Python | 387 lines | 359 code | 23 blank | 5 comment | 15 complexity | 3890241f1c5e77c65192b615dafd2dd0 MD5 | raw file
- from . import idnadata
- import bisect
- import unicodedata
- import re
- import sys
- from .intranges import intranges_contain
- _virama_combining_class = 9
- _alabel_prefix = b'xn--'
- _unicode_dots_re = re.compile(u'[\u002e\u3002\uff0e\uff61]')
- if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
- unicode = str
- unichr = chr
- class IDNAError(UnicodeError):
- """ Base exception for all IDNA-encoding related problems """
- pass
- class IDNABidiError(IDNAError):
- """ Exception when bidirectional requirements are not satisfied """
- pass
- class InvalidCodepoint(IDNAError):
- """ Exception when a disallowed or unallocated codepoint is used """
- pass
- class InvalidCodepointContext(IDNAError):
- """ Exception when the codepoint is not valid in the context it is used """
- pass
- def _combining_class(cp):
- return unicodedata.combining(unichr(cp))
- def _is_script(cp, script):
- return intranges_contain(ord(cp), idnadata.scripts[script])
- def _punycode(s):
- return s.encode('punycode')
- def _unot(s):
- return 'U+{0:04X}'.format(s)
- def valid_label_length(label):
- if len(label) > 63:
- return False
- return True
- def valid_string_length(label, trailing_dot):
- if len(label) > (254 if trailing_dot else 253):
- return False
- return True
- def check_bidi(label, check_ltr=False):
- # Bidi rules should only be applied if string contains RTL characters
- bidi_label = False
- for (idx, cp) in enumerate(label, 1):
- direction = unicodedata.bidirectional(cp)
- if direction == '':
- # String likely comes from a newer version of Unicode
- raise IDNABidiError('Unknown directionality in label {0} at position {1}'.format(repr(label), idx))
- if direction in ['R', 'AL', 'AN']:
- bidi_label = True
- break
- if not bidi_label and not check_ltr:
- return True
- # Bidi rule 1
- direction = unicodedata.bidirectional(label[0])
- if direction in ['R', 'AL']:
- rtl = True
- elif direction == 'L':
- rtl = False
- else:
- raise IDNABidiError('First codepoint in label {0} must be directionality L, R or AL'.format(repr(label)))
- valid_ending = False
- number_type = False
- for (idx, cp) in enumerate(label, 1):
- direction = unicodedata.bidirectional(cp)
- if rtl:
- # Bidi rule 2
- if not direction in ['R', 'AL', 'AN', 'EN', 'ES', 'CS', 'ET', 'ON', 'BN', 'NSM']:
- raise IDNABidiError('Invalid direction for codepoint at position {0} in a right-to-left label'.format(idx))
- # Bidi rule 3
- if direction in ['R', 'AL', 'EN', 'AN']:
- valid_ending = True
- elif direction != 'NSM':
- valid_ending = False
- # Bidi rule 4
- if direction in ['AN', 'EN']:
- if not number_type:
- number_type = direction
- else:
- if number_type != direction:
- raise IDNABidiError('Can not mix numeral types in a right-to-left label')
- else:
- # Bidi rule 5
- if not direction in ['L', 'EN', 'ES', 'CS', 'ET', 'ON', 'BN', 'NSM']:
- raise IDNABidiError('Invalid direction for codepoint at position {0} in a left-to-right label'.format(idx))
- # Bidi rule 6
- if direction in ['L', 'EN']:
- valid_ending = True
- elif direction != 'NSM':
- valid_ending = False
- if not valid_ending:
- raise IDNABidiError('Label ends with illegal codepoint directionality')
- return True
- def check_initial_combiner(label):
- if unicodedata.category(label[0])[0] == 'M':
- raise IDNAError('Label begins with an illegal combining character')
- return True
- def check_hyphen_ok(label):
- if label[2:4] == '--':
- raise IDNAError('Label has disallowed hyphens in 3rd and 4th position')
- if label[0] == '-' or label[-1] == '-':
- raise IDNAError('Label must not start or end with a hyphen')
- return True
- def check_nfc(label):
- if unicodedata.normalize('NFC', label) != label:
- raise IDNAError('Label must be in Normalization Form C')
- def valid_contextj(label, pos):
- cp_value = ord(label[pos])
- if cp_value == 0x200c:
- if pos > 0:
- if _combining_class(ord(label[pos - 1])) == _virama_combining_class:
- return True
- ok = False
- for i in range(pos-1, -1, -1):
- joining_type = idnadata.joining_types.get(ord(label[i]))
- if joining_type == 'T':
- continue
- if joining_type in ['L', 'D']:
- ok = True
- break
- if not ok:
- return False
- ok = False
- for i in range(pos+1, len(label)):
- joining_type = idnadata.joining_types.get(ord(label[i]))
- if joining_type == 'T':
- continue
- if joining_type in ['R', 'D']:
- ok = True
- break
- return ok
- if cp_value == 0x200d:
- if pos > 0:
- if _combining_class(ord(label[pos - 1])) == _virama_combining_class:
- return True
- return False
- else:
- return False
- def valid_contexto(label, pos, exception=False):
- cp_value = ord(label[pos])
- if cp_value == 0x00b7:
- if 0 < pos < len(label)-1:
- if ord(label[pos - 1]) == 0x006c and ord(label[pos + 1]) == 0x006c:
- return True
- return False
- elif cp_value == 0x0375:
- if pos < len(label)-1 and len(label) > 1:
- return _is_script(label[pos + 1], 'Greek')
- return False
- elif cp_value == 0x05f3 or cp_value == 0x05f4:
- if pos > 0:
- return _is_script(label[pos - 1], 'Hebrew')
- return False
- elif cp_value == 0x30fb:
- for cp in label:
- if cp == u'\u30fb':
- continue
- if not _is_script(cp, 'Hiragana') and not _is_script(cp, 'Katakana') and not _is_script(cp, 'Han'):
- return False
- return True
- elif 0x660 <= cp_value <= 0x669:
- for cp in label:
- if 0x6f0 <= ord(cp) <= 0x06f9:
- return False
- return True
- elif 0x6f0 <= cp_value <= 0x6f9:
- for cp in label:
- if 0x660 <= ord(cp) <= 0x0669:
- return False
- return True
- def check_label(label):
- if isinstance(label, (bytes, bytearray)):
- label = label.decode('utf-8')
- if len(label) == 0:
- raise IDNAError('Empty Label')
- check_nfc(label)
- check_hyphen_ok(label)
- check_initial_combiner(label)
- for (pos, cp) in enumerate(label):
- cp_value = ord(cp)
- if intranges_contain(cp_value, idnadata.codepoint_classes['PVALID']):
- continue
- elif intranges_contain(cp_value, idnadata.codepoint_classes['CONTEXTJ']):
- if not valid_contextj(label, pos):
- raise InvalidCodepointContext('Joiner {0} not allowed at position {1} in {2}'.format(_unot(cp_value), pos+1, repr(label)))
- elif intranges_contain(cp_value, idnadata.codepoint_classes['CONTEXTO']):
- if not valid_contexto(label, pos):
- raise InvalidCodepointContext('Codepoint {0} not allowed at position {1} in {2}'.format(_unot(cp_value), pos+1, repr(label)))
- else:
- raise InvalidCodepoint('Codepoint {0} at position {1} of {2} not allowed'.format(_unot(cp_value), pos+1, repr(label)))
- check_bidi(label)
- def alabel(label):
- try:
- label = label.encode('ascii')
- try:
- ulabel(label)
- except:
- raise IDNAError('The label {0} is not a valid A-label'.format(label))
- if not valid_label_length(label):
- raise IDNAError('Label too long')
- return label
- except UnicodeError:
- pass
- if not label:
- raise IDNAError('No Input')
- label = unicode(label)
- check_label(label)
- label = _punycode(label)
- label = _alabel_prefix + label
- if not valid_label_length(label):
- raise IDNAError('Label too long')
- return label
- def ulabel(label):
- if not isinstance(label, (bytes, bytearray)):
- try:
- label = label.encode('ascii')
- except UnicodeError:
- check_label(label)
- return label
- label = label.lower()
- if label.startswith(_alabel_prefix):
- label = label[len(_alabel_prefix):]
- else:
- check_label(label)
- return label.decode('ascii')
- label = label.decode('punycode')
- check_label(label)
- return label
- def uts46_remap(domain, std3_rules=True, transitional=False):
- """Re-map the characters in the string according to UTS46 processing."""
- from .uts46data import uts46data
- output = u""
- try:
- for pos, char in enumerate(domain):
- code_point = ord(char)
- uts46row = uts46data[code_point if code_point < 256 else
- bisect.bisect_left(uts46data, (code_point, "Z")) - 1]
- status = uts46row[1]
- replacement = uts46row[2] if len(uts46row) == 3 else None
- if (status == "V" or
- (status == "D" and not transitional) or
- (status == "3" and std3_rules and replacement is None)):
- output += char
- elif replacement is not None and (status == "M" or
- (status == "3" and std3_rules) or
- (status == "D" and transitional)):
- output += replacement
- elif status != "I":
- raise IndexError()
- return unicodedata.normalize("NFC", output)
- except IndexError:
- raise InvalidCodepoint(
- "Codepoint {0} not allowed at position {1} in {2}".format(
- _unot(code_point), pos + 1, repr(domain)))
- def encode(s, strict=False, uts46=False, std3_rules=False, transitional=False):
- if isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)):
- s = s.decode("ascii")
- if uts46:
- s = uts46_remap(s, std3_rules, transitional)
- trailing_dot = False
- result = []
- if strict:
- labels = s.split('.')
- else:
- labels = _unicode_dots_re.split(s)
- while labels and not labels[0]:
- del labels[0]
- if not labels:
- raise IDNAError('Empty domain')
- if labels[-1] == '':
- del labels[-1]
- trailing_dot = True
- for label in labels:
- result.append(alabel(label))
- if trailing_dot:
- result.append(b'')
- s = b'.'.join(result)
- if not valid_string_length(s, trailing_dot):
- raise IDNAError('Domain too long')
- return s
- def decode(s, strict=False, uts46=False, std3_rules=False):
- if isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)):
- s = s.decode("ascii")
- if uts46:
- s = uts46_remap(s, std3_rules, False)
- trailing_dot = False
- result = []
- if not strict:
- labels = _unicode_dots_re.split(s)
- else:
- labels = s.split(u'.')
- while labels and not labels[0]:
- del labels[0]
- if not labels:
- raise IDNAError('Empty domain')
- if not labels[-1]:
- del labels[-1]
- trailing_dot = True
- for label in labels:
- result.append(ulabel(label))
- if trailing_dot:
- result.append(u'')
- return u'.'.join(result)