Python | 272 lines | 237 code | 17 blank | 18 comment | 12 complexity | 890b05e5a95adb751cb74d28644bc57e MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python2.4
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- '''Miscellaneous node types.
- '''
- import os.path
- from grit.node import base
- from grit.node import message
- from grit import exception
- from grit import constants
- from grit import util
- import grit.format.rc_header
- class IfNode(base.Node):
- '''A node for conditional inclusion of resources.
- '''
- def _IsValidChild(self, child):
- from grit.node import empty
- assert self.parent, '<if> node should never be root.'
- if isinstance(self.parent, empty.IncludesNode):
- from grit.node import include
- return isinstance(child, include.IncludeNode)
- elif isinstance(self.parent, empty.MessagesNode):
- from grit.node import message
- return isinstance(child, message.MessageNode)
- elif isinstance(self.parent, empty.StructuresNode):
- from grit.node import structure
- return isinstance(child, structure.StructureNode)
- else:
- return False
- def MandatoryAttributes(self):
- return ['expr']
- def IsConditionSatisfied(self):
- '''Returns true if and only if the Python expression stored in attribute
- 'expr' evaluates to true.
- '''
- return self.EvaluateCondition(self.attrs['expr'])
- class ReleaseNode(base.Node):
- '''The <release> element.'''
- def _IsValidChild(self, child):
- from grit.node import empty
- return isinstance(child, (empty.IncludesNode, empty.MessagesNode,
- empty.StructuresNode, empty.IdentifiersNode))
- def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value):
- return (
- (name == 'seq' and int(value) <= self.GetRoot().GetCurrentRelease()) or
- name == 'allow_pseudo'
- )
- def MandatoryAttributes(self):
- return ['seq']
- def DefaultAttributes(self):
- return { 'allow_pseudo' : 'true' }
- def GetReleaseNumber():
- '''Returns the sequence number of this release.'''
- return self.attribs['seq']
- def ItemFormatter(self, t):
- if t == 'data_package':
- from grit.format import data_pack
- return data_pack.DataPack()
- else:
- return super(type(self), self).ItemFormatter(t)
- class GritNode(base.Node):
- '''The <grit> root element.'''
- def __init__(self):
- base.Node.__init__(self)
- self.output_language = ''
- self.defines = {}
- def _IsValidChild(self, child):
- from grit.node import empty
- return isinstance(child, (ReleaseNode, empty.TranslationsNode,
- empty.OutputsNode))
- def _IsValidAttribute(self, name, value):
- if name not in ['base_dir', 'source_lang_id',
- 'latest_public_release', 'current_release',
- 'enc_check', 'tc_project']:
- return False
- if name in ['latest_public_release', 'current_release'] and value.strip(
- '0123456789') != '':
- return False
- return True
- def MandatoryAttributes(self):
- return ['latest_public_release', 'current_release']
- def DefaultAttributes(self):
- return {
- 'base_dir' : '.',
- 'source_lang_id' : 'en',
- 'enc_check' : constants.ENCODING_CHECK,
- 'tc_project' : 'NEED_TO_SET_tc_project_ATTRIBUTE',
- }
- def EndParsing(self):
- base.Node.EndParsing(self)
- if (int(self.attrs['latest_public_release'])
- > int(self.attrs['current_release'])):
- raise exception.Parsing('latest_public_release cannot have a greater '
- 'value than current_release')
- self.ValidateUniqueIds()
- # Add the encoding check if it's not present (should ensure that it's always
- # present in all .grd files generated by GRIT). If it's present, assert if
- # it's not correct.
- if 'enc_check' not in self.attrs or self.attrs['enc_check'] == '':
- self.attrs['enc_check'] = constants.ENCODING_CHECK
- else:
- assert self.attrs['enc_check'] == constants.ENCODING_CHECK, (
- 'Are you sure your .grd file is in the correct encoding (UTF-8)?')
- def ValidateUniqueIds(self):
- '''Validate that 'name' attribute is unique in all nodes in this tree
- except for nodes that are children of <if> nodes.
