ActionScript | 706 lines | 376 code | 47 blank | 283 comment | 67 complexity | 79ccb9cb77d38b4e946be8c674cb495d MD5 | raw file
- package org.flixel
- {
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- /**
- * The camera class is used to display the game's visuals in the Flash player.
- * By default one camera is created automatically, that is the same size as the Flash player.
- * You can add more cameras or even replace the main camera using utilities in <code>FlxG</code>.
- *
- * @author Adam Atomic
- */
- public class FlxCamera extends FlxBasic
- {
- /**
- * Camera "follow" style preset: camera has no deadzone, just tracks the focus object directly.
- */
- static public const STYLE_LOCKON:uint = 0;
- /**
- * Camera "follow" style preset: camera deadzone is narrow but tall.
- */
- static public const STYLE_PLATFORMER:uint = 1;
- /**
- * Camera "follow" style preset: camera deadzone is a medium-size square around the focus object.
- */
- static public const STYLE_TOPDOWN:uint = 2;
- /**
- * Camera "follow" style preset: camera deadzone is a small square around the focus object.
- */
- static public const STYLE_TOPDOWN_TIGHT:uint = 3;
- /**
- * Camera "shake" effect preset: shake camera on both the X and Y axes.
- */
- static public const SHAKE_BOTH_AXES:uint = 0;
- /**
- * Camera "shake" effect preset: shake camera on the X axis only.
- */
- static public const SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY:uint = 1;
- /**
- * Camera "shake" effect preset: shake camera on the Y axis only.
- */
- static public const SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY:uint = 2;
- /**
- * While you can alter the zoom of each camera after the fact,
- * this variable determines what value the camera will start at when created.
- */
- static public var defaultZoom:Number;
- /**
- * The X position of this camera's display. Zoom does NOT affect this number.
- * Measured in pixels from the left side of the flash window.
- */
- public var x:Number;
- /**
- * The Y position of this camera's display. Zoom does NOT affect this number.
- * Measured in pixels from the top of the flash window.
- */
- public var y:Number;
- /**
- * How wide the camera display is, in game pixels.
- */
- public var width:uint;
- /**
- * How tall the camera display is, in game pixels.
- */
- public var height:uint;
- /**
- * Tells the camera to follow this <code>FlxObject</code> object around.
- */
- public var target:FlxObject;
- /**
- * You can assign a "dead zone" to the camera in order to better control its movement.
- * The camera will always keep the focus object inside the dead zone,
- * unless it is bumping up against the bounds rectangle's edges.
- * The deadzone's coordinates are measured from the camera's upper left corner in game pixels.
- * For rapid prototyping, you can use the preset deadzones (e.g. <code>STYLE_PLATFORMER</code>) with <code>follow()</code>.
- */
- public var deadzone:FlxRect;
- /**
- * The edges of the camera's range, i.e. where to stop scrolling.
- * Measured in game pixels and world coordinates.
- */
- public var bounds:FlxRect;
- /**
- * Stores the basic parallax scrolling values.
- */
- public var scroll:FlxPoint;
- /**
- * The actual bitmap data of the camera display itself.
- */
- public var buffer:BitmapData;
- /**
- * The natural background color of the camera. Defaults to FlxG.bgColor.
- * NOTE: can be transparent for crazy FX!
- */
- public var bgColor:uint;
- /**
- * Sometimes it's easier to just work with a <code>FlxSprite</code> than it is to work
- * directly with the <code>BitmapData</code> buffer. This sprite reference will
- * allow you to do exactly that.
- */
- public var screen:FlxSprite;
- /**
- * Indicates how far the camera is zoomed in.
- */
- protected var _zoom:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, to help avoid costly allocations.
- */
- protected var _point:FlxPoint;
- /**
- * Internal, help with color transforming the flash bitmap.
- */
- protected var _color:uint;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- protected var _flashBitmap:Bitmap;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- internal var _flashSprite:Sprite;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- internal var _flashOffsetX:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- internal var _flashOffsetY:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- protected var _flashRect:Rectangle;
- /**
- * Internal, used to render buffer to screen space.
- */
- protected var _flashPoint:Point;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "flash" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFlashColor:uint;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "flash" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFlashDuration:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "flash" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFlashComplete:Function;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "flash" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFlashAlpha:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "fade" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFadeColor:uint;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "fade" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFadeDuration:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "fade" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFadeComplete:Function;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "fade" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxFadeAlpha:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "shake" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxShakeIntensity:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "shake" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxShakeDuration:Number;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "shake" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxShakeComplete:Function;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "shake" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxShakeOffset:FlxPoint;
- /**
- * Internal, used to control the "shake" special effect.
- */
- protected var _fxShakeDirection:uint;
- /**
- * Internal helper variable for doing better wipes/fills between renders.
- */
- protected var _fill:BitmapData;
- /**
- * Instantiates a new camera at the specified location, with the specified size and zoom level.
- *
- * @param X X location of the camera's display in pixels. Uses native, 1:1 resolution, ignores zoom.
- * @param Y Y location of the camera's display in pixels. Uses native, 1:1 resolution, ignores zoom.
- * @param Width The width of the camera display in pixels.
- * @param Height The height of the camera display in pixels.
- * @param Zoom The initial zoom level of the camera. A zoom level of 2 will make all pixels display at 2x resolution.
- */
- public function FlxCamera(X:int,Y:int,Width:int,Height:int,Zoom:Number=0)
- {
- x = X;
- y = Y;
- width = Width;
- height = Height;
- target = null;
- deadzone = null;
- scroll = new FlxPoint();
- _point = new FlxPoint();
- bounds = null;
- screen = new FlxSprite();
- screen.makeGraphic(width,height,0,true);
- screen.setOriginToCorner();
- buffer = screen.pixels;
- bgColor = FlxG.bgColor;
- _color = 0xffffff;
- _flashBitmap = new Bitmap(buffer);
- _flashBitmap.x = -width*0.5;
- _flashBitmap.y = -height*0.5;
- _flashSprite = new Sprite();
- zoom = Zoom; //sets the scale of flash sprite, which in turn loads flashoffset values
- _flashOffsetX = width*0.5*zoom;
- _flashOffsetY = height*0.5*zoom;
- _flashSprite.x = x + _flashOffsetX;
- _flashSprite.y = y + _flashOffsetY;
- _flashSprite.addChild(_flashBitmap);
- _flashRect = new Rectangle(0,0,width,height);
- _flashPoint = new Point();
- _fxFlashColor = 0;
- _fxFlashDuration = 0.0;
- _fxFlashComplete = null;
- _fxFlashAlpha = 0.0;
- _fxFadeColor = 0;
- _fxFadeDuration = 0.0;
- _fxFadeComplete = null;
- _fxFadeAlpha = 0.0;
- _fxShakeIntensity = 0.0;
- _fxShakeDuration = 0.0;
- _fxShakeComplete = null;
- _fxShakeOffset = new FlxPoint();
- _fxShakeDirection = 0;
- _fill = new BitmapData(width,height,true,0);
- }
- /**
- * Clean up memory.
- */
- override public function destroy():void
- {
- screen.destroy();
- screen = null;
- target = null;
- scroll = null;
- deadzone = null;
- bounds = null;
- buffer = null;
- _flashBitmap = null;
- _flashRect = null;
- _flashPoint = null;
- _fxFlashComplete = null;
- _fxFadeComplete = null;
- _fxShakeComplete = null;
- _fxShakeOffset = null;
- _fill = null;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the camera scroll as well as special effects like screen-shake or fades.
- */
- override public function update():void
- {
- //Either follow the object closely,
- //or doublecheck our deadzone and update accordingly.
- if(target != null)
- {
- if(deadzone == null)
- focusOn(target.getMidpoint(_point));
- else
- {
- var edge:Number;
- var targetX:Number = target.x + ((target.x > 0)?0.0000001:-0.0000001);
- var targetY:Number = target.y + ((target.y > 0)?0.0000001:-0.0000001);
- edge = targetX - deadzone.x;
- if(scroll.x > edge)
- scroll.x = edge;
- edge = targetX + target.width - deadzone.x - deadzone.width;
- if(scroll.x < edge)
- scroll.x = edge;
- edge = targetY - deadzone.y;
- if(scroll.y > edge)
- scroll.y = edge;
- edge = targetY + target.height - deadzone.y - deadzone.height;
- if(scroll.y < edge)
- scroll.y = edge;
- }
- }
- //Make sure we didn't go outside the camera's bounds
- if(bounds != null)
- {
- if(scroll.x < bounds.left)
- scroll.x = bounds.left;
- if(scroll.x > bounds.right - width)
- scroll.x = bounds.right - width;
- if(scroll.y < bounds.top)
- scroll.y = bounds.top;
- if(scroll.y > bounds.bottom - height)
- scroll.y = bounds.bottom - height;
- }
- //Update the "flash" special effect
- if(_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0)
- {
- _fxFlashAlpha -= FlxG.elapsed/_fxFlashDuration;
- if((_fxFlashAlpha <= 0) && (_fxFlashComplete != null))
- _fxFlashComplete();
- }
- //Update the "fade" special effect
- if((_fxFadeAlpha > 0.0) && (_fxFadeAlpha < 1.0))
- {
- _fxFadeAlpha += FlxG.elapsed/_fxFadeDuration;
- if(_fxFadeAlpha >= 1.0)
- {
- _fxFadeAlpha = 1.0;
- if(_fxFadeComplete != null)
- _fxFadeComplete();
- }
- }
- //Update the "shake" special effect
- if(_fxShakeDuration > 0)
- {
- _fxShakeDuration -= FlxG.elapsed;
- if(_fxShakeDuration <= 0)
- {
- _fxShakeOffset.make();
- if(_fxShakeComplete != null)
- _fxShakeComplete();
- }
- else
- {
- if((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY))
- _fxShakeOffset.x = (FlxG.random()*_fxShakeIntensity*width*2-_fxShakeIntensity*width)*_zoom;
- if((_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_BOTH_AXES) || (_fxShakeDirection == SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY))
- _fxShakeOffset.y = (FlxG.random()*_fxShakeIntensity*height*2-_fxShakeIntensity*height)*_zoom;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Tells this camera object what <code>FlxObject</code> to track.
- *
- * @param Target The object you want the camera to track. Set to null to not follow anything.
- * @param Style Leverage one of the existing "deadzone" presets. If you use a custom deadzone, ignore this parameter and manually specify the deadzone after calling <code>follow()</code>.
- */
- public function follow(Target:FlxObject, Style:uint=STYLE_LOCKON):void
- {
- target = Target;
- var helper:Number;
- switch(Style)
- {
- var w:Number = width/8;
- var h:Number = height/3;
- deadzone = new FlxRect((width-w)/2,(height-h)/2 - h*0.25,w,h);
- break;
- helper = FlxU.max(width,height)/4;
- deadzone = new FlxRect((width-helper)/2,(height-helper)/2,helper,helper);
- break;
- helper = FlxU.max(width,height)/8;
- deadzone = new FlxRect((width-helper)/2,(height-helper)/2,helper,helper);
- break;
- default:
- deadzone = null;
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Move the camera focus to this location instantly.
- *
- * @param Point Where you want the camera to focus.
- */
- public function focusOn(Point:FlxPoint):void
- {
- Point.x += (Point.x > 0)?0.0000001:-0.0000001;
- Point.y += (Point.y > 0)?0.0000001:-0.0000001;
- scroll.make(Point.x - width*0.5,Point.y - height*0.5);
- }
- /**
- * Specify the boundaries of the level or where the camera is allowed to move.
- *
- * @param X The smallest X value of your level (usually 0).
- * @param Y The smallest Y value of your level (usually 0).
- * @param Width The largest X value of your level (usually the level width).
- * @param Height The largest Y value of your level (usually the level height).
- * @param UpdateWorld Whether the global quad-tree's dimensions should be updated to match (default: false).
- */
- public function setBounds(X:Number=0, Y:Number=0, Width:Number=0, Height:Number=0, UpdateWorld:Boolean=false):void
- {
- if(bounds == null)
- bounds = new FlxRect();
- bounds.make(X,Y,Width,Height);
- if(UpdateWorld)
- FlxG.worldBounds.copyFrom(bounds);
- update();
- }
- /**
- * The screen is filled with this color and gradually returns to normal.
- *
- * @param Color The color you want to use.
- * @param Duration How long it takes for the flash to fade.
- * @param OnComplete A function you want to run when the flash finishes.
- * @param Force Force the effect to reset.
- */
- public function flash(Color:uint=0xffffffff, Duration:Number=1, OnComplete:Function=null, Force:Boolean=false):void
- {
- if(!Force && (_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0))
- return;
- _fxFlashColor = Color;
- if(Duration <= 0)
- Duration = Number.MIN_VALUE;
- _fxFlashDuration = Duration;
- _fxFlashComplete = OnComplete;
- _fxFlashAlpha = 1.0;
- }
- /**
- * The screen is gradually filled with this color.
- *
- * @param Color The color you want to use.
- * @param Duration How long it takes for the fade to finish.
- * @param OnComplete A function you want to run when the fade finishes.
- * @param Force Force the effect to reset.
- */
- public function fade(Color:uint=0xff000000, Duration:Number=1, OnComplete:Function=null, Force:Boolean=false):void
- {
- if(!Force && (_fxFadeAlpha > 0.0))
- return;
- _fxFadeColor = Color;
- if(Duration <= 0)
- Duration = Number.MIN_VALUE;
- _fxFadeDuration = Duration;
- _fxFadeComplete = OnComplete;
- _fxFadeAlpha = Number.MIN_VALUE;
- }
- /**
- * A simple screen-shake effect.
- *
- * @param Intensity Percentage of screen size representing the maximum distance that the screen can move while shaking.
- * @param Duration The length in seconds that the shaking effect should last.
- * @param OnComplete A function you want to run when the shake effect finishes.
- * @param Force Force the effect to reset (default = true, unlike flash() and fade()!).
- * @param Direction Whether to shake on both axes, just up and down, or just side to side (use class constants SHAKE_BOTH_AXES, SHAKE_VERTICAL_ONLY, or SHAKE_HORIZONTAL_ONLY).
- */
- public function shake(Intensity:Number=0.05, Duration:Number=0.5, OnComplete:Function=null, Force:Boolean=true, Direction:uint=SHAKE_BOTH_AXES):void
- {
- if(!Force && ((_fxShakeOffset.x != 0) || (_fxShakeOffset.y != 0)))
- return;
- _fxShakeIntensity = Intensity;
- _fxShakeDuration = Duration;
- _fxShakeComplete = OnComplete;
- _fxShakeDirection = Direction;
- _fxShakeOffset.make();
- }
- /**
- * Just turns off all the camera effects instantly.
- */
- public function stopFX():void
- {
- _fxFlashAlpha = 0.0;
- _fxFadeAlpha = 0.0;
- _fxShakeDuration = 0;
- _flashSprite.x = x + width*0.5;
- _flashSprite.y = y + height*0.5;
- }
- /**
- * Copy the bounds, focus object, and deadzone info from an existing camera.
- *
- * @param Camera The camera you want to copy from.
- *
- * @return A reference to this <code>FlxCamera</code> object.
- */
- public function copyFrom(Camera:FlxCamera):FlxCamera
- {
- if(Camera.bounds == null)
- bounds = null;
- else
- {
- if(bounds == null)
- bounds = new FlxRect();
- bounds.copyFrom(Camera.bounds);
- }
- target = Camera.target;
- if(target != null)
- {
- if(Camera.deadzone == null)
- deadzone = null;
- else
- {
- if(deadzone == null)
- deadzone = new FlxRect();
- deadzone.copyFrom(Camera.deadzone);
- }
- }
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * The zoom level of this camera. 1 = 1:1, 2 = 2x zoom, etc.
- */
- public function get zoom():Number
- {
- return _zoom;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set zoom(Zoom:Number):void
- {
- if(Zoom == 0)
- _zoom = defaultZoom;
- else
- _zoom = Zoom;
- setScale(_zoom,_zoom);
- }
- /**
- * The alpha value of this camera display (a Number between 0.0 and 1.0).
- */
- public function get alpha():Number
- {
- return _flashBitmap.alpha;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set alpha(Alpha:Number):void
- {
- _flashBitmap.alpha = Alpha;
- }
- /**
- * The angle of the camera display (in degrees).
- * Currently yields weird display results,
- * since cameras aren't nested in an extra display object yet.
- */
- public function get angle():Number
- {
- return _flashSprite.rotation;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set angle(Angle:Number):void
- {
- _flashSprite.rotation = Angle;
- }
- /**
- * The color tint of the camera display.
- */
- public function get color():uint
- {
- return _color;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set color(Color:uint):void
- {
- _color = Color;
- var colorTransform:ColorTransform = _flashBitmap.transform.colorTransform;
- colorTransform.redMultiplier = (_color>>16)*0.00392;
- colorTransform.greenMultiplier = (_color>>8&0xff)*0.00392;
- colorTransform.blueMultiplier = (_color&0xff)*0.00392;
- _flashBitmap.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
- }
- /**
- * Whether the camera display is smooth and filtered, or chunky and pixelated.
- * Default behavior is chunky-style.
- */
- public function get antialiasing():Boolean
- {
- return _flashBitmap.smoothing;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set antialiasing(Antialiasing:Boolean):void
- {
- _flashBitmap.smoothing = Antialiasing;
- }
- /**
- * The scale of the camera object, irrespective of zoom.
- * Currently yields weird display results,
- * since cameras aren't nested in an extra display object yet.
- */
- public function getScale():FlxPoint
- {
- return _point.make(_flashSprite.scaleX,_flashSprite.scaleY);
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function setScale(X:Number,Y:Number):void
- {
- _flashSprite.scaleX = X;
- _flashSprite.scaleY = Y;
- }
- /**
- * Fetches a reference to the Flash <code>Sprite</code> object
- * that contains the camera display in the Flash display list.
- * Uses include 3D projection, advanced display list modification, and more.
- * NOTE: We don't recommend modifying this directly unless you are
- * fairly experienced. For simple changes to the camera display,
- * like scaling, rotation, and color tinting, we recommend
- * using the existing <code>FlxCamera</code> variables.
- *
- * @return A Flash <code>Sprite</code> object containing the camera display.
- */
- public function getContainerSprite():Sprite
- {
- return _flashSprite;
- }
- /**
- * Fill the camera with the specified color.
- *
- * @param Color The color to fill with in 0xAARRGGBB hex format.
- * @param BlendAlpha Whether to blend the alpha value or just wipe the previous contents. Default is true.
- */
- public function fill(Color:uint,BlendAlpha:Boolean=true):void
- {
- _fill.fillRect(_flashRect,Color);
- buffer.copyPixels(_fill,_flashRect,_flashPoint,null,null,BlendAlpha);
- }
- /**
- * Internal helper function, handles the actual drawing of all the special effects.
- */
- internal function drawFX():void
- {
- var alphaComponent:Number;
- //Draw the "flash" special effect onto the buffer
- if(_fxFlashAlpha > 0.0)
- {
- alphaComponent = _fxFlashColor>>24;
- fill((uint(((alphaComponent <= 0)?0xff:alphaComponent)*_fxFlashAlpha)<<24)+(_fxFlashColor&0x00ffffff));
- }
- //Draw the "fade" special effect onto the buffer
- if(_fxFadeAlpha > 0.0)
- {
- alphaComponent = _fxFadeColor>>24;
- fill((uint(((alphaComponent <= 0)?0xff:alphaComponent)*_fxFadeAlpha)<<24)+(_fxFadeColor&0x00ffffff));
- }
- if((_fxShakeOffset.x != 0) || (_fxShakeOffset.y != 0))
- {
- _flashSprite.x = x + _flashOffsetX + _fxShakeOffset.x;
- _flashSprite.y = y + _flashOffsetY + _fxShakeOffset.y;
- }
- }
- }
- }