Python | 328 lines | 212 code | 29 blank | 87 comment | 51 complexity | a49ef558531830634c794e6289d9b8ee MD5 | raw file
- #nvwave.py
- #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)
- #Copyright (C) 2006-2008 NVDA Contributors <http://www.nvda-project.org/>
- #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.
- #See the file COPYING for more details.
- """Provides a simple Python interface to playing audio using the Windows multimedia waveOut functions, as well as other useful utilities.
- """
- import threading
- from ctypes import *
- from ctypes.wintypes import *
- import winKernel
- import wave
- import config
- __all__ = (
- "WavePlayer", "getOutputDeviceNames", "outputDeviceIDToName", "outputDeviceNameToID",
- )
- winmm = windll.winmm
- class WAVEFORMATEX(Structure):
- _fields_ = [
- ("wFormatTag", WORD),
- ("nChannels", WORD),
- ("nSamplesPerSec", DWORD),
- ("nAvgBytesPerSec", DWORD),
- ("nBlockAlign", WORD),
- ("wBitsPerSample", WORD),
- ("cbSize", WORD)
- ]
- class WAVEHDR(Structure):
- pass
- WAVEHDR._fields_ = [
- ("lpData", LPSTR),
- ("dwBufferLength", DWORD),
- ("dwBytesRecorded", DWORD),
- ("dwUser", DWORD),
- ("dwFlags", DWORD),
- ("dwLoops", DWORD),
- ("lpNext", LPWAVEHDR),
- ("reserved", DWORD)
- ]
- CALLBACK_EVENT = 0x50000
- #WOM_DONE = 0x3bd
- class WAVEOUTCAPS(Structure):
- _fields_ = [
- ('wMid', WORD),
- ('wPid', WORD),
- ('vDriverVersion', c_uint),
- ('dwFormats', DWORD),
- ('wChannels', WORD),
- ('wReserved1', WORD),
- ('dwSupport', DWORD),
- ]
- # Set argument types.
- # Initialize error checking.
- def _winmm_errcheck(res, func, args):
- buf = create_unicode_buffer(256)
- winmm.waveOutGetErrorTextW(res, buf, sizeof(buf))
- raise WindowsError(res, buf.value)
- for func in (
- winmm.waveOutOpen, winmm.waveOutPrepareHeader, winmm.waveOutWrite, winmm.waveOutUnprepareHeader,
- winmm.waveOutPause, winmm.waveOutRestart, winmm.waveOutReset, winmm.waveOutClose,
- winmm.waveOutGetDevCapsW
- ):
- func.errcheck = _winmm_errcheck
- class WavePlayer(object):
- """Synchronously play a stream of audio.
- To use, construct an instance and feed it waveform audio using L{feed}.
- """
- #: A lock to prevent WaveOut* functions from being called simultaneously, as this can cause problems even if they are for different HWAVEOUTs.
- _global_waveout_lock = threading.RLock()
- def __init__(self, channels, samplesPerSec, bitsPerSample, outputDevice=WAVE_MAPPER, closeWhenIdle=True):
- """Constructor.
- @param channels: The number of channels of audio; e.g. 2 for stereo, 1 for mono.
- @type channels: int
- @param samplesPerSec: Samples per second (hz).
- @type samplesPerSec: int
- @param bitsPerSample: The number of bits per sample.
- @type bitsPerSample: int
- @param outputDevice: The device ID or name of the audio output device to use.
- @type outputDevice: int or basestring
- @param closeWhenIdle: If C{True}, close the output device when no audio is being played.
- @type closeWhenIdle: bool
- @note: If C{outputDevice} is a name and no such device exists, the default device will be used.
- @raise WindowsError: If there was an error opening the audio output device.
- """
- self.channels=channels
- self.samplesPerSec=samplesPerSec
- self.bitsPerSample=bitsPerSample
- if isinstance(outputDevice, basestring):
- outputDevice = outputDeviceNameToID(outputDevice, True)
- self.outputDeviceID = outputDevice
- #: If C{True}, close the output device when no audio is being played.
- #: @type: bool
- self.closeWhenIdle = closeWhenIdle
- self._waveout = None
- self._waveout_event = winKernel.kernel32.CreateEventW(None, False, False, None)
- self._waveout_lock = threading.RLock()
- self._lock = threading.RLock()
- self.open()
- def open(self):
- """Open the output device.
- This will be called automatically when required.
- It is not an error if the output device is already open.
- """
- with self._waveout_lock:
- if self._waveout:
- return
- wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
- wfx.nChannels = self.channels
- wfx.nSamplesPerSec = self.samplesPerSec
- wfx.wBitsPerSample = self.bitsPerSample
- wfx.nBlockAlign = self.bitsPerSample / 8 * self.channels
- wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = self.samplesPerSec * wfx.nBlockAlign
- waveout = HWAVEOUT(0)
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutOpen(byref(waveout), self.outputDeviceID, LPWAVEFORMATEX(wfx), self._waveout_event, 0, CALLBACK_EVENT)
- self._waveout = waveout.value
- self._prev_whdr = None
- def feed(self, data):
- """Feed a chunk of audio data to be played.
- This is normally synchronous.
- However, synchronisation occurs on the previous chunk, rather than the current chunk; i.e. calling this while no audio is playing will begin playing the chunk but return immediately.
- This allows for uninterrupted playback as long as a new chunk is fed before the previous chunk has finished playing.
- @param data: Waveform audio in the format specified when this instance was constructed.
