Ruby | 1154 lines | 989 code | 149 blank | 16 comment | 2 complexity | fb145be11fc22d53b62af9c38b0f4811 MD5 | raw file
- require 'abstract_unit'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/hash'
- require 'bigdecimal'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/string/access'
- require 'active_support/ordered_hash'
- require 'active_support/core_ext/object/conversions'
- require 'active_support/inflections'
- class HashExtTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- class IndifferentHash < HashWithIndifferentAccess
- end
- class SubclassingArray < Array
- end
- class SubclassingHash < Hash
- end
- class NonIndifferentHash < Hash
- def nested_under_indifferent_access
- self
- end
- end
- def setup
- @strings = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 }
- @symbols = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }
- @mixed = { :a => 1, 'b' => 2 }
- @fixnums = { 0 => 1, 1 => 2 }
- if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
- @illegal_symbols = { "\0" => 1, "" => 2, [] => 3 }
- else
- @illegal_symbols = { [] => 3 }
- end
- end
- def test_methods
- h = {}
- assert_respond_to h, :symbolize_keys
- assert_respond_to h, :symbolize_keys!
- assert_respond_to h, :stringify_keys
- assert_respond_to h, :stringify_keys!
- assert_respond_to h, :to_options
- assert_respond_to h, :to_options!
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @symbols.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @strings.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @mixed.symbolize_keys
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys!
- assert_equal @symbols, @symbols.dup.symbolize_keys!
- assert_equal @symbols, @strings.dup.symbolize_keys!
- assert_equal @symbols, @mixed.dup.symbolize_keys!
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_keys_that_cant_be_symbolized
- assert_equal @illegal_symbols, @illegal_symbols.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @illegal_symbols, @illegal_symbols.dup.symbolize_keys!
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_fixnum_keys
- assert_equal @fixnums, @fixnums.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @fixnums, @fixnums.dup.symbolize_keys!
- end
- def test_stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @symbols.stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @strings.stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @mixed.stringify_keys
- end
- def test_stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @symbols.dup.stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @strings.dup.stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @mixed.dup.stringify_keys!
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_instance_of Hash, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @strings.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal @symbols, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @strings.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @mixed.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_keys_that_cant_be_symbolized_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal @illegal_symbols, @illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @illegal_symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
- end
- def test_symbolize_keys_preserves_fixnum_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal @fixnums, @fixnums.with_indifferent_access.symbolize_keys
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @fixnums.with_indifferent_access.dup.symbolize_keys! }
- end
- def test_stringify_keys_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @strings.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
- assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.stringify_keys
- end
- def test_stringify_keys_bang_for_hash_with_indifferent_access
- assert_instance_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @symbols.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @strings.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
- assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.dup.stringify_keys!
- end
- def test_nested_under_indifferent_access
- foo = { "foo" => SubclassingHash.new.tap { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access
- assert_kind_of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, foo["foo"]
- foo = { "foo" => NonIndifferentHash.new.tap { |h| h["bar"] = "baz" } }.with_indifferent_access
- assert_kind_of NonIndifferentHash, foo["foo"]
- end
- def test_indifferent_assorted
- @strings = @strings.with_indifferent_access
- @symbols = @symbols.with_indifferent_access
- @mixed = @mixed.with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal 'a', @strings.__send__(:convert_key, :a)
- assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch('a')
- assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch(:a.to_s)
- assert_equal 1, @strings.fetch(:a)
- hashes = { :@strings => @strings, :@symbols => @symbols, :@mixed => @mixed }
- method_map = { :'[]' => 1, :fetch => 1, :values_at => [1],
