ActionScript | 628 lines | 459 code | 112 blank | 57 comment | 52 complexity | 6d41adfc6a86f93f6f995f7d7f7b653c MD5 | raw file
- package com.codeazur.as3redis
- {
- import com.codeazur.as3redis.commands.*;
- import com.codeazur.as3redis.events.RedisMonitorDataEvent;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
- import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
- import flash.net.Socket;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.getTimer;
- public class Redis extends EventDispatcher
- {
- protected var socket:Socket;
- protected var idleQueue:Vector.<RedisCommand>;
- protected var activeQueue:Vector.<RedisCommand>;
- protected var buffer:ByteArray;
- protected var active:Boolean = false;
- protected var connecting:Boolean = false;
- protected var connectResultHandler:Function;
- protected var enterFrameProvider:Sprite;
- protected var _host:String;
- protected var _port:int;
- protected var _password:String;
- protected var _immediateSend:Boolean = true;
- public function Redis(host:String = "", port:int = 6379)
- {
- _host = host;
- _port = port;
- idleQueue = new Vector.<RedisCommand>();
- activeQueue = new Vector.<RedisCommand>();
- buffer = new ByteArray();
- enterFrameProvider = new Sprite();
- socket = new Socket();
- socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, connectHandler);
- socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, dataHandler);
- socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorHandler);
- socket.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, errorHandler);
- }
- public function get password():String { return _password; }
- public function set password(value:String):void { _password = value; }
- public function get immediateSend():Boolean { return _immediateSend; }
- public function set immediateSend(value:Boolean):void { _immediateSend = value; }
- public function get connected():Boolean { return socket.connected; }
- public function connect(host:String = "", port:int = 6379):void {
- connectInternal(host, port);
- }
- public function flush():void {
- executeIdleCommands();
- }
- // Connection handling
- public function sendQUIT():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new QUIT());
- }
- public function sendAUTH(password:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new AUTH(password));
- }
- // Commands operating on string values
- public function sendSET(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SET(key, value));
- }
- public function sendGET(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new GET(key));
- }
- public function sendGETSET(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new GETSET(key, value));
- }
- public function sendMGET(keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new MGET(keys));
- }
- public function sendSETNX(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SETNX(key, value));
- }
- public function sendINCR(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new INCR(key));
- }
- public function sendINCRBY(key:String, value:uint):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new INCRBY(key, value));
- }
- public function sendDECR(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new DECR(key));
- }
- public function sendDECRBY(key:String, value:uint):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new DECRBY(key, value));
- }
- public function sendEXISTS(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new EXISTS(key));
- }
- public function sendDEL(keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new DEL(keys));
- }
- public function sendTYPE(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new TYPE(key));
- }
- // Commands operating on the key space
- public function sendKEYS(pattern:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new KEYS(pattern));
- }
- public function sendRANDOMKEY():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RANDOMKEY());
- }
- public function sendRENAME(oldKey:String, newKey:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RENAME(oldKey, newKey));
- }
- public function sendRENAMENX(oldKey:String, newKey:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RENAMENX(oldKey, newKey));
- }
- public function sendDBSIZE():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new DBSIZE());
- }
- public function sendEXPIRE(key:String, seconds:uint):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new EXPIRE(key, seconds));
- }
- public function sendTTL(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new TTL(key));
- }
- // Version 1.1
- public function sendMSET(keys:Array, values:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new MSET(keys, values));
- }
- // Version 1.1
- public function sendMSETNX(keys:Array, values:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new MSETNX(keys, values));
- }
- // Commands operating on lists
- public function sendRPUSH(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RPUSH(key, value));
- }
- public function sendLPUSH(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LPUSH(key, value));
- }
- public function sendLLEN(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LLEN(key));
- }
- public function sendLRANGE(key:String, startIndex:int, endIndex:int):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LRANGE(key, startIndex, endIndex));
- }
- public function sendLTRIM(key:String, startIndex:int, endIndex:int):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LTRIM(key, startIndex, endIndex));
- }
- public function sendLINDEX(key:String, index:int):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LINDEX(key, index));
- }
- public function sendLSET(key:String, index:int, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LSET(key, index, value));
- }
- public function sendLREM(key:String, count:int, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LREM(key, count, value));
- }
- public function sendLPOP(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LPOP(key));
- }
- public function sendRPOP(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RPOP(key));
- }
- // Version 1.1