- '''
- unique_names = {}
- duplicate_names = []
- for node in self:
- if isinstance(node, message.PhNode):
- continue # PhNode objects have a 'name' attribute which is not an ID
- node_ids = node.GetTextualIds()
- if node_ids:
- for node_id in node_ids:
- if util.SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS.match(node_id):
- continue # predefined IDs are sometimes used more than once
- # Don't complain about duplicate IDs if they occur in a node that is
- # inside an <if> node.
- if (node_id in unique_names and node_id not in duplicate_names and
- (not node.parent or not isinstance(node.parent, IfNode))):
- duplicate_names.append(node_id)
- unique_names[node_id] = 1
- if len(duplicate_names):
- raise exception.DuplicateKey(', '.join(duplicate_names))
- def GetCurrentRelease(self):
- '''Returns the current release number.'''
- return int(self.attrs['current_release'])
- def GetLatestPublicRelease(self):
- '''Returns the latest public release number.'''
- return int(self.attrs['latest_public_release'])
- def GetSourceLanguage(self):
- '''Returns the language code of the source language.'''
- return self.attrs['source_lang_id']
- def GetTcProject(self):
- '''Returns the name of this project in the TranslationConsole, or
- 'NEED_TO_SET_tc_project_ATTRIBUTE' if it is not defined.'''
- return self.attrs['tc_project']
- def SetOwnDir(self, dir):
- '''Informs the 'grit' element of the directory the file it is in resides.
- This allows it to calculate relative paths from the input file, which is
- what we desire (rather than from the current path).
- Args:
- dir: r'c:\bla'
- Return:
- None
- '''
- assert dir
- self.base_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, self.attrs['base_dir']))
- def GetBaseDir(self):
- '''Returns the base directory, relative to the working directory. To get
- the base directory as set in the .grd file, use GetOriginalBaseDir()
- '''
- if hasattr(self, 'base_dir'):
- return self.base_dir
- else:
- return self.GetOriginalBaseDir()
- def GetOriginalBaseDir(self):
- '''Returns the base directory, as set in the .grd file.
- '''
- return self.attrs['base_dir']
- def GetOutputFiles(self):
- '''Returns the list of <file> nodes that are children of this node's
- <outputs> child.'''
- for child in self.children:
- if child.name == 'outputs':
- return child.children
- raise exception.MissingElement()
- def ItemFormatter(self, t):
- if t == 'rc_header':
- from grit.format import rc_header # import here to avoid circular dep
- return rc_header.TopLevel()
- elif t in ['rc_all', 'rc_translateable', 'rc_nontranslateable']:
- from grit.format import rc # avoid circular dep
- return rc.TopLevel()
- elif t == 'resource_map_header':
- from grit.format import resource_map
- return resource_map.HeaderTopLevel()
- elif t == 'resource_map_source':
- from grit.format import resource_map
- return resource_map.SourceTopLevel()
- else:
- return super(type(self), self).ItemFormatter(t)
- def SetOutputContext(self, output_language, defines):
- self.output_language = output_language
- self.defines = defines
- class IdentifierNode(base.Node):
- '''A node for specifying identifiers that should appear in the resource
- header file, and be unique amongst all other resource identifiers, but don't
- have any other attributes or reference any resources.
- '''
- def MandatoryAttributes(self):
- return ['name']
- def DefaultAttributes(self):
- return { 'comment' : '', 'id' : '' }
- def ItemFormatter(self, t):
- if t == 'rc_header':
- return grit.format.rc_header.Item()
- def GetId(self):
- '''Returns the id of this identifier if it has one, None otherwise
- '''
- if 'id' in self.attrs:
- return self.attrs['id']
- return None
- # static method
- def Construct(parent, name, id, comment):
- '''Creates a new node which is a child of 'parent', with attributes set
- by parameters of the same name.
- '''
- node = IdentifierNode()
- node.StartParsing('identifier', parent)
- node.HandleAttribute('name', name)
- node.HandleAttribute('id', id)
- node.HandleAttribute('comment', comment)
- node.EndParsing()
- return node
- Construct = staticmethod(Construct)