https://bitbucket.org/camcory/android_packages_apps_email · Java · 253 lines · 175 code · 33 blank · 45 comment · 4 complexity · 5fd6c743b731a29b5edb3756fbc16c53 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- package com.android.email.activity;
- import android.content.ContentValues;
- import android.content.Context;
- import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
- import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
- import com.android.email.Controller;
- import com.android.email.DBTestHelper;
- import com.android.email.MockClock;
- import com.android.email.provider.ContentCache;
- import com.android.email.provider.ProviderTestUtils;
- import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MailboxColumns;
- import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.Set;
- /**
- * Tests for the recent mailbox manager.
- *
- * You can run this entire test case with:
- * runtest -c com.android.email.activity.RecentMailboxManagerTest email
- */
- @MediumTest
- public class RecentMailboxManagerTest extends AndroidTestCase {
- private Context mMockContext;
- private MockClock mMockClock;
- private RecentMailboxManager mManager;
- private Mailbox[] mMailboxArray;
- public RecentMailboxManagerTest() {
- }
- @Override
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- super.setUp();
- mMockContext = DBTestHelper.ProviderContextSetupHelper.getProviderContext(
- getContext());
- mMockClock = new MockClock();
- RecentMailboxManager.sClock = mMockClock;
- mManager = RecentMailboxManager.getInstance(mMockContext);
- Controller.getInstance(mMockContext).setProviderContext(mMockContext);
- mMailboxArray = new Mailbox[] {
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("inbox", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("drafts", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("outbox", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("sent", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_SENT),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("trash", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("junk", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_JUNK),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("abbott", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("costello", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("bud_lou", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("laurel", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL),
- ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox("hardy", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL)
- };
- // Invalidate all caches, since we reset the database for each test
- ContentCache.invalidateAllCaches();
- }
- @Override
- protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
- RecentMailboxManager.sInstance = null;
- super.tearDown();
- }
- public void testTouch() throws Exception {
- Set<Integer> defaultRecents = new HashSet<Integer>() {{
- for (int type : RecentMailboxManager.DEFAULT_RECENT_TYPES) {
- add(type);
- }
- }};
- // Ensure all accounts can be touched
- for (Mailbox mailbox : mMailboxArray) {
- // Safety ... default touch time
- Mailbox untouchedMailbox = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mMockContext, mailbox.mId);
- if (!defaultRecents.contains(mailbox.mType)) {
- assertEquals(0L, untouchedMailbox.mLastTouchedTime);
- }
- // Touch the mailbox
- mManager.touch(1L, mailbox.mId).get();
- // Touch time is actually set
- Mailbox touchedMailbox = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mMockContext, mailbox.mId);
- assertEquals(mMockClock.getTime(), touchedMailbox.mLastTouchedTime);
- mMockClock.advance(1000L);
- }
- // Now ensure touching one didn't affect the others
- long touchTime = MockClock.DEFAULT_TIME;
- for (Mailbox mailbox : mMailboxArray) {
- // Touch time is actually set
- Mailbox touchedMailbox = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mMockContext, mailbox.mId);
- assertEquals(touchTime, touchedMailbox.mLastTouchedTime);
- touchTime += 1000L;
- }
- }
- /** Test default list */
- public void testGetMostRecent01() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- // test default list
- // With exclusions
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertEquals("w/ exclusions", 0, testList.size());
- // Without exclusions -- we'll get "default" list.
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertEquals("w/o exclusions", 2, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[1].mId, (long) testList.get(0)); // Drafts
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[3].mId, (long) testList.get(1)); // Sent
- }
- /** Test recent list not full */
- public void testGetMostRecent02() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- // need to wait for the last one to ensure getMostRecent() has something to work on
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[7].mId).get(); // costello
- // test recent list not full, so is padded with default mailboxes
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertEquals(3, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[7].mId, (long) testList.get(0)); // costello
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[1].mId, (long) testList.get(1)); // Drafts
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[3].mId, (long) testList.get(2)); // Sent
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertEquals(1, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[7].mId, (long) testList.get(0));
- }
- /** Test full recent list */
- public void testGetMostRecent03() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- // touch some more mailboxes
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[3].mId); // sent
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[4].mId); // trash
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[2].mId); // outbox
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[8].mId); // bud_lou
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[7].mId); // costello
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[9].mId).get(); // laurel
- // test full recent list
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertEquals(5, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[8].mId, (long) testList.get(0)); // bud_lou
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[7].mId, (long) testList.get(1)); // costello
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[9].mId, (long) testList.get(2)); // laurel
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[2].mId, (long) testList.get(3)); // outbox
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[4].mId, (long) testList.get(4)); // trash
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertEquals(3, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[8].mId, (long) testList.get(0));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[7].mId, (long) testList.get(1));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[9].mId, (long) testList.get(2));
- }
- /** Test limit for system mailboxes */
- public void testGetMostRecent04() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[0].mId); // inbox
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[1].mId); // drafts
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[2].mId); // outbox
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[3].mId); // sent
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[4].mId).get(); // trash
- // nothing but system mailboxes, but inbox is never included
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertEquals(4, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[1].mId, (long) testList.get(0));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[2].mId, (long) testList.get(1));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[3].mId, (long) testList.get(2));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[4].mId, (long) testList.get(3));
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertEquals(0, testList.size());
- }
- /** Test limit for user mailboxes */
- public void testGetMostRecent05() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- // test limit for the filtered list
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[6].mId); // abbott
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[7].mId); // costello
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[8].mId); // bud_lou
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[9].mId); // laurel
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[10].mId); // hardy
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[1].mId); // drafts
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[2].mId); // outbox
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[3].mId); // sent
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[4].mId); // trash
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, mMailboxArray[5].mId).get(); // junk
- // nothing but user mailboxes
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertEquals(5, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[1].mId, (long) testList.get(0));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[5].mId, (long) testList.get(1));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[2].mId, (long) testList.get(2));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[3].mId, (long) testList.get(3));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[4].mId, (long) testList.get(4));
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertEquals(5, testList.size());
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[6].mId, (long) testList.get(0));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[8].mId, (long) testList.get(1));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[7].mId, (long) testList.get(2));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[10].mId, (long) testList.get(3));
- assertEquals(mMailboxArray[9].mId, (long) testList.get(4));
- }
- public void testDoesNotIncludeExtraMailboxes() throws Exception {
- ArrayList<Long> testList;
- // The search mailbox should not be visible.
- Mailbox searchMailbox = ProviderTestUtils.setupMailbox(
- "search", 1L, true, mMockContext, Mailbox.TYPE_SEARCH);
- ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
- cv.put(MailboxColumns.FLAG_VISIBLE, false);
- searchMailbox.mFlagVisible = false;
- searchMailbox.update(mMockContext, cv);
- mMockClock.advance(1000L); mManager.touch(1L, searchMailbox.mId).get();
- // Ensure search mailbox isn't returned
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, false);
- assertFalse(testList.contains(searchMailbox.mId));
- testList = mManager.getMostRecent(1L, true);
- assertFalse(testList.contains(searchMailbox.mId));
- }
- }