https://bitbucket.org/kudutest2/kenticogit · C# · 428 lines · 218 code · 98 blank · 112 comment · 18 complexity · d513a2ad5a55a4e08507ce20671049db MD5 · raw file
- using System;
- using System.Data;
- using CMS.GlobalHelper;
- using CMS.UIControls;
- using CMS.CMSHelper;
- using CMS.SiteProvider;
- using CMS.SettingsProvider;
- [Title(Text = "Settings", ImageUrl = "Objects/CMS_SettingsKey/object.png")]
- public partial class CMSAPIExamples_Code_Settings_Default : CMSAPIExamplePage
- {
- #region "Initialization"
- protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- // Settings category
- this.apiCreateSettingsCategory.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(CreateSettingsCategory);
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsCategory.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndUpdateSettingsCategory);
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsCategories.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsCategories);
- this.apiDeleteSettingsCategory.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(DeleteSettingsCategory);
- // Settings group
- this.apiCreateSettingsGroup.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(CreateSettingsGroup);
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsGroup.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndUpdateSettingsGroup);
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsGroups.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsGroups);
- this.apiDeleteSettingsGroup.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(DeleteSettingsGroup);
- // Settings key
- this.apiCreateSettingsKey.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(CreateSettingsKey);
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsKey.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndUpdateSettingsKey);
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsKeys.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsKeys);
- this.apiDeleteSettingsKey.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(DeleteSettingsKey);
- // Web.config setting
- this.apiGetWebConfigSetting.RunExample += new CMSAPIExamples_Controls_APIExample.OnRunExample(GetWebConfigSetting);
- }
- #endregion
- #region "Mass actions"
- /// <summary>
- /// Runs all creating and managing examples.
- /// </summary>
- public override void RunAll()
- {
- base.RunAll();
- // Settings category
- this.apiCreateSettingsCategory.Run();
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsCategory.Run();
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsCategories.Run();
- // Settings group
- this.apiCreateSettingsGroup.Run();
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsGroup.Run();
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsGroups.Run();
- // Settings key
- this.apiCreateSettingsKey.Run();
- this.apiGetAndUpdateSettingsKey.Run();
- this.apiGetAndBulkUpdateSettingsKeys.Run();
- // Web.config setting
- this.apiGetWebConfigSetting.Run();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Runs all cleanup examples.
- /// </summary>
- public override void CleanUpAll()
- {
- base.CleanUpAll();
- // Settings key
- this.apiDeleteSettingsKey.Run();
- // Settings group
- this.apiDeleteSettingsGroup.Run();
- // Settings category
- this.apiDeleteSettingsCategory.Run();
- }
- #endregion
- #region "API examples - Settings category"
- /// <summary>
- /// Creates settings category. Called when the "Create category" button is pressed.
- /// </summary>
- private bool CreateSettingsCategory()
- {
- // Get parent category ID
- SettingsCategoryInfo parentCategory = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("CMS.CustomSettings");
- if (parentCategory != null)
- {
- // Create new settings category object
- SettingsCategoryInfo newCategory = new SettingsCategoryInfo();
- // Set the properties
- newCategory.CategoryDisplayName = "My New Settings Category";
- newCategory.CategoryName = "MyNewSettingsCategory";
- newCategory.CategoryOrder = 0;
- newCategory.CategoryParentID = parentCategory.CategoryID;
- newCategory.CategoryIsGroup = false;
- newCategory.CategoryIsCustom = true;
- // Create settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(newCategory);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and updates settings category. Called when the "Get and update category" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsCategory method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndUpdateSettingsCategory()
- {
- // Get the settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfo updateCategory = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsCategory");
- if (updateCategory != null)
- {
- // Update the property
- updateCategory.CategoryDisplayName = updateCategory.CategoryDisplayName.ToLower();
- // Update settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(updateCategory);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and bulk updates settings categories. Called when the "Get and bulk update categories" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsCategory method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsCategories()
- {
- // Prepare the parameters
- string where = "CategoryName LIKE 'MyNew%' AND CategoryIsGroup = 0";
- // Get the settings categories
- DataSet categories = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategories(where, null);
- if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(categories))
- {
- // Loop through the individual items
- foreach (DataRow categoryDr in categories.Tables[0].Rows)
- {
- // Create object from DataRow
- SettingsCategoryInfo modifyCategory = new SettingsCategoryInfo(categoryDr);
- // Update the property
- modifyCategory.CategoryDisplayName = modifyCategory.CategoryDisplayName.ToUpper();
- // Update the settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(modifyCategory);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Deletes settings category. Called when the "Delete category" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsCategory method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool DeleteSettingsCategory()
- {
- // Get the settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfo deleteCategory = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsCategory");
- // Delete the settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.DeleteSettingsCategoryInfo(deleteCategory);
- return (deleteCategory != null);
- }
- #endregion
- #region "API examples - Settings group"
- /// <summary>
- /// Creates settings group. Called when the "Create group" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsCategory method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool CreateSettingsGroup()
- {
- // Get the settings category
- SettingsCategoryInfo settingsCategory = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsCategory");
- if (settingsCategory != null)
- {
- // Create new settings group object
- SettingsCategoryInfo newGroup = new SettingsCategoryInfo();
- // Set the properties
- newGroup.CategoryDisplayName = "My New Settings Group";
- newGroup.CategoryName = "MyNewSettingsGroup";
- newGroup.CategoryOrder = 0;
- newGroup.CategoryParentID = settingsCategory.CategoryID;
- newGroup.CategoryIsGroup = true;
- newGroup.CategoryIsCustom = true;
- // Create the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(newGroup);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and updates settings group. Called when the "Get and update group" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsGroup method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndUpdateSettingsGroup()
- {
- // Get the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfo updateGroup = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsGroup");
- if (updateGroup != null)
- {
- // Update the property
- updateGroup.CategoryDisplayName = updateGroup.CategoryDisplayName.ToLower();
- // Update the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(updateGroup);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and bulk updates settings groups. Called when the "Get and bulk update groups" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsGroup method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsGroups()
- {
- // Prepare the parameters
- string where = "CategoryName LIKE 'MyNew%' AND CategoryIsGroup = 1";
- string orderBy = "CategoryName";
- // Get the data
- DataSet groups = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategories(where, orderBy);
- if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(groups))
- {
- // Loop through the individual items
- foreach (DataRow groupDr in groups.Tables[0].Rows)
- {
- // Create object from DataRow
- SettingsCategoryInfo modifyGroup = new SettingsCategoryInfo(groupDr);
- // Update the property
- modifyGroup.CategoryDisplayName = modifyGroup.CategoryDisplayName.ToUpper();
- // Update settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.SetSettingsCategoryInfo(modifyGroup);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Deletes settings group. Called when the "Delete group" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsGroup method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool DeleteSettingsGroup()
- {
- // Get the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfo deleteGroup = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsGroup");
- // Delete the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.DeleteSettingsCategoryInfo(deleteGroup);
- return (deleteGroup != null);
- }
- #endregion
- #region "API examples - Settings key"
- /// <summary>
- /// Creates settings key. Called when the "Create key" button is pressed.
- /// </summary>
- private bool CreateSettingsKey()
- {
- // Get the settings group
- SettingsCategoryInfo settingsGroup = SettingsCategoryInfoProvider.GetSettingsCategoryInfoByName("MyNewSettingsGroup");
- if (settingsGroup != null)
- {
- // Create new settings key object
- SettingsKeyInfo newKey = new SettingsKeyInfo();
- // Set the properties
- newKey.KeyDisplayName = "My new key";
- newKey.KeyName = "MyNewKey";
- newKey.KeyDescription = "My new key description";
- newKey.KeyType = "string";
- newKey.KeyValue = "My new value";
- newKey.KeyCategoryID = settingsGroup.CategoryID;
- newKey.KeyDefaultValue = null;
- // Set Site ID for site specific settings key (for global settings key is default value 0).
- newKey.SiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
- // Create the settings key
- SettingsKeyProvider.SetValue(newKey);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and updates settings key. Called when the "Get and update key" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsKey method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndUpdateSettingsKey()
- {
- // Get the settings key
- SettingsKeyInfo updateKey = SettingsKeyProvider.GetSettingsKeyInfo("MyNewKey", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);
- if (updateKey != null)
- {
- // Update the property
- updateKey.KeyDisplayName = updateKey.KeyDisplayName.ToLower();
- // Update the settings key
- SettingsKeyProvider.SetValue(updateKey);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets and bulk updates settings keys. Called when the "Get and bulk update keys" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsKey method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetAndBulkUpdateSettingsKeys()
- {
- // Prepare the parameters
- string where = "KeyName LIKE N'MyNew%'";
- // Get the data
- DataSet keys = SettingsKeyProvider.GetSettingsKeys(where, null, 0, null);
- if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(keys))
- {
- // Loop through the individual items
- foreach (DataRow keyDr in keys.Tables[0].Rows)
- {
- // Create object from DataRow
- SettingsKeyInfo modifyKey = new SettingsKeyInfo(keyDr);
- // Update the property
- modifyKey.KeyDisplayName = modifyKey.KeyDisplayName.ToUpper();
- // Update the settings key
- SettingsKeyProvider.SetValue(modifyKey);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Deletes settings key. Called when the "Delete key" button is pressed.
- /// Expects the CreateSettingsKey method to be run first.
- /// </summary>
- private bool DeleteSettingsKey()
- {
- // Get the settings key
- SettingsKeyInfo deleteKey = SettingsKeyProvider.GetSettingsKeyInfo("MyNewKey", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);
- // Delete the settings key
- SettingsKeyProvider.DeleteKey(deleteKey);
- return (deleteKey != null);
- }
- #endregion
- #region "API examples - Web.config setting"
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets web.config setting. Called when the button "Get web.config setting" is pressed.
- /// </summary>
- private bool GetWebConfigSetting()
- {
- string webConfigSetting = ValidationHelper.GetString(SettingsHelper.AppSettings["WS.webservice"], "");
- return (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(webConfigSetting));
- }
- #endregion
- }