Scala | 41 lines | 34 code | 7 blank | 0 comment | 1 complexity | d48bf306281c8778b8403c83d95cb7ff MD5 | raw file
- package travel
- import loader.ContentItem
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
- import xml.{NodeSeq, Unparsed}
- object KmlGenerator {
- def kml = {
- println("generating real kml!!!")
- <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
- <Document>
- <name>Guardian Travel Content</name>
- <description>The Guardian's GeoTagged Travel Content</description>
- {
- for {
- c <- ContentItem.find(MongoDBObject())
- lat <- c.lat
- long <- c.long
- } yield {
- <Placemark>
- <name>{c.webTitle}</name>
- <description>
- { img(c.thumbnail) + c.trailText.getOrElse("") + link(c.url)}
- </description>
- <Point>
- <coordinates>{long},{lat},0</coordinates>
- </Point>
- </Placemark>
- }
- }
- </Document>
- </kml>
- }
- def link(url: String) = (<p><a href={url}>See the whole article on the Guardian.</a></p>).toString()
- def img(thumbnail: Option[String]) = thumbnail.map(t=> <p><img src={t} width="140" height="84" /></p>.toString()) getOrElse ""
- }