- :has_key? => true, :include? => true, :key? => true,
- :member? => true }
- hashes.each do |name, hash|
- method_map.sort_by { |m| m.to_s }.each do |meth, expected|
- assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, 'a'),
- "Calling #{name}.#{meth} 'a'")
- assert_equal(expected, hash.__send__(meth, :a),
- "Calling #{name}.#{meth} :a")
- end
- end
- assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at('a', 'b')
- assert_equal [1, 2], @strings.values_at(:a, :b)
- assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at('a', 'b')
- assert_equal [1, 2], @symbols.values_at(:a, :b)
- assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at('a', 'b')
- assert_equal [1, 2], @mixed.values_at(:a, :b)
- end
- def test_indifferent_reading
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- hash["a"] = 1
- hash["b"] = true
- hash["c"] = false
- hash["d"] = nil
- assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
- assert_equal true, hash[:b]
- assert_equal false, hash[:c]
- assert_equal nil, hash[:d]
- assert_equal nil, hash[:e]
- end
- def test_indifferent_reading_with_nonnil_default
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(1)
- hash["a"] = 1
- hash["b"] = true
- hash["c"] = false
- hash["d"] = nil
- assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
- assert_equal true, hash[:b]
- assert_equal false, hash[:c]
- assert_equal nil, hash[:d]
- assert_equal 1, hash[:e]
- end
- def test_indifferent_writing
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- hash[:a] = 1
- hash['b'] = 2
- hash[3] = 3
- assert_equal hash['a'], 1
- assert_equal hash['b'], 2
- assert_equal hash[:a], 1
- assert_equal hash[:b], 2
- assert_equal hash[3], 3
- end
- def test_indifferent_update
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- hash[:a] = 'a'
- hash['b'] = 'b'
- updated_with_strings = hash.update(@strings)
- updated_with_symbols = hash.update(@symbols)
- updated_with_mixed = hash.update(@mixed)
- assert_equal updated_with_strings[:a], 1
- assert_equal updated_with_strings['a'], 1
- assert_equal updated_with_strings['b'], 2
- assert_equal updated_with_symbols[:a], 1
- assert_equal updated_with_symbols['b'], 2
- assert_equal updated_with_symbols[:b], 2
- assert_equal updated_with_mixed[:a], 1
- assert_equal updated_with_mixed['b'], 2
- assert [updated_with_strings, updated_with_symbols, updated_with_mixed].all? { |h| h.keys.size == 2 }
- end
- def test_indifferent_merging
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- hash[:a] = 'failure'
- hash['b'] = 'failure'
- other = { 'a' => 1, :b => 2 }
- merged = hash.merge(other)
- assert_equal HashWithIndifferentAccess, merged.class
- assert_equal 1, merged[:a]
- assert_equal 2, merged['b']
- hash.update(other)
- assert_equal 1, hash[:a]
- assert_equal 2, hash['b']
- end
- def test_indifferent_reverse_merging
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new('some' => 'value', 'other' => 'value')
- hash.reverse_merge!(:some => 'noclobber', :another => 'clobber')
- assert_equal 'value', hash[:some]
- assert_equal 'clobber', hash[:another]
- end
- def test_indifferent_deleting
- get_hash = proc{ { :a => 'foo' }.with_indifferent_access }
- hash = get_hash.call
- assert_equal hash.delete(:a), 'foo'
- assert_equal hash.delete(:a), nil
- hash = get_hash.call
- assert_equal hash.delete('a'), 'foo'
- assert_equal hash.delete('a'), nil
- end
- def test_indifferent_to_hash
- # Should convert to a Hash with String keys.
- assert_equal @strings, @mixed.with_indifferent_access.to_hash
- # Should preserve the default value.
- mixed_with_default = @mixed.dup
- mixed_with_default.default = '1234'
- roundtrip = mixed_with_default.with_indifferent_access.to_hash
- assert_equal @strings, roundtrip
- assert_equal '1234', roundtrip.default
- end
- def test_indifferent_hash_with_array_of_hashes
- hash = { "urls" => { "url" => [ { "address" => "1" }, { "address" => "2" } ] }}.with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal "1", hash[:urls][:url].first[:address]
- end
- def test_should_preserve_array_subclass_when_value_is_array
- array = SubclassingArray.new
- array << { "address" => "1" }
- hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array }}.with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal SubclassingArray, hash[:urls][:url].class
- end
- def test_should_preserve_array_class_when_hash_value_is_frozen_array
- array = SubclassingArray.new
- array << { "address" => "1" }
- hash = { "urls" => { "url" => array.freeze }}.with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal SubclassingArray, hash[:urls][:url].class
- end
- def test_stringify_and_symbolize_keys_on_indifferent_preserves_hash
- h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- h[:first] = 1
- h = h.stringify_keys
- assert_equal 1, h['first']
- h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- h['first'] = 1
- h = h.symbolize_keys
- assert_equal 1, h[:first]
- end
- def test_to_options_on_indifferent_preserves_hash
- h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- h['first'] = 1
- h.to_options!
- assert_equal 1, h['first']
- end
- def test_indifferent_subhashes
- h = {'user' => {'id' => 5}}.with_indifferent_access
- ['user', :user].each {|user| [:id, 'id'].each {|id| assert_equal 5, h[user][id], "h[#{user.inspect}][#{id.inspect}] should be 5"}}
- h = {:user => {:id => 5}}.with_indifferent_access
- ['user', :user].each {|user| [:id, 'id'].each {|id| assert_equal 5, h[user][id], "h[#{user.inspect}][#{id.inspect}] should be 5"}}
- end
- def test_indifferent_duplication
- # Should preserve default value
- h = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- h.default = '1234'
- assert_equal h.default, h.dup.default
- # Should preserve class for subclasses
- h = IndifferentHash.new
- assert_equal h.class, h.dup.class
- end
- def test_assert_valid_keys
- assert_nothing_raised do
- { :failure => "stuff", :funny => "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure, :funny ])
- { :failure => "stuff", :funny => "business" }.assert_valid_keys(:failure, :funny)
- end
- assert_raise(ArgumentError, "Unknown key: failore") do
- { :failore => "stuff", :funny => "business" }.assert_valid_keys([ :failure, :funny ])
- { :failore => "stuff", :funny => "business" }.assert_valid_keys(:failure, :funny)
- end
- end
- def test_assorted_keys_not_stringified
- original = {Object.new => 2, 1 => 2, [] => true}
- indiff = original.with_indifferent_access
- assert(!indiff.keys.any? {|k| k.kind_of? String}, "A key was converted to a string!")
- end
- def test_deep_merge
- hash_1 = { :a => "a", :b => "b", :c => { :c1 => "c1", :c2 => "c2", :c3 => { :d1 => "d1" } } }
- hash_2 = { :a => 1, :c => { :c1 => 2, :c3 => { :d2 => "d2" } } }
- expected = { :a => 1, :b => "b", :c => { :c1 => 2, :c2 => "c2", :c3 => { :d1 => "d1", :d2 => "d2" } } }
- assert_equal expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_2)
- hash_1.deep_merge!(hash_2)
- assert_equal expected, hash_1
- end
- def test_deep_merge_on_indifferent_access
- hash_1 = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ :a => "a", :b => "b", :c => { :c1 => "c1", :c2 => "c2", :c3 => { :d1 => "d1" } } })
- hash_2 = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ :a => 1, :c => { :c1 => 2, :c3 => { :d2 => "d2" } } })
- hash_3 = { :a => 1, :c => { :c1 => 2, :c3 => { :d2 => "d2" } } }
- expected = { "a" => 1, "b" => "b", "c" => { "c1" => 2, "c2" => "c2", "c3" => { "d1" => "d1", "d2" => "d2" } } }
- assert_equal expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_2)
- assert_equal expected, hash_1.deep_merge(hash_3)
- hash_1.deep_merge!(hash_2)
- assert_equal expected, hash_1
- end
- def test_deep_dup
- hash = { :a => { :b => 'b' } }
- dup = hash.deep_dup
- dup[:a][:c] = 'c'
- assert_equal nil, hash[:a][:c]
- assert_equal 'c', dup[:a][:c]
- end
- def test_deep_dup_initialize
- zero_hash = Hash.new 0
- hash = { :a => zero_hash }
- dup = hash.deep_dup
- assert_equal 0, dup[:a][44]
- end
- def test_store_on_indifferent_access
- hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- hash.store(:test1, 1)
- hash.store('test1', 11)
- hash[:test2] = 2
- hash['test2'] = 22
- expected = { "test1" => 11, "test2" => 22 }
- assert_equal expected, hash
- end
- def test_reverse_merge
- defaults = { :a => "x", :b => "y", :c => 10 }.freeze
- options = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }
- expected = { :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 10 }
- # Should merge defaults into options, creating a new hash.
- assert_equal expected, options.reverse_merge(defaults)
- assert_not_equal expected, options
- # Should merge! defaults into options, replacing options.
- merged = options.dup
- assert_equal expected, merged.reverse_merge!(defaults)
- assert_equal expected, merged
- # Should be an alias for reverse_merge!
