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- package org.apereo.cas.support.saml.web.idp.profile.builders.nameid;
- import org.apereo.cas.authentication.principal.PersistentIdGenerator;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.OpenSamlConfigBean;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.SamlException;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.SamlIdPUtils;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.services.SamlRegisteredService;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.services.idp.metadata.SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.util.AbstractSaml20ObjectBuilder;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.web.idp.profile.builders.SamlProfileObjectBuilder;
- import org.apereo.cas.support.saml.web.idp.profile.builders.enc.SamlIdPObjectEncrypter;
- import org.apereo.cas.util.CollectionUtils;
- import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
- import lombok.val;
- import net.shibboleth.idp.attribute.IdPAttribute;
- import net.shibboleth.idp.attribute.StringAttributeValue;
- import net.shibboleth.idp.saml.attribute.encoding.impl.SAML2StringNameIDEncoder;
- import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
- import org.jasig.cas.client.authentication.AttributePrincipal;
- import org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Assertion;
- import org.opensaml.messaging.context.MessageContext;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AttributeQuery;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.AuthnRequest;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.NameID;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.NameIDPolicy;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.NameIDType;
- import org.opensaml.saml.saml2.core.RequestAbstractType;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
- import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
- import java.util.List;
- /**
- * This is {@link SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder}.
- *
- * @author Misagh Moayyed
- * @since 5.0.0
- */
- @Slf4j
- public class SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder extends AbstractSaml20ObjectBuilder implements SamlProfileObjectBuilder<NameID> {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -6231886395225437320L;
- private final PersistentIdGenerator persistentIdGenerator;
- private final transient SamlIdPObjectEncrypter samlObjectEncrypter;
- public SamlProfileSamlNameIdBuilder(final OpenSamlConfigBean configBean, final PersistentIdGenerator persistentIdGenerator,
- final SamlIdPObjectEncrypter samlObjectEncrypter) {
- super(configBean);
- this.persistentIdGenerator = persistentIdGenerator;
- this.samlObjectEncrypter = samlObjectEncrypter;
- }
- /**
- * Gets supported name id formats.
- *
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the supported name id formats
- */
- protected static List<String> getSupportedNameIdFormats(final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- val supportedNameFormats = adaptor.getSupportedNameIdFormats();
- LOGGER.debug("Metadata for [{}] declares the following NameIDs [{}]", adaptor.getEntityId(), supportedNameFormats);
- if (supportedNameFormats.isEmpty()) {
- supportedNameFormats.add(NameIDType.TRANSIENT);
- LOGGER.debug("No supported nameId formats could be determined from metadata. Added default [{}]", NameIDType.TRANSIENT);
- }
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(service.getRequiredNameIdFormat())) {
- val fmt = parseAndBuildRequiredNameIdFormat(service);
- supportedNameFormats.add(0, fmt);
- LOGGER.debug("Added required nameId format [{}] based on saml service configuration for [{}]", fmt, service.getServiceId());
- }
- return supportedNameFormats;
- }
- private static String parseAndBuildRequiredNameIdFormat(final SamlRegisteredService service) {
- val fmt = service.getRequiredNameIdFormat().trim();
- LOGGER.debug("Required NameID format assigned to service [{}] is [{}]", service.getName(), fmt);
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.EMAIL, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.EMAIL;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.TRANSIENT, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.TRANSIENT;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.UNSPECIFIED, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.UNSPECIFIED;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.PERSISTENT, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.PERSISTENT;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.ENTITY, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.ENTITY;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.X509_SUBJECT, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.X509_SUBJECT;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.WIN_DOMAIN_QUALIFIED, fmt)) {
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.KERBEROS, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.KERBEROS;
- }
- if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.ENCRYPTED, fmt)) {
- return NameIDType.ENCRYPTED;
- }
- return fmt;
- }
- @Override
- public NameID build(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final HttpServletRequest request,
- final HttpServletResponse response,
- final Object assertion,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor,
- final String binding,
- final MessageContext messageContext) throws SamlException {
- return buildNameId(authnRequest, assertion, service, adaptor, messageContext);
- }
- /**
- * Build name id.
- * If there are no explicitly defined NameIDFormats, include the default format.
- * see: http://saml2int.org/profile/current/#section92
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param assertion the assertion
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the name id
- * @throws SamlException the saml exception
- */
- private NameID buildNameId(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final Object assertion,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor,
- final MessageContext messageContext) throws SamlException {
- val supportedNameFormats = getSupportedNameIdFormats(service, adaptor);
- val requiredNameFormat = getRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest);
- validateRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(authnRequest, adaptor, supportedNameFormats, requiredNameFormat);
- val nameid = determineNameId(authnRequest, assertion, supportedNameFormats, service, adaptor);
- return finalizeNameId(nameid, authnRequest, assertion, supportedNameFormats, service, adaptor);
- }
- /**
- * Finalize name id name id.
- *
- * @param nameid the nameid
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param assertion the assertion
- * @param supportedNameFormats the supported name formats
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the name id
- */
- protected NameID finalizeNameId(final NameID nameid,
- final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final Object assertion,
- final List<String> supportedNameFormats,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(service.getNameIdQualifier())) {
- nameid.setNameQualifier(service.getNameIdQualifier());
- } else {
- val issuer = SamlIdPUtils.getIssuerFromSamlObject(authnRequest);
- nameid.setNameQualifier(issuer);
- }
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(service.getServiceProviderNameIdQualifier())) {
- nameid.setSPNameQualifier(service.getServiceProviderNameIdQualifier());
- } else {
- nameid.setSPNameQualifier(adaptor.getEntityId());
- }
- return nameid;
- }
- /**
- * Validate required name id format if any.
