JavaServer Pages | 281 lines | 212 code | 56 blank | 13 comment | 22 complexity | 8873a542193c6e3aea2a3a84daee9934 MD5 | raw file
- <%--
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2011 Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
- * details.
- */
- --%>
- <%@ include file="/init.jsp" %>
- <%
- String tabs1 = ParamUtil.getString(request, "tabs1", tabs1Default);
- String tabs2 = ParamUtil.getString(request, "tabs2", "open");
- long tasksEntryId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "tasksEntryId");
- TasksEntry tasksEntry = null;
- try {
- tasksEntry = TasksEntryLocalServiceUtil.getTasksEntry(tasksEntryId);
- }
- catch (NoSuchTasksEntryException nstee) {
- }
- long priority = BeanParamUtil.getLong(tasksEntry, request, "priority", TasksEntryConstants.PRIORITY_NORMAL);
- long assigneeUserId = BeanParamUtil.getLong(tasksEntry, request, "assigneeUserId");
- Calendar dueDate = CalendarFactoryUtil.getCalendar(timeZone, locale);
- boolean neverDue = true;
- if (tasksEntry != null) {
- if (tasksEntry.getDueDate() != null) {
- dueDate.setTime(tasksEntry.getDueDate());
- neverDue = false;
- }
- }
- int status = BeanParamUtil.getInteger(tasksEntry, request, "status", TasksEntryConstants.STATUS_ALL);
- long javaScriptLastModified = ServletContextUtil.getLastModified(application, "/html/js/", true);
- %>
- <script src="<%= HtmlUtil.escape(PortalUtil.getStaticResourceURL(request, themeDisplay.getPathJavaScript() + "/liferay/service.js", javaScriptLastModified)) %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
- <form action="<portlet:actionURL name="updateTasksEntry" />" method="post" name="<portlet:namespace />fm1">
- <input name="<portlet:namespace />tasksEntryId" type="hidden" value="<%= tasksEntryId %>" />
- <input name="<portlet:namespace />userId" type="hidden" value="<%= user.getUserId() %>" />
- <input name="<portlet:namespace />resolverUserId" type="hidden" value="<%= user.getUserId() %>" />
- <liferay-ui:header title='<%= (tasksEntry == null) ? "add-task" : "update-task" %>' />
- <table class="lfr-table">
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="description" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <liferay-ui:input-field model="<%= TasksEntry.class %>" bean="<%= tasksEntry %>" field="title" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="assignee" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <select name="<portlet:namespace />assigneeUserId">
- <c:choose>
- <c:when test="<%= group.isUser() %>">
- <option <%= (assigneeUserId == user.getUserId()) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %> value="<%= user.getUserId() %>"><%= HtmlUtil.escape(user.getFullName()) %></option>
- <optgroup label="<liferay-ui:message key="contacts" />">
- </c:when>
- <c:otherwise>
- <option <%= (assigneeUserId == 0) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %> value="0"></option>
- <option <%= (assigneeUserId == user.getUserId()) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %> value="<%= user.getUserId() %>"><%= HtmlUtil.escape(user.getFullName()) %></option>
- <c:if test="<%= (tasksEntry != null) && (assigneeUserId > 0) && (assigneeUserId != user.getUserId()) %>">
- <option selected value="<%= assigneeUserId %>"><%= PortalUtil.getUserName(assigneeUserId, tasksEntry.getAssigneeFullName()) %></option>
- </c:if>
- <optgroup label="<liferay-ui:message key="members" />">
- </c:otherwise>
- </c:choose>
- <%
- List<User> users = null;
- if (group.isUser()) {
- users = UserLocalServiceUtil.getSocialUsers(group.getClassPK(), QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, new ContactFirstNameComparator(true));
- }
- else {
- LinkedHashMap userParams = new LinkedHashMap();
- userParams.put("usersGroups", new Long(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId()));
- users = UserLocalServiceUtil.search(company.getCompanyId(), StringPool.BLANK, WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED, userParams, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, new ContactFirstNameComparator(true));
- }
- long defaultUserId = themeDisplay.getDefaultUserId();
- for (User curUser : users) {
- long curUserId = curUser.getUserId();
- if ((curUserId == user.getUserId()) || (assigneeUserId == curUserId)) {
- continue;
- }
- %>
- <option <%= (assigneeUserId == curUserId) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %> value="<%= curUserId %>"><%= HtmlUtil.escape(curUser.getFullName()) %></option>
- <%
- }
- %>
- </optgroup>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="priority" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <select name="<portlet:namespace />priority">
- <option value="1" <%= (priority == 1) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %>><liferay-ui:message key="high" /></option>
- <option value="2" <%= (priority == 2) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %>><liferay-ui:message key="normal" /></option>
- <option value="3" <%= (priority == 3) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %>><liferay-ui:message key="low" /></option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="due-date" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <liferay-ui:input-field model="<%= TasksEntry.class %>" bean="<%= tasksEntry %>" field="dueDate" defaultValue="<%= dueDate %>" disabled="<%= neverDue %>" />
- <div style="clear: both;">
- <%
- String taglibNeverReviewOnClick = renderResponse.getNamespace() + "disableInputDate('dueDate', this.checked);";
- %>
- <aui:input inlineLabel="left" label="never-due" name="neverDue" value="<%= neverDue %>" onClick="<%= taglibNeverReviewOnClick %>" type="checkbox" />
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <c:if test="<%= tasksEntry != null %>">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="status" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <select name="<portlet:namespace />status">
- <%
- for (int curStatus : TasksEntryConstants.STATUSES) {
- %>
- <option value="<%= curStatus %>" <%= (status == curStatus) ? "selected" : StringPool.BLANK %>><liferay-ui:message key="<%= TasksEntryConstants.getStatusLabel(curStatus) %>" /></option>
- <%
- }
- %>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </c:if>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <br />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="lfr-label">
- <liferay-ui:message key="tags" />
- </td>
- <td>
- <%
- long classPK = 0;
- if (tasksEntry != null) {
- classPK = tasksEntry.getTasksEntryId();
- }
- %>
- <liferay-ui:asset-tags-selector
- className="<%= TasksEntry.class.getName() %>"
- classPK="<%= classPK %>"
- contentCallback='<%= renderResponse.getNamespace() + "getSuggestionsContent" %>'
- />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <div class="task-action">
- <input id="<portlet:namespace />submit" type="submit" value="<liferay-ui:message key="save" />" />
- <c:if test="<%= tasksEntryId > 0 %>">
- <input type="button" value="<liferay-ui:message key="cancel" />" onClick="Liferay.Tasks.openTask('<portlet:renderURL windowState="<%= LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString() %>"><portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/view_task.jsp" /><portlet:param name="tasksEntryId" value="<%= String.valueOf(tasksEntry.getTasksEntryId()) %>" /></portlet:renderURL>');" />
- </c:if>
- <div class="task-action-right">
- <input type="button" value="<liferay-ui:message key="close" />" onClick="Liferay.Tasks.closePopup();" />
- </div>
- </div>
- </form>
- <aui:script>
- function <portlet:namespace />getSuggestionsContent() {
- var content = document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace/>title.value;
- return content;
- }
- function <portlet:namespace />disableInputDate(date, checked) {
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "Month.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "Day.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "Year.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "Hour.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "Minute.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- eval("document.<portlet:namespace />fm1.<portlet:namespace />" + date + "AmPm.disabled = " + checked + ";");
- }
- </aui:script>
- <aui:script use="aui-base">
- form = A.one(document.<portlet:namespace />fm1);
- form.on(
- 'submit',
- function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var popup = Liferay.Tasks.getPopup();
- popup.io.set('form', {id: form.getDOM()});
- popup.io.set('uri', form.getAttribute('action'));
- popup.io.once(
- 'success',
- function() {
- Liferay.Tasks.updateTaskList();
- }
- );
- popup.io.start();
- }
- );
- </aui:script>