https://bitbucket.org/ianmayo/debrief · Java · 500 lines · 235 code · 53 blank · 212 comment · 27 complexity · f8ff11e777daedacfa90840721e9a440 MD5 · raw file
- package ASSET.Models.Decision.Tactical;
- import java.awt.Point;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import ASSET.Models.DecisionType;
- import ASSET.Models.Decision.CoreDecision;
- import ASSET.Models.Decision.Movement.TransitWaypoint;
- import ASSET.Models.Detection.DetectionList;
- import ASSET.Models.Movement.HighLevelDemandedStatus;
- import ASSET.Models.Movement.MovementCharacteristics;
- import ASSET.Models.Movement.OnTopWaypoint;
- import ASSET.Participants.DemandedStatus;
- import ASSET.Participants.Status;
- import ASSET.Scenario.ScenarioActivityMonitor;
- import MWC.GUI.CanvasType;
- import MWC.GenericData.WorldDistance;
- import MWC.GenericData.WorldLocation;
- import MWC.GenericData.WorldPath;
- import MWC.GenericData.WorldSpeed;
- public abstract class PatternSearch_Core extends CoreDecision implements
- DecisionType.Paintable
- {
- /**
- * whether we've finished yet or not.
- */
- protected boolean _finished = false;
- /**
- * the route of points to pass through
- */
- protected TransitWaypoint _myRoute;
- /**
- * the (optional) height to conduct search at
- */
- protected WorldDistance _searchHeight;
- /**
- * the (optional) speed to conduct search at
- */
- protected WorldSpeed _searchSpeed;
- /**
- * store the supplied point in our route, assigning the search height if we
- * have one
- *
- * @param searchHeight
- * the (optional) height to search at
- * @param currentLocation
- * the location to store
- * @param route
- * the route containing the points
- */
- protected static void addPointToRoute(final WorldDistance searchHeight,
- WorldLocation currentLocation, final WorldPath route)
- {
- // insert the start datum
- // do we have a height?
- if (searchHeight != null)
- {
- // yes, store it.
- currentLocation.setDepth(-searchHeight.getValueIn(WorldDistance.METRES));
- }
- route.addPoint(currentLocation);
- }
- /**
- * decide the course of action to take, or return null to no be used
- *
- * @param status
- * the current status of the participant
- * @param chars
- * the movement chars for this participant
- * @param demStatus
- * the current demanded status
- * @param detections
- * the current list of detections for this participant
- * @param monitor
- * the object which handles weapons release/detonation
- * @param newTime
- * the time this decision is to be made
- */
- public final DemandedStatus decide(final Status status,
- MovementCharacteristics chars, final DemandedStatus demStatus,
- final DetectionList detections, final ScenarioActivityMonitor monitor,
- final long newTime)
- {
- HighLevelDemandedStatus res = null;
- String myActivity = null;
- // have we finished yet?
- if (!_finished)
- {
- // no, have we defined our route yet?
- if (_myRoute == null)
- {
- // ok, do we have an origin?
- if (getOrigin() == null)
- {
- // ok, initialise with our current location
- setOrigin(status.getLocation());
- }
- // create the path to follow
- final WorldPath route = createSearchRoute(status.getLocation());
- // and put it into a route
- _myRoute = new TransitWaypoint(route, null, false, new OnTopWaypoint());
- myActivity = "Generating new route";
- }
- // so, we now have our route. Has it finished yet?
- if (_myRoute.isFinished())
- {
- // done
- res = null;
- // and reset our list of points
- _myRoute.getDestinations().getPoints().clear();
- _myRoute = null;
- // remember the fact that we've now finished
- _finished = true;
- myActivity = null;
- }
- else
- {
- // ok - still going, ask the transitter what it wants to do
- res = (HighLevelDemandedStatus) _myRoute.decide(status, chars,
- demStatus, detections, monitor, newTime);
- // do we have an intended path?
- if (res != null)
- {
- // aah, do we have a search speed?
- if (getSearchSpeed() != null)
- {
- res.setSpeed(getSearchSpeed());
- }
- }
- // just double-check if we have now finished.
