Ruby | 881 lines | 791 code | 87 blank | 3 comment | 6 complexity | 283905422f11db8bb1cfa6678a0dfd87 MD5 | raw file
- require 'abstract_unit'
- require 'pp'
- require 'active_support/dependencies'
- module ModuleWithMissing
- mattr_accessor :missing_count
- def self.const_missing(name)
- self.missing_count += 1
- name
- end
- end
- module ModuleWithConstant
- InheritedConstant = "Hello"
- end
- class DependenciesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def teardown
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- end
- def with_loading(*from)
- old_mechanism, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism, :load
- this_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- parent_dir = File.dirname(this_dir)
- path_copy = $LOAD_PATH.dup
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift(parent_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(parent_dir)
- prior_autoload_paths = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths = from.collect { |f| "#{this_dir}/#{f}" }
- yield
- ensure
- $LOAD_PATH.replace(path_copy)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths = prior_autoload_paths
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism = old_mechanism
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.explicitly_unloadable_constants = []
- end
- def with_autoloading_fixtures(&block)
- with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures', &block
- end
- def test_tracking_loaded_files
- require_dependency 'dependencies/service_one'
- require_dependency 'dependencies/service_two'
- assert_equal 2, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.size
- ensure
- Object.send(:remove_const, :ServiceOne) if Object.const_defined?(:ServiceOne)
- Object.send(:remove_const, :ServiceTwo) if Object.const_defined?(:ServiceTwo)
- end
- def test_tracking_identical_loaded_files
- require_dependency 'dependencies/service_one'
- require_dependency 'dependencies/service_one'
- assert_equal 1, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.size
- ensure
- Object.send(:remove_const, :ServiceOne) if Object.const_defined?(:ServiceOne)
- end
- def test_missing_dependency_raises_missing_source_file
- assert_raise(MissingSourceFile) { require_dependency("missing_service") }
- end
- def test_missing_association_raises_nothing
- assert_nothing_raised { require_association("missing_model") }
- end
- def test_dependency_which_raises_exception_isnt_added_to_loaded_set
- with_loading do
- filename = 'dependencies/raises_exception'
- $raises_exception_load_count = 0
- 5.times do |count|
- begin
- require_dependency filename
- flunk 'should have loaded dependencies/raises_exception which raises an exception'
- rescue Exception => e
- assert_equal 'Loading me failed, so do not add to loaded or history.', e.message
- end
- assert_equal count + 1, $raises_exception_load_count
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(filename)
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.history.include?(filename)
- end
- end
- end
- def test_warnings_should_be_enabled_on_first_load
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- old_warnings, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load, true
- filename = "check_warnings"
- expanded = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/dependencies/#{filename}")
- $check_warnings_load_count = 0
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
- silence_warnings { require_dependency filename }
- assert_equal 1, $check_warnings_load_count
- assert_equal true, $checked_verbose, 'On first load warnings should be enabled.'
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
- silence_warnings { require_dependency filename }
- assert_equal 2, $check_warnings_load_count
- assert_equal nil, $checked_verbose, 'After first load warnings should be left alone.'
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.history.include?(expanded)
- enable_warnings { require_dependency filename }
- assert_equal 3, $check_warnings_load_count
- assert_equal true, $checked_verbose, 'After first load warnings should be left alone.'
