Python | 398 lines | 354 code | 17 blank | 27 comment | 4 complexity | ee61ce8ac73b0900d056b94d078cb486 MD5 | raw file
- import datetime
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
- from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
- from django.db import models
- from django.utils import html as html_utils
- from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
- from askbot import const
- from askbot.models.meta import Comment, Vote
- from askbot.models.user import EmailFeedSetting
- from askbot.models.tag import Tag, MarkedTag, tags_match_some_wildcard
- from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings
- class Content(models.Model):
- """
- Base class for Question and Answer
- """
- author = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='%(class)ss')
- added_at = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
- wiki = models.BooleanField(default=False)
- wikified_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
- locked = models.BooleanField(default=False)
- locked_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, related_name='locked_%(class)ss')
- locked_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
- score = models.IntegerField(default=0)
- vote_up_count = models.IntegerField(default=0)
- vote_down_count = models.IntegerField(default=0)
- comment_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
- offensive_flag_count = models.SmallIntegerField(default=0)
- last_edited_at = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
- last_edited_by = models.ForeignKey(User, null=True, blank=True, related_name='last_edited_%(class)ss')
- html = models.TextField(null=True)#html rendition of the latest revision
- text = models.TextField(null=True)#denormalized copy of latest revision
- comments = generic.GenericRelation(Comment)
- votes = generic.GenericRelation(Vote)
- _use_markdown = True
- _escape_html = False #markdow does the escaping
- _urlize = False
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
- app_label = 'askbot'
- def get_comments(self, visitor = None):
- """returns comments for a post, annotated with
- ``upvoted_by_user`` parameter, if visitor is logged in
- otherwise, returns query set for all comments to a given post
- """
- if visitor.is_anonymous():
- return self.comments.all().order_by('id')
- else:
- comment_content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Comment)
- #a fancy query to annotate comments with the visitor votes
- comments = self.comments.extra(
- select = SortedDict([
- (
- 'upvoted_by_user',
- 'SELECT COUNT(*) from vote, comment '
- 'WHERE vote.user_id = %s AND '
- 'vote.content_type_id = %s AND '
- 'vote.object_id = comment.id',
- )
- ]),
- select_params = (visitor.id, comment_content_type.id)
- ).order_by('id')
- return comments
- #todo: maybe remove this wnen post models are unified
- def get_text(self):
- return self.text
- def get_snippet(self):
- """returns an abbreviated snippet of the content
- """
- return html_utils.strip_tags(self.html)[:120] + ' ...'
- def add_comment(self, comment=None, user=None, added_at=None):
- if added_at is None:
- added_at = datetime.datetime.now()
- if None in (comment ,user):
- raise Exception('arguments comment and user are required')
- #Comment = models.get_model('askbot','Comment')#todo: forum hardcoded
- comment = Comment(
- content_object=self,
- comment=comment,
- user=user,
- added_at=added_at
- )
- comment.parse_and_save(author = user)
- self.comment_count = self.comment_count + 1
- self.save()
- #tried to add this to bump updated question
- #in most active list, but it did not work
- #becase delayed email updates would be triggered
- #for cases where user did not subscribe for them
- #
- #need to redo the delayed alert sender
- #
- #origin_post = self.get_origin_post()
- #if origin_post == self:
- # self.last_activity_at = added_at
- # self.last_activity_by = user
- #else:
- # origin_post.last_activity_at = added_at
- # origin_post.last_activity_by = user
- # origin_post.save()
- return comment
- def get_global_tag_based_subscribers(
- self,
- tag_mark_reason = None,
- subscription_records = None
- ):
- """returns a list of users who either follow or "do not ignore"
- the given set of tags, depending on the tag_mark_reason
- ``subscription_records`` - query set of ``~askbot.models.EmailFeedSetting``
