PHP | 253 lines | 144 code | 26 blank | 83 comment | 42 complexity | 0db6db5b971fc880dd2d6f865d125291 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * Kaltura video client
- * @package ElggKalturaVideo
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GNU Public License version 3
- * @author Ivan Vergés <ivan@microstudi.net>
- * @copyright Ivan Vergés 2010
- * @link http://microstudi.net/elgg/
- **/
- require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/kaltura/api_client/includes.php");
- if(!elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) die('');
- $page = intval(get_input('page',0));
- $load_text = elgg_echo('kalturavideo:recreate:initiating');
- $total = 1;
- $page_size = 10;
- $continue = $page + 1;
- //0 does nothing
- if($page > 0) {
- try {
- //open the kaltura list
- $kmodel = KalturaModel::getInstance();
- //we only work with mixing entries
- $results = $kmodel->listMixEntries($page_size, $page);
- $total = $results->totalCount;
- $ok_guids = array();
- if(count($results->objects)>0) {
- foreach($results->objects as $result) {
- /*
- A object is:
- *
- [hasRealThumbnail] =>
- [editorType] => 1
- [dataContent] => all this data in a xml text
- [plays] =>
- [views] =>
- [width] =>
- [height] =>
- [duration] => 4
- [id] => entryId
- [name] => New Elgg Video
- [description] =>
- [partnerId] => partner_id
- [userId] => Elgg_user
- [tags] =>
- [adminTags] =>
- [status] => 2
- [type] => 2
- [createdAt] => 1254667488 timestamp
- [rank] => 0
- [totalRank] =>
- [votes] =>
- [groupId] =>
- [partnerData] =>
- [downloadUrl] =>
- [searchText] =>
- [licenseType] => -1
- [version] => 100001
- [thumbnailUrl] => entry thumbnail url
- * */
- //process object
- $body = 'FOUND: <img src="'.$result->thumbnailUrl.'" style="height:20px;vertical-align:middle;" /> '.$result->id.' ('.$result->name.')';
- /**
- * @fixme This is apparently supposed to find only the videos of current user.
- * Not working though. The username is not stored like this in Kaltura Server.
- */
- // Remove username prefix
- //$user = preg_replace("/$prefix/", '', $result->userId);
- // Remove underscores
- //$user = preg_replace("/_/", '', $user);
- $user = 'admin';
- // This is not working
- //$user = substr($result->userId,strlen($prefix));
- $groupid = 0;
- if(!$user) {
- //old configuration option
- if(elgg_get_plugin_setting('uid_prefix', 'kaltura_video')) {
- $user = substr($result->userId,strlen($prefix));
- }
- }
- $uob = false;
- //check import from kaltura
- $taguser = '';
- $admintags = explode(" ",trim($result->adminTags));
- if($admintags[0] == KALTURA_ADMIN_TAGS) {
- $taguser = $admintags[1];
- }
- $result->adminTags = KALTURA_ADMIN_TAGS;
- foreach(array($taguser,$user) as $u) {
- if(strpos($u,":")!==false) {
- list($u,$groupid) = explode(":",$u);
- }
- if($uob = get_user_by_username($u)) {
- $user = $u;
- break;
- }
- }
- if($uob) {
- $user_guid = $uob->getGUID();
- $container_guid = null;
- //print_r($result);continue;
- $ob = kaltura_get_entity($result->id);
- if($ob->title) $result->name = $ob->title;
- if($ob->description) $result->description = $ob->description;
- if($ob->tags) $result->tags = implode(", ",$ob->tags);
- if($ob) {
- $metadata = kaltura_get_metadata($ob);
- $container_guid = $ob->container_guid;
- $privacy = $ob->access_id;
- //check for duplicates (and delete it)
- $objs = elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(array('metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
- "kaltura_video_id" => $result->id
- ), 'types' => 'object', 'subtypes' => 'kaltura_video'));
- if(count($objs) > 1) {
- foreach($objs as $_ob) {
- delete_entity($_ob->guid);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $metadata = false;
- $privacy = null;
- }
- //remove all metadata (to clean old configs not needed)
- if($metadata) {
- foreach($metadata as $name => $value) {
