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Java | 350 lines | 149 code | 2 blank | 199 comment | 0 complexity | ddd7e6f341d4db92a1c199866b735e7b MD5 | raw file
  2. *
  3. * This class was automatically generated by the
  4. * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
  5. * should not be modified by hand.
  6. */
  7. package com.infoarmy.owler;
  8. public final class R {
  9. public static final class anim {
  10. public static final int cycle_7=0x7f040000;
  11. public static final int shake=0x7f040001;
  12. }
  13. public static final class attr {
  14. /** <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  15. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  16. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  17. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  18. */
  19. public static final int bigIndicatorColor=0x7f010005;
  20. /** <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  21. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  22. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  23. theme attribute (in the form
  24. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  25. containing a value of this type.
  26. */
  27. public static final int bigTicks=0x7f010003;
  28. /** <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  29. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  30. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  31. theme attribute (in the form
  32. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  33. containing a value of this type.
  34. */
  35. public static final int numRotations=0x7f010001;
  36. /** <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  37. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  38. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  39. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  40. */
  41. public static final int smallIndicatorColor=0x7f010006;
  42. /** <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  43. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  44. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  45. theme attribute (in the form
  46. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  47. containing a value of this type.
  48. */
  49. public static final int smallTicks=0x7f010002;
  50. /** <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  51. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  52. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  53. theme attribute (in the form
  54. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  55. containing a value of this type.
  56. */
  57. public static final int ticks=0x7f010000;
  58. /** <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  59. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  60. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  61. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  62. */
  63. public static final int valueIndicatorColor=0x7f010004;
  64. }
  65. public static final class dimen {
  66. /** Default screen margins, per the Android Design guidelines.
  67. Customize dimensions originally defined in res/values/dimens.xml (such as
  68. screen margins) for sw720dp devices (e.g. 10" tablets) in landscape here.
  69. */
  70. public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f050000;
  71. public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f050001;
  72. }
  73. public static final class drawable {
  74. public static final int ad_banner=0x7f020000;
  75. public static final int add_comment=0x7f020001;
  76. public static final int add_commetn01=0x7f020002;
  77. public static final int bar=0x7f020003;
  78. public static final int btn_dropdown=0x7f020004;
  79. public static final int cash01=0x7f020005;
  80. public static final int cash02=0x7f020006;
  81. public static final int cash03=0x7f020007;
  82. public static final int edit_text=0x7f020008;
  83. public static final int editbox_background_focus_yellow=0x7f020009;
  84. public static final int editbox_background_normal=0x7f02000a;
  85. public static final int ic_empty=0x7f02000b;
  86. public static final int ic_error=0x7f02000c;
  87. public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f02000d;
  88. public static final int ic_stub=0x7f02000e;
  89. public static final int info_army_logo=0x7f02000f;
  90. public static final int list_section=0x7f020010;
  91. public static final int logout=0x7f020011;
  92. public static final int no=0x7f020012;
  93. public static final int owler_logo=0x7f020013;
  94. public static final int ppl01=0x7f020014;
  95. public static final int ppl02=0x7f020015;
  96. public static final int ppl03=0x7f020016;
  97. public static final int sliding_drawer_handle_bottom=0x7f020017;
  98. public static final int spinner=0x7f020018;
  99. public static final int spinner_focused=0x7f020019;
  100. public static final int yes=0x7f02001a;
  101. }
  102. public static final class id {
  103. public static final int TextView01=0x7f090018;
  104. public static final int action_settings=0x7f090022;
  105. public static final int competitorNo=0x7f090004;
  106. public static final int competitorYes=0x7f090003;
  107. public static final int competitorsClose=0x7f090001;
