https://github.com/Epictetus/Rails-CMS-Wiki-Forum · Ruby · 161 lines · 132 code · 29 blank · 0 comment · 2 complexity · 5bf48fc21e15bb14d344dcf6d0eec5c7 MD5 · raw file
- require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper')
- describe ForumsController do
- def mock_user(stubs={})
- @mock_user ||= mock_model(User, stubs.merge({:is_admin? => true,
- :has_read_access_to? => true, :has_write_access_to? => true}))
- end
- def mock_forum(stubs={})
- @mock_forum ||= mock_model(Forum, stubs.merge({:name => 'cool forum', :message_posts => mock_message_posts}))
- end
- def mock_message_post(stubs={})
- @mock_message_post ||= mock_model(MessagePost, stubs.merge({}))
- end
- def mock_message_posts
- return @mock_message_posts if @mock_message_posts
- @mock_message_posts = mock('message_posts_proxy')
- @mock_message_posts.stub!(:paginate).and_return([mock_message_post].paginate)
- @mock_message_posts
- end
- before do
- ContentPage.should_receive(:get_side_menu).and_return(mock_model(ContentPage))
- ContentPage.should_receive(:get_top_menu).and_return(mock_model(ContentPage))
- controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(mock_user)
- end
- describe "GET index" do
- it "assigns all forums as @forums" do
- Forum.stub(:all).and_return([mock_forum])
- get :index
- assigns[:forums].should == [mock_forum]
- end
- end
- describe "GET show" do
- before(:each) do
- Forum.stub!(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_forum)
- end
- it "assigns the requested forum as @forum" do
- get :show, :id => "37"
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- it "can render rss" do
- get :show, :id => "37", :format => :rss
- response.should render_template("show", :format => :rss)
- end
- end
- describe "GET new" do
- it "assigns a new forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_forum)
- get :new
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- end
- describe "GET edit" do
- it "assigns the requested forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_forum)
- get :edit, :id => "37"
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- end
- describe "POST create" do
- describe "with valid params" do
- it "assigns a newly created forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}).and_return(mock_forum(:save => true))
- post :create, :forum => {:these => 'params'}
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- it "redirects to the created forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_forum(:save => true))
- post :create, :forum => {}
- response.should redirect_to(forums_url)
- end
- end
- describe "with invalid params" do
- it "assigns a newly created but unsaved forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}).and_return(mock_forum(:save => false))
- post :create, :forum => {:these => 'params'}
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- it "re-renders the 'new' template" do
- Forum.stub!(:new).and_return(mock_forum(:save => false))
- post :create, :forum => {}
- response.should render_template('new')
- end
- end
- end
- describe "PUT update" do
- describe "with valid params" do
- it "updates the requested forum" do
- Forum.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_forum)
- mock_forum.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({'these' => 'params'})
- put :update, :id => "37", :forum => {:these => 'params'}
- end
- it "assigns the requested forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).and_return(mock_forum(:update_attributes => true))
- put :update, :id => "1"
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- it "redirects to the forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).and_return(mock_forum(:update_attributes => true))
- put :update, :id => "1"
- response.should redirect_to(forum_url(mock_forum))
- end
- end
- describe "with invalid params" do
- it "updates the requested forum" do
- Forum.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_forum)
- mock_forum.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({'these' => 'params'})
- put :update, :id => "37", :forum => {:these => 'params'}
- end
- it "assigns the forum as @forum" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).and_return(mock_forum(:update_attributes => false))
- put :update, :id => "1"
- assigns[:forum].should equal(mock_forum)
- end
- it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).and_return(mock_forum(:update_attributes => false))
- put :update, :id => "1"
- response.should render_template('edit')
- end
- end
- end
- describe "DELETE destroy" do
- it "destroys the requested forum" do
- Forum.should_receive(:find).with("37").and_return(mock_forum)
- mock_forum.should_receive(:destroy)
- delete :destroy, :id => "37"
- end
- it "redirects to the forums list" do
- Forum.stub!(:find).and_return(mock_forum(:destroy => true))
- delete :destroy, :id => "1"
- response.should redirect_to(forums_url)
- end
- end
- end