- //do no remove this id because the kaltura_update_object needs this
- if($name == 'kaltura_video_id') continue;
- remove_metadata($ob->guid,$name);
- }
- }
- //privacity
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- //for compatability with old versions,
- //will not used in future because Elgg provides more complets types of privacity now
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_privacity == 'loggedin') {
- $privacy = ACCESS_LOGGED_IN;
- }
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_privacity == 'public') {
- $privacy = ACCESS_PUBLIC;
- }
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_privacity == 'friends') {
- $privacy = ACCESS_FRIENDS;
- }
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_privacity == 'thisgroup') {
- $group = get_entity($ob->container_guid);
- if ($group instanceof ElggGroup) {
- $ob->kaltura_video_isgroup = 1;
- if($group->group_acl) {
- $privacy = $group->group_acl;
- $ob->kaltura_video_group_visible = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- //get the current container
- if($groupid) {
- $user_guid = $uob->getGUID();
- $container_guid = $uob->getGUID();
- if($groupid) {
- $group = get_entity($groupid);
- if($group instanceof ElggGroup) {
- $container_guid = $group->getGUID();
- $user_ID .= ":".$groupid;
- }
- }
- }
- //create new object
- $result->userId = $user_ID;
- try {
- $kmodel = KalturaModel::getInstance();
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $body .= ' ERROR: '.$e->getMessage();
- continue;
- }
- //$body .= print_r($result,1).print_r($kmodel->client->user->getConfig(),1);
- $ob = kaltura_update_object($result,$kmodel,$privacy,$user_guid,$container_guid);
- if(!$ob) {
- die("Fatal error while creating new object, ABORTING\n");
- }
- //create metadata
- if($metadata) {
- /*
- //If this is uncommented that will mantain the old players
- //Otherwise (commented) the player will be recreated to the plugin admin definitions
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_widget_id) {
- $ob->kaltura_video_widget_id = $metadata->kaltura_video_widget_id;
- $ob->kaltura_video_widget_uid = $metadata->kaltura_video_widget_uid;
- $ob->kaltura_video_widget_width = $metadata->kaltura_video_widget_width;
- $ob->kaltura_video_widget_height = $metadata->kaltura_video_widget_height;
- $ob->kaltura_video_widget_html = $metadata->kaltura_video_widget_html;
- }
- * */
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_collaborative) $ob->kaltura_video_collaborative = $metadata->kaltura_video_collaborative;
- if($metadata->kaltura_video_comments_on) $ob->kaltura_video_comments_on = $metadata->kaltura_video_comments_on;
- //echo htmlspecialchars(print_r($metadata,true));
- }
- if($ob->save()) {
- $ok_guids[] = $ob->guid;
- }
- else {
- die("Fatal error while saving metadata or object, ABORTING\n");
- }
- $body .= ' <strong style="color:#0b0;">'.$result->userId.' imported to '.$user.($groupid?" group $groupid":'').'.</strong>';
- }
- else {
- $body .= ' <strong style="color:#b00;">Not imported!</strong> (Expected user: '.$u.')';
- }
- $body .= "<br />\n";
- echo $body;
- }
- echo "<p>".str_replace(array("%NUMRANGE%","%TOTAL%"),array( (($page-1)*$page_size+1) . "-" . (count($results->objects)+($page-1)*$page_size),$total),elgg_echo('kalturavideo:recreate:processedvideos')).'</p>';
- }
- else $continue = 'end';
- }
- catch(Exception $e) {
- $error = $e->getMessage();
- echo $error;
- }
- $load_text = str_replace(array("%NUM%","%TOTAL%"),array($page,ceil($total/$page_size)),elgg_echo('kalturavideo:recreate:stepof'));
- }
- //show the next loading until the end
- echo '<div class="loaded" rel="'.$continue.'" style="height:20px;width:100%;background:url('.$CONFIG->wwwroot.'mod/kaltura_video/kaltura/editor/images/loadingAnimation.gif) no-repeat center left;padding:1px 1px 1px 215px;font-style:italic;">'.$load_text.'</div>';
- ?>