Python | 260 lines | 220 code | 20 blank | 20 comment | 2 complexity | 7407ec6bed89bcc9f91e1831340e1822 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python2.4
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- '''The <structure> element.
- '''
- import os
- from grit.node import base
- from grit.node import variant
- from grit import constants
- from grit import exception
- from grit import util
- import grit.gather.rc
- import grit.gather.tr_html
- import grit.gather.admin_template
- import grit.gather.txt
- import grit.gather.muppet_strings
- import grit.format.rc
- import grit.format.rc_header
- # RTL languages
- # TODO(jennyz): remove this fixed set of RTL language array
- # when generic expand_variable code is added by grit team.
- _RTL_LANGS = [
- 'ar',
- 'iw',
- 'ur',
- ]
- # Type of the gatherer to use for each type attribute
- 'accelerators' : grit.gather.rc.Accelerators,
- 'admin_template' : grit.gather.admin_template.AdmGatherer,
- 'dialog' : grit.gather.rc.Dialog,
- 'menu' : grit.gather.rc.Menu,
- 'muppet' : grit.gather.muppet_strings.MuppetStrings,
- 'rcdata' : grit.gather.rc.RCData,
- 'tr_html' : grit.gather.tr_html.TrHtml,
- 'txt' : grit.gather.txt.TxtFile,
- 'version' : grit.gather.rc.Version,
- }
- # Formatter instance to use for each type attribute
- # when formatting .rc files.
- 'accelerators' : grit.format.rc.RcSection(),
- 'admin_template' : grit.format.rc.RcInclude('ADM'),
- 'dialog' : grit.format.rc.RcSection(),
- 'menu' : grit.format.rc.RcSection(),
- 'muppet' : grit.format.rc.RcInclude('XML'),
- 'rcdata' : grit.format.rc.RcSection(),
- 'tr_html' : grit.format.rc.RcInclude('HTML'),
- 'txt' : grit.format.rc.RcInclude('TXT'),
- 'version' : grit.format.rc.RcSection(),
- }
- # TODO(joi) Print a warning if the 'variant_of_revision' attribute indicates
- # that a skeleton variant is older than the original file.
- class StructureNode(base.Node):
- '''A <structure> element.'''
- def __init__(self):
- base.Node.__init__(self)
- self.gatherer = None
- self.skeletons = {} # expressions to skeleton gatherers
- def _IsValidChild(self, child):
- return isinstance(child, variant.SkeletonNode)
- def MandatoryAttributes(self):
- return ['type', 'name', 'file']
- def DefaultAttributes(self):
- return { 'encoding' : 'cp1252',
- 'exclude_from_rc' : 'false',
- 'line_end' : 'unix',
- 'output_encoding' : 'utf-8',
- 'generateid': 'true',
- 'expand_variables' : 'false',
- 'output_filename' : '',
- # TODO(joi) this is a hack - should output all generated files
- # as SCons dependencies; however, for now there is a bug I can't
- # find where GRIT doesn't build the matching fileset, therefore
- # this hack so that only the files you really need are marked as
- # dependencies.
- 'sconsdep' : 'false',
- }
- def IsExcludedFromRc(self):
- return self.attrs['exclude_from_rc'] == 'true'
- def GetLineEnd(self):
- '''Returns the end-of-line character or characters for files output because
- of this node ('\r\n', '\n', or '\r' depending on the 'line_end' attribute).
