https://github.com/jfcantin/monodevelop · C# · 374 lines · 284 code · 39 blank · 51 comment · 61 complexity · 7fc93dd0e8da2297e6bd4a8f24e34a26 MD5 · raw file
- // <file>
- // <copyright see="prj:///doc/copyright.txt"/>
- // <license see="prj:///doc/license.txt"/>
- // <owner name="Mike Krüger" email="mike@icsharpcode.net"/>
- // <version>$Revision: 4482 $</version>
- // </file>
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Text;
- namespace ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.Parser
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// This is the base class for the C# and VB.NET lexer
- /// </summary>
- [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1708:IdentifiersShouldDifferByMoreThanCase")]
- public abstract class AbstractLexer : ILexer
- {
- TextReader reader;
- int col = 1;
- int line = 1;
- [CLSCompliant(false)]
- protected Errors errors = new Errors();
- protected Token lastToken = null;
- protected Token curToken = null;
- protected Token peekToken = null;
- string[] specialCommentTags = null;
- protected Hashtable specialCommentHash = null;
- List<TagComment> tagComments = new List<TagComment>();
- protected StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- [CLSCompliant(false)]
- protected SpecialTracker specialTracker = new SpecialTracker();
- // used for the original value of strings (with escape sequences).
- protected StringBuilder originalValue = new StringBuilder();
- public bool SkipAllComments { get; set; }
- public bool EvaluateConditionalCompilation { get; set; }
- public virtual IDictionary<string, object> ConditionalCompilationSymbols {
- get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
- }
- protected static IEnumerable<string> GetSymbols (string symbols)
- {
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbols)) {
- foreach (string symbol in symbols.Split (';', ' ', '\t')) {
- string s = symbol.Trim ();
- if (s.Length == 0)
- continue;
- yield return s;
- }
- }
- }
- public virtual void SetConditionalCompilationSymbols (string symbols)
- {
- throw new NotSupportedException ();
- }
- protected int Line {
- get {
- return line;
- }
- }
- protected int Col {
- get {
- return col;
- }
- }
- protected bool recordRead = false;
- protected StringBuilder recordedText = new StringBuilder ();
- protected int ReaderRead()
- {
- ++col;
- int val = reader.Read();
- if (recordRead)
- recordedText.Append ((char)val);
- if (val == '\r') {
- if (reader.Peek() == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 2, line);
- reader.Read ();
- } else {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- }
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- LineBreak ();
- return '\n';
- }
- if (val == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- LineBreak ();
- }
- return val;
- }
- protected int ReaderPeek()
- {
- return reader.Peek();
- }
- public Errors Errors {
- get {
- return errors;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Returns the comments that had been read and containing tag key words.
- /// </summary>
- public List<TagComment> TagComments {
- get {
- return tagComments;
- }
- }
- public SpecialTracker SpecialTracker {
- get {
- return specialTracker;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Special comment tags are tags like TODO, HACK or UNDONE which are read by the lexer and stored in <see cref="TagComments"/>.
- /// </summary>
- public string[] SpecialCommentTags {
- get {
- return specialCommentTags;
- }
- set {
- specialCommentTags = value;
- specialCommentHash = null;
- if (specialCommentTags != null && specialCommentTags.Length > 0) {
- specialCommentHash = new Hashtable();
- foreach (string str in specialCommentTags) {
- specialCommentHash.Add(str, null);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// The current Token. <seealso cref="ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.Parser.Token"/>
- /// </summary>
- public Token Token {
- get {
- // Console.WriteLine("Call to Token");
- return lastToken;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// The next Token (The <see cref="Token"/> after <see cref="NextToken"/> call) . <seealso cref="ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.Parser.Token"/>
- /// </summary>
- public Token LookAhead {
- get {
- // Console.WriteLine("Call to LookAhead");
- return curToken;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Constructor for the abstract lexer class.
- /// </summary>
- protected AbstractLexer(TextReader reader)
- {
- this.reader = reader;
- }
- #region System.IDisposable interface implementation
- public virtual void Dispose()
- {
- reader.Close();
- reader = null;
- errors = null;
- lastToken = curToken = peekToken = null;
- specialCommentHash = null;
- tagComments = null;
- sb = originalValue = null;
- }
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// Must be called before a peek operation.