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @param supportedNameFormats the supported name formats
- * @param requiredNameFormat the required name format
- */
- protected void validateRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor,
- final List<String> supportedNameFormats,
- final String requiredNameFormat) {
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(requiredNameFormat) && !supportedNameFormats.contains(requiredNameFormat)) {
- LOGGER.warn("Required NameID format [{}] in the AuthN request issued by [{}] is not supported based on the metadata for [{}]. "
- + "The requested NameID format may not be honored. You should consult the metadata for this service "
- + "and ensure the requested NameID format is present in the collection of supported "
- + "metadata formats in the metadata, which are the following: [{}]",
- requiredNameFormat, SamlIdPUtils.getIssuerFromSamlObject(authnRequest),
- adaptor.getEntityId(), adaptor.getSupportedNameIdFormats());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets required name id format if any.
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @return the required name id format if any
- */
- protected String getRequiredNameIdFormatIfAny(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest) {
- val nameIDPolicy = getNameIDPolicy(authnRequest);
- val requiredNameFormat = nameIDPolicy != null ? nameIDPolicy.getFormat() : null;
- LOGGER.debug("AuthN request indicates [{}] is the required NameID format", requiredNameFormat);
- return requiredNameFormat;
- }
- private NameIDPolicy getNameIDPolicy(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest) {
- if (authnRequest instanceof AuthnRequest) {
- return AuthnRequest.class.cast(authnRequest).getNameIDPolicy();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Determine name id name id.
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param assertion the assertion
- * @param supportedNameFormats the supported name formats
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the name id
- */
- protected NameID determineNameId(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final Object assertion,
- final List<String> supportedNameFormats,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- for (val nameFormat : supportedNameFormats) {
- LOGGER.debug("Evaluating NameID format [{}]", nameFormat);
- val nameid = encodeNameIdBasedOnNameFormat(authnRequest, assertion, nameFormat, service, adaptor);
- if (nameid != null) {
- LOGGER.debug("Determined NameID based on format [{}] to be [{}]", nameFormat, nameid.getValue());
- return nameid;
- }
- }
- LOGGER.warn("No NameID could be determined based on the supported formats [{}]", supportedNameFormats);
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Encode name id based on name format name id.
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param assertion the assertion
- * @param nameFormat the name format
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the name id
- */
- protected NameID encodeNameIdBasedOnNameFormat(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final Object assertion,
- final String nameFormat,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- try {
- if (authnRequest instanceof AttributeQuery) {
- val query = AttributeQuery.class.cast(authnRequest);
- val nameID = query.getSubject().getNameID();
- nameID.detach();
- LOGGER.debug("Choosing NameID format [{}] with value [{}] for attribute query", nameID.getFormat(), nameID.getValue());
- return nameID;
- }
- val attribute = prepareNameIdAttribute(assertion, nameFormat, adaptor);
- val encoder = prepareNameIdEncoder(authnRequest, nameFormat, attribute, service, adaptor);
- LOGGER.debug("Encoding NameID based on [{}]", nameFormat);
- var nameId = encoder.encode(attribute);
- LOGGER.debug("Final NameID encoded with format [{}] has value [{}]", nameId.getFormat(), nameId.getValue());
- return nameId;
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare name id attribute id p attribute.
- *
- * @param casAssertion the assertion
- * @param nameFormat the name format
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the idp attribute
- */
- protected IdPAttribute prepareNameIdAttribute(final Object casAssertion,
- final String nameFormat,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- val assertion = Assertion.class.cast(casAssertion);
- val attribute = new IdPAttribute(AttributePrincipal.class.getName());
- val principalName = assertion.getPrincipal().getName();
- LOGGER.debug("Preparing NameID attribute for principal [{}]", principalName);
- val nameIdValue = getNameIdValueFromNameFormat(nameFormat, adaptor, principalName);
- val value = new StringAttributeValue(nameIdValue);
- LOGGER.debug("NameID attribute value is set to [{}]", value);
- attribute.setValues(CollectionUtils.wrap(value));
- return attribute;
- }
- private String getNameIdValueFromNameFormat(final String nameFormat,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor,
- final String principalName) {
- if (nameFormat.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(NameIDType.TRANSIENT)) {
- val entityId = adaptor.getEntityId();
- LOGGER.debug("Generating transient NameID value for principal [{}] and entity id [{}]", principalName, entityId);
- return persistentIdGenerator.generate(principalName, entityId);
- }
- return principalName;
- }
- /**
- * Prepare name id encoder saml 2 string name id encoder.
- *
- * @param authnRequest the authn request
- * @param nameFormat the name format
- * @param attribute the attribute
- * @param service the service
- * @param adaptor the adaptor
- * @return the saml 2 string name id encoder
- */
- protected SAML2StringNameIDEncoder prepareNameIdEncoder(final RequestAbstractType authnRequest,
- final String nameFormat,
- final IdPAttribute attribute,
- final SamlRegisteredService service,
- final SamlRegisteredServiceServiceProviderMetadataFacade adaptor) {
- val encoder = new SAML2StringNameIDEncoder();
- encoder.setNameFormat(nameFormat);
- if (getNameIDPolicy(authnRequest) != null) {
- val qualifier = getNameIDPolicy(authnRequest).getSPNameQualifier();
- LOGGER.debug("NameID qualifier is set to [{}]", qualifier);
- encoder.setNameQualifier(qualifier);
- }
- return encoder;
- }
- }