Python | 141 lines | 84 code | 26 blank | 31 comment | 15 complexity | bd1d82073df570a8644c07b9997f7367 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- """Script used to scan for server DLLs at build time and build a header
- included by setup.exe. This header contains an array of the names of
- the DLLs that need registering at install time.
- """
- import ConfigParser
- import glob
- import optparse
- import os
- import sys
- CHROME_DIR = "Chrome-bin"
- SERVERS_DIR = "servers"
- GENERATED_DLL_INCLUDE_FILE_NAME = "registered_dlls.h"
- // This file is automatically generated by scan_server_dlls.py.
- // It contains the list of COM server dlls that need registering at
- // install time.
- #include "base/basictypes.h"
- namespace {
- const wchar_t* kDllsToRegister[] = { %s };
- const int kNumDllsToRegister = %d;
- }
- """
- def Readconfig(output_dir, input_file):
- """Reads config information from input file after setting default value of
- global variabes.
- """
- variables = {}
- variables['ChromeDir'] = CHROME_DIR
- # Use a bogus version number, we don't really care what it is, we just
- # want to find the files that would get picked up from chrome.release,
- # and don't care where the installer archive task ends up putting them.
- variables['VersionDir'] = os.path.join(variables['ChromeDir'],
- '')
- config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(variables)
- print "Reading input_file: " + input_file
- config.read(input_file)
- return config
- def CreateRegisteredDllIncludeFile(registered_dll_list, header_output_dir):
- """ Outputs the header file included by the setup project that
- contains the names of the DLLs to be registered at installation
- time.
- """
- output_file = os.path.join(header_output_dir, GENERATED_DLL_INCLUDE_FILE_NAME)
- dll_array_string = ""
- for dll in registered_dll_list:
- dll.replace("\\", "\\\\")
- if dll_array_string:
- dll_array_string += ', '
- dll_array_string += "L\"%s\"" % dll
- f = open(output_file, 'w')
- try:
- if len(registered_dll_list) == 0:
- else:
- f.write(GENERATED_DLL_INCLUDE_FILE_CONTENTS % (dll_array_string,
- len(registered_dll_list)))
- finally:
- f.close()
- def ScanServerDlls(config, distribution, output_dir):
- """Scans for DLLs in the specified section of config that are in the
- subdirectory of output_dir named SERVERS_DIR. Returns a list of only the
- filename components of the paths to all matching DLLs.
- """
- registered_dll_list = []
- ScanDllsInSection(config, 'GENERAL', output_dir, registered_dll_list)
- if distribution:
- if len(distribution) > 1 and distribution[0] == '_':
- distribution = distribution[1:]
- ScanDllsInSection(config, distribution.upper(), output_dir,
- registered_dll_list)
- return registered_dll_list
- def ScanDllsInSection(config, section, output_dir, registered_dll_list):
- """Scans for DLLs in the specified section of config that are in the
- subdirectory of output_dir named SERVERS_DIR. Appends the file name of all
- matching dlls to registered_dll_list.
- """
- for option in config.options(section):
- if option.endswith('dir'):
- continue
- dst = config.get(section, option)
- (x, src_folder) = os.path.split(dst)
- for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, option)):
- if option.startswith(SERVERS_DIR):
- (x, file_name) = os.path.split(file)
- print "Found server DLL file: " + file_name
- registered_dll_list.append(file_name)
- def RunSystemCommand(cmd):
- if (os.system(cmd) != 0):
- raise "Error while running cmd: %s" % cmd
- def main(options):
- """Main method that reads input file, scans <build_output>\servers for
- matches to files described in the input file. A header file for the
- setup project is then generated.
- """
- config = Readconfig(options.output_dir, options.input_file)
- registered_dll_list = ScanServerDlls(config, options.distribution,
- options.output_dir)
- CreateRegisteredDllIncludeFile(registered_dll_list,
- options.header_output_dir)
- if '__main__' == __name__:
- option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- option_parser.add_option('-o', '--output_dir', help='Build Output directory')
- option_parser.add_option('-x', '--header_output_dir',
- help='Location where the generated header file will be placed.')
- option_parser.add_option('-i', '--input_file', help='Input file')
- option_parser.add_option('-d', '--distribution',
- help='Name of Chromium Distribution. Optional.')
- options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
- sys.exit(main(options))