Python | 343 lines | 249 code | 75 blank | 19 comment | 31 complexity | 085b9a172f8c3e97f9fbe0954b537602 MD5 | raw file
- import contextlib
- import platform
- import socket
- import ssl
- import sys
- import threading
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import AbstractSet, Any, Dict, Generator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
- import pytest
- import trustme
- from tornado import ioloop, web
- from dummyserver.handlers import TestingApp
- from dummyserver.proxy import ProxyHandler
- from dummyserver.server import HAS_IPV6, run_tornado_app
- from dummyserver.testcase import HTTPSDummyServerTestCase
- from urllib3.util import ssl_
- from .tz_stub import stub_timezone_ctx
- # The Python 3.8+ default loop on Windows breaks Tornado
- @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
- def configure_windows_event_loop() -> None:
- if sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and platform.system() == "Windows":
- import asyncio
- asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- class ServerConfig(NamedTuple):
- scheme: str
- host: str
- port: int
- ca_certs: str
- @property
- def base_url(self) -> str:
- host = self.host
- if ":" in host:
- host = f"[{host}]"
- return f"{self.scheme}://{host}:{self.port}"
- def _write_cert_to_dir(
- cert: trustme.LeafCert, tmpdir: Path, file_prefix: str = "server"
- ) -> Dict[str, str]:
- cert_path = str(tmpdir / ("%s.pem" % file_prefix))
- key_path = str(tmpdir / ("%s.key" % file_prefix))
- cert.private_key_pem.write_to_path(key_path)
- cert.cert_chain_pems[0].write_to_path(cert_path)
- certs = {"keyfile": key_path, "certfile": cert_path}
- return certs
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def run_server_in_thread(
- scheme: str, host: str, tmpdir: Path, ca: trustme.CA, server_cert: trustme.LeafCert
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- ca_cert_path = str(tmpdir / "ca.pem")
- server_cert_path = str(tmpdir / "server.pem")
- server_key_path = str(tmpdir / "server.key")
- ca.cert_pem.write_to_path(ca_cert_path)
- server_cert.private_key_pem.write_to_path(server_key_path)
- server_cert.cert_chain_pems[0].write_to_path(server_cert_path)
- server_certs = {"keyfile": server_key_path, "certfile": server_cert_path}
- io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
- app = web.Application([(r".*", TestingApp)])
- server, port = run_tornado_app(app, io_loop, server_certs, scheme, host)
- server_thread = threading.Thread(target=io_loop.start)
- server_thread.start()
- yield ServerConfig("https", host, port, ca_cert_path)
- io_loop.add_callback(server.stop)
- io_loop.add_callback(io_loop.stop)
- server_thread.join()
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def run_server_and_proxy_in_thread(
- proxy_scheme: str,
- proxy_host: str,
- tmpdir: Path,
- ca: trustme.CA,
- proxy_cert: trustme.LeafCert,
- server_cert: trustme.LeafCert,
- ) -> Generator[Tuple[ServerConfig, ServerConfig], None, None]:
- ca_cert_path = str(tmpdir / "ca.pem")
- ca.cert_pem.write_to_path(ca_cert_path)
- server_certs = _write_cert_to_dir(server_cert, tmpdir)
- proxy_certs = _write_cert_to_dir(proxy_cert, tmpdir, "proxy")
- io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
- app = web.Application([(r".*", TestingApp)])
- server_app, port = run_tornado_app(app, io_loop, server_certs, "https", "localhost")
- server_config = ServerConfig("https", "localhost", port, ca_cert_path)
- proxy = web.Application([(r".*", ProxyHandler)])
- proxy_app, proxy_port = run_tornado_app(
- proxy, io_loop, proxy_certs, proxy_scheme, proxy_host
- )
- proxy_config = ServerConfig(proxy_scheme, proxy_host, proxy_port, ca_cert_path)
- server_thread = threading.Thread(target=io_loop.start)
- server_thread.start()
- yield (proxy_config, server_config)
- io_loop.add_callback(server_app.stop)
- io_loop.add_callback(proxy_app.stop)
- io_loop.add_callback(io_loop.stop)
- server_thread.join()
- @pytest.fixture(params=["localhost", "", "::1"])
- def loopback_host(request: Any) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
- host = request.param
- if host == "::1" and not HAS_IPV6:
- pytest.skip("Test requires IPv6 on loopback")
- yield host
- @pytest.fixture()
- def san_server(
- loopback_host: str, tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert(loopback_host)
- with run_server_in_thread("https", loopback_host, tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture()
- def no_san_server(
- loopback_host: str, tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert(common_name=loopback_host)
- with run_server_in_thread("https", loopback_host, tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture()
- def no_san_server_with_different_commmon_name(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert(common_name="example.com")
- with run_server_in_thread("https", "localhost", tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def no_san_proxy_with_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[Tuple[ServerConfig, ServerConfig], None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # only common name, no subject alternative names