- this argument is used to reduce number of database queries
- """
- if tag_mark_reason == 'good':
- email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING
- user_set_getter = User.objects.filter
- elif tag_mark_reason == 'bad':
- email_tag_filter_strategy = const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED
- user_set_getter = User.objects.exclude
- else:
- raise ValueError('Uknown value of tag mark reason %s' % tag_mark_reason)
- #part 1 - find users who follow or not ignore the set of tags
- tag_names = self.get_tag_names()
- tag_selections = MarkedTag.objects.filter(
- tag__name__in = tag_names,
- reason = tag_mark_reason
- )
- subscribers = set(
- user_set_getter(
- tag_selections__in = tag_selections
- ).filter(
- notification_subscriptions__in = subscription_records
- ).filter(
- email_tag_filter_strategy = email_tag_filter_strategy
- )
- )
- #part 2 - find users who follow or not ignore tags via wildcard selections
- #inside there is a potentially time consuming loop
- if askbot_settings.USE_WILDCARD_TAGS:
- #todo: fix this
- #this branch will not scale well
- #because we have to loop through the list of users
- #in python
- if tag_mark_reason == 'good':
- empty_wildcard_filter = {'interesting_tags__exact': ''}
- wildcard_tags_attribute = 'interesting_tags'
- update_subscribers = lambda the_set, item: the_set.add(item)
- elif tag_mark_reason == 'bad':
- empty_wildcard_filter = {'ignored_tags__exact': ''}
- wildcard_tags_attribute = 'ignored_tags'
- update_subscribers = lambda the_set, item: the_set.discard(item)
- potential_wildcard_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
- notification_subscriptions__in = subscription_records
- ).filter(
- email_tag_filter_strategy = email_tag_filter_strategy
- ).exclude(
- **empty_wildcard_filter #need this to limit size of the loop
- )
- for potential_subscriber in potential_wildcard_subscribers:
- wildcard_tags = getattr(
- potential_subscriber,
- wildcard_tags_attribute
- ).split(' ')
- if tags_match_some_wildcard(tag_names, wildcard_tags):
- update_subscribers(subscribers, potential_subscriber)
- return subscribers
- def get_global_instant_notification_subscribers(self):
- """returns a set of subscribers to post according to tag filters
- both - subscribers who ignore tags or who follow only
- specific tags
- this method in turn calls several more specialized
- subscriber retrieval functions
- todo: retrieval of wildcard tag followers ignorers
- won't scale at all
- """
- subscriber_set = set()
- global_subscriptions = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(
- feed_type = 'q_all',
- frequency = 'i'
- )
- #segment of users who have tag filter turned off
- global_subscribers = User.objects.filter(
- email_tag_filter_strategy = const.INCLUDE_ALL
- )
- subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers)
- #segment of users who want emails on selected questions only
- subscriber_set.update(
- self.get_global_tag_based_subscribers(
- subscription_records = global_subscriptions,
- tag_mark_reason = 'good'
- )
- )
- #segment of users who want to exclude ignored tags
- subscriber_set.update(
- self.get_global_tag_based_subscribers(
- subscription_records = global_subscriptions,
- tag_mark_reason = 'bad'
- )
- )
- return subscriber_set
- def get_instant_notification_subscribers(
- self,
- potential_subscribers = None,
- mentioned_users = None,
- exclude_list = None,
- ):
- """get list of users who have subscribed to
- receive instant notifications for a given post
- this method works for questions and answers
- Arguments:
- * ``potential_subscribers`` is not used here! todo: why? - clean this out
- parameter is left for the uniformity of the interface
- (Comment method does use it)
- normally these methods would determine the list
- :meth:`~askbot.models.question.Question.get_response_recipients`
- :meth:`~askbot.models.question.Answer.get_response_recipients`
- - depending on the type of the post
- * ``mentioned_users`` - users, mentioned in the post for the first time
- * ``exclude_list`` - users who must be excluded from the subscription
- Users who receive notifications are:
- * of ``mentioned_users`` - those who subscribe for the instant
- updates on the @name mentions
- * those who follow the parent question
- * global subscribers (any personalized tag filters are applied)