- merged = options.dup
- assert_equal expected, merged.reverse_update(defaults)
- assert_equal expected, merged
- end
- def test_diff
- assert_equal({ :a => 2 }, { :a => 2, :b => 5 }.diff({ :a => 1, :b => 5 }))
- end
- def test_slice
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10 }
- expected = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }
- # Should return a new hash with only the given keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice(:a, :b)
- assert_not_equal expected, original
- end
- def test_slice_inplace
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10 }
- expected = { :c => 10 }
- # Should replace the hash with only the given keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice!(:a, :b)
- end
- def test_slice_with_an_array_key
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10, [:a, :b] => "an array key" }
- expected = { [:a, :b] => "an array key", :c => 10 }
- # Should return a new hash with only the given keys when given an array key.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice([:a, :b], :c)
- assert_not_equal expected, original
- end
- def test_slice_inplace_with_an_array_key
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10, [:a, :b] => "an array key" }
- expected = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }
- # Should replace the hash with only the given keys when given an array key.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice!([:a, :b], :c)
- end
- def test_slice_with_splatted_keys
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10, [:a, :b] => "an array key" }
- expected = { :a => 'x', :b => "y" }
- # Should grab each of the splatted keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice(*[:a, :b])
- end
- def test_indifferent_slice
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10 }.with_indifferent_access
- expected = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }.with_indifferent_access
- [['a', 'b'], [:a, :b]].each do |keys|
- # Should return a new hash with only the given keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.slice(*keys), keys.inspect
- assert_not_equal expected, original
- end
- end
- def test_indifferent_slice_inplace
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10 }.with_indifferent_access
- expected = { :c => 10 }.with_indifferent_access
- [['a', 'b'], [:a, :b]].each do |keys|
- # Should replace the hash with only the given keys.
- copy = original.dup
- assert_equal expected, copy.slice!(*keys)
- end
- end
- def test_indifferent_slice_access_with_symbols
- original = {'login' => 'bender', 'password' => 'shiny', 'stuff' => 'foo'}
- original = original.with_indifferent_access
- slice = original.slice(:login, :password)
- assert_equal 'bender', slice[:login]
- assert_equal 'bender', slice['login']
- end
- def test_except
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y', :c => 10 }
- expected = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }
- # Should return a new hash with only the given keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.except(:c)
- assert_not_equal expected, original
- # Should replace the hash with only the given keys.
- assert_equal expected, original.except!(:c)
- assert_equal expected, original
- end
- def test_except_with_original_frozen
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }
- original.freeze
- assert_nothing_raised { original.except(:a) }
- end
- def test_except_with_mocha_expectation_on_original
- original = { :a => 'x', :b => 'y' }
- original.expects(:delete).never
- original.except(:a)
- end
- end
- class IWriteMyOwnXML
- def to_xml(options = {})
- options[:indent] ||= 2
- xml = options[:builder] ||= Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:indent => options[:indent])
- xml.instruct! unless options[:skip_instruct]
- xml.level_one do
- xml.tag!(:second_level, 'content')
- end
- end
- end
- class HashExtToParamTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
- class ToParam < String
- def to_param
- "#{self}-1"
- end
- end
- def test_string_hash
- assert_equal '', {}.to_param
- assert_equal 'hello=world', { :hello => "world" }.to_param
- assert_equal 'hello=10', { "hello" => 10 }.to_param
- assert_equal 'hello=world&say_bye=true', {:hello => "world", "say_bye" => true}.to_param
- end
- def test_number_hash
- assert_equal '10=20&30=40&50=60', {10 => 20, 30 => 40, 50 => 60}.to_param
- end
- def test_to_param_hash
- assert_equal 'custom2=param2-1&custom=param-1', {ToParam.new('custom') => ToParam.new('param'), ToParam.new('custom2') => ToParam.new('param2')}.to_param
- end
- def test_to_param_hash_escapes_its_keys_and_values
- assert_equal 'param+1=A+string+with+%2F+characters+%26+that+should+be+%3F+escaped', { 'param 1' => 'A string with / characters & that should be ? escaped' }.to_param
- end
- def test_to_param_orders_by_key_in_ascending_order
- assert_equal 'a=2&b=1&c=0', ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[*%w(b 1 c 0 a 2)].to_param
- end
- end
- class HashToXmlTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- @xml_options = { :root => :person, :skip_instruct => true, :indent => 0 }
- end
- def test_one_level
- xml = { :name => "David", :street => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street>Paulina</street>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_one_level_dasherize_false
