Python | 124 lines | 53 code | 19 blank | 52 comment | 3 complexity | 266b91769d2b955aeead40457224a26c MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 2008 Guild of Writers PyPRP Project Team
- # See the file AUTHORS for more info about the team
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- #
- # Please see the file LICENSE for the full license.
- import struct, time, glob, os
- import os.path
- from prp_Types import *
- class alcpyfile:
- def __init__(self):
- self.name=""
- self.data=None
- def setName(self,name):
- self.name=name + "c"
- def read(self,buf):
- size, = struct.unpack("<I",buf.read(4))
- self.data=cStringIO.StringIO()
- #print size
- self.data.write(buf.read(size))
- def write(self,buf):
- self.data.read()
- buf.write(struct.pack("<I",self.data.tell()))
- self.data.seek(0)
- buf.write(self.data.read())
- class alcpypack:
- def __init__(self,version=5):
- self.list=[]
- self.version=version
- def read(self,buf):
- num, = struct.unpack("<I",buf.read(4))
- for i in range(num):
- name = Ustr()
- name.setType(self.version)
- name.read(buf)
- off, = struct.unpack("<I",buf.read(4))
- cat = buf.tell()
- buf.seek(off)
- file = alcpyfile()
- file.setName(str(name))
- print "Reading %s" %str(name)
- file.read(buf)
- buf.seek(cat)
- self.list.append(file)
- def write(self,buf):
- buf.write(struct.pack("<I",len(self.list)))
- size=4
- for i in self.list:
- size=size + 4 + len(i.name) + 2
- for i in self.list:
- name = Ustr()
- name.setType(self.version)
- name.set(i.name)
- name.write(buf)
- buf.write(struct.pack("<I",size))
- me = buf.tell()
- buf.seek(size)
- i.write(buf)
- size = buf.tell()
- buf.seek(me)
- ##f = file("python.pak.dec","rb")
- ##
- ##pak = alcpypack()
- ##pak.read(f)
- ##f.close()
- ##
- ##for i in pak.list:
- ## print "writting %s" %i.name
- ## f = file("out/%s" %i.name,"wb")
- ## f.write(struct.pack("I",0x0A0DF23B))
- ## f.write(struct.pack("I",time.time()))
- ## i.data.seek(0)
- ## f.write(i.data.read())
- ## f.close()
- ####out = file("out.pak","wb")
- ####
- ####pkg = alcpypack()
- ####
- ####for i in glob.glob("newpak/*.pyc"):
- #### print "packing %s" %i
- #### f = file(i,"rb")
- #### f.read(8)
- #### buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
- #### buf.write(f.read())
- #### f.close()
- #### pyf = alcpyfile()
- #### pyf.data=buf
- #### pyf.name=os.path.basename((i[:len(i)-1]))
- #### #print pyf.name
- #### pkg.list.append(pyf)
- ####
- ####pkg.write(out)
- ####out.close()