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loaded.include?(expanded)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load = old_warnings
- end
- end
- def test_mutual_dependencies_dont_infinite_loop
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- $mutual_dependencies_count = 0
- assert_nothing_raised { require_dependency 'mutual_one' }
- assert_equal 2, $mutual_dependencies_count
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- $mutual_dependencies_count = 0
- assert_nothing_raised { require_dependency 'mutual_two' }
- assert_equal 2, $mutual_dependencies_count
- end
- end
- def test_module_loading
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Module, A
- assert_kind_of Class, A::B
- assert_kind_of Class, A::C::D
- assert_kind_of Class, A::C::E::F
- end
- end
- def test_non_existing_const_raises_name_error
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_raise(NameError) { DoesNotExist }
- assert_raise(NameError) { NoModule::DoesNotExist }
- assert_raise(NameError) { A::DoesNotExist }
- assert_raise(NameError) { A::B::DoesNotExist }
- end
- end
- def test_directories_manifest_as_modules_unless_const_defined
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Module, ModuleFolder
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
- end
- end
- def test_module_with_nested_class
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ModuleFolder::NestedClass
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
- end
- end
- def test_module_with_nested_inline_class
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ModuleFolder::InlineClass
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
- end
- end
- def test_directories_may_manifest_as_nested_classes
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ClassFolder
- end
- end
- def test_class_with_nested_class
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::NestedClass
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ClassFolder
- end
- end
- def test_class_with_nested_inline_class
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::InlineClass
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ClassFolder
- end
- end
- def test_class_with_nested_inline_subclass_of_parent
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::ClassFolderSubclass
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder
- assert_equal 'indeed', ClassFolder::ClassFolderSubclass::ConstantInClassFolder
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ClassFolder
- end
- end
- def test_nested_class_can_access_sibling
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- sibling = ModuleFolder::NestedClass.class_eval "NestedSibling"
- assert defined?(ModuleFolder::NestedSibling)
- assert_equal ModuleFolder::NestedSibling, sibling
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
- end
- end
- def test_doesnt_break_normal_require
- path = File.expand_path("../autoloading_fixtures/load_path", __FILE__)
- original_path = $:.dup
- original_features = $".dup
- $:.push(path)
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- # The _ = assignments are to prevent warnings
- _ = RequiresConstant
- assert defined?(RequiresConstant)
- assert defined?(LoadedConstant)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- _ = RequiresConstant
- assert defined?(RequiresConstant)
- assert defined?(LoadedConstant)
- end
- ensure
- remove_constants(:RequiresConstant, :LoadedConstant, :LoadsConstant)
- $".replace(original_features)
- $:.replace(original_path)
- end
- def test_doesnt_break_normal_require_nested
- path = File.expand_path("../autoloading_fixtures/load_path", __FILE__)
- original_path = $:.dup
- original_features = $".dup
- $:.push(path)
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- # The _ = assignments are to prevent warnings
- _ = LoadsConstant
- assert defined?(LoadsConstant)
- assert defined?(LoadedConstant)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- _ = LoadsConstant
- assert defined?(LoadsConstant)
- assert defined?(LoadedConstant)
- end
- ensure
- remove_constants(:RequiresConstant, :LoadedConstant, :LoadsConstant)
- $".replace(original_features)
- $:.replace(original_path)
- end
- def failing_test_access_thru_and_upwards_fails
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! defined?(ModuleFolder)
- assert_raise(NameError) { ModuleFolder::Object }
- assert_raise(NameError) { ModuleFolder::NestedClass::Object }
- Object.__send__ :remove_const, :ModuleFolder
- end
- end
- def test_non_existing_const_raises_name_error_with_fully_qualified_name
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- begin
- A::DoesNotExist.nil?
- flunk "No raise!!"
- rescue NameError => e
- assert_equal "uninitialized constant A::DoesNotExist", e.message
- end
- begin
- A::B::DoesNotExist.nil?
- flunk "No raise!!"
- rescue NameError => e
- assert_equal "uninitialized constant A::B::DoesNotExist", e.message
- end
- end
- end
- def test_smart_name_error_strings
- begin
- Object.module_eval "ImaginaryObject"
- flunk "No raise!!"
- rescue NameError => e
- assert e.message.include?("uninitialized constant ImaginaryObject")
- end
- end
- def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_handle_empty_autoloads
- assert_equal [], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path('hello')
- end
- def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_handle_relative_paths
- fake_root = 'dependencies'
- relative_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/dependencies'
- ['', '/'].each do |suffix|
- with_loading fake_root + suffix do
- assert_equal ["A::B"], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(relative_root + '/a/b')
- end
- end
- end
- def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_provide_all_results
- fake_root = '/usr/apps/backpack'
- with_loading fake_root, fake_root + '/lib' do
- root = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.first
- assert_equal ["Lib::A::B", "A::B"], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(root + '/lib/a/b')
- end
- end
- def test_loadable_constants_for_path_should_uniq_results
- fake_root = '/usr/apps/backpack/lib'
- with_loading fake_root, fake_root + '/' do
- root = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.first
- assert_equal ["A::B"], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(root + '/a/b')
- end
- end
- def test_loadable_constants_with_load_path_without_trailing_slash
- path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/autoloading_fixtures/class_folder/inline_class.rb'
- with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures/class/' do
- assert_equal [], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.loadable_constants_for_path(path)
- end
- end
- def test_qualified_const_defined
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("Object")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Object")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Object::Kernel")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("::Test::Unit::TestCase")
- end
- def test_qualified_const_defined_should_not_call_const_missing
- ModuleWithMissing.missing_count = 0
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("ModuleWithMissing::A")
- assert_equal 0, ModuleWithMissing.missing_count
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("ModuleWithMissing::A::B")
- assert_equal 0, ModuleWithMissing.missing_count
- end
- def test_qualified_const_defined_explodes_with_invalid_const_name
- assert_raises(NameError) { ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_const_defined?("invalid") }
- end
- def test_autoloaded?
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder::NestedClass)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("::ModuleFolder")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:ModuleFolder)
- # Anonymous modules aren't autoloaded.
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(Module.new)
- nil_name = Module.new
- def nil_name.name() nil end
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(nil_name)
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :ModuleFolder }
- end
- end
- def test_qualified_name_for
- assert_equal "A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for(Object, :A)
- assert_equal "A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for(:Object, :A)
- assert_equal "A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for("Object", :A)
- assert_equal "A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for("::Object", :A)
- assert_equal "ActiveSupport::Dependencies::A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for(:'ActiveSupport::Dependencies', :A)
- assert_equal "ActiveSupport::Dependencies::A", ActiveSupport::Dependencies.qualified_name_for(ActiveSupport::Dependencies, :A)
- end
- def test_file_search
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- root = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.first
- assert_equal nil, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('service_three')
- assert_equal nil, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('service_three.rb')
- assert_equal root + '/service_one.rb', ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('service_one')
- assert_equal root + '/service_one.rb', ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('service_one.rb')
- end
- end
- def test_file_search_uses_first_in_load_path
- with_loading 'dependencies', 'autoloading_fixtures' do
- deps, autoload = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths
- assert_match %r/dependencies/, deps
- assert_match %r/autoloading_fixtures/, autoload
- assert_equal deps + '/conflict.rb', ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('conflict')
- end
- with_loading 'autoloading_fixtures', 'dependencies' do
- autoload, deps = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths
- assert_match %r/dependencies/, deps
- assert_match %r/autoloading_fixtures/, autoload
- assert_equal autoload + '/conflict.rb', ActiveSupport::Dependencies.search_for_file('conflict')
- end
- end
- def test_custom_const_missing_should_work
- Object.module_eval <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- module ModuleWithCustomConstMissing
- def self.const_missing(name)
- const_set name, name.to_s.hash
- end
- module A
- end
- end
- end_eval
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert_kind_of Integer, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::B
- assert_kind_of Module, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::A
- assert_kind_of String, ::ModuleWithCustomConstMissing::A::B
- end
- end
- def test_const_missing_should_not_double_load
- $counting_loaded_times = 0
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- require_dependency '././counting_loader'
- assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
- assert_raise(NameError) { ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_missing_constant Object, :CountingLoader }
- assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
- end
- end
- def test_const_missing_within_anonymous_module
- $counting_loaded_times = 0
- m = Module.new
- m.module_eval "def a() CountingLoader; end"
- extend m
- kls = nil
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- kls = nil
- assert_nothing_raised { kls = a }
- assert_equal "CountingLoader", kls.name
- assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
- assert_nothing_raised { kls = a }
- assert_equal 1, $counting_loaded_times
- end
- end
- def test_removal_from_tree_should_be_detected
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- c = ServiceOne
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(ServiceOne)
- begin
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_missing_constant(c, :FakeMissing)
- flunk "Expected exception"
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- assert_match %r{ServiceOne has been removed from the module tree}i, e.message
- end
- end
- end
- def test_references_should_work
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- c = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.reference("ServiceOne")
- service_one_first = ServiceOne
- assert_equal service_one_first, c.get("ServiceOne")
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(ServiceOne)
- service_one_second = ServiceOne
- assert_not_equal service_one_first, c.get("ServiceOne")
- assert_equal service_one_second, c.get("ServiceOne")
- end
- end
- def test_constantize_shortcut_for_cached_constant_lookups
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- assert_equal ServiceOne, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constantize("ServiceOne")
- end
- end
- def test_nested_load_error_isnt_rescued
- with_loading 'dependencies' do
- assert_raise(MissingSourceFile) do
- RequiresNonexistent1
- end
- end
- end
- def test_autoload_once_paths_do_not_add_to_autoloaded_constants
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.dup
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder)
- 1 if ModuleFolder::NestedClass # 1 if to avoid warning
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder::NestedClass)
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :ModuleFolder }
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = []
- end
- def test_autoload_once_pathnames_do_not_add_to_autoloaded_constants
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- pathnames = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.collect{|p| Pathname.new(p)}
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths = pathnames
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = pathnames
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ModuleFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder)
- 1 if ModuleFolder::NestedClass # 1 if to avoid warning
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(ModuleFolder::NestedClass)
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :ModuleFolder }
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = []
- end
- def test_application_should_special_case_application_controller
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- require_dependency 'application'
- assert_equal 10, ApplicationController
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:ApplicationController)
- end
- end
- def test_preexisting_constants_are_not_marked_as_autoloaded
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- require_dependency 'e'
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:E)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- end
- Object.const_set :E, Class.new
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- require_dependency 'e'
- assert ! ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:E), "E shouldn't be marked autoloaded!"
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :E }
- end
- def test_unloadable
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- Object.const_set :M, Module.new
- M.unloadable
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(M)
- Object.const_set :M, Module.new
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(M), "Dependencies should unload unloadable constants each time"
- end
- end
- def test_unloadable_should_fail_with_anonymous_modules
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- m = Module.new
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m.unloadable }
- end
- end
- def test_unloadable_should_return_change_flag
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- Object.const_set :M, Module.new
- assert_equal true, M.unloadable
- assert_equal false, M.unloadable
- end
- end
- def test_unloadable_constants_should_receive_callback
- Object.const_set :C, Class.new
- C.unloadable
- C.expects(:before_remove_const).once
- assert C.respond_to?(:before_remove_const)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert !defined?(C)
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :C } if defined?(C)
- end
- def test_new_contants_in_without_constants
- assert_equal [], (ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) { })
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.all? {|k,v| v.empty? }
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_with_a_single_constant
- assert_equal ["Hello"], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) {
- Object.const_set :Hello, 10
- }.map(&:to_s)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.all? {|k,v| v.empty? }
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :Hello }
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_with_nesting
- outer = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) do
- Object.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
- assert_equal ["Inner"], ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(Object) {
- Object.const_set :Inner, 20
- }.map(&:to_s)
- Object.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
- end
- assert_equal ["OuterAfter", "OuterBefore"], outer.sort.map(&:to_s)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.all? {|k,v| v.empty? }
- ensure
- %w(OuterBefore Inner OuterAfter).each do |name|
- Object.class_eval { remove_const name if const_defined?(name) }
- end
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_module
- Object.const_set :M, Module.new
- outer = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(M) do
- M.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
- inner = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(M) do
- M.const_set :Inner, 20
- end
- assert_equal ["M::Inner"], inner
- M.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
- end
- assert_equal ["M::OuterAfter", "M::OuterBefore"], outer.sort
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.all? {|k,v| v.empty? }
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :M }
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_module_using_name
- outer = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(:M) do
- Object.const_set :M, Module.new
- M.const_set :OuterBefore, 10
- inner = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(:M) do
- M.const_set :Inner, 20
- end
- assert_equal ["M::Inner"], inner
- M.const_set :OuterAfter, 30
- end
- assert_equal ["M::OuterAfter", "M::OuterBefore"], outer.sort
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constant_watch_stack.all? {|k,v| v.empty? }
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :M }
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_with_inherited_constants
- m = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in(:Object) do
- Object.class_eval { include ModuleWithConstant }
- end
- assert_equal [], m
- end
- def test_new_constants_in_with_illegal_module_name_raises_correct_error
- assert_raise(NameError) do
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.new_constants_in("Illegal-Name") {}
- end
- end
- def test_file_with_multiple_constants_and_require_dependency
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
- require_dependency 'multiple_constant_file'
- assert defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert defined?(SiblingConstant)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:SiblingConstant)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
- end
- end
- def test_file_with_multiple_constants_and_auto_loading
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
- assert_equal 10, MultipleConstantFile
- assert defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert defined?(SiblingConstant)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(:SiblingConstant)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(MultipleConstantFile)
- assert ! defined?(SiblingConstant)
- end
- end
- def test_nested_file_with_multiple_constants_and_require_dependency
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- require_dependency 'class_folder/nested_class'
- assert defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::SiblingClass")
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- end
- end
- def test_nested_file_with_multiple_constants_and_auto_loading
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- assert_kind_of Class, ClassFolder::NestedClass
- assert defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::NestedClass")
- assert ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?("ClassFolder::SiblingClass")
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::NestedClass)
- assert ! defined?(ClassFolder::SiblingClass)
- end
- end
- def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_no_method_error_with_relative_constant
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it hasn't been referenced yet!"
- 2.times do
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { RaisesNoMethodError }
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it should have failed!"
- end
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
- end
- def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_no_method_error_with_absolute_constant
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it hasn't been referenced yet!"
- 2.times do
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { ::RaisesNoMethodError }
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNoMethodError), "::RaisesNoMethodError is defined but it should have failed!"
- end
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
- end
- def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_error_when_mechanism_not_set_to_load
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism = :require
- 2.times do
- assert_raise(NameError) { assert_equal 123, ::RaisesNameError::FooBarBaz }
- end
- end
- end
- def test_autoload_doesnt_shadow_name_error
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :RaisesNameError) if defined?(::RaisesNameError)
- 2.times do |i|
- begin
- ::RaisesNameError::FooBarBaz.object_id
- flunk 'should have raised NameError when autoloaded file referenced FooBarBaz'
- rescue NameError => e
- assert_equal 'uninitialized constant RaisesNameError::FooBarBaz', e.message
- end
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError), "::RaisesNameError is defined but it should have failed!"
- end
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError)
- 2.times do
- assert_raise(NameError) { ::RaisesNameError }
- assert !defined?(::RaisesNameError), "::RaisesNameError is defined but it should have failed!"
- end
- end
- ensure
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :RaisesNoMethodError if const_defined?(:RaisesNoMethodError) }
- end
- def test_remove_constant_handles_double_colon_at_start
- Object.const_set 'DeleteMe', Module.new
- DeleteMe.const_set 'OrMe', Module.new
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_constant "::DeleteMe::OrMe"
- assert ! defined?(DeleteMe::OrMe)
- assert defined?(DeleteMe)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_constant "::DeleteMe"
- assert ! defined?(DeleteMe)
- end
- def test_load_once_constants_should_not_be_unloaded
- with_autoloading_fixtures do
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths
- ::A.to_s
- assert defined?(A)
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert defined?(A)
- end
- ensure
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = []
- Object.class_eval { remove_const :A if const_defined?(:A) }
- end
- def test_autoload_once_paths_should_behave_when_recursively_loading
- with_loading 'dependencies', 'autoloading_fixtures' do
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = [ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.last]
- assert !defined?(CrossSiteDependency)
- assert_nothing_raised { CrossSiteDepender.nil? }
- assert defined?(CrossSiteDependency)
- assert !ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoloaded?(CrossSiteDependency),
- "CrossSiteDependency shouldn't be marked as autoloaded!"
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.clear
- assert defined?(CrossSiteDependency),
- "CrossSiteDependency shouldn't have been unloaded!"
- end
- ensure
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths = []
- end
- def test_hook_called_multiple_times
- assert_nothing_raised { ActiveSupport::Dependencies.hook! }
- end
- def test_unhook
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.unhook!
- assert !Module.new.respond_to?(:const_missing_without_dependencies)
- assert !Module.new.respond_to?(:load_without_new_constant_marking)
- ensure
- ActiveSupport::Dependencies.hook!
- end
- private
- def remove_constants(*constants)
- constants.each do |constant|
- Object.send(:remove_const, constant) if Object.const_defined?(constant)
- end
- end
- end