  108. public static final int competitorsHelp=0x7f090000;
  109. public static final int content=0x7f09000e;
  110. public static final int credit=0x7f09000d;
  111. public static final int feedsList=0x7f09000c;
  112. public static final int handle=0x7f090010;
  113. public static final int helpRevenueButton=0x7f090016;
  114. public static final int helpStrengthButton=0x7f09001d;
  115. public static final int image=0x7f090006;
  116. public static final int imageView1=0x7f090012;
  117. public static final int loginButton=0x7f090015;
  118. public static final int logout=0x7f09000b;
  119. public static final int password=0x7f090014;
  120. public static final int reveneue_hight=0x7f09001b;
  121. public static final int reveneue_low=0x7f090019;
  122. public static final int reveneue_medium=0x7f09001a;
  123. public static final int revenueCloseButton=0x7f090017;
  124. public static final int spinnerCategory=0x7f09000a;
  125. public static final int spinnerTarget=0x7f09001c;
  126. public static final int strengthCloseButton=0x7f09001e;
  127. public static final int strength_high=0x7f090021;
  128. public static final int strength_low=0x7f09001f;
  129. public static final int strength_medium=0x7f090020;
  130. public static final int surveyFrame=0x7f090011;
  131. public static final int surveySlider=0x7f09000f;
  132. public static final int text=0x7f090007;
  133. public static final int textView1=0x7f090002;
  134. public static final int textView2=0x7f090005;
  135. public static final int timeStamp=0x7f090008;
  136. public static final int topNavigation=0x7f090009;
  137. public static final int userName=0x7f090013;
  138. }
  139. public static final class layout {
  140. public static final int competitors_layout=0x7f030000;
  141. public static final int feeds_list_row=0x7f030001;
  142. public static final int feeds_screen=0x7f030002;
  143. public static final int login_screen=0x7f030003;
  144. public static final int revenue_layout=0x7f030004;
  145. public static final int spinner_textview=0x7f030005;
  146. public static final int strength_layout=0x7f030006;
  147. }
  148. public static final class menu {
  149. public static final int login_screen=0x7f080000;
  150. }
  151. public static final class string {
  152. public static final int _=0x7f060012;
  153. public static final int _10_50=0x7f06000f;
  154. public static final int _10_50m=0x7f060016;
  155. public static final int _1_10=0x7f060010;
  156. public static final int _1_10m=0x7f060014;
  157. public static final int _50_=0x7f06000e;
  158. public static final int _50m_=0x7f060015;
  159. public static final int _x_=0x7f060011;
  160. public static final int action_settings=0x7f060001;
  161. public static final int add_comments=0x7f06000d;
  162. public static final int app_name=0x7f060000;
  163. public static final int are_these_two_competitors_=0x7f060018;
  164. public static final int earn_access_to_info_by_ansering_simple_question=0x7f06001a;
  165. public static final int enter_the_password=0x7f06000b;
  166. public static final int enter_the_username=0x7f060009;
  167. public static final int enter_the_username_valid_message=0x7f06000a;
  168. public static final int give_a_little_get_lots_=0x7f060019;
  169. public static final int hello_world=0x7f060002;
  170. public static final int how_many_people_work_at_dollar_shave_club_apos_s_=0x7f06000c;
  171. public static final int image=0x7f060017;
  172. public static final int loginButtonText=0x7f060005;
  173. public static final int loginScreenCreateNewAccountMessage=0x7f060008;
  174. public static final int loginScreenCreateNewAccountTitle=0x7f060007;
  175. public static final int loginScreenOrTest=0x7f060006;
  176. public static final int loginScreen_password_hint=0x7f060004;
  177. public static final int loginScreen_username_hint=0x7f060003;
  178. public static final int what_is_dollar_shave_club_apos_s_reveneue_=0x7f060013;
  179. }
  180. public static final class style {
  181. /**
  182. Base application theme, dependent on API level. This theme is replaced
  183. by AppBaseTheme from res/values-vXX/styles.xml on newer devices.
  184. Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in
  185. res/values-vXX/styles.xml, while customizations related to
  186. backward-compatibility can go here.
  187. Base application theme for API 11+. This theme completely replaces
  188. AppBaseTheme from res/values/styles.xml on API 11+ devices.
  189. API 11 theme customizations can go here.
  190. Base application theme for API 14+. This theme completely replaces
  191. AppBaseTheme from BOTH res/values/styles.xml and
  192. res/values-v11/styles.xml on API 14+ devices.
  193. API 14 theme customizations can go here.
  194. */
  195. public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f070000;
  196. /** Application theme.
  197. All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API-level can go here.
  198. */
  199. public static final int AppTheme=0x7f070001;
  200. /** Edit Text Start
  201. */
  202. public static final int owlerEditText=0x7f070002;
  203. /** Edit Text End
  204. Spinner Start
  205. */
  206. public static final int owlerSpinner=0x7f070003;
  207. }
  208. public static final class styleable {
  209. /** Attributes that can be used with a Wheel.