- /// </summary>
- public void StartPeek()
- {
- peekToken = curToken;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gives back the next token. A second call to Peek() gives the next token after the last call for Peek() and so on.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>An <see cref="Token"/> object.</returns>
- public Token Peek()
- {
- // Console.WriteLine("Call to Peek");
- if (peekToken.next == null) {
- peekToken.next = Next();
- specialTracker.InformToken(peekToken.next.kind);
- }
- peekToken = peekToken.next;
- return peekToken;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Reads the next token and gives it back.
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>An <see cref="Token"/> object.</returns>
- public virtual Token NextToken()
- {
- if (curToken == null) {
- curToken = Next();
- specialTracker.InformToken(curToken.kind);
- //Console.WriteLine(ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.Parser.CSharp.Tokens.GetTokenString(curToken.kind) + " -- " + curToken.val + "(" + curToken.kind + ")");
- return curToken;
- }
- lastToken = curToken;
- if (curToken.next == null) {
- curToken.next = Next();
- if (curToken.next != null) {
- specialTracker.InformToken(curToken.next.kind);
- }
- }
- curToken = curToken.next;
- //Console.WriteLine(ICSharpCode.OldNRefactory.Parser.CSharp.Tokens.GetTokenString(curToken.kind) + " -- " + curToken.val + "(" + curToken.kind + ")");
- return curToken;
- }
- protected abstract Token Next();
- protected static bool IsIdentifierPart(int ch)
- {
- if (ch == 95) return true; // 95 = '_'
- if (ch == -1) return false;
- return char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)ch); // accept unicode letters
- }
- protected static bool IsHex(char digit)
- {
- return Char.IsDigit(digit) || ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'F') || ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'f');
- }
- protected int GetHexNumber(char digit)
- {
- if (Char.IsDigit(digit)) {
- return digit - '0';
- }
- if ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'F') {
- return digit - 'A' + 0xA;
- }
- if ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'f') {
- return digit - 'a' + 0xA;
- }
- errors.Error(line, col, String.Format("Invalid hex number '" + digit + "'"));
- return 0;
- }
- protected Location lineBreakPosition = new Location (1, 1);
- protected Location lastLineEnd = new Location (1, 1);
- protected Location curLineEnd = new Location (1, 1);
- protected void LineBreak ()
- {
- lastLineEnd = curLineEnd;
- curLineEnd = new Location (col - 1, line);
- }
- protected bool HandleLineEnd(char ch)
- {
- // Handle MS-DOS or MacOS line ends.
- if (ch == '\r') {
- if (reader.Peek() == '\n') { // MS-DOS line end '\r\n'
- ReaderRead(); // LineBreak (); called by ReaderRead ();
- return true;
- } else { // assume MacOS line end which is '\r'
- LineBreak ();
- return true;
- }
- }
- if (ch == '\n') {
- LineBreak ();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- protected void SkipToEndOfLine()
- {
- int nextChar;
- while ((nextChar = reader.Read()) != -1) {
- char ch = (char)nextChar;
- if (ch == '\r') {
- if (reader.Peek() == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 2, line);
- reader.Read();
- } else {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- }
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- return;
- }
- // Return read string, if EOL is reached
- if (ch == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- protected string ReadToEndOfLine()
- {
- return ReadToEndOfLine (true);
- }
- protected string ReadToEndOfLine(bool resetBuilder)
- {
- if (resetBuilder)
- sb.Length = 0;
- int nextChar;
- while ((nextChar = reader.Read()) != -1) {
- char ch = (char)nextChar;
- if (nextChar == '\r') {
- if (reader.Peek() == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 2, line);
- reader.Read();
- } else {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- }
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- // Return read string, if EOL is reached
- if (nextChar == '\n') {
- lineBreakPosition = new Location (col + 1, line);
- ++line;
- col = 1;
- return sb.ToString();
- }
- sb.Append(ch);
- }
- // Got EOF before EOL
- string retStr = sb.ToString();
- col += retStr.Length;
- return retStr;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Skips to the end of the current code block.
- /// For this, the lexer must have read the next token AFTER the token opening the
- /// block (so that Lexer.Token is the block-opening token, not Lexer.LookAhead).
- /// After the call, Lexer.LookAhead will be the block-closing token.
- /// </summary>
- public abstract void SkipCurrentBlock(int targetToken);
- }
- }