- '''
- if self.attrs['line_end'] == 'unix':
- return '\n'
- elif self.attrs['line_end'] == 'windows':
- return '\r\n'
- elif self.attrs['line_end'] == 'mac':
- return '\r'
- else:
- raise exception.UnexpectedAttribute(
- "Attribute 'line_end' must be one of 'linux' (default), 'windows' or 'mac'")
- def GetCliques(self):
- if self.gatherer:
- return self.gatherer.GetCliques()
- else:
- return []
- def GetTextualIds(self):
- if self.gatherer and self.attrs['type'] not in ['tr_html', 'admin_template', 'txt']:
- return self.gatherer.GetTextualIds()
- else:
- return [self.attrs['name']]
- def ItemFormatter(self, t):
- if t == 'rc_header':
- return grit.format.rc_header.Item()
- elif (t in ['rc_all', 'rc_translateable', 'rc_nontranslateable'] and
- self.SatisfiesOutputCondition()):
- return _RC_FORMATTERS[self.attrs['type']]
- else:
- return super(type(self), self).ItemFormatter(t)
- def RunGatherers(self, recursive=False, debug=False):
- if self.gatherer:
- return # idempotent
- gathertype = _GATHERERS[self.attrs['type']]
- if debug:
- print 'Running gatherer %s for file %s' % (str(gathertype), self.FilenameToOpen())
- self.gatherer = gathertype.FromFile(self.FilenameToOpen(),
- self.attrs['name'],
- self.attrs['encoding'])
- self.gatherer.SetUberClique(self.UberClique())
- self.gatherer.Parse()
- for child in self.children:
- assert isinstance(child, variant.SkeletonNode)
- skel = gathertype.FromFile(child.FilenameToOpen(),
- self.attrs['name'],
- child.GetEncodingToUse())
- skel.SetUberClique(self.UberClique())
- skel.SetSkeleton(True)
- skel.Parse()
- self.skeletons[child.attrs['expr']] = skel
- def GetSkeletonGatherer(self):
- '''Returns the gatherer for the alternate skeleton that should be used,
- based on the expressions for selecting skeletons, or None if the skeleton
- from the English version of the structure should be used.
- '''
- for expr in self.skeletons:
- if self.EvaluateCondition(expr):
- return self.skeletons[expr]
- return None
- def GetFilePath(self):
- return self.ToRealPath(self.attrs['file'])
- def HasFileForLanguage(self):
- return self.attrs['type'] in ['tr_html', 'admin_template', 'txt', 'muppet']
- def FileForLanguage(self, lang, output_dir, create_file=True,
- return_if_not_generated=True):
- '''Returns the filename of the file associated with this structure,
- for the specified language.
- Args:
- lang: 'fr'
- output_dir: 'c:\temp'
- create_file: True
- '''
- assert self.HasFileForLanguage()
- if (lang == self.GetRoot().GetSourceLanguage() and
- self.attrs['expand_variables'] != 'true'):
- if return_if_not_generated:
- return self.GetFilePath()
- else:
- return None
- else:
- if self.attrs['output_filename'] != '':
- filename = self.attrs['output_filename']
- else:
- filename = os.path.basename(self.attrs['file'])
- assert len(filename)
- filename = '%s_%s' % (lang, filename)
- filename = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
- if create_file:
- text = self.gatherer.Translate(
- lang,
- pseudo_if_not_available=self.PseudoIsAllowed(),
- fallback_to_english=self.ShouldFallbackToEnglish(),
- skeleton_gatherer=self.GetSkeletonGatherer())
- file_object = util.WrapOutputStream(file(filename, 'wb'),
- self._GetOutputEncoding())
- file_contents = util.FixLineEnd(text, self.GetLineEnd())
- if self.attrs['expand_variables'] == 'true':
- file_contents = file_contents.replace('[GRITLANGCODE]', lang)
- # TODO(jennyz): remove this hard coded logic for expanding
- # [GRITDIR] variable for RTL languages when the generic
- # expand_variable code is added by grit team.
- if lang in _RTL_LANGS :
- file_contents = file_contents.replace('[GRITDIR]', 'dir="RTL"')
- else :
- file_contents = file_contents.replace('[GRITDIR]', 'dir="LTR"')
- if self._ShouldAddBom():
- file_object.write(constants.BOM)
- file_object.write(file_contents)
- file_object.close()
- return filename
- def _GetOutputEncoding(self):
- '''Python doesn't natively support UTF encodings with a BOM signature,
- so we add support by allowing you to append '-sig' to the encoding name.
- This function returns the specified output encoding minus that part.
- '''
- enc = self.attrs['output_encoding']
- if enc.endswith('-sig'):
- return enc[0:len(enc) - len('-sig')]
- else:
- return enc
- def _ShouldAddBom(self):
- '''Returns true if output files should have the Unicode BOM prepended.
- '''
- return self.attrs['output_encoding'].endswith('-sig')
- # static method
- def Construct(parent, name, type, file, encoding='cp1252'):
- '''Creates a new node which is a child of 'parent', with attributes set
- by parameters of the same name.
- '''
- node = StructureNode()
- node.StartParsing('structure', parent)
- node.HandleAttribute('name', name)
- node.HandleAttribute('type', type)
- node.HandleAttribute('file', file)
- node.HandleAttribute('encoding', encoding)
- node.EndParsing()
- return node
- Construct = staticmethod(Construct)