- xml = { :name => "David", :street_name => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(:dasherize => false))
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street_name>Paulina</street_name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_one_level_dasherize_true
- xml = { :name => "David", :street_name => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(:dasherize => true))
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street-name>Paulina</street-name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_one_level_camelize_true
- xml = { :name => "David", :street_name => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(:camelize => true))
- assert_equal "<Person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<StreetName>Paulina</StreetName>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<Name>David</Name>))
- end
- def test_one_level_camelize_lower
- xml = { :name => "David", :street_name => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(:camelize => :lower))
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<streetName>Paulina</streetName>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_one_level_with_types
- xml = { :name => "David", :street => "Paulina", :age => 26, :age_in_millis => 820497600000, :moved_on => Date.new(2005, 11, 15), :resident => :yes }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street>Paulina</street>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<age type="integer">26</age>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<age-in-millis type="integer">820497600000</age-in-millis>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<moved-on type="date">2005-11-15</moved-on>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<resident type="symbol">yes</resident>))
- end
- def test_one_level_with_nils
- xml = { :name => "David", :street => "Paulina", :age => nil }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street>Paulina</street>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<age nil="true"></age>))
- end
- def test_one_level_with_skipping_types
- xml = { :name => "David", :street => "Paulina", :age => nil }.to_xml(@xml_options.merge(:skip_types => true))
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street>Paulina</street>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<age nil="true"></age>))
- end
- def test_one_level_with_yielding
- xml = { :name => "David", :street => "Paulina" }.to_xml(@xml_options) do |x|
- x.creator("Rails")
- end
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<street>Paulina</street>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<creator>Rails</creator>))
- end
- def test_two_levels
- xml = { :name => "David", :address => { :street => "Paulina" } }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<address><street>Paulina</street></address>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_two_levels_with_second_level_overriding_to_xml
- xml = { :name => "David", :address => { :street => "Paulina" }, :child => IWriteMyOwnXML.new }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<address><street>Paulina</street></address>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<level_one><second_level>content</second_level></level_one>))
- end
- def test_two_levels_with_array
- xml = { :name => "David", :addresses => [{ :street => "Paulina" }, { :street => "Evergreen" }] }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_equal "<person>", xml.first(8)
- assert xml.include?(%(<addresses type="array"><address>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<address><street>Paulina</street></address>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<address><street>Evergreen</street></address>))
- assert xml.include?(%(<name>David</name>))
- end
- def test_three_levels_with_array
- xml = { :name => "David", :addresses => [{ :streets => [ { :name => "Paulina" }, { :name => "Paulina" } ] } ] }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert xml.include?(%(<addresses type="array"><address><streets type="array"><street><name>))
- end
- def test_timezoned_attributes
- xml = {
- :created_at => Time.utc(1999,2,2),
- :local_created_at => Time.utc(1999,2,2).in_time_zone('Eastern Time (US & Canada)')
- }.to_xml(@xml_options)
- assert_match %r{<created-at type=\"datetime\">1999-02-02T00:00:00Z</created-at>}, xml
- assert_match %r{<local-created-at type=\"datetime\">1999-02-01T19:00:00-05:00</local-created-at>}, xml
- end
- def test_multiple_records_from_xml_with_attributes_other_than_type_ignores_them_without_exploding
- topics_xml = <<-EOT
- <topics type="array" page="1" page-count="1000" per-page="2">
- <topic>
- <title>The First Topic</title>
- <author-name>David</author-name>
- <id type="integer">1</id>
- <approved type="boolean">false</approved>
- <replies-count type="integer">0</replies-count>
- <replies-close-in type="integer">2592000000</replies-close-in>
- <written-on type="date">2003-07-16</written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime">2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000</viewed-at>
- <content>Have a nice day</content>
- <author-email-address>david@loudthinking.com</author-email-address>
- <parent-id nil="true"></parent-id>