  210. <p>Includes the following attributes:</p>
  211. <table>
  212. <colgroup align="left" />
  213. <colgroup align="left" />
  214. <tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr>
  215. <tr><td><code>{@link #Wheel_numRotations com.infoarmy.owler:numRotations}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  216. <tr><td><code>{@link #Wheel_ticks com.infoarmy.owler:ticks}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  217. </table>
  218. @see #Wheel_numRotations
  219. @see #Wheel_ticks
  220. */
  221. public static final int[] Wheel = {
  222. 0x7f010000, 0x7f010001
  223. };
  224. /**
  225. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#numRotations}
  226. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #Wheel} array.
  227. <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  228. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  229. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  230. theme attribute (in the form
  231. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  232. containing a value of this type.
  233. @attr name android:numRotations
  234. */
  235. public static final int Wheel_numRotations = 1;
  236. /**
  237. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#ticks}
  238. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #Wheel} array.
  239. <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  240. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  241. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  242. theme attribute (in the form
  243. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  244. containing a value of this type.
  245. @attr name android:ticks
  246. */
  247. public static final int Wheel_ticks = 0;
  248. /** Attributes that can be used with a WheelRadio.
  249. <p>Includes the following attributes:</p>
  250. <table>
  251. <colgroup align="left" />
  252. <colgroup align="left" />
  253. <tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr>
  254. <tr><td><code>{@link #WheelRadio_bigIndicatorColor com.infoarmy.owler:bigIndicatorColor}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  255. <tr><td><code>{@link #WheelRadio_bigTicks com.infoarmy.owler:bigTicks}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  256. <tr><td><code>{@link #WheelRadio_smallIndicatorColor com.infoarmy.owler:smallIndicatorColor}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  257. <tr><td><code>{@link #WheelRadio_smallTicks com.infoarmy.owler:smallTicks}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  258. <tr><td><code>{@link #WheelRadio_valueIndicatorColor com.infoarmy.owler:valueIndicatorColor}</code></td><td></td></tr>
  259. </table>
  260. @see #WheelRadio_bigIndicatorColor
  261. @see #WheelRadio_bigTicks
  262. @see #WheelRadio_smallIndicatorColor
  263. @see #WheelRadio_smallTicks
  264. @see #WheelRadio_valueIndicatorColor
  265. */
  266. public static final int[] WheelRadio = {
  267. 0x7f010002, 0x7f010003, 0x7f010004, 0x7f010005,
  268. 0x7f010006
  269. };
  270. /**
  271. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#bigIndicatorColor}
  272. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #WheelRadio} array.
  273. <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  274. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  275. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  276. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  277. @attr name android:bigIndicatorColor
  278. */
  279. public static final int WheelRadio_bigIndicatorColor = 3;
  280. /**
  281. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#bigTicks}
  282. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #WheelRadio} array.
  283. <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  284. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  285. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  286. theme attribute (in the form
  287. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  288. containing a value of this type.
  289. @attr name android:bigTicks
  290. */
  291. public static final int WheelRadio_bigTicks = 1;
  292. /**
  293. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#smallIndicatorColor}
  294. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #WheelRadio} array.
  295. <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  296. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  297. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  298. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  299. @attr name android:smallIndicatorColor
  300. */
  301. public static final int WheelRadio_smallIndicatorColor = 4;
  302. /**
  303. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#smallTicks}
  304. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #WheelRadio} array.
  305. <p>Must be an integer value, such as "<code>100</code>".
  306. <p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
  307. "<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or
  308. theme attribute (in the form
  309. "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>")
  310. containing a value of this type.
  311. @attr name android:smallTicks
  312. */
  313. public static final int WheelRadio_smallTicks = 0;
  314. /**
  315. <p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.infoarmy.owler.R.attr#valueIndicatorColor}
  316. attribute's value can be found in the {@link #WheelRadio} array.
  317. <p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>"
  318. or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>".
  319. <p>May be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>",
  320. "<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>".
  321. @attr name android:valueIndicatorColor
  322. */
  323. public static final int WheelRadio_valueIndicatorColor = 2;
  324. };
  325. }