- if (res == null)
- {
- myActivity = _myRoute.getActivity();
- _finished = true;
- }
- else
- {
- myActivity = getDescriptor() + ":";
- // have we been interrupted?
- if (_myRoute.getVisitor().hasBeenInterrupted())
- {
- myActivity += " Resuming from interruption";
- }
- else
- {
- myActivity += "Heading for point:"
- + (_myRoute.getCurrentDestinationIndex());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this.setLastActivity(myActivity);
- return res;
- }
- protected abstract String getDescriptor();
- protected abstract WorldPath createSearchRoute(WorldLocation currentLocation);
- protected EditorType _myEditor;
- /**
- * the start point for the search
- */
- protected WorldLocation _myOrigin;
- /**
- * the track spacing
- */
- protected WorldDistance _trackSpacing;
- /**
- * the dimensions of the area
- */
- protected WorldDistance _width;
- protected WorldDistance _height;
- /**
- * reset this decision model
- */
- public final void restart()
- {
- // forget that we were in a cycle
- _finished = false;
- // and clear the route
- _myRoute = null;
- }
- /**
- * indicate to this model that its execution has been interrupted by another
- * (prob higher priority) model
- *
- * @param currentStatus
- */
- public void interrupted(Status currentStatus)
- {
- // hey, we may be resuming this behaviour from another location.
- // We need to forget the current path to the next target so that it gets
- // recalculated
- _myRoute.getVisitor().routeInterrupted(currentStatus);
- }
- public final WorldLocation getOrigin()
- {
- return _myOrigin;
- }
- /**
- * set the start location for this manoeuvre (or supply null to use the
- * platform location when tactic first called)
- *
- * @param _myOrigin
- */
- public final void setOrigin(final WorldLocation _myOrigin)
- {
- this._myOrigin = _myOrigin;
- }
- public final boolean getFinished()
- {
- return _finished;
- }
- /**
- * return the (optional) height to search at
- *
- * @return the height.
- */
- public WorldDistance getSearchHeight()
- {
- return _searchHeight;
- }
- /**
- * set the (optional) height to search at
- *
- * @param searchHeight
- * search height
- */
- public void setSearchHeight(WorldDistance searchHeight)
- {
- _searchHeight = searchHeight;
- }
- /**
- * the (optional) search speed
- *
- * @return
- */
- public WorldSpeed getSearchSpeed()
- {
- return _searchSpeed;
- }
- /**
- * the (optional) search speed
- *
- * @param searchSpeed
- */
- public void setSearchSpeed(WorldSpeed searchSpeed)
- {
- this._searchSpeed = searchSpeed;
- }
- /**
- * retrieve the points we intend to travel through
- *
- * @return
- */
- public final WorldPath getRoute()
- {
- WorldPath res = null;
- if (_myRoute != null)
- res = _myRoute.getDestinations();
- return res;
- }
- /**
- * set the points we intend to travel through
- *
- * @param thePath
- * the path to follow
- */
- public final void setRoute(WorldPath thePath)
- {
- _myRoute.setDestinations(thePath);
- }
- public PatternSearch_Core(String name, WorldLocation myOrigin,
- WorldDistance searchHeight, WorldSpeed searchSpeed,
- WorldDistance trackSpacing, WorldDistance height, WorldDistance width)
- {
- super(name);
- _myOrigin = myOrigin;
- _searchHeight = searchHeight;
- _searchSpeed = searchSpeed;
- _trackSpacing = trackSpacing;
- _height = height;
- _width = width;
- }
- /**
- * whether there is any edit information for this item this is a convenience
- * function to save creating the EditorType data first
- *
- * @return yes/no
- */
- public boolean hasEditor()
- {
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * get the editor for this item
- *
- * @return the BeanInfo data for this editable object
- */
- abstract public EditorType getInfo();
- /**
- * get the version details for this model.