- </topic>
- <topic>
- <title>The Second Topic</title>
- <author-name>Jason</author-name>
- <id type="integer">1</id>
- <approved type="boolean">false</approved>
- <replies-count type="integer">0</replies-count>
- <replies-close-in type="integer">2592000000</replies-close-in>
- <written-on type="date">2003-07-16</written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime">2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000</viewed-at>
- <content>Have a nice day</content>
- <author-email-address>david@loudthinking.com</author-email-address>
- <parent-id></parent-id>
- </topic>
- </topics>
- expected_topic_hash = {
- :title => "The First Topic",
- :author_name => "David",
- :id => 1,
- :approved => false,
- :replies_count => 0,
- :replies_close_in => 2592000000,
- :written_on => Date.new(2003, 7, 16),
- :viewed_at => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28),
- :content => "Have a nice day",
- :author_email_address => "david@loudthinking.com",
- :parent_id => nil
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_topic_hash, Hash.from_xml(topics_xml)["topics"].first
- end
- def test_single_record_from_xml
- topic_xml = <<-EOT
- <topic>
- <title>The First Topic</title>
- <author-name>David</author-name>
- <id type="integer">1</id>
- <approved type="boolean"> true </approved>
- <replies-count type="integer">0</replies-count>
- <replies-close-in type="integer">2592000000</replies-close-in>
- <written-on type="date">2003-07-16</written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime">2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000</viewed-at>
- <content type="yaml">--- \n1: should be an integer\n:message: Have a nice day\narray: \n- should-have-dashes: true\n should_have_underscores: true\n</content>
- <author-email-address>david@loudthinking.com</author-email-address>
- <parent-id></parent-id>
- <ad-revenue type="decimal">1.5</ad-revenue>
- <optimum-viewing-angle type="float">135</optimum-viewing-angle>
- <resident type="symbol">yes</resident>
- </topic>
- expected_topic_hash = {
- :title => "The First Topic",
- :author_name => "David",
- :id => 1,
- :approved => true,
- :replies_count => 0,
- :replies_close_in => 2592000000,
- :written_on => Date.new(2003, 7, 16),
- :viewed_at => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28),
- :content => { :message => "Have a nice day", 1 => "should be an integer", "array" => [{ "should-have-dashes" => true, "should_have_underscores" => true }] },
- :author_email_address => "david@loudthinking.com",
- :parent_id => nil,
- :ad_revenue => BigDecimal("1.50"),
- :optimum_viewing_angle => 135.0,
- :resident => :yes
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_topic_hash, Hash.from_xml(topic_xml)["topic"]
- end
- def test_single_record_from_xml_with_nil_values
- topic_xml = <<-EOT
- <topic>
- <title></title>
- <id type="integer"></id>
- <approved type="boolean"></approved>
- <written-on type="date"></written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime"></viewed-at>
- <content type="yaml"></content>
- <parent-id></parent-id>
- </topic>
- expected_topic_hash = {
- :title => nil,
- :id => nil,
- :approved => nil,
- :written_on => nil,
- :viewed_at => nil,
- :content => nil,
- :parent_id => nil
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_topic_hash, Hash.from_xml(topic_xml)["topic"]
- end
- def test_multiple_records_from_xml
- topics_xml = <<-EOT
- <topics type="array">
- <topic>
- <title>The First Topic</title>
- <author-name>David</author-name>
- <id type="integer">1</id>
- <approved type="boolean">false</approved>
- <replies-count type="integer">0</replies-count>
- <replies-close-in type="integer">2592000000</replies-close-in>
- <written-on type="date">2003-07-16</written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime">2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000</viewed-at>
- <content>Have a nice day</content>
- <author-email-address>david@loudthinking.com</author-email-address>
- <parent-id nil="true"></parent-id>
- </topic>
- <topic>
- <title>The Second Topic</title>
- <author-name>Jason</author-name>
- <id type="integer">1</id>
- <approved type="boolean">false</approved>
- <replies-count type="integer">0</replies-count>
- <replies-close-in type="integer">2592000000</replies-close-in>
- <written-on type="date">2003-07-16</written-on>
- <viewed-at type="datetime">2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000</viewed-at>
- <content>Have a nice day</content>
- <author-email-address>david@loudthinking.com</author-email-address>
- <parent-id></parent-id>
- </topic>
- </topics>
- expected_topic_hash = {
- :title => "The First Topic",
- :author_name => "David",
- :id => 1,
- :approved => false,
- :replies_count => 0,
- :replies_close_in => 2592000000,
- :written_on => Date.new(2003, 7, 16),
- :viewed_at => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28),
- :content => "Have a nice day",
- :author_email_address => "david@loudthinking.com",
- :parent_id => nil
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_topic_hash, Hash.from_xml(topics_xml)["topics"].first
- end
- def test_single_record_from_xml_with_attributes_other_than_type
- topic_xml = <<-EOT
- <rsp stat="ok">
- <photos page="1" pages="1" perpage="100" total="16">