- proxy_cert = ca.issue_cert(common_name="localhost")
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("localhost")
- with run_server_and_proxy_in_thread(
- "https", "localhost", tmpdir, ca, proxy_cert, server_cert
- ) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def no_localhost_san_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # non localhost common name
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("example.com")
- with run_server_in_thread("https", "localhost", tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def ipv4_san_proxy_with_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[Tuple[ServerConfig, ServerConfig], None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # IP address in Subject Alternative Name
- proxy_cert = ca.issue_cert("")
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("localhost")
- with run_server_and_proxy_in_thread(
- "https", "", tmpdir, ca, proxy_cert, server_cert
- ) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def ipv6_san_proxy_with_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[Tuple[ServerConfig, ServerConfig], None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # IP addresses in Subject Alternative Name
- proxy_cert = ca.issue_cert("::1")
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("localhost")
- with run_server_and_proxy_in_thread(
- "https", "::1", tmpdir, ca, proxy_cert, server_cert
- ) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def ipv4_san_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # IP address in Subject Alternative Name
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("")
- with run_server_in_thread("https", "", tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def ipv6_san_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- if not HAS_IPV6:
- pytest.skip("Only runs on IPv6 systems")
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # IP address in Subject Alternative Name
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert("::1")
- with run_server_in_thread("https", "::1", tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def ipv6_no_san_server(
- tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory,
- ) -> Generator[ServerConfig, None, None]:
- if not HAS_IPV6:
- pytest.skip("Only runs on IPv6 systems")
- tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs")
- ca = trustme.CA()
- # IP address in Common Name
- server_cert = ca.issue_cert(common_name="::1")
- with run_server_in_thread("https", "::1", tmpdir, ca, server_cert) as cfg:
- yield cfg
- @pytest.fixture
- def stub_timezone(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
- """
- A pytest fixture that runs the test with a stub timezone.
- """
- with stub_timezone_ctx(request.param): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
- yield
- @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
- def supported_tls_versions() -> AbstractSet[Optional[str]]:
- # We have to create an actual TLS connection
- # to test if the TLS version is not disabled by
- # OpenSSL config. Ubuntu 20.04 specifically
- # disables TLSv1 and TLSv1.1.
- tls_versions = set()
- _server = HTTPSDummyServerTestCase()
- _server._start_server()
- for _ssl_version_name in (
- ):
- _ssl_version = getattr(ssl, _ssl_version_name, 0)
- if _ssl_version == 0:
- continue
- _sock = socket.create_connection((_server.host, _server.port))
- try:
- _sock = ssl_.ssl_wrap_socket(
- _sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE, ssl_version=_ssl_version
- )
- except ssl.SSLError:
- pass
- else:
- tls_versions.add(_sock.version())
- _sock.close()
- _server._stop_server()
- return tls_versions
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def requires_tlsv1(supported_tls_versions: AbstractSet[str]) -> None:
- """Test requires TLSv1 available"""
- if not hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1") or "TLSv1" not in supported_tls_versions:
- pytest.skip("Test requires TLSv1")
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def requires_tlsv1_1(supported_tls_versions: AbstractSet[str]) -> None:
- """Test requires TLSv1.1 available"""
- if not hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1") or "TLSv1.1" not in supported_tls_versions:
- pytest.skip("Test requires TLSv1.1")
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def requires_tlsv1_2(supported_tls_versions: AbstractSet[str]) -> None:
- """Test requires TLSv1.2 available"""
- if not hasattr(ssl, "PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2") or "TLSv1.2" not in supported_tls_versions:
- pytest.skip("Test requires TLSv1.2")
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def requires_tlsv1_3(supported_tls_versions: AbstractSet[str]) -> None:
- """Test requires TLSv1.3 available"""
- if (
- not getattr(ssl, "HAS_TLSv1_3", False)
- or "TLSv1.3" not in supported_tls_versions
- ):
- pytest.skip("Test requires TLSv1.3")