- @type data: str
- @raise WindowsError: If there was an error playing the audio.
- """
- whdr = WAVEHDR()
- whdr.lpData = data
- whdr.dwBufferLength = len(data)
- with self._lock:
- with self._waveout_lock:
- self.open()
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutPrepareHeader(self._waveout, LPWAVEHDR(whdr), sizeof(WAVEHDR))
- try:
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutWrite(self._waveout, LPWAVEHDR(whdr), sizeof(WAVEHDR))
- except WindowsError, e:
- self.close()
- raise e
- self.sync()
- self._prev_whdr = whdr
- def sync(self):
- """Synchronise with playback.
- This method blocks until the previously fed chunk of audio has finished playing.
- It is called automatically by L{feed}, so usually need not be called directly by the user.
- """
- with self._lock:
- if not self._prev_whdr:
- return
- assert self._waveout, "waveOut None before wait"
- while not (self._prev_whdr.dwFlags & WHDR_DONE):
- winKernel.waitForSingleObject(self._waveout_event, winKernel.INFINITE)
- with self._waveout_lock:
- assert self._waveout, "waveOut None after wait"
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutUnprepareHeader(self._waveout, LPWAVEHDR(self._prev_whdr), sizeof(WAVEHDR))
- self._prev_whdr = None
- def pause(self, switch):
- """Pause or unpause playback.
- @param switch: C{True} to pause playback, C{False} to unpause.
- @type switch: bool
- """
- with self._waveout_lock:
- if not self._waveout:
- return
- if switch:
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutPause(self._waveout)
- else:
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutRestart(self._waveout)
- def idle(self):
- """Indicate that this player is now idle; i.e. the current continuous segment of audio is complete.
- This will first call L{sync} to synchronise with playback.
- If L{closeWhenIdle} is C{True}, the output device will be closed.
- A subsequent call to L{feed} will reopen it.
- """
- with self._lock:
- self.sync()
- with self._waveout_lock:
- if not self._waveout:
- return
- if self.closeWhenIdle:
- self._close()
- def stop(self):
- """Stop playback.
- """
- with self._waveout_lock:
- if not self._waveout:
- return
- try:
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- # Pausing first seems to make waveOutReset respond faster on some systems.
- winmm.waveOutPause(self._waveout)
- winmm.waveOutReset(self._waveout)
- except WindowsError:
- # waveOutReset seems to fail randomly on some systems.
- pass
- # Unprepare the previous buffer and close the output device if appropriate.
- self.idle()
- def close(self):
- """Close the output device.
- """
- self.stop()
- with self._lock:
- with self._waveout_lock:
- if not self._waveout:
- return
- self._close()
- def _close(self):
- with self._global_waveout_lock:
- winmm.waveOutClose(self._waveout)
- self._waveout = None
- def __del__(self):
- self.close()
- winKernel.kernel32.CloseHandle(self._waveout_event)
- self._waveout_event = None
- def _getOutputDevices():
- caps = WAVEOUTCAPS()
- for devID in xrange(-1, winmm.waveOutGetNumDevs()):
- try:
- winmm.waveOutGetDevCapsW(devID, byref(caps), sizeof(caps))
- yield devID, caps.szPname
- except WindowsError:
- # It seems that in certain cases, Windows includes devices which cannot be accessed.
- pass
- def getOutputDeviceNames():
- """Obtain the names of all audio output devices on the system.
- @return: The names of all output devices on the system.
- @rtype: [str, ...]
- """
- return [name for ID, name in _getOutputDevices()]
- def outputDeviceIDToName(ID):
- """Obtain the name of an output device given its device ID.
- @param ID: The device ID.
- @type ID: int
- @return: The device name.
- @rtype: str
- """
- caps = WAVEOUTCAPS()
- try:
- winmm.waveOutGetDevCapsW(ID, byref(caps), sizeof(caps))
- except WindowsError:
- raise LookupError("No such device ID")
- return caps.szPname
- def outputDeviceNameToID(name, useDefaultIfInvalid=False):
- """Obtain the device ID of an output device given its name.
- @param name: The device name.
- @type name: str
- @param useDefaultIfInvalid: C{True} to use the default device (wave mapper) if there is no such device,
- C{False} to raise an exception.
- @return: The device ID.
- @rtype: int
- @raise LookupError: If there is no such device and C{useDefaultIfInvalid} is C{False}.
- """
- for curID, curName in _getOutputDevices():
- if curName == name:
- return curID
- # No such ID.
- if useDefaultIfInvalid:
- return WAVE_MAPPER
- else:
- raise LookupError("No such device name")
- fileWavePlayer = None
- fileWavePlayerThread=None
- def playWaveFile(fileName, async=True):
- """plays a specified wave file.
- """
- global fileWavePlayer, fileWavePlayerThread
- f = wave.open(fileName,"r")
- if f is None: raise RuntimeError("can not open file %s"%fileName)
- if fileWavePlayer is not None:
- fileWavePlayer.stop()
- fileWavePlayer = WavePlayer(channels=f.getnchannels(), samplesPerSec=f.getframerate(),bitsPerSample=f.getsampwidth()*8, outputDevice=config.conf["speech"]["outputDevice"])
- fileWavePlayer.feed(f.readframes(f.getnframes()))
- if async:
- if fileWavePlayerThread is not None:
- fileWavePlayerThread.join()
- fileWavePlayerThread=threading.Thread(target=fileWavePlayer.idle)
- fileWavePlayerThread.start()
- else:
- fileWavePlayer.idle()