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
- import dispenser
- import indicator
- import speaker
- class BotCommander(cmd.Cmd):
- """Command processor for the puppy bot."""
- def preloop(self):
- """Hook method executed once when cmdloop() is called.
- Sets up some initial settings.
- """
- self.intro = 'PuppyBot v2.0'
- self.prompt = '> '
- # Configure logging
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('puppybot')
- # Configure RPi.GPIO
- GPIO.setwarnings(False)
- GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
- # Physical treat dispenser
- self.dispenser = dispenser.Dispenser('puppybot')
- self.dispenser.start()
- # Indicator lights
- self.indicator = indicator.Indicator(redchannel=18, greenchannel=16)
- self.indicator.start()
- self.indicator.green_on()
- # Speaker
- self.speaker = speaker.Speaker()
- def do_beep(self, line):
- self.speaker.beep()
- def do_treat(self, line):
- """Trigger the treat dispenser and update indicator lights."""
- self.indicator.red_on()
- self.speaker.beep()
- self.dispenser.give_treat()
- self.indicator.green_on()
- def do_setservo(self, line):
- """Set a servo to a specific value.
- Syntax: setservo [number] [value]
- """
- args = line.split()
- servo = int(args[0])
- value = int(args[1])
- self.logger.info('servo: %i, value: %i', servo, value)
- self.dispenser.set_servo(servo, value)
- def do_blink(self, line):
- """Blink all lights on and off for testing"""
- self.indicator.all_on()
- time.sleep(1)
- self.indicator.all_off()
- time.sleep(1)
- self.indicator.all_on()
- time.sleep(1)
- self.indicator.all_off()
- def do_exit(self, line):
- """Quit PuppyBot, safely deactivating the system."""
- return self.quit()
- def help_exit(self):
- print "Quit PuppyBot, safely deactivating the system."
- def do_EOF(self, line):
- return self.quit()
- def quit(self):
- """Shut down the bot cleanly and clean up external resources."""
- self.dispenser.stop()
- self.indicator.stop()
- GPIO.cleanup()
- return True
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- BotCommander().cmdloop()