https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email · Java · 490 lines · 339 code · 63 blank · 88 comment · 57 complexity · 6c357bfea5436372ff65fb9b6fd82aa6 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.android.email.activity.setup;
- import android.app.Activity;
- import android.content.Context;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.net.Uri;
- import android.os.Bundle;
- import android.os.RemoteException;
- import android.text.Editable;
- import android.text.TextWatcher;
- import android.util.Log;
- import android.view.LayoutInflater;
- import android.view.View;
- import android.view.ViewGroup;
- import android.widget.CheckBox;
- import android.widget.CompoundButton;
- import android.widget.CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener;
- import android.widget.EditText;
- import android.widget.TextView;
- import com.android.email.Email;
- import com.android.email.R;
- import com.android.email.activity.UiUtilities;
- import com.android.email.provider.AccountBackupRestore;
- import com.android.email.service.EmailServiceUtils;
- import com.android.email.view.CertificateSelector;
- import com.android.email.view.CertificateSelector.HostCallback;
- import com.android.emailcommon.Device;
- import com.android.emailcommon.Logging;
- import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account;
- import com.android.emailcommon.provider.HostAuth;
- import com.android.emailcommon.utility.CertificateRequestor;
- import com.android.emailcommon.utility.Utility;
- import java.io.IOException;
- /**
- * Provides generic setup for Exchange accounts.
- *
- * This fragment is used by AccountSetupExchange (for creating accounts) and by AccountSettingsXL
- * (for editing existing accounts).
- */
- public class AccountSetupExchangeFragment extends AccountServerBaseFragment
- implements OnCheckedChangeListener, HostCallback {
- private static final int CERTIFICATE_REQUEST = 0;
- private final static String STATE_KEY_CREDENTIAL = "AccountSetupExchangeFragment.credential";
- private final static String STATE_KEY_LOADED = "AccountSetupExchangeFragment.loaded";
- private static final int PORT_SSL = 443;
- private static final int PORT_NORMAL = 80;
- private EditText mUsernameView;
- private EditText mPasswordView;
- private EditText mServerView;
- private EditText mPortView;
- private CheckBox mSslSecurityView;
- private CheckBox mTrustCertificatesView;
- private CertificateSelector mClientCertificateSelector;
- // Support for lifecycle
- private boolean mStarted;
- /* package */ boolean mLoaded;
- private String mCacheLoginCredential;
- /**
- * Called to do initial creation of a fragment. This is called after
- * {@link #onAttach(Activity)} and before {@link #onActivityCreated(Bundle)}.
- */
- @Override
- public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onCreate");
- }
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- if (savedInstanceState != null) {
- mCacheLoginCredential = savedInstanceState.getString(STATE_KEY_CREDENTIAL);
- mLoaded = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(STATE_KEY_LOADED, false);
- }
- mBaseScheme = HostAuth.SCHEME_EAS;
- }
- @Override
- public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
- Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onCreateView");
- }
- int layoutId = mSettingsMode
- ? R.layout.account_settings_exchange_fragment
- : R.layout.account_setup_exchange_fragment;
- View view = inflater.inflate(layoutId, container, false);
- final Context context = getActivity();
- mUsernameView = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_username);
- mPasswordView = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_password);
- mServerView = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_server);
- mPortView = (EditText) UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_port);
- mSslSecurityView = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_ssl);
- mSslSecurityView.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this);
- mTrustCertificatesView = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.account_trust_certificates);
- mClientCertificateSelector = UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.client_certificate_selector);
- // Calls validateFields() which enables or disables the Next button
- // based on the fields' validity.
- TextWatcher validationTextWatcher = new TextWatcher() {
- @Override
- public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
- validateFields();
- }
- @Override
- public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { }
- @Override
- public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { }
- };
- // We're editing an existing account; don't allow modification of the user name
- if (mSettingsMode) {
- makeTextViewUneditable(mUsernameView,
- getString(R.string.account_setup_username_uneditable_error));
- }
- mUsernameView.addTextChangedListener(validationTextWatcher);
- mPasswordView.addTextChangedListener(validationTextWatcher);
- mServerView.addTextChangedListener(validationTextWatcher);
- mPortView.addTextChangedListener(validationTextWatcher);
- EditText lastView = mServerView;
- lastView.setOnEditorActionListener(mDismissImeOnDoneListener);
- String deviceId = "";
- try {
- deviceId = Device.getDeviceId(context);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // Not required
- }
- ((TextView) UiUtilities.getView(view, R.id.device_id)).setText(deviceId);
- // Additional setup only used while in "settings" mode
- onCreateViewSettingsMode(view);
- return view;
- }
- @Override
- public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onActivityCreated");
- }
- super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState);
- mClientCertificateSelector.setHostActivity(this);
- }
- /**
- * Called when the Fragment is visible to the user.