- *
- * <pre>
- * $Log: LadderSearch.java,v $
- * Revision 1.2 2006/09/11 09:36:04 Ian.Mayo
- * Fix dodgy accessor
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/08/08 14:21:34 Ian.Mayo
- * Second import
- *
- * Revision 1.1 2006/08/07 12:25:43 Ian.Mayo
- * First versions
- *
- * Revision 1.16 2004/11/25 14:29:29 Ian.Mayo
- * Handle switch to hi-res dates
- *
- * Revision 1.15 2004/11/03 09:54:50 Ian.Mayo
- * Allow search speed to be set
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.14 2004/11/01 14:31:44 Ian.Mayo
- * Do more elaborate processing when creating sample instance for property testing
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.13 2004/11/01 10:47:47 Ian.Mayo
- * Provide accessor for series of generated points
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.12 2004/08/31 09:36:22 Ian.Mayo
- * Rename inner static tests to match signature **Test to make automated testing more consistent
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.11 2004/08/26 16:27:03 Ian.Mayo
- * Implement editable properties
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.10 2004/08/25 11:20:37 Ian.Mayo
- * Remove main methods which just run junit tests
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.9 2004/08/24 10:36:25 Ian.Mayo
- * Do correct activity management bits (using parent)
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.8 2004/08/20 13:32:29 Ian.Mayo
- * Implement inspection recommendations to overcome hidden parent objects, let CoreDecision handle the activity bits.
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.7 2004/08/17 14:22:06 Ian.Mayo
- * Refactor to introduce parent class capable of storing name & isActive flag
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.6 2004/08/09 15:50:31 Ian.Mayo
- * Refactor category types into Force, Environment, Type sub-classes
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.5 2004/08/06 12:52:03 Ian.Mayo
- * Include current status when firing interruption
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.4 2004/08/06 11:14:25 Ian.Mayo
- * Introduce interruptable behaviours, and recalc waypoint route after interruption
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.3 2004/08/05 14:54:11 Ian.Mayo
- * Provide accessor to get series of waypoints
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.2 2004/08/04 10:33:13 Ian.Mayo
- * Add optional search height, use it
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.1 2004/05/24 15:56:29 Ian.Mayo
- * Commit updates from home
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.4 2004/04/22 21:37:38 ian
- * Tidying
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.3 2004/04/13 20:53:45 ian
- * Implement restart functionality
- * <p/>
- * Revision 1.2 2004/03/25 21:06:14 ian
- * Correct placing of first point, correct tests
- * <p/>
- * Revision 2004/03/04 20:30:52 ian
- * no message
- * <p/>
- * <p/>
- * </pre>
- */
- public String getVersion()
- {
- return "$Date: 2010-10-28 11:43:11 +0100 (Thu, 28 Oct 2010) $";
- }
- public WorldDistance getWidth()
- {
- return _width;
- }
- public void setWidth(WorldDistance width)
- {
- this._width = width;
- }
- public WorldDistance getHeight()
- {
- return _height;
- }
- public void setHeight(WorldDistance height)
- {
- this._height = height;
- }
- public final WorldDistance getTrackSpacing()
- {
- return _trackSpacing;
- }
- public final void setTrackSpacing(final WorldDistance _trackSpacing)
- {
- this._trackSpacing = _trackSpacing;
- }
- @Override
- public void paint(CanvasType dest)
- {
- // ok, do we have a route?
- if (_myRoute != null)
- {
- // does it have any points?
- if (_myRoute.getDestinations().getPoints().size() > 0)
- {
- // ok, make it a feint line
- dest.setLineStyle(CanvasType.SHORT_DASHES);
- // ok, go for it
- Iterator<WorldLocation> pts = _myRoute.getDestinations().getPoints()
- .iterator();
- Point lastP = null;
- while (pts.hasNext())
- {
- WorldLocation thisP = pts.next();
- Point pt = dest.toScreen(thisP);
- if (lastP != null)
- {
- dest.drawLine(lastP.x, lastP.y, pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- // is this the current target?
- boolean painted = false;
- int index = _myRoute.getCurrentDestinationIndex();
- if (index != HighLevelDemandedStatus.PATH_COMPLETE)
- {
- WorldLocation tgt = _myRoute.getDestinations().getLocationAt(index);
- if (tgt.equals(thisP))
- {
- // shade it in solid
- dest.fillRect(pt.x - 3, pt.y - 3, 7, 7);
- painted = true;
- }
- }
- if (!painted)
- {
- dest.drawRect(pt.x - 3, pt.y - 3, 7, 7);
- }
- lastP = new Point(pt);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }