Ruby | 1433 lines | 1163 code | 261 blank | 9 comment | 1 complexity | 6bd7cb62c2dd6060e4c5951067376e08 MD5 | raw file
- # encoding: utf-8
- require 'abstract_unit'
- require 'controller/fake_controllers'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/object/with_options'
- class MilestonesController < ActionController::Base
- def index() head :ok end
- alias_method :show, :index
- def rescue_action(e) raise e end
- end
- ROUTING = ActionDispatch::Routing
- module RoutingTestHelpers
- def url_for(set, options, recall = nil)
- set.send(:url_for, options.merge(:only_path => true, :_path_segments => recall))
- end
- end
- # See RFC 3986, section 3.3 for allowed path characters.
- class UriReservedCharactersRoutingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include RoutingTestHelpers
- def setup
- @set = ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
- @set.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:variable/*additional'
- end
- safe, unsafe = %w(: @ & = + $ , ;), %w(^ ? # [ ])
- hex = unsafe.map { |char| '%' + char.unpack('H2').first.upcase }
- @segment = "#{safe.join}#{unsafe.join}".freeze
- @escaped = "#{safe.join}#{hex.join}".freeze
- end
- def test_route_generation_escapes_unsafe_path_characters
- assert_equal "/content/act#{@escaped}ion/var#{@escaped}iable/add#{@escaped}itional-1/add#{@escaped}itional-2",
- url_for(@set, {
- :controller => "content",
- :action => "act#{@segment}ion",
- :variable => "var#{@segment}iable",
- :additional => ["add#{@segment}itional-1", "add#{@segment}itional-2"]
- })
- end
- def test_route_recognition_unescapes_path_components
- options = { :controller => "content",
- :action => "act#{@segment}ion",
- :variable => "var#{@segment}iable",
- :additional => "add#{@segment}itional-1/add#{@segment}itional-2" }
- assert_equal options, @set.recognize_path("/content/act#{@escaped}ion/var#{@escaped}iable/add#{@escaped}itional-1/add#{@escaped}itional-2")
- end
- def test_route_generation_allows_passing_non_string_values_to_generated_helper
- assert_equal "/content/action/variable/1/2",
- url_for(@set, {
- :controller => "content",
- :action => "action",
- :variable => "variable",
- :additional => [1, 2]
- })
- end
- end
- class MockController
- def self.build(helpers)
- Class.new do
- def url_for(options)
- options[:protocol] ||= "http"
- options[:host] ||= "test.host"
- super(options)
- end
- include helpers
- end
- end
- end
- class LegacyRouteSetTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include RoutingTestHelpers
- attr_reader :rs
- def setup
- @rs = ::ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
- end
- def teardown
- @rs.clear!
- end
- def test_draw_with_block_arity_one_raises
- assert_raise(RuntimeError) do
- @rs.draw { |map| map.match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' }
- end
- end
- def test_default_setup
- @rs.draw { match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))' }
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'index'}, rs.recognize_path("/content"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'list'}, rs.recognize_path("/content/list"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'show', :id => '10'}, rs.recognize_path("/content/show/10"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "admin/user", :action => 'show', :id => '10'}, rs.recognize_path("/admin/user/show/10"))
- assert_equal '/admin/user/show/10', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'show', :id => 10 })
- assert_equal '/admin/user/show', url_for(rs, { :action => 'show' }, { :controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'list', :id => '10' })
- assert_equal '/admin/user/list/10', url_for(rs, {}, { :controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'list', :id => '10' })
- assert_equal '/admin/stuff', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'stuff' }, { :controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'list', :id => '10' })
- assert_equal '/stuff', url_for(rs, { :controller => '/stuff' }, { :controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'list', :id => '10' })
- end
- def test_ignores_leading_slash
- @rs.clear!
- @rs.draw { match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'}
- test_default_setup
- end
- def test_time_recognition
- # We create many routes to make situation more realistic
- @rs = ::ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
- @rs.draw {
- root :to => "search#new", :as => "frontpage"
- resources :videos do
- resources :comments
- resource :file, :controller => 'video_file'
- resource :share, :controller => 'video_shares'
- resource :abuse, :controller => 'video_abuses'
- end
- resources :abuses, :controller => 'video_abuses'
- resources :video_uploads
- resources :video_visits
- resources :users do
- resource :settings
- resources :videos
- end
- resources :channels do
- resources :videos, :controller => 'channel_videos'
- end
- resource :session
- resource :lost_password
- match 'search' => 'search#index', :as => 'search'
- resources :pages
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- }
- end
- def test_route_with_colon_first
- rs.draw do
- match '/:controller/:action/:id', :action => 'index', :id => nil
- match ':url', :controller => 'tiny_url', :action => 'translate'
- end
- end
- def test_route_with_regexp_for_controller
- rs.draw do
- match ':controller/:admintoken(/:action(/:id))', :controller => /admin\/.+/
- match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => "admin/user", :admintoken => "foo", :action => "index"},
- rs.recognize_path("/admin/user/foo"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => "foo"},
- rs.recognize_path("/content/foo"))
- assert_equal '/admin/user/foo', url_for(rs, { :controller => "admin/user", :admintoken => "foo", :action => "index" })
- assert_equal '/content/foo', url_for(rs, { :controller => "content", :action => "foo" })
- end
- def test_route_with_regexp_and_captures_for_controller
- rs.draw do
- match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))', :controller => /admin\/(accounts|users)/
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => "admin/accounts", :action => "index"}, rs.recognize_path("/admin/accounts"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "admin/users", :action => "index"}, rs.recognize_path("/admin/users"))
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) { rs.recognize_path("/admin/products") }
- end
- def test_route_with_regexp_and_dot
- rs.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:file',
- :controller => /admin|user/,
- :action => /upload|download/,
- :defaults => {:file => nil},
- :constraints => {:file => %r{[^/]+(\.[^/]+)?}}
- end
- # Without a file extension
- assert_equal '/user/download/file',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => "user", :action => "download", :file => "file" })
- assert_equal({:controller => "user", :action => "download", :file => "file"},
- rs.recognize_path("/user/download/file"))
- # Now, let's try a file with an extension, really a dot (.)
- assert_equal '/user/download/file.jpg',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => "user", :action => "download", :file => "file.jpg" })
- assert_equal({:controller => "user", :action => "download", :file => "file.jpg"},
- rs.recognize_path("/user/download/file.jpg"))
- end
- def test_basic_named_route
- rs.draw do
- root :to => 'content#list', :as => 'home'
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/", setup_for_named_route.send(:home_url))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_option
- rs.draw do
- match 'page/:title' => 'content#show_page', :as => 'page'
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/page/new%20stuff",
- setup_for_named_route.send(:page_url, :title => 'new stuff'))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_default
- rs.draw do
- match 'page/:title' => 'content#show_page', :title => 'AboutPage', :as => 'page'
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/page/AboutRails",
- setup_for_named_route.send(:page_url, :title => "AboutRails"))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_path_prefix
- rs.draw do
- scope "my" do
- match 'page' => 'content#show_page', :as => 'page'
- end
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/my/page",
- setup_for_named_route.send(:page_url))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_blank_path_prefix
- rs.draw do
- scope "" do
- match 'page' => 'content#show_page', :as => 'page'
- end
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/page",
- setup_for_named_route.send(:page_url))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_nested_controller
- rs.draw do
- match 'admin/user' => 'admin/user#index', :as => "users"
- end
- assert_equal("http://test.host/admin/user",
- setup_for_named_route.send(:users_url))
- end
- def test_optimised_named_route_with_host
- rs.draw do
- match 'page' => 'content#show_page', :as => 'pages', :host => 'foo.com'
- end
- routes = setup_for_named_route
- routes.expects(:url_for).with({
- :host => 'foo.com',
- :only_path => false,
- :controller => 'content',
- :action => 'show_page',
- :use_route => 'pages'
- }).once
- routes.send(:pages_url)
- end
- def setup_for_named_route
- MockController.build(rs.url_helpers).new
- end
- def test_named_route_without_hash
- rs.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:id', :as => 'normal'
- end
- end
- def test_named_route_root
- rs.draw do
- root :to => "hello#index"
- end
- routes = setup_for_named_route
- assert_equal("http://test.host/", routes.send(:root_url))
- assert_equal("/", routes.send(:root_path))
- end
- def test_named_route_with_regexps
- rs.draw do
- match 'page/:year/:month/:day/:title' => 'page#show', :as => 'article',
- :year => /\d+/, :month => /\d+/, :day => /\d+/
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- routes = setup_for_named_route
- assert_equal "http://test.host/page/2005/6/10/hi",
- routes.send(:article_url, :title => 'hi', :day => 10, :year => 2005, :month => 6)
- end
- def test_changing_controller
- @rs.draw { match ':controller/:action/:id' }
- assert_equal '/admin/stuff/show/10',
- url_for(rs, {:controller => 'stuff', :action => 'show', :id => 10},
- {:controller => 'admin/user', :action => 'index'})
- end
- def test_paths_escaped
- rs.draw do
- match 'file/*path' => 'content#show_file', :as => 'path'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- # No + to space in URI escaping, only for query params.
- results = rs.recognize_path "/file/hello+world/how+are+you%3F"
- assert results, "Recognition should have succeeded"
- assert_equal 'hello+world/how+are+you?', results[:path]
- # Use %20 for space instead.
- results = rs.recognize_path "/file/hello%20world/how%20are%20you%3F"
- assert results, "Recognition should have succeeded"
- assert_equal 'hello world/how are you?', results[:path]
- end
- def test_paths_slashes_unescaped_with_ordered_parameters
- rs.draw do
- match '/file/*path' => 'content#index', :as => 'path'
- end
- # No / to %2F in URI, only for query params.
- assert_equal("/file/hello/world", setup_for_named_route.send(:path_path, ['hello', 'world']))
- end
- def test_non_controllers_cannot_be_matched
- rs.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) { rs.recognize_path("/not_a/show/10") }
- end
- def test_should_list_options_diff_when_routing_constraints_dont_match
- rs.draw do
- match 'post/:id' => 'post#show', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }, :as => 'post'
- end
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) do
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'post', :action => 'show', :bad_param => "foo", :use_route => "post" })
- end
- end
- def test_dynamic_path_allowed
- rs.draw do
- match '*path' => 'content#show_file'
- end
- assert_equal '/pages/boo',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_file', :path => %w(pages boo) })
- end
- def test_dynamic_recall_paths_allowed
- rs.draw do
- match '*path' => 'content#show_file'
- end
- assert_equal '/pages/boo',
- url_for(rs, {}, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_file', :path => %w(pages boo) })
- end
- def test_backwards
- rs.draw do
- match 'page/:id(/:action)' => 'pages#show'
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal '/page/20', url_for(rs, { :id => 20 }, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show' })
- assert_equal '/page/20', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'pages', :id => 20, :action => 'show' })
- assert_equal '/pages/boo', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'boo' })
- end
- def test_route_with_fixnum_default
- rs.draw do
- match 'page(/:id)' => 'content#show_page', :id => 1
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal '/page', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page' })
- assert_equal '/page', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page', :id => 1 })
- assert_equal '/page', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page', :id => '1' })
- assert_equal '/page/10', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page', :id => 10 })
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'show_page', :id => 1 }, rs.recognize_path("/page"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'show_page', :id => '1'}, rs.recognize_path("/page/1"))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => 'show_page', :id => '10'}, rs.recognize_path("/page/10"))
- end
- # For newer revision
- def test_route_with_text_default
- rs.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'content#show_page', :id => 1
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal '/page/foo', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page', :id => 'foo' })
- assert_equal({ :controller => "content", :action => 'show_page', :id => 'foo' }, rs.recognize_path("/page/foo"))
- token = "\321\202\320\265\320\272\321\201\321\202" # 'text' in Russian
- token.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if token.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
- escaped_token = CGI::escape(token)
- assert_equal '/page/' + escaped_token, url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show_page', :id => token })
- assert_equal({ :controller => "content", :action => 'show_page', :id => token }, rs.recognize_path("/page/#{escaped_token}"))
- end
- def test_action_expiry
- @rs.draw { match ':controller(/:action(/:id))' }
- assert_equal '/content', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content' }, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show' })
- end
- def test_requirement_should_prevent_optional_id
- rs.draw do
- match 'post/:id' => 'post#show', :constraints => {:id => /\d+/}, :as => 'post'
- end
- assert_equal '/post/10', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'post', :action => 'show', :id => 10 })
- assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'post', :action => 'show' })
- end
- end
- def test_both_requirement_and_optional
- rs.draw do
- match('test(/:year)' => 'post#show', :as => 'blog',
- :defaults => { :year => nil },
- :constraints => { :year => /\d{4}/ }
- )
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal '/test', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'post', :action => 'show' })
- assert_equal '/test', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'post', :action => 'show', :year => nil })
- assert_equal("http://test.host/test", setup_for_named_route.send(:blog_url))
- end
- def test_set_to_nil_forgets
- rs.draw do
- match 'pages(/:year(/:month(/:day)))' => 'content#list_pages', :month => nil, :day => nil
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal '/pages/2005',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => 2005 })
- assert_equal '/pages/2005/6',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => 2005, :month => 6 })
- assert_equal '/pages/2005/6/12',
- url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => 2005, :month => 6, :day => 12 })
- assert_equal '/pages/2005/6/4',
- url_for(rs, { :day => 4 }, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => '2005', :month => '6', :day => '12' })
- assert_equal '/pages/2005/6',
- url_for(rs, { :day => nil }, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => '2005', :month => '6', :day => '12' })
- assert_equal '/pages/2005',
- url_for(rs, { :day => nil, :month => nil }, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list_pages', :year => '2005', :month => '6', :day => '12' })
- end
- def test_root_url_generation_with_controller_and_action
- rs.draw do
- root :to => "content#index"
- end
- assert_equal '/', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'index' })
- assert_equal '/', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content' })
- end
- def test_named_root_url_generation_with_controller_and_action
- rs.draw do
- root :to => "content#index", :as => 'home'
- end
- assert_equal '/', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'index' })
- assert_equal '/', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content' })
- assert_equal("http://test.host/", setup_for_named_route.send(:home_url))
- end
- def test_named_route_method
- rs.draw do
- match 'categories' => 'content#categories', :as => 'categories'
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal '/categories', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'categories' })
- assert_equal '/content/hi', url_for(rs, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'hi' })
- end
- def test_named_routes_array
- test_named_route_method
- assert_equal [:categories], rs.named_routes.names
- end
- def test_nil_defaults
- rs.draw do
- match 'journal' => 'content#list_journal',
- :date => nil, :user_id => nil
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal '/journal', url_for(rs, {
- :controller => 'content',
- :action => 'list_journal',
- :date => nil,
- :user_id => nil
- })
- end
- def setup_request_method_routes_for(method)
- rs.draw do
- match '/match' => 'books#get', :via => :get
- match '/match' => 'books#post', :via => :post
- match '/match' => 'books#put', :via => :put
- match '/match' => 'books#delete', :via => :delete
- end
- end
- %w(GET POST PUT DELETE).each do |request_method|
- define_method("test_request_method_recognized_with_#{request_method}") do
- setup_request_method_routes_for(request_method)
- params = rs.recognize_path("/match", :method => request_method)
- assert_equal request_method.downcase, params[:action]
- end
- end
- def test_recognize_array_of_methods
- rs.draw do
- match '/match' => 'books#get_or_post', :via => [:get, :post]
- match '/match' => 'books#not_get_or_post'
- end
- params = rs.recognize_path("/match", :method => :post)
- assert_equal 'get_or_post', params[:action]
- params = rs.recognize_path("/match", :method => :put)
- assert_equal 'not_get_or_post', params[:action]
- end
- def test_subpath_recognized
- rs.draw do
- match '/books/:id/edit' => 'subpath_books#edit'
- match '/items/:id/:action' => 'subpath_books'
- match '/posts/new/:action' => 'subpath_books'
- match '/posts/:id' => 'subpath_books#show'
- end
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/books/17/edit"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(subpath_books 17 edit), [hash[:controller], hash[:id], hash[:action]]
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/items/3/complete"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(subpath_books 3 complete), [hash[:controller], hash[:id], hash[:action]]
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/posts/new/preview"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(subpath_books preview), [hash[:controller], hash[:action]]
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/posts/7"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(subpath_books show 7), [hash[:controller], hash[:action], hash[:id]]
- end
- def test_subpath_generated
- rs.draw do
- match '/books/:id/edit' => 'subpath_books#edit'
- match '/items/:id/:action' => 'subpath_books'
- match '/posts/new/:action' => 'subpath_books'
- end
- assert_equal "/books/7/edit", url_for(rs, { :controller => "subpath_books", :id => 7, :action => "edit" })
- assert_equal "/items/15/complete", url_for(rs, { :controller => "subpath_books", :id => 15, :action => "complete" })
- assert_equal "/posts/new/preview", url_for(rs, { :controller => "subpath_books", :action => "preview" })
- end
- def test_failed_constraints_raises_exception_with_violated_constraints
- rs.draw do
- match 'foos/:id' => 'foos#show', :as => 'foo_with_requirement', :constraints => { :id => /\d+/ }
- end
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) do
- setup_for_named_route.send(:foo_with_requirement_url, "I am Against the constraints")
- end
- end
- def test_routes_changed_correctly_after_clear
- rs = ::ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet.new
- rs.draw do
- match 'ca' => 'ca#aa'
- match 'cb' => 'cb#ab'
- match 'cc' => 'cc#ac'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- match ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
- end
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/cc"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(cc ac), [hash[:controller], hash[:action]]
- rs.draw do
- match 'cb' => 'cb#ab'
- match 'cc' => 'cc#ac'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- match ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
- end
- hash = rs.recognize_path "/cc"
- assert_not_nil hash
- assert_equal %w(cc ac), [hash[:controller], hash[:action]]
- end
- end
- class RouteSetTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- include RoutingTestHelpers
- def set
- @set ||= ROUTING::RouteSet.new
- end
- def request
- @request ||= ActionController::TestRequest.new
- end
- def default_route_set
- @default_route_set ||= begin
- set = ROUTING::RouteSet.new
- set.draw do
- match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- set
- end
- end
- def test_generate_extras
- set.draw { match ':controller/(:action(/:id))' }
- path, extras = set.generate_extras(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 15, :this => "hello", :that => "world")
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/15", path
- assert_equal %w(that this), extras.map { |e| e.to_s }.sort
- end
- def test_extra_keys
- set.draw { match ':controller/:action/:id' }
- extras = set.extra_keys(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 15, :this => "hello", :that => "world")
- assert_equal %w(that this), extras.map { |e| e.to_s }.sort
- end
- def test_generate_extras_not_first
- set.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- path, extras = set.generate_extras(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 15, :this => "hello", :that => "world")
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/15", path
- assert_equal %w(that this), extras.map { |e| e.to_s }.sort
- end
- def test_generate_not_first
- set.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/15?this=hello",
- url_for(set, { :controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 15, :this => "hello" })
- end
- def test_extra_keys_not_first
- set.draw do
- match ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- extras = set.extra_keys(:controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => 15, :this => "hello", :that => "world")
- assert_equal %w(that this), extras.map { |e| e.to_s }.sort
- end
- def test_draw
- assert_equal 0, set.routes.size
- set.draw do
- match '/hello/world' => 'a#b'
- end
- assert_equal 1, set.routes.size
- end
- def test_draw_symbol_controller_name
- assert_equal 0, set.routes.size
- set.draw do
- match '/users/index' => 'users#index'
- end
- set.recognize_path('/users/index', :method => :get)
- assert_equal 1, set.routes.size
- end
- def test_named_draw
- assert_equal 0, set.routes.size
- set.draw do
- match '/hello/world' => 'a#b', :as => 'hello'
- end
- assert_equal 1, set.routes.size
- assert_equal set.routes.first, set.named_routes[:hello]
- end
- def test_later_named_routes_take_precedence
- set.draw do
- match '/hello/world' => 'a#b', :as => 'hello'
- match '/hello' => 'a#b', :as => 'hello'
- end
- assert_equal set.routes.last, set.named_routes[:hello]
- end
- def setup_named_route_test
- set.draw do
- match '/people(/:id)' => 'people#show', :as => 'show'
- match '/people' => 'people#index', :as => 'index'
- match '/people/go/:foo/:bar/joe(/:id)' => 'people#multi', :as => 'multi'
- match '/admin/users' => 'admin/users#index', :as => "users"
- end
- MockController.build(set.url_helpers).new
- end
- def test_named_route_hash_access_method
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal(
- { :controller => 'people', :action => 'show', :id => 5, :use_route => "show", :only_path => false },
- controller.send(:hash_for_show_url, :id => 5))
- assert_equal(
- { :controller => 'people', :action => 'index', :use_route => "index", :only_path => false },
- controller.send(:hash_for_index_url))
- assert_equal(
- { :controller => 'people', :action => 'show', :id => 5, :use_route => "show", :only_path => true },
- controller.send(:hash_for_show_path, :id => 5)
- )
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/5", controller.send(:show_url, :id => 5)
- assert_equal "/people/5", controller.send(:show_path, :id => 5)
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people", controller.send(:index_url)
- assert_equal "/people", controller.send(:index_path)
- assert_equal "http://test.host/admin/users", controller.send(:users_url)
- assert_equal '/admin/users', controller.send(:users_path)
- assert_equal '/admin/users', url_for(set, controller.send(:hash_for_users_url), { :controller => 'users', :action => 'index' })
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_anchor
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/5#location", controller.send(:show_url, :id => 5, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "/people/5#location", controller.send(:show_path, :id => 5, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people#location", controller.send(:index_url, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "/people#location", controller.send(:index_path, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "http://test.host/admin/users#location", controller.send(:users_url, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal '/admin/users#location', controller.send(:users_path, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/go/7/hello/joe/5#location",
- controller.send(:multi_url, 7, "hello", 5, :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/go/7/hello/joe/5?baz=bar#location",
- controller.send(:multi_url, 7, "hello", 5, :baz => "bar", :anchor => 'location')
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people?baz=bar#location",
- controller.send(:index_url, :baz => "bar", :anchor => 'location')
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_port
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host:8080/people/5", controller.send(:show_url, 5, :port=>8080)
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_host
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://some.example.com/people/5", controller.send(:show_url, 5, :host=>"some.example.com")
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_protocol
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "https://test.host/people/5", controller.send(:show_url, 5, :protocol => "https")
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_ordered_parameters
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/go/7/hello/joe/5",
- controller.send(:multi_url, 7, "hello", 5)
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_ordered_parameters_and_hash
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/go/7/hello/joe/5?baz=bar",
- controller.send(:multi_url, 7, "hello", 5, :baz => "bar")
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_ordered_parameters_and_empty_hash
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people/go/7/hello/joe/5",
- controller.send(:multi_url, 7, "hello", 5, {})
- end
- def test_named_route_url_method_with_no_positional_arguments
- controller = setup_named_route_test
- assert_equal "http://test.host/people?baz=bar",
- controller.send(:index_url, :baz => "bar")
- end
- def test_draw_default_route
- set.draw do
- match '/:controller/:action/:id'
- end
- assert_equal 1, set.routes.size
- assert_equal '/users/show/10', url_for(set, { :controller => 'users', :action => 'show', :id => 10 })
- assert_equal '/users/index/10', url_for(set, { :controller => 'users', :id => 10 })
- assert_equal({:controller => 'users', :action => 'index', :id => '10'}, set.recognize_path('/users/index/10'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'users', :action => 'index', :id => '10'}, set.recognize_path('/users/index/10/'))
- end
- def test_route_with_parameter_shell
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /\d+/
- match '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'index'}, set.recognize_path('/pages'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'index'}, set.recognize_path('/pages/index'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'list'}, set.recognize_path('/pages/list'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => '10'}, set.recognize_path('/pages/show/10'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => '10'}, set.recognize_path('/page/10'))
- end
- def test_route_constraints_on_request_object_with_anchors_are_valid
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :constraints => { :host => /^foo$/ }
- end
- end
- end
- def test_route_constraints_with_anchor_chars_are_invalid
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /^\d+/
- end
- end
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /\A\d+/
- end
- end
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /\d+$/
- end
- end
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /\d+\Z/
- end
- end
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /\d+\z/
- end
- end
- end
- def test_route_constraints_with_options_method_condition_is_valid
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- match 'valid/route' => 'pages#show', :via => :options
- end
- end
- end
- def test_recognize_with_encoded_id_and_regex
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:id' => 'pages#show', :id => /[a-zA-Z0-9\+]+/
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => '10'}, set.recognize_path('/page/10'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => 'hello+world'}, set.recognize_path('/page/hello+world'))
- end
- def test_recognize_with_http_methods
- set.draw do
- get "/people" => "people#index", :as => "people"
- post "/people" => "people#create"
- get "/people/:id" => "people#show", :as => "person"
- put "/people/:id" => "people#update"
- delete "/people/:id" => "people#destroy"
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/people", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people", :method => :post)
- assert_equal("create", params[:action])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :put)
- assert_equal("update", params[:action])
- assert_raise(ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod) {
- set.recognize_path("/people", :method => :bacon)
- }
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("show", params[:action])
- assert_equal("5", params[:id])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :put)
- assert_equal("update", params[:action])
- assert_equal("5", params[:id])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :delete)
- assert_equal("destroy", params[:action])
- assert_equal("5", params[:id])
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) {
- set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :post)
- }
- end
- def test_recognize_with_alias_in_conditions
- set.draw do
- match "/people" => 'people#index', :as => 'people', :via => :get
- root :to => "people#index"
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/people", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("people", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- params = set.recognize_path("/", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("people", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- end
- def test_typo_recognition
- set.draw do
- match 'articles/:year/:month/:day/:title' => 'articles#permalink',
- :year => /\d{4}/, :day => /\d{1,2}/, :month => /\d{1,2}/
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/articles/2005/11/05/a-very-interesting-article", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("permalink", params[:action])
- assert_equal("2005", params[:year])
- assert_equal("11", params[:month])
- assert_equal("05", params[:day])
- assert_equal("a-very-interesting-article", params[:title])
- end
- def test_routing_traversal_does_not_load_extra_classes
- assert !Object.const_defined?("Profiler__"), "Profiler should not be loaded"
- set.draw do
- match '/profile' => 'profile#index'
- end
- set.recognize_path("/profile") rescue nil
- assert !Object.const_defined?("Profiler__"), "Profiler should not be loaded"
- end
- def test_recognize_with_conditions_and_format
- set.draw do
- get "people/:id" => "people#show", :as => "person"
- put "people/:id" => "people#update"
- get "people/:id(.:format)" => "people#show"
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("show", params[:action])
- assert_equal("5", params[:id])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5", :method => :put)
- assert_equal("update", params[:action])
- params = set.recognize_path("/people/5.png", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("show", params[:action])
- assert_equal("5", params[:id])
- assert_equal("png", params[:format])
- end
- def test_generate_with_default_action
- set.draw do
- match "/people", :controller => "people", :action => "index"
- match "/people/list", :controller => "people", :action => "list"
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :controller => "people", :action => "list" })
- assert_equal "/people/list", url
- end
- def test_root_map
- set.draw { root :to => 'people#index' }
- params = set.recognize_path("", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("people", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- end
- def test_namespace
- set.draw do
- namespace 'api' do
- match 'inventory' => 'products#inventory'
- end
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/api/inventory", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("api/products", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("inventory", params[:action])
- end
- def test_namespaced_root_map
- set.draw do
- namespace 'api' do
- root :to => 'products#index'
- end
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/api", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("api/products", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- end
- def test_namespace_with_path_prefix
- set.draw do
- scope :module => "api", :path => "prefix" do
- match 'inventory' => 'products#inventory'
- end
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/prefix/inventory", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("api/products", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("inventory", params[:action])
- end
- def test_namespace_with_blank_path_prefix
- set.draw do
- scope :module => "api", :path => "" do
- match 'inventory' => 'products#inventory'
- end
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/inventory", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("api/products", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("inventory", params[:action])
- end
- def test_generate_changes_controller_module
- set.draw { match ':controller/:action/:id' }
- current = { :controller => "bling/bloop", :action => "bap", :id => 9 }
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/baz/7",
- url_for(set, { :controller => "foo/bar", :action => "baz", :id => 7 }, current)
- end
- def test_id_is_sticky_when_it_ought_to_be
- set.draw do
- match ':controller/:id/:action'
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :action => "destroy" }, { :controller => "people", :action => "show", :id => "7" })
- assert_equal "/people/7/destroy", url
- end
- def test_use_static_path_when_possible
- set.draw do
- match 'about' => "welcome#about"
- match ':controller/:action/:id'
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :controller => "welcome", :action => "about" },
- { :controller => "welcome", :action => "get", :id => "7" })
- assert_equal "/about", url
- end
- def test_generate
- set.draw { match ':controller/:action/:id' }
- args = { :controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => "7", :x => "y" }
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/7?x=y", url_for(set, args)
- assert_equal ["/foo/bar/7", [:x]], set.generate_extras(args)
- assert_equal [:x], set.extra_keys(args)
- end
- def test_generate_with_path_prefix
- set.draw do
- scope "my" do
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- end
- args = { :controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => "7", :x => "y" }
- assert_equal "/my/foo/bar/7?x=y", url_for(set, args)
- end
- def test_generate_with_blank_path_prefix
- set.draw do
- scope "" do
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- end
- args = { :controller => "foo", :action => "bar", :id => "7", :x => "y" }
- assert_equal "/foo/bar/7?x=y", url_for(set, args)
- end
- def test_named_routes_are_never_relative_to_modules
- set.draw do
- match "/connection/manage(/:action)" => 'connection/manage#index'
- match "/connection/connection" => "connection/connection#index"
- match '/connection' => 'connection#index', :as => 'family_connection'
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :controller => "connection" }, { :controller => 'connection/manage' })
- assert_equal "/connection/connection", url
- url = url_for(set, { :use_route => :family_connection, :controller => "connection" }, { :controller => 'connection/manage' })
- assert_equal "/connection", url
- end
- def test_action_left_off_when_id_is_recalled
- set.draw do
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal '/books', url_for(set,
- {:controller => 'books', :action => 'index'},
- {:controller => 'books', :action => 'show', :id => '10'}
- )
- end
- def test_query_params_will_be_shown_when_recalled
- set.draw do
- match 'show_weblog/:parameter' => 'weblog#show'
- match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'
- end
- assert_equal '/weblog/edit?parameter=1', url_for(set,
- {:action => 'edit', :parameter => 1},
- {:controller => 'weblog', :action => 'show', :parameter => 1}
- )
- end
- def test_format_is_not_inherit
- set.draw do
- match '/posts(.:format)' => 'posts#index'
- end
- assert_equal '/posts', url_for(set,
- {:controller => 'posts'},
- {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'index', :format => 'xml'}
- )
- assert_equal '/posts.xml', url_for(set,
- {:controller => 'posts', :format => 'xml'},
- {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'index', :format => 'xml'}
- )
- end
- def test_expiry_determination_should_consider_values_with_to_param
- set.draw { match 'projects/:project_id/:controller/:action' }
- assert_equal '/projects/1/weblog/show', url_for(set,
- { :action => 'show', :project_id => 1 },
- { :controller => 'weblog', :action => 'show', :project_id => '1' })
- end
- def test_named_route_in_nested_resource
- set.draw do
- resources :projects do
- member do
- match 'milestones' => 'milestones#index', :as => 'milestones'
- end
- end
- end
- params = set.recognize_path("/projects/1/milestones", :method => :get)
- assert_equal("milestones", params[:controller])
- assert_equal("index", params[:action])
- end
- def test_setting_root_in_namespace_using_symbol
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- namespace :admin do
- root :to => "home#index"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def test_setting_root_in_namespace_using_string
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- namespace 'admin' do
- root :to => "home#index"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def test_route_constraints_with_unsupported_regexp_options_must_error
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => { :name => /(david|jamis)/m }
- end
- end
- end
- def test_route_constraints_with_supported_options_must_not_error
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => { :name => /(david|jamis)/i }
- end
- end
- assert_nothing_raised do
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => { :name => / # Desperately overcommented regexp
- ( #Either
- david #The Creator
- | #Or
- jamis #The Deployer
- )/x }
- end
- end
- end
- def test_route_requirement_recognize_with_ignore_case
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => {:name => /(david|jamis)/i}
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'jamis'}, set.recognize_path('/page/jamis'))
- assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do
- set.recognize_path('/page/davidjamis')
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'DAVID'}, set.recognize_path('/page/DAVID'))
- end
- def test_route_requirement_generate_with_ignore_case
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => {:name => /(david|jamis)/i}
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'david' })
- assert_equal "/page/david", url
- assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do
- url_for(set, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'davidjamis' })
- end
- url = url_for(set, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'JAMIS' })
- assert_equal "/page/JAMIS", url
- end
- def test_route_requirement_recognize_with_extended_syntax
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => {:name => / # Desperately overcommented regexp
- ( #Either
- david #The Creator
- | #Or
- jamis #The Deployer
- )/x}
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'jamis'}, set.recognize_path('/page/jamis'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'david'}, set.recognize_path('/page/david'))
- assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do
- set.recognize_path('/page/david #The Creator')
- end
- assert_raise ActionController::RoutingError do
- set.recognize_path('/page/David')
- end
- end
- def test_route_requirement_with_xi_modifiers
- set.draw do
- match 'page/:name' => 'pages#show',
- :constraints => {:name => / # Desperately overcommented regexp
- ( #Either
- david #The Creator
- | #Or
- jamis #The Deployer
- )/xi}
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'JAMIS'},
- set.recognize_path('/page/JAMIS'))
- assert_equal "/page/JAMIS",
- url_for(set, { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => 'JAMIS' })
- end
- def test_routes_with_symbols
- set.draw do
- match 'unnamed', :controller => :pages, :action => :show, :name => :as_symbol
- match 'named' , :controller => :pages, :action => :show, :name => :as_symbol, :as => :named
- end
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => :as_symbol}, set.recognize_path('/unnamed'))
- assert_equal({:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :name => :as_symbol}, set.recognize_path('/named'))
- end
- def test_regexp_chunk_should_add_question_mark_for_optionals
- set.draw do
- match '/' => 'foo#index'
- match '/hello' => 'bar#index'
- end
- assert_equal '/', url_for(set, { :controller => 'foo' })
- assert_equal '/hello', url_for(set, { :controller => 'bar' })
- assert_equal({:controller => "foo", :action => "index"}, set.recognize_path('/'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "bar", :action => "index"}, set.recognize_path('/hello'))
- end
- def test_assign_route_options_with_anchor_chars
- set.draw do
- match '/cars/:action/:person/:car/', :controller => 'cars'
- end
- assert_equal '/cars/buy/1/2', url_for(set, { :controller => 'cars', :action => 'buy', :person => '1', :car => '2' })
- assert_equal({:controller => "cars", :action => "buy", :person => "1", :car => "2"}, set.recognize_path('/cars/buy/1/2'))
- end
- def test_segmentation_of_dot_path
- set.draw do
- match '/books/:action.rss', :controller => 'books'
- end
- assert_equal '/books/list.rss', url_for(set, { :controller => 'books', :action => 'list' })
- assert_equal({:controller => "books", :action => "list"}, set.recognize_path('/books/list.rss'))
- end
- def test_segmentation_of_dynamic_dot_path
- set.draw do
- match '/books(/:action(.:format))', :controller => 'books'
- end
- assert_equal '/books/list.rss', url_for(set, { :controller => 'books', :action => 'list', :format => 'rss' })
- assert_equal '/books/list.xml', url_for(set, { :controller => 'books', :action => 'list', :format => 'xml' })
- assert_equal '/books/list', url_for(set, { :controller => 'books', :action => 'list' })
- assert_equal '/books', url_for(set, { :controller => 'books', :action => 'index' })
- assert_equal({:controller => "books", :action => "list", :format => "rss"}, set.recognize_path('/books/list.rss'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "books", :action => "list", :format => "xml"}, set.recognize_path('/books/list.xml'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "books", :action => "list"}, set.recognize_path('/books/list'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "books", :action => "index"}, set.recognize_path('/books'))
- end
- def test_slashes_are_implied
- @set = nil
- set.draw { match("/:controller(/:action(/:id))") }
- assert_equal '/content', url_for(set, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'index' })
- assert_equal '/content/list', url_for(set, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'list' })
- assert_equal '/content/show/1', url_for(set, { :controller => 'content', :action => 'show', :id => '1' })
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => "index"}, set.recognize_path('/content'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => "index"}, set.recognize_path('/content/index'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => "list"}, set.recognize_path('/content/list'))
- assert_equal({:controller => "content", :action => "show", :id => "1"}, set.recognize_path('/content/show/1'))
- end
- def test_default_route_recognition
- expected = {:controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => '10'}
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show/10')
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show/10/')
- expected[:id] = 'jamis'
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show/jamis/')
- expected.delete :id
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show')
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show/')
- expected[:action] = 'index'
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/')
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages')
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) { default_route_set.recognize_path('/') }
- assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) { default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/how/goood/it/is/to/be/free') }
- end
- def test_default_route_should_omit_default_action
- assert_equal '/accounts', url_for(default_route_set, { :controller => 'accounts', :action => 'index' })
- end
- def test_default_route_should_include_default_action_when_id_present
- assert_equal '/accounts/index/20', url_for(default_route_set, { :controller => 'accounts', :action => 'index', :id => '20' })
- end
- def test_default_route_should_work_with_action_but_no_id
- assert_equal '/accounts/list_all', url_for(default_route_set, { :controller => 'accounts', :action => 'list_all' })
- end
- def test_default_route_should_uri_escape_pluses
- expected = { :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show', :id => 'hello world' }
- assert_equal expected, default_route_set.recognize_path('/pages/show/hello%20world')