Python | 120 lines | 68 code | 5 blank | 47 comment | 1 complexity | 826a433d8e5c42cc7e56ccb94c11f30c MD5 | raw file
- # (c) 2006 Ian Bicking, Philip Jenvey and contributors
- # Written for Paste (http://pythonpaste.org)
- # Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- """Paste Configuration Middleware and Objects"""
- from paste.registry import RegistryManager, StackedObjectProxy
- __all__ = ['DispatchingConfig', 'CONFIG', 'ConfigMiddleware']
- class DispatchingConfig(StackedObjectProxy):
- """
- This is a configuration object that can be used globally,
- imported, have references held onto. The configuration may differ
- by thread (or may not).
- Specific configurations are registered (and deregistered) either
- for the process or for threads.
- """
- # @@: What should happen when someone tries to add this
- # configuration to itself? Probably the conf should become
- # resolved, and get rid of this delegation wrapper
- def __init__(self, name='DispatchingConfig'):
- super(DispatchingConfig, self).__init__(name=name)
- self.__dict__['_process_configs'] = []
- def push_thread_config(self, conf):
- """
- Make ``conf`` the active configuration for this thread.
- Thread-local configuration always overrides process-wide
- configuration.
- This should be used like::
- conf = make_conf()
- dispatching_config.push_thread_config(conf)
- try:
- ... do stuff ...
- finally:
- dispatching_config.pop_thread_config(conf)
- """
- self._push_object(conf)
- def pop_thread_config(self, conf=None):
- """
- Remove a thread-local configuration. If ``conf`` is given,
- it is checked against the popped configuration and an error
- is emitted if they don't match.
- """
- self._pop_object(conf)
- def push_process_config(self, conf):
- """
- Like push_thread_config, but applies the configuration to
- the entire process.
- """
- self._process_configs.append(conf)
- def pop_process_config(self, conf=None):
- self._pop_from(self._process_configs, conf)
- def _pop_from(self, lst, conf):
- popped = lst.pop()
- if conf is not None and popped is not conf:
- raise AssertionError(
- "The config popped (%s) is not the same as the config "
- "expected (%s)"
- % (popped, conf))
- def _current_obj(self):
- try:
- return super(DispatchingConfig, self)._current_obj()
- except TypeError:
- if self._process_configs:
- return self._process_configs[-1]
- raise AttributeError(
- "No configuration has been registered for this process "
- "or thread")
- current = current_conf = _current_obj
- CONFIG = DispatchingConfig()
- no_config = object()
- class ConfigMiddleware(RegistryManager):
- """
- A WSGI middleware that adds a ``paste.config`` key (by default)
- to the request environment, as well as registering the
- configuration temporarily (for the length of the request) with
- ``paste.config.CONFIG`` (or any other ``DispatchingConfig``
- object).
- """
- def __init__(self, application, config, dispatching_config=CONFIG,
- environ_key='paste.config'):
- """
- This delegates all requests to `application`, adding a *copy*
- of the configuration `config`.
- """
- def register_config(environ, start_response):
- popped_config = environ.get(environ_key, no_config)
- current_config = environ[environ_key] = config.copy()
- environ['paste.registry'].register(dispatching_config,
- current_config)
- try:
- app_iter = application(environ, start_response)
- finally:
- if popped_config is no_config:
- environ.pop(environ_key, None)
- else:
- environ[environ_key] = popped_config
- return app_iter
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(register_config)
- def make_config_filter(app, global_conf, **local_conf):
- conf = global_conf.copy()
- conf.update(local_conf)
- return ConfigMiddleware(app, conf)
- make_config_middleware = ConfigMiddleware.__doc__