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- <h1>JavaRESTAdaptor (Experimental Still!)</h1>
- <h2>Overview</h2>
- <p>
- JavaRESTAdaptor is an EOF adaptor implementation on top of a RESTful web service, similar to ActiveResource
- in Rails. Currently JavaRESTAdaptor is read-only, but should be sufficient for consuming RESTful services.
- </p>
- <h2>Usage</h2>
- <p>
- The usage of JavaRESTAdaptor is best explained in an example. This example is adapted from an ActiveResource
- tutorial, but it provides several examples of common techniques. The service we're going to communicate with
- is a Beast installation. Beast is a simple Rails forum application. We'll use http://beast.caboo.se as
- our example service provider.
- </p>
- <h2>Creating the Model</h2>
- <ol>
- <li>Create a Wonder project.</li>
- <li>Create an EOModel (of any name) and choose "None" from the list of adaptors
- in the wizard.</li>
- <li>In the default database config (assuming you're using a recent WOLips), select the
- prototype "EORESTPrototypes" and select the Adaptor "REST".</li>
- <li>In the URL, enter "http://beast.caboo.se" and leave the username and password
- blank (currently JavaRESTAdaptor does not support HTTP authentication).</li>
- </ol>
- <h2>Creating Entites</h2>
- <p>
- Beast provides four entities that we want to interact with: Forum, Topic, Post, User.
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>Create an entity named Forum.</li>
- <li>
- The "table name" of Forum will tell JavaRESTAdaptor the URL extensions and XML tags that can be used to
- access the entity. In the case of Forum, the XML tag name comes in two variants -- a singular and a plural
- form. For the Forum entity, set the table name to "forum,forums".
- <p>
- Table name for JavaRESTAdaptor comes in several forms:
- <ul>
- <li>If you do not set a table name, JavaRESTAdaptor will simply use the entity name as the singular form,
- and use ERXLocalizer to generate a plural form.</li>
- <li>If you only set a single value (i.e. "forum"), the adaptor will use that as the singular form and
- use ERXLocalizer to generate a plural form.</li>
- <li>If you specify two values (i.e. "forum,forums"), the adaptor will use the first value as the singular
- form and the second value as the plural form.</li>
- <li>Additionally, as you will see later, you can specify a set of possibly URL prefixes to use to access
- the entity. When you do not specify a URL prefix (as in our Forum example), the adaptor will assume that
- it can go to /[plural form].xml and /[plural form]/[id].xml to retrieve objects of this entity type.</li>
- </ul>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>We need to determine the attributes of Forum, so open http://beast.caboo.se/forums.xml in your browser and
- view the source. ActiveRecord (or more importantly Ruby) can one-up us here, because they automatically
- determine the attributes of records based on queries to the service. We ultimately want to generate Java code,
- so we need to create an EOModel with attributes.</li>
- <li>Forum has the attributes: description, description-html, id, name, position, posts-count, and topics-count.
- Create attributes in your entity with the names converted to camelCase (description-html becomes descriptionHtml,
- etc). For each attribute, select a representative prototype, and set the external name to be the original name
- from the XML. For example, descriptionHtml is a "varcharLarge" prototype (we could pick one with a smaller
- restriction if we want to limit the values) and its external name is "description-html". postsCount is an
- "intNumber" and its external name is "posts-count". Do this for the rest of the attributes of Forum.</li>
- <li>In Beast, forums contain topics, so let's create the Topic entity. Topics present an interesting issue
- with modeling, because Beast does not allow you to select topics from the top level, rather you can only
- select topics through a Forum. For example, there is no /topics/1.xml there is only /forums/1/topics/1.xml.
- This oddity does cause some problems for EOF, because EOF expects to be able to fetch objects
- with only a primary key. JavaRESTAdaptor provides the ability to model fetching these entities, but you
- should be careful of places where EOF may cause faults for individual objects. You may find it safer to
- model relationships to entities of this type in code with fetch specs, or if you're using the Wonder eogen
- templates, traverse these kind of relationships with forum.topics(null, true), which will force a refetch of
- the entities.</li>
- <li>Request http://beast.caboo.se/forums/1/topics.xml to see an example of what topics look like. Follow the
- same procedure as for Forum, creating attributes from the XML. For dates, use the prototype "dateTime". For
- foreign keys, use the attribute "id" and mark them as non-class attributes.</li>
- <li>Now to address the URL issue for Topics. Because there is no /topics.xml, we need to tell JavaRESTAdaptor
- how to find topic objects. Edit the Topic entity and set the table name to "/forums/[forumID]/topics,topic,topics".
