Python | 262 lines | 225 code | 14 blank | 23 comment | 26 complexity | f758bf4f591a924cdb6527065bf67b10 MD5 | raw file
- #brailleDisplayDrivers/brailliantB.py
- #A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)
- #This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.
- #See the file COPYING for more details.
- #Copyright (C) 2012-2015 NV Access Limited
- import os
- import time
- import _winreg
- import itertools
- import wx
- import serial
- import hwPortUtils
- import braille
- import inputCore
- from logHandler import log
- import brailleInput
- TIMEOUT = 0.2
- BAUD_RATE = 115200
- HEADER = "\x1b"
- MSG_INIT = "\x00"
- MSG_INIT_RESP = "\x01"
- MSG_DISPLAY = "\x02"
- MSG_KEY_DOWN = "\x05"
- MSG_KEY_UP = "\x06"
- # Braille keyboard.
- 2: "dot1",
- 3: "dot2",
- 4: "dot3",
- 5: "dot4",
- 6: "dot5",
- 7: "dot6",
- 8: "dot7",
- 9: "dot8",
- 10: "space",
- # Command keys.
- 11: "c1",
- 12: "c2",
- 13: "c3",
- 14: "c4",
- 15: "c5",
- 16: "c6",
- # Thumb keys.
- 17: "up",
- 18: "left",
- 19: "right",
- 20: "down",
- }
- DOT1_KEY = 2
- DOT8_KEY = 9
- SPACE_KEY = 10
- def _getPorts():
- # USB.
- try:
- rootKey = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\Vid_1c71&Pid_c005")
- except WindowsError:
- # A display has never been connected via USB.
- pass
- else:
- with rootKey:
- for index in itertools.count():
- try:
- keyName = _winreg.EnumKey(rootKey, index)
- except WindowsError:
- break
- try:
- with _winreg.OpenKey(rootKey, os.path.join(keyName, "Device Parameters")) as paramsKey:
- yield "USB", _winreg.QueryValueEx(paramsKey, "PortName")[0]
- except WindowsError:
- continue
- # Bluetooth.
- for portInfo in hwPortUtils.listComPorts(onlyAvailable=True):
- try:
- btName = portInfo["bluetoothName"]
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if btName.startswith("Brailliant B") or btName == "Brailliant 80":
- yield "bluetooth", portInfo["port"]
- class BrailleDisplayDriver(braille.BrailleDisplayDriver):
- name = "brailliantB"
- # Translators: The name of a series of braille displays.
- description = _("HumanWare Brailliant BI/B series")
- @classmethod
- def check(cls):
- try:
- next(_getPorts())
- except StopIteration:
- # No possible ports found.
- return False
- return True
- def __init__(self):
- super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).__init__()
- self.numCells = 0
- for portType, port in _getPorts():
- # Try talking to the display.
- try:
- self._ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate=BAUD_RATE, parity=PARITY, timeout=TIMEOUT, writeTimeout=TIMEOUT)
- except serial.SerialException:
- continue
- # This will cause the number of cells to be returned.
- self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT)
- # #5406: With the new USB driver, the first command is ignored after a reconnection.
- # Worse, if we don't receive a reply,
- # _handleResponses freezes for some reason despite the timeout.
- # Send the init message again just in case.
- self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT)
- self._handleResponses(wait=True)
- if not self.numCells:
- # HACK: When connected via bluetooth, the display sometimes reports communication not allowed on the first attempt.
- self._sendMessage(MSG_INIT)
- self._handleResponses(wait=True)
- if self.numCells:
- # A display responded.
- log.info("Found display with {cells} cells connected via {type} ({port})".format(
- cells=self.numCells, type=portType, port=port))
- break
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("No display found")
- self._readTimer = wx.PyTimer(self._handleResponses)
- self._readTimer.Start(READ_INTERVAL)
- self._keysDown = set()
- self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
- def terminate(self):
- try:
- super(BrailleDisplayDriver, self).terminate()
- self._readTimer.Stop()
- self._readTimer = None
- finally:
- # We absolutely must close the Serial object, as it does not have a destructor.
- # If we don't, we won't be able to re-open it later.
