Python | 137 lines | 101 code | 7 blank | 29 comment | 19 complexity | 3a9e52354351398987ca8170d219e3bf MD5 | raw file
- """functions that send email in askbot
- these automatically catch email-related exceptions
- """
- import smtplib
- import logging
- from django.core import mail
- from django.conf import settings as django_settings
- from askbot.conf import settings as askbot_settings
- from askbot import exceptions
- from askbot import const
- #todo: maybe send_mail functions belong to models
- #or the future API
- def prefix_the_subject_line(subject):
- """prefixes the subject line with the
- from live settings, which take default from django
- """
- prefix = askbot_settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX.strip()
- if prefix != '':
- subject = prefix + ' ' + subject
- return subject
- def extract_first_email_address(text):
- """extract first matching email address
- from text string
- returns ``None`` if there are no matches
- """
- match = const.EMAIL_REGEX.search(text)
- if match:
- return match.group(0)
- else:
- return None
- def thread_headers(post, orig_post, update):
- suffix_id = django_settings.SERVER_EMAIL
- if update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ASK_QUESTION:
- id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ANSWER:
- id = "NA-%s-%s" % (post.id, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (orig_post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_QUESTION:
- id = "UQ-%s-%s-%s" % (post.id, post.last_edited_at, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (orig_post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_QUESTION:
- id = "CQ-%s-%s" % (post.id, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (orig_post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_UPDATE_ANSWER:
- id = "UA-%s-%s-%s" % (post.id, post.last_edited_at, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (orig_post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- elif update == const.TYPE_ACTIVITY_COMMENT_ANSWER:
- id = "CA-%s-%s" % (post.id, suffix_id)
- orig_id = "NQ-%s-%s" % (orig_post.id, suffix_id)
- headers = {'Message-ID': id,
- 'In-Reply-To': orig_id}
- else:
- # Unknown type -> Can't set headers
- return {}
- return headers
- def send_mail(
- subject_line = None,
- body_text = None,
- recipient_list = None,
- activity_type = None,
- related_object = None,
- headers = None,
- raise_on_failure = False,
- ):
- """
- todo: remove parameters not relevant to the function
- sends email message
- logs email sending activity
- and any errors are reported as critical
- in the main log file
- related_object is not mandatory, other arguments
- are. related_object (if given, will be saved in
- the activity record)
- if raise_on_failure is True, exceptions.EmailNotSent is raised
- """
- prefix = askbot_settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX.strip() + ' '
- try:
- assert(subject_line is not None)
- subject_line = prefix + subject_line
- msg = mail.EmailMessage(
- subject_line,
- body_text,
- django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL,
- recipient_list,
- headers = headers
- )
- msg.content_subtype = 'html'
- msg.send()
- if related_object is not None:
- assert(activity_type is not None)
- except Exception, error:
- logging.critical(unicode(error))
- if raise_on_failure == True:
- raise exceptions.EmailNotSent(unicode(error))
- def mail_moderators(
- subject_line = '',
- body_text = '',
- raise_on_failure = False):
- """sends email to forum moderators and admins
- """
- from django.db.models import Q
- from askbot.models import User
- recipient_list = User.objects.filter(
- Q(status='m') | Q(is_superuser=True)
- ).filter(
- is_active = True
- ).values_list('email', flat=True)
- recipient_list = set(recipient_list)
- from_email = ''
- if hasattr(django_settings, 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL'):
- from_email = django_settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
- try:
- mail.send_mail(subject_line, body_text, from_email, recipient_list)
- pass
- except smtplib.SMTPException, error:
- logging.critical(unicode(error))
- if raise_on_failure == True:
- raise exceptions.EmailNotSent(unicode(error))