- * author of the question who subscribe to instant updates
- on questions that they asked
- * authors or any answers who subsribe to instant updates
- on the questions which they answered
- """
- #print '------------------'
- #print 'in content function'
- subscriber_set = set()
- #print 'potential subscribers: ', potential_subscribers
- #1) mention subscribers - common to questions and answers
- if mentioned_users:
- mention_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers(
- potential_subscribers = mentioned_users,
- feed_type = 'm_and_c',
- frequency = 'i'
- )
- subscriber_set.update(mention_subscribers)
- origin_post = self.get_origin_post()
- #print origin_post
- #2) individually selected - make sure that users
- #are individual subscribers to this question
- selective_subscribers = origin_post.followed_by.all()
- #print 'question followers are ', [s for s in selective_subscribers]
- if selective_subscribers:
- selective_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers(
- potential_subscribers = selective_subscribers,
- feed_type = 'q_sel',
- frequency = 'i'
- )
- subscriber_set.update(selective_subscribers)
- #print 'selective subscribers: ', selective_subscribers
- #3) whole forum subscribers
- global_subscribers = origin_post.get_global_instant_notification_subscribers()
- subscriber_set.update(global_subscribers)
- #4) question asked by me (todo: not "edited_by_me" ???)
- question_author = origin_post.author
- if EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter(
- subscriber = question_author,
- frequency = 'i',
- feed_type = 'q_ask'
- ):
- subscriber_set.add(question_author)
- #4) questions answered by me -make sure is that people
- #are authors of the answers to this question
- #todo: replace this with a query set method
- answer_authors = set()
- for answer in origin_post.answers.all():
- authors = answer.get_author_list()
- answer_authors.update(authors)
- if answer_authors:
- answer_subscribers = EmailFeedSetting.objects.filter_subscribers(
- potential_subscribers = answer_authors,
- frequency = 'i',
- feed_type = 'q_ans',
- )
- subscriber_set.update(answer_subscribers)
- #print 'answer subscribers: ', answer_subscribers
- #print 'exclude_list is ', exclude_list
- subscriber_set -= set(exclude_list)
- #print 'final subscriber set is ', subscriber_set
- return list(subscriber_set)
- def get_latest_revision(self):
- return self.revisions.all().order_by('-revised_at')[0]
- def get_latest_revision_number(self):
- return self.get_latest_revision().revision
- def get_time_of_last_edit(self):
- if self.last_edited_at:
- return self.last_edited_at
- else:
- return self.added_at
- def get_owner(self):
- return self.author
- def get_author_list(
- self,
- include_comments = False,
- recursive = False,
- exclude_list = None):
- #todo: there may be a better way to do these queries
- authors = set()
- authors.update([r.author for r in self.revisions.all()])
- if include_comments:
- authors.update([c.user for c in self.comments.all()])
- if recursive:
- if hasattr(self, 'answers'):
- for a in self.answers.exclude(deleted = True):
- authors.update(a.get_author_list( include_comments = include_comments ) )
- if exclude_list:
- authors -= set(exclude_list)
- return list(authors)
- def passes_tag_filter_for_user(self, user):
- question = self.get_origin_post()
- if user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_INTERESTING:
- #at least some of the tags must be marked interesting
- return user.has_affinity_to_question(
- question,
- affinity_type = 'like'
- )
- elif user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.EXCLUDE_IGNORED:
- return not user.has_affinity_to_question(
- question,
- affinity_type = 'dislike'
- )
- elif user.email_tag_filter_strategy == const.INCLUDE_ALL:
- return True
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'unexpected User.email_tag_filter_strategy %s' \
- % user.email_tag_filter_strategy
- )
- def post_get_last_update_info(self):#todo: rename this subroutine
- when = self.added_at
- who = self.author
- if self.last_edited_at and self.last_edited_at > when:
- when = self.last_edited_at
- who = self.last_edited_by
- comments = self.comments.all()
- if len(comments) > 0:
- for c in comments:
- if c.added_at > when:
- when = c.added_at
- who = c.user
- return when, who