- This says that to fetch a topic, you must use the URL "/forums/[forumID]/topics" where forumID is a variable
- that corresponds to the Topic attribute of the same name. Any time a fetch is performed on a Topic, a forumID
- must appear in the qualifier or an exception will be thrown from JavaRESTAdaptor. When traversing a to-many
- relationship from a Forum to a Topic, this happens automatically inside of EOF. However, if you are trying to
- fetch a particular topic, you must provide its forum in your qualifier to prevent an error.</li>
- <li>Now create the Post entity. Posts are similar to Topics in that you cannot access them from the top level
- of the service, but they can be accessed in several different ways. It turns out that you can get posts for
- a user, for a forum, or for a topic (which requires a forum). JavaRESTAdaptor allows you to model these methods
- as alternative URLs in the table name by separating the URLs with a pipe. For instance, the table name for
- Post is "/users/[userID]/posts|/forums/[forumID]/posts|/forums/[forumID]/topics/[topicID]/posts,post,posts". I
- admit this is ugly, and ideally these definitions would be defined on the relationships instead of the entity,
- but unfortunately at the adaptor level, the EORelationship that was used to fetch the objects is long gone. What
- ERREST does in this case is that it looks at the qualifier provided and finds the URL that matches the most
- variables from your qualifier keys and uses that as the fetching URL. For instance, if your qualifier only
- has a userID in it, the /users/[userID]/posts URL will be used. However, if you qualifier has a forumID and
- a topicID in it, the /forums/[forumID]/topics/[topicID]/posts will be used. An exception will be thrown if
- a suitable URL cannot be found given the provided qualifier.</li>
- <li>Lastly, create your User entity. Nothing fancy here, and top-level fetches are allowed, so take a look
- at http://beast.caboo.se/users.xml to create your attributes, and use the table name "user,users" on this
- entity.</li>
- </ol>
- <h2>Relationships</h2>
- <p>
- You have created all of the entities for reading information from Beast. You can now create the
- relationships between these entities. For entities that can be fetched from the top level, or when modeling
- relationships that will provide enough context for the fetch, relationships can be modeled just like a
- normal eomodel.
- </p>
- <p>
- For instance, from post.user() is a completely normal to-one relationship because User can be
- fetched from the top level, and post will provide the "id" necessary to execute the fetch. Similarly,
- forum.topics() is a normal to-many relationship, because while Topic does not have a topic level fetch URL,
- traversing the relationship from Forum will provide the "forumID" necessary to complete the fetch.
- </p>
- <p>
- The "problem child" relationships are, for instance, topic.posts(). Traversing the posts relationship on Topic
- will only provide a topicID. Unfortunately Posts requires a topicID AND a forumID. It turns out that this
- can be modeled by putting both topicID and forumID in the joins of the to-many relationship definition. The
- downside of this is that it will not be symmetric with the other side of the relationship, and will not be
- updated automatically when write ability is added to JavaRESTAdaptor. The other problem is that, while this
- technique works on to-many relationships, it does not work on to-one relationships. EOF does not allow
- a to-one relationship to be defined with a join on anything expect a primary key attribute.
- </p>
- In this situation, you will need to construct the relationship using a fetch spec, and not using normal
- relationship definitions in the model. Your fetch spec will work just like a normal fetch spec, but you must
- provide all variables necessary to complete a fetch. As an example, if you want to fetch a particular topic,
- you must fetch it like:
- </p>
- <p>
- Topic singleTopic = Topic.fetchRequiredTopic(editingContext, Topic.FORUM.eq(aForum).and(ERXQ.equals("id", 633)));
- </p>
- <p>
- or
- </p>
- <p>
- aForum.topics(ERXQ.equals("id", 633), true)
- </p>
- <p>
- Note that JavaRESTAdaptor allows fetching on non-class attributes.
- </p>
- <h2>Fetching Notes</h2>
- <p>
- When fetching against the remote service, only topic level EOKeyValueQualifiers, EOAndQualifiers, and
- EOOrQualifiers with a single entry will be processed for constructing the remote URL. Complex qualifiers
- can be constructed, but they will be evaluated in-memory against the most restrictive URL that could
- be constructed given your qualifier attributes.
- </p>
- <h2>Examples</h2>
- <pre>
- EOEditingContext editingContext = ERXEC.newEditingContext();
- NSArray<Forum> forums = Forum.fetchAllForums(editingContext);
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching all forums");
- for (Forum forum : forums) {
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + forum.name() + ", " + forum.postsCount() + ", " + forum.topicsCount());
- }
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching forum w/ PK");
- Forum singleForum = (Forum) EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(editingContext, Forum.ENTITY_NAME, "3");
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + singleForum.name());
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching topics for " + singleForum.name());
- NSArray<Topic> topics = singleForum.topics();
- for (Topic topic : topics) {
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + topic.title() + " created " + topic.createdAt());
- }
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching posts for forum");
- NSArray<Post> forumPosts = singleForum.posts();
- for (Post post : forumPosts) {
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + post.createdAt());
- }
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Refetching single topic w/ PK");
- Topic singleTopic = Topic.fetchRequiredTopic(editingContext, Topic.FORUM.eq(singleForum).and(ERXQ.equals("id", 633)));
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + singleTopic.title());
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching topic user");
- User user = singleTopic.user();
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + user.displayName());
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching posts for topic (composite pk, which is kind of interesting)");
- NSArray<Post> topicPosts = singleTopic.posts();
- for (Post post : topicPosts) {
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + post.createdAt());
- }
- Post randomPost = topicPosts.lastObject();
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching the topic for a post (this will break if topic is not already fetched)");
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + randomPost.topic().title());
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetch author of post");
- User postedByUser = randomPost.user();
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + postedByUser.displayName());
- System.out.println("Application.Application: Fetching posts by author");
- NSArray<Post> userPosts = postedByUser.posts();
- for (Post post : userPosts) {
- System.out.println("Application.Application: " + post.createdAt());
- }
- </pre>
- </body>
- </html>