- <photo id="175756086" owner="55569174@N00" secret="0279bf37a1" server="76" title="Colored Pencil PhotoBooth Fun" ispublic="1" isfriend="0" isfamily="0"/>
- </photos>
- </rsp>
- expected_topic_hash = {
- :id => "175756086",
- :owner => "55569174@N00",
- :secret => "0279bf37a1",
- :server => "76",
- :title => "Colored Pencil PhotoBooth Fun",
- :ispublic => "1",
- :isfriend => "0",
- :isfamily => "0",
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_topic_hash, Hash.from_xml(topic_xml)["rsp"]["photos"]["photo"]
- end
- def test_all_caps_key_from_xml
- test_xml = <<-EOT
- <TEST>Lorem Ipsum</TEST>
- </ABC3XYZ>
- expected_hash = {
- "ABC3XYZ" => {
- "TEST" => "Lorem Ipsum"
- }
- }
- assert_equal expected_hash, Hash.from_xml(test_xml)
- end
- def test_empty_array_from_xml
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <posts type="array"></posts>
- </blog>
- expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => []}}
- assert_equal expected_blog_hash, Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)
- end
- def test_empty_array_with_whitespace_from_xml
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <posts type="array">
- </posts>
- </blog>
- expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => []}}
- assert_equal expected_blog_hash, Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)
- end
- def test_array_with_one_entry_from_xml
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <posts type="array">
- <post>a post</post>
- </posts>
- </blog>
- expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => ["a post"]}}
- assert_equal expected_blog_hash, Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)
- end
- def test_array_with_multiple_entries_from_xml
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <posts type="array">
- <post>a post</post>
- <post>another post</post>
- </posts>
- </blog>
- expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => ["a post", "another post"]}}
- assert_equal expected_blog_hash, Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)
- end
- def test_file_from_xml
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <logo type="file" name="logo.png" content_type="image/png">
- </logo>
- </blog>
- hash = Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)
- assert hash.has_key?('blog')
- assert hash['blog'].has_key?('logo')
- file = hash['blog']['logo']
- assert_equal 'logo.png', file.original_filename
- assert_equal 'image/png', file.content_type
- end
- def test_file_from_xml_with_defaults
- blog_xml = <<-XML
- <blog>
- <logo type="file">
- </logo>
- </blog>
- file = Hash.from_xml(blog_xml)['blog']['logo']
- assert_equal 'untitled', file.original_filename
- assert_equal 'application/octet-stream', file.content_type
- end
- def test_tag_with_attrs_and_whitespace
- xml = <<-XML
- <blog name="bacon is the best">
- </blog>
- hash = Hash.from_xml(xml)
- assert_equal "bacon is the best", hash['blog']['name']
- end
- def test_empty_cdata_from_xml
- xml = "<data><![CDATA[]]></data>"
- assert_equal "", Hash.from_xml(xml)["data"]
- end
- def test_xsd_like_types_from_xml
- bacon_xml = <<-EOT
- <bacon>
- <weight type="double">0.5</weight>
- <price type="decimal">12.50</price>
- <chunky type="boolean"> 1 </chunky>
- <expires-at type="dateTime">2007-12-25T12:34:56+0000</expires-at>
- <notes type="string"></notes>
- <illustration type="base64Binary">YmFiZS5wbmc=</illustration>
- <caption type="binary" encoding="base64">VGhhdCdsbCBkbywgcGlnLg==</caption>
- </bacon>
- expected_bacon_hash = {
- :weight => 0.5,
- :chunky => true,
- :price => BigDecimal("12.50"),
- :expires_at => Time.utc(2007,12,25,12,34,56),
- :notes => "",
- :illustration => "babe.png",
- :caption => "That'll do, pig."
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_bacon_hash, Hash.from_xml(bacon_xml)["bacon"]
- end
- def test_type_trickles_through_when_unknown
- product_xml = <<-EOT
- <product>
- <weight type="double">0.5</weight>
- <image type="ProductImage"><filename>image.gif</filename></image>
- </product>
- expected_product_hash = {
- :weight => 0.5,
- :image => {'type' => 'ProductImage', 'filename' => 'image.gif' },
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_product_hash, Hash.from_xml(product_xml)["product"]
- end
- def test_should_use_default_value_for_unknown_key
- hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(3)
- assert_equal 3, hash_wia[:new_key]
- end
- def test_should_use_default_value_if_no_key_is_supplied
- hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(3)
- assert_equal 3, hash_wia.default
- end
- def test_should_nil_if_no_default_value_is_supplied
- hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- assert_nil hash_wia.default
- end
- def test_should_return_dup_for_with_indifferent_access
- hash_wia = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new
- assert_equal hash_wia, hash_wia.with_indifferent_access
- assert_not_same hash_wia, hash_wia.with_indifferent_access
- end
- def test_should_copy_the_default_value_when_converting_to_hash_with_indifferent_access
- hash = Hash.new(3)
- hash_wia = hash.with_indifferent_access
- assert_equal 3, hash_wia.default
- end
- # The XML builder seems to fail miserably when trying to tag something
- # with the same name as a Kernel method (throw, test, loop, select ...)