- self._ser.close()
- def _sendMessage(self, msgId, payload=""):
- if isinstance(payload, (int, bool)):
- payload = chr(payload)
- self._ser.write("{header}{id}{length}{payload}".format(
- header=HEADER, id=msgId,
- length=chr(len(payload)), payload=payload))
- def _handleResponses(self, wait=False):
- while wait or self._ser.inWaiting():
- msgId, payload = self._readPacket()
- if msgId:
- self._handleResponse(msgId, payload)
- wait = False
- def _readPacket(self):
- # Wait for the header.
- while True:
- char = self._ser.read(1)
- if char == HEADER:
- break
- msgId = self._ser.read(1)
- length = ord(self._ser.read(1))
- payload = self._ser.read(length)
- return msgId, payload
- def _handleResponse(self, msgId, payload):
- if msgId == MSG_INIT_RESP:
- if ord(payload[0]) != 0:
- # Communication not allowed.
- log.debugWarning("Display at %r reports communication not allowed" % self._ser.port)
- return
- self.numCells = ord(payload[2])
- elif msgId == MSG_KEY_DOWN:
- payload = ord(payload)
- self._keysDown.add(payload)
- # This begins a new key combination.
- self._ignoreKeyReleases = False
- elif msgId == MSG_KEY_UP:
- payload = ord(payload)
- if not self._ignoreKeyReleases and self._keysDown:
- try:
- inputCore.manager.executeGesture(InputGesture(self._keysDown))
- except inputCore.NoInputGestureAction:
- pass
- # Any further releases are just the rest of the keys in the combination being released,
- # so they should be ignored.
- self._ignoreKeyReleases = True
- self._keysDown.discard(payload)
- else:
- log.debugWarning("Unknown message: id {id!r}, payload {payload!r}".format(id=msgId, payload=payload))
- def display(self, cells):
- # cells will already be padded up to numCells.
- self._sendMessage(MSG_DISPLAY, "".join(chr(cell) for cell in cells))
- gestureMap = inputCore.GlobalGestureMap({
- "globalCommands.GlobalCommands": {
- "braille_scrollBack": ("br(brailliantB):left",),
- "braille_scrollForward": ("br(brailliantB):right",),
- "braille_previousLine": ("br(brailliantB):up",),
- "braille_nextLine": ("br(brailliantB):down",),
- "braille_routeTo": ("br(brailliantB):routing",),
- "braille_toggleTether": ("br(brailliantB):up+down",),
- "kb:upArrow": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot1",),
- "kb:downArrow": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot4",),
- "kb:leftArrow": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot3",),
- "kb:rightArrow": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot6",),
- "showGui": ("br(brailliantB):c1+c3+c4+c5",),
- "kb:shift+tab": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot1+dot3",),
- "kb:tab": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot4+dot6",),
- "kb:alt": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot1+dot3+dot4",),
- "kb:escape": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot1+dot5",),
- "kb:enter": ("br(brailliantB):dot8",),
- "kb:windows+d": ("br(brailliantB):c1+c4+c5",),
- "kb:windows": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot3+dot4",),
- "kb:alt+tab": ("br(brailliantB):space+dot2+dot3+dot4+dot5",),
- "sayAll": ("br(brailliantB):c1+c2+c3+c4+c5+c6",),
- },
- })
- class InputGesture(braille.BrailleDisplayGesture, brailleInput.BrailleInputGesture):
- source = BrailleDisplayDriver.name
- def __init__(self, keys):
- super(InputGesture, self).__init__()
- self.keyCodes = set(keys)
- self.keyNames = names = set()
- isBrailleInput = True
- for key in self.keyCodes:
- if isBrailleInput:
- if DOT1_KEY <= key <= DOT8_KEY:
- self.dots |= 1 << (key - DOT1_KEY)
- elif key == SPACE_KEY:
- self.space = True
- else:
- # This is not braille input.
- isBrailleInput = False
- self.dots = 0
- self.space = False
- if key >= FIRST_ROUTING_KEY:
- names.add("routing")
- self.routingIndex = key - FIRST_ROUTING_KEY
- else:
- try:
- names.add(KEY_NAMES[key])
- except KeyError:
- log.debugWarning("Unknown key with id %d" % key)
- self.id = "+".join(names)