- public function sendRPOPLPUSH(sourceKey:String, destinationKey:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new RPOPLPUSH(sourceKey, destinationKey));
- }
- // Commands operating on sets
- public function sendSADD(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SADD(key, value));
- }
- public function sendSREM(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SREM(key, value));
- }
- public function sendSPOP(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SPOP(key));
- }
- public function sendSMOVE(sourceKey:String, destinationKey:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SMOVE(sourceKey, destinationKey, value));
- }
- public function sendSCARD(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SCARD(key));
- }
- public function sendSISMEMBER(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SISMEMBER(key, value));
- }
- public function sendSINTER(keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SINTER(keys));
- }
- public function sendSINTERSTORE(destinationKey:String, keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SINTERSTORE(destinationKey, keys));
- }
- public function sendSUNION(keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SUNION(keys));
- }
- public function sendSUNIONSTORE(destinationKey:String, keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SUNIONSTORE(destinationKey, keys));
- }
- public function sendSDIFF(keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SDIFF(keys));
- }
- public function sendSDIFFSTORE(destinationKey:String, keys:Array):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SDIFFSTORE(destinationKey, keys));
- }
- public function sendSMEMBERS(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SMEMBERS(key));
- }
- // Version 1.1
- public function sendSRANDMEMBER(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SRANDMEMBER(key));
- }
- // Version 1.1
- // Commands operating on sorted sets (zsets)
- public function sendZADD(key:String, score:Number, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZADD(key, score, value));
- }
- public function sendZREM(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZREM(key, value));
- }
- public function sendZRANGE(key:String, startIndex:int, endIndex:int):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZRANGE(key, startIndex, endIndex));
- }
- public function sendZREVRANGE(key:String, startIndex:int, endIndex:int):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZREVRANGE(key, startIndex, endIndex));
- }
- public function sendZRANGEBYSCORE(key:String, minScore:Number, maxScore:Number):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZRANGEBYSCORE(key, minScore, maxScore));
- }
- public function sendZCARD(key:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZCARD(key));
- }
- public function sendZSCORE(key:String, value:*):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ZSCORE(key, value));
- }
- // Multiple databases handling commands
- public function sendSELECT(dbIndex:uint):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SELECT(dbIndex));
- }
- public function sendMOVE(key:String, dbIndex:uint):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new MOVE(key, dbIndex));
- }
- public function sendFLUSHDB():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new FLUSHDB());
- }
- public function sendFLUSHALL():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new FLUSHALL());
- }
- // Sorting
- public function sendSORT(key:String, limitMin:int = -1, limitMax:int = -1, desc:Boolean = false, alpha:Boolean = false, byPattern:String = null, getPatterns:Array = null):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SORT(key, limitMin, limitMax, desc, alpha, byPattern, getPatterns));
- }
- // Persistence control commands
- public function sendSAVE():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SAVE());
- }
- public function sendBGSAVE():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new BGSAVE());
- }
- public function sendLASTSAVE():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new LASTSAVE());
- }
- public function sendSHUTDOWN():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SHUTDOWN());
- }
- // Remote server control commands
- public function sendINFO():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new INFO());
- }
- public function sendMONITOR():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new MONITOR());
- }
- public function sendSLAVEOF(host:String = null, port:int = -1):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new SLAVEOF(host, port));
- }
- // Misc commands (undocumented)
- public function sendPING():RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new PING());
- }
- public function sendECHO(text:String):RedisCommand {
- return addCommand(new ECHO(text));
- }
- protected function addCommand(command:RedisCommand):RedisCommand {
- idleQueue.push(command);
- executeIdleCommands();
- return command;
- }
- protected function executeIdleCommands():void {
- if (!active) {
- if (!connected) {
- if (!connecting) {
- connectInternal(_host, _port, executeIdleCommands);
- }
- } else {
- enterFrameProvider.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, executeIdleCommandsRunner);
- active = true;
- }
- }
- }
- protected function executeIdleCommandsRunner(event:Event):void {
- var startTime:Number = getTimer();
- var command:RedisCommand;
- while(idleQueue.length > 0) {
- if(getTimer() - startTime < 20) {
- command = idleQueue.shift();
- command.send(socket);
- activeQueue.push(command);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- socket.flush();
- if(idleQueue.length == 0) {
- enterFrameProvider.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, executeIdleCommandsRunner);
- active = false;
- }
- }
- protected function connectInternal(host:String, port:int, resultHandler:Function = null):void {
- _host = host;
- _port = port;
- connecting = true;
- connectResultHandler = resultHandler;
- socket.connect(host, port);
- }
- protected function connectHandler(e:Event):void {
- connecting = false;
- // Redispatch the event
- dispatchEvent(e.clone());