- def test_kernel_method_names_to_xml
- hash = { :throw => { :ball => 'red' } }
- expected = '<person><throw><ball>red</ball></throw></person>'
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_equal expected, hash.to_xml(@xml_options)
- end
- end
- def test_empty_string_works_for_typecast_xml_value
- assert_nothing_raised do
- Hash.__send__(:typecast_xml_value, "")
- end
- end
- def test_escaping_to_xml
- hash = {
- :bare_string => 'First & Last Name',
- :pre_escaped_string => 'First & Last Name'
- }.stringify_keys
- expected_xml = '<person><bare-string>First & Last Name</bare-string><pre-escaped-string>First &amp; Last Name</pre-escaped-string></person>'
- assert_equal expected_xml, hash.to_xml(@xml_options)
- end
- def test_unescaping_from_xml
- xml_string = '<person><bare-string>First & Last Name</bare-string><pre-escaped-string>First &amp; Last Name</pre-escaped-string></person>'
- expected_hash = {
- :bare_string => 'First & Last Name',
- :pre_escaped_string => 'First & Last Name'
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal expected_hash, Hash.from_xml(xml_string)['person']
- end
- def test_roundtrip_to_xml_from_xml
- hash = {
- :bare_string => 'First & Last Name',
- :pre_escaped_string => 'First & Last Name'
- }.stringify_keys
- assert_equal hash, Hash.from_xml(hash.to_xml(@xml_options))['person']
- end
- def test_datetime_xml_type_with_utc_time
- alert_xml = <<-XML
- <alert>
- <alert_at type="datetime">2008-02-10T15:30:45Z</alert_at>
- </alert>
- alert_at = Hash.from_xml(alert_xml)['alert']['alert_at']
- assert alert_at.utc?
- assert_equal Time.utc(2008, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45), alert_at
- end
- def test_datetime_xml_type_with_non_utc_time
- alert_xml = <<-XML
- <alert>
- <alert_at type="datetime">2008-02-10T10:30:45-05:00</alert_at>
- </alert>
- alert_at = Hash.from_xml(alert_xml)['alert']['alert_at']
- assert alert_at.utc?
- assert_equal Time.utc(2008, 2, 10, 15, 30, 45), alert_at
- end
- def test_datetime_xml_type_with_far_future_date
- alert_xml = <<-XML
- <alert>
- <alert_at type="datetime">2050-02-10T15:30:45Z</alert_at>
- </alert>
- alert_at = Hash.from_xml(alert_xml)['alert']['alert_at']
- assert alert_at.utc?
- assert_equal 2050, alert_at.year
- assert_equal 2, alert_at.month
- assert_equal 10, alert_at.day
- assert_equal 15, alert_at.hour
- assert_equal 30, alert_at.min
- assert_equal 45, alert_at.sec
- end
- def test_to_xml_dups_options
- options = {:skip_instruct => true}
- {}.to_xml(options)
- # :builder, etc, shouldn't be added to options
- assert_equal({:skip_instruct => true}, options)
- end
- def test_expansion_count_is_limited
- expected =
- case ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend.name
- when 'ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML'; RuntimeError
- when 'ActiveSupport::XmlMini_Nokogiri'; Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError
- when 'ActiveSupport::XmlMini_NokogiriSAX'; RuntimeError
- when 'ActiveSupport::XmlMini_LibXML'; LibXML::XML::Error
- when 'ActiveSupport::XmlMini_LibXMLSAX'; LibXML::XML::Error
- end
- assert_raise expected do
- attack_xml = <<-EOT
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE member [
- <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
- <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
- <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
- <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
- <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
- <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
- <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
- ]>
- <member>
- &a;
- </member>
- Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
- end
- end
- end