JavaScript | 229 lines | 122 code | 48 blank | 59 comment | 7 complexity | 9228ab55539fe0c3f446611cbd277d6b MD5 | raw file
- $(function(){
- var cache = new CacheProvider;
- /**
- *Here we create the model 'Photo' ; used to define individual image items. 'subalbum' returns a
- *reference to the current subalbum being viewed via the gallery for use when accessing a Photo item
- *through a hash URL We also define a new CacheProvider for use in our Controller later.
- * @type Backbone.Model
- */
- var Photo = Backbone.Model.extend({
- subalbum: function() { return 'c' + gallery._currentsub; }
- });
- /**
- * PhotoCollection: A collection of Photo items used in index, subalbum and photo views
- * @type Backbone.Collection
- */
- var PhotoCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: Photo,
- comparator: function(item) {
- return item.get('pid');
- }
- });
- function removeFallbacks(){
- var query = $('.jstest,.gallery');
- if(query.length){
- query.remove();
- }
- }
- /**
- * IndexView: The default view seen when opening up the application for the first time. This
- * contains the first level of images in the JSON store (the level-one albums). Prior to rendering
- * our jQuery templates here we remove any messages or elements displayed in the version where
- * JavaScript is disabled.
- * @type Backbone.View
- */
- var IndexView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#main'),
- indexTemplate: $("#indexTmpl").template(),
- render: function() {
- removeFallbacks();
- var sg = this;
- this.el.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- sg.el.empty();
- $.tmpl(sg.indexTemplate, sg.model.toArray()).appendTo(sg.el);
- sg.el.fadeIn('fast');
- });
- return this;
- }
- });
- /**
- * SubalbumView: The view reached when clicking on a level-one album or browsing to a subalbum bookmark.
- * This contains the images found in the 'subalbum' section of an album entry. Clicking on any of the
- * images shown in a subalbum takes you to the PhotoView of that specific image
- * @type Backbone.View
- */
- var SubalbumView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#main'),
- indexTemplate: $("#subindexTmpl").template(),
- initialize: function(options){
- },
- render: function() {
- var sg = this;
- removeFallbacks();
- this.el.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- sg.el.empty();
- $.tmpl(sg.indexTemplate, sg.model.toArray()).appendTo(sg.el);
- sg.el.fadeIn('fast');
- });
- return this;
- }
- });
- /**
- * PhotoView: The single-photo view for a single image on the third-level of the application.
- * This is reached either by clicking on an image at the second/subalbum level or
- * browsing to a bookmarked photo in a subalbum.
- * @type Backbone.View
- */
- var PhotoView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#main'),
- itemTemplate: $("#itemTmpl").template(),
- initialize: function(options) {
- this.album = options.album;
- },
- render: function() {
- var sg = this;
- removeFallbacks();
- this.el.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- sg.el.empty();
- $.tmpl(sg.itemTemplate, sg.model).appendTo(sg.el);
- sg.el.fadeIn('fast');
- });
- return this;
- }
- });
- /**
- * Gallery: The controller that defines our main application 'gallery'. Here we handle how
- * routes should be interpreted, the basic initialization of the application with data through
- * an $.ajax call to fetch our JSON store and the creation of collections and views based on the
- * models defined previously.
- * @type Backbone.Controller
- */
- var Gallery = Backbone.Controller.extend({
- _index: null,
- _photos: null,
- _album :null,
- _subalbums:null,
- _subphotos:null,
- _data:null,
- _photosview:null,
- _currentsub:null,
- routes: {
- "": "index",
- "subalbum/:id": "hashsub",
- "subalbum/:id/" : "directphoto",
- "subalbum/:id/:num" : "hashphoto"
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- var ws = this;
- if (this._index === null){
- $.ajax({
- url: 'collections.json',
- dataType: 'json',
- data: {},
- success: function(data) {
- ws._data = data;
- ws._photos = new PhotoCollection(data);
- ws._index = new IndexView({model: ws._photos});
- Backbone.history.loadUrl();
- }
- });
- return this;
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Handle rendering the initial view for the application
- * @type function
- */
- index: function() {
- this._index.render();
- },
- /**
- * Gallery -> hashsub: Handle URL routing for subalbums. As subalbums aren't traversed
- * in the default initialization of the app, here we create a new PhotoCollection for a
- * particular subalbum based on indices passed through the UI. We then create a new SubalbumView
- * instance, render the subalbums and set the current subphotos array to contain our subalbum Photo
- * items. All of this is cached using the CacheProvider we defined earlier
- * @type function
- * @param {String} id An ID specific to a particular subalbum based on CIDs
- */
- hashsub:function(id){
- var properindex = id.replace('c','');
- this._currentsub = properindex;
- this._subphotos = cache.get('pc' + properindex) || cache.set('pc' + properindex, new PhotoCollection(this._data[properindex].subalbum));
- this._subalbums = cache.get('sv' + properindex) || cache.set('sv' + properindex, new SubalbumView({model: this._subphotos}));
- this._subalbums.render();
- },
- directphoto: function(id){
- },
- /**
- * Gallery -> hashphoto: Handle routing for access to specific images within subalbums. This method
- * checks to see if an existing subphotos object exists (ie. if we've already visited the
- * subalbum before). If it doesn't, we generate a new PhotoCollection and finally create
- * a new PhotoView to display the image that was being queried for. As per hashsub, variable/data
- * caching is employed here too
- * @type function
- * @param {String} num An ID specific to a particular image being accessed
- * @param {Integer} id An ID specific to a particular subalbum being accessed
- */
- hashphoto: function(num, id){
- this._currentsub = num;
- num = num.replace('c','');
- if(this._subphotos == undefined){
- this._subphotos = cache.get('pc' + num) || cache.set('pc' + num, new PhotoCollection(this._data[num].subalbum));
- }
- this._subphotos.at(id)._view = new PhotoView({model: this._subphotos.at(id)});
- this._subphotos.at(id)._view.render();
- }
- });
- gallery = new Gallery();
- Backbone.history.start();
- });