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- .. _overview_toplevel:
- .. _overview:
- ========
- Overview
- ========
- The SQLAlchemy SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
- is a comprehensive set of tools for working with
- databases and