- */
- @Override
- public void onStart() {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onStart");
- }
- super.onStart();
- mStarted = true;
- loadSettings(SetupData.getAccount());
- }
- /**
- * Called when the fragment is visible to the user and actively running.
- */
- @Override
- public void onResume() {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onResume");
- }
- super.onResume();
- validateFields();
- }
- @Override
- public void onPause() {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onPause");
- }
- super.onPause();
- }
- /**
- * Called when the Fragment is no longer started.
- */
- @Override
- public void onStop() {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onStop");
- }
- super.onStop();
- mStarted = false;
- }
- /**
- * Called when the fragment is no longer in use.
- */
- @Override
- public void onDestroy() {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onDestroy");
- }
- super.onDestroy();
- }
- @Override
- public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
- if (Logging.DEBUG_LIFECYCLE && Email.DEBUG) {
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "AccountSetupExchangeFragment onSaveInstanceState");
- }
- super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);
- outState.putString(STATE_KEY_CREDENTIAL, mCacheLoginCredential);
- outState.putBoolean(STATE_KEY_LOADED, mLoaded);
- }
- /**
- * Activity provides callbacks here. This also triggers loading and setting up the UX
- */
- @Override
- public void setCallback(Callback callback) {
- super.setCallback(callback);
- if (mStarted) {
- loadSettings(SetupData.getAccount());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Force the given account settings to be loaded using {@link #loadSettings(Account)}.
- *
- * @return true if the loaded values pass validation
- */
- private boolean forceLoadSettings(Account account) {
- mLoaded = false;
- return loadSettings(account);
- }
- private int getPortFromSecurityType() {
- boolean useSsl = mSslSecurityView.isChecked();
- int port = useSsl ? PORT_SSL : PORT_NORMAL;
- return port;
- }
- private void updatePortFromSecurityType() {
- int port = getPortFromSecurityType();
- mPortView.setText(Integer.toString(port));
- }
- /**
- * Load the given account settings into the UI and then ensure the settings are valid.
- * As an optimization, if the settings have already been loaded, the UI will not be
- * updated, but, the account fields will still be validated.
- *
- * @return true if the loaded values pass validation
- */
- /*package*/ boolean loadSettings(Account account) {
- if (mLoaded) return validateFields();
- HostAuth hostAuth = account.mHostAuthRecv;
- String userName = hostAuth.mLogin;
- if (userName != null) {
- // Add a backslash to the start of the username, but only if the username has no
- // backslash in it.
- if (userName.indexOf('\\') < 0) {
- userName = "\\" + userName;
- }
- mUsernameView.setText(userName);
- }
- if (hostAuth.mPassword != null) {
- mPasswordView.setText(hostAuth.mPassword);
- // Since username is uneditable, focus on the next editable field
- if (mSettingsMode) {
- mPasswordView.requestFocus();
- }
- }
- String protocol = hostAuth.mProtocol;
- if (protocol == null || !protocol.startsWith("eas")) {
- throw new Error("Unknown account type: " + protocol);
- }
- if (hostAuth.mAddress != null) {
- mServerView.setText(hostAuth.mAddress);
- }
- boolean ssl = 0 != (hostAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_SSL);
- boolean trustCertificates = 0 != (hostAuth.mFlags & HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL);
- mSslSecurityView.setChecked(ssl);
- mTrustCertificatesView.setChecked(trustCertificates);
- if (hostAuth.mClientCertAlias != null) {
- mClientCertificateSelector.setCertificate(hostAuth.mClientCertAlias);
- }
- onUseSslChanged(ssl);
- int port = hostAuth.mPort;
- if (port != HostAuth.PORT_UNKNOWN) {
- mPortView.setText(Integer.toString(port));
- } else {
- updatePortFromSecurityType();
- }
- mLoadedRecvAuth = hostAuth;
- mLoaded = true;
- return validateFields();
- }
- private boolean usernameFieldValid(EditText usernameView) {
- return Utility.isTextViewNotEmpty(usernameView) &&
- !usernameView.getText().toString().equals("\\");
- }
- /**
- * Check the values in the fields and decide if it makes sense to enable the "next" button
- * @return true if all fields are valid, false if any fields are incomplete
- */
- private boolean validateFields() {
- if (!mLoaded) return false;
- boolean enabled = usernameFieldValid(mUsernameView)
- && Utility.isTextViewNotEmpty(mPasswordView)
- && Utility.isServerNameValid(mServerView);
- enableNextButton(enabled);
- // Warn (but don't prevent) if password has leading/trailing spaces
- AccountSettingsUtils.checkPasswordSpaces(mContext, mPasswordView);
- return enabled;
- }
- @Override
- public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
- if (buttonView.getId() == R.id.account_ssl) {
- onUseSslChanged(isChecked);
- }
- }
- public void onUseSslChanged(boolean useSsl) {
- int mode = useSsl ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE;
- mTrustCertificatesView.setVisibility(mode);
- UiUtilities.setVisibilitySafe(getView(), R.id.account_trust_certificates_divider, mode);
- mClientCertificateSelector.setVisibility(mode);
- UiUtilities.setVisibilitySafe(getView(), R.id.client_certificate_divider, mode);
- }
- @Override
- public void onCheckSettingsComplete(final int result) {
- if (result == AccountCheckSettingsFragment.CHECK_SETTINGS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_NEEDED) {
- mSslSecurityView.setChecked(true);
- onCertificateRequested();
- return;
- }
- super.onCheckSettingsComplete(result);
- }
- /**
- * Entry point from Activity after editing settings and verifying them. Must be FLOW_MODE_EDIT.
- * Blocking - do not call from UI Thread.
- */
- @Override
- public void saveSettingsAfterEdit() {
- Account account = SetupData.getAccount();
- account.mHostAuthRecv.update(mContext, account.mHostAuthRecv.toContentValues());
- account.mHostAuthSend.update(mContext, account.mHostAuthSend.toContentValues());
- // For EAS, notify ExchangeService that the password has changed
- try {
- EmailServiceUtils.getExchangeService(mContext, null).hostChanged(account.mId);
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // Nothing to be done if this fails
- }
- // Update the backup (side copy) of the accounts
- AccountBackupRestore.backup(mContext);
- }
- /**
- * Entry point from Activity after entering new settings and verifying them. For setup mode.
- */
- @Override
- public void saveSettingsAfterSetup() {
- }
- /**
- * Entry point from Activity after entering new settings and verifying them. For setup mode.
- */
- public boolean setHostAuthFromAutodiscover(HostAuth newHostAuth) {
- Account account = SetupData.getAccount();
- account.mHostAuthSend = newHostAuth;
- account.mHostAuthRecv = newHostAuth;
- // Auto discovery may have changed the auth settings; force load them
- return forceLoadSettings(account);
- }
- /**
- * Implements AccountCheckSettingsFragment.Callbacks
- */
- @Override
- public void onAutoDiscoverComplete(int result, HostAuth hostAuth) {
- AccountSetupExchange activity = (AccountSetupExchange) getActivity();
- activity.onAutoDiscoverComplete(result, hostAuth);
- }
- /**
- * Entry point from Activity, when "next" button is clicked
- */
- @Override
- public void onNext() {
- Account account = SetupData.getAccount();
- String userName = mUsernameView.getText().toString().trim();
- if (userName.startsWith("\\")) {
- userName = userName.substring(1);
- }
- mCacheLoginCredential = userName;
- String userPassword = mPasswordView.getText().toString();
- int flags = 0;
- if (mSslSecurityView.isChecked()) {
- flags |= HostAuth.FLAG_SSL;
- }
- if (mTrustCertificatesView.isChecked()) {
- flags |= HostAuth.FLAG_TRUST_ALL;
- }
- String certAlias = mClientCertificateSelector.getCertificate();
- String serverAddress = mServerView.getText().toString().trim();
- String portText = mPortView.getText().toString().trim();
- int port;
- try {
- port = Integer.parseInt(portText);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- // Worst case, do something sensible
- port = mSslSecurityView.isChecked() ? 443 : 80;
- Log.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Non-integer server port; using '" + port + "'");
- }
- HostAuth sendAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthSend(mContext);
- sendAuth.setLogin(userName, userPassword);
- sendAuth.setConnection(mBaseScheme, serverAddress, port, flags, certAlias);
- sendAuth.mDomain = null;
- HostAuth recvAuth = account.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(mContext);
- recvAuth.setLogin(userName, userPassword);
- recvAuth.setConnection(mBaseScheme, serverAddress, port, flags, certAlias);
- recvAuth.mDomain = null;
- // Check for a duplicate account (requires async DB work) and if OK, proceed with check
- startDuplicateTaskCheck(account.mId, serverAddress, mCacheLoginCredential,
- }
- @Override
- public void onCertificateRequested() {
- Intent intent = new Intent(CertificateRequestor.ACTION_REQUEST_CERT);
- intent.setData(Uri.parse("eas://com.android.emailcommon/certrequest"));
- startActivityForResult(intent, CERTIFICATE_REQUEST);
- }
- @Override
- public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
- if (requestCode == CERTIFICATE_REQUEST && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
- String certAlias = data.getStringExtra(CertificateRequestor.RESULT_ALIAS);
- if (certAlias != null) {
- mClientCertificateSelector.setCertificate(certAlias);
- }
- }
- }
- }