- // Authentication
- if (_password) {
- // A password is set, so we have to send the AUTH command first
- idleQueue.splice(0, 0, new AUTH(_password));
- }
- if (connectResultHandler != null) {
- connectResultHandler();
- }
- }
- protected function errorHandler(e:Event):void {
- // Redispatch the event
- dispatchEvent(e.clone());
- }
- protected function dataHandler(e:ProgressEvent):void {
- // Read all available bytes from the socket and append them to the buffer
- socket.readBytes(buffer, buffer.length, socket.bytesAvailable);
- // Parse buffer from the start
- buffer.position = 0;
- var commandProcessed:Boolean = true;
- while (commandProcessed && buffer.length - buffer.position >= 3) {
- var pos:uint = buffer.position;
- // Find the next CR/LF pair starting from the current position
- var i:int = findCRLF(buffer, buffer.position);
- if (i > 0) {
- // We found a CR/LF, and there is data available to parse
- // Find the first active command in the queue
- var command:RedisCommand = activeQueue.shift();
- if (command != null) {
- var len:int;
- // The first byte of a redis response is always the type indicator
- var type:String = String.fromCharCode(buffer.readUnsignedByte());
- // Followed by the rest, which is interpreted as a string
- var head:String = buffer.readUTFBytes(i - buffer.position);
- // Followed by the CR/LF we found above
- buffer.position += 2; // skip crlf
- // So let's see what we're dealing with:
- switch(type) {
- case "-":
- // This is an error message
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_ERROR);
- command.setResponseMessage(head);
- command.fault();
- break;
- case "+":
- // This is a single line reply
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_STRING);
- command.setResponseMessage(head);
- command.result();
- break;
- case ":":
- // This is an integer number
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_INTEGER);
- command.setResponseMessage(head);
- command.result();
- break;
- case "$":
- // This is bulk data
- // Get the size of the data block
- command.removeAllBulkResponses();
- len = parseInt(head);
- if (len >= 0) {
- // Check if the entire data block is loaded already
- if (buffer.length - buffer.position - len - 2 >= 0) {
- // Yes it is, so parse and save it
- command.addBulkResponse(parseBulk(len));
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_BULK);
- command.result();
- } else {
- // No, we need to wait for more data
- // Set the position back to the beginning of the current response
- buffer.position = pos;
- commandProcessed = false;
- }
- } else {
- // Length can be -1 (no data available, non-existant key etc)
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_BULK);
- command.setResponseMessage(head);
- command.result();
- }
- break;
- case "*":
- // This is multi bulk data
- command.removeAllBulkResponses();
- var count:int = parseInt(head);
- if(count > 0) {
- for (var j:uint = 0; j < count; j++) {
- var nextcrlf:int = findCRLF(buffer, buffer.position);
- if (nextcrlf >= 0) {
- if (nextcrlf - buffer.position > 1) {
- // The first byte of a redis response is always the type indicator
- type = String.fromCharCode(buffer.readUnsignedByte());
- // Followed by the rest, which is interpreted as a string
- head = buffer.readUTFBytes(nextcrlf - buffer.position);
- // Followed the CR/LF we found above
- buffer.position += 2; // skip crlf
- // Response type must be bulk data
- if (type == "$") {
- len = parseInt(head);
- if (len >= 0) {
- // Check if the entire data block is loaded already
- if (buffer.length - buffer.position - len - 2 >= 0) {
- // Yes it is, so parse and save it
- command.addBulkResponse(parseBulk(len));
- } else {
- // No, we need to wait for more data
- // Set the position back to the beginning of the current response
- buffer.position = pos;
- commandProcessed = false;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- // Length can be -1 (no data available, non-existant key etc)
- command.addBulkResponse(null);
- }
- } else {
- throw(new Error("Illegal header type '" + type + "'."));
- }
- } else {
- throw(new Error("Empty header."));
- }
- } else {
- buffer.position = pos;
- commandProcessed = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (commandProcessed) {
- command.setResponseType(RedisCommand.RESPONSE_TYPE_BULK_MULTI);
- command.result();
- }
- break;
- default:
- if(command is MONITOR) {
- var event:RedisMonitorDataEvent = new RedisMonitorDataEvent(
- RedisMonitorDataEvent.MONITOR_DATA,
- type + head
- );
- dispatchEvent(event);
- } else {
- throw(new Error("Illegal header type '" + type + "'."));
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!commandProcessed || (command is MONITOR)) {
- // add command back to queue
- activeQueue.splice(0, 0, command);
- }
- } else {
- throw(new Error("No active commands found."));
- }
- } else if (i == 0) {
- throw(new Error("Empty header."));
- }
- }
- // Truncate the buffer, cut off the bytes we processed
- if (buffer.position < buffer.length) {
- var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
- ba.writeBytes(buffer, buffer.position, buffer.length - buffer.position);
- buffer = ba;
- } else {
- // The whole buffer has been processed
- buffer.length = 0;
- }
- }
- protected function parseBulk(len:int):ByteArray {
- // Process the bulk data body
- var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
- // Copy [len] bytes
- if (len > 0) {
- buffer.readBytes(ba, 0, len);
- ba.position = 0;
- }
- // The data should be immediately followed by CR/LF
- var idx:int = findCRLF(buffer, buffer.position);
- if (idx >= 0) {
- if (idx > buffer.position) {
- // There's extra data, [len] bytes are not immediately followed by CR/LF
- trace("Warning: skipped " + (idx - buffer.position) + " bytes after bulk data");
- }
- // Skip to after CR/LF (start of next reply)
- buffer.position = idx + 2;
- }
- return ba;
- }
- protected function findCRLF(ba:ByteArray, startAtIndex:uint = 0):int {
- for (var i:uint = startAtIndex; i < ba.length - 1; i++) {
- if (ba[i] == 0x0d && ba[i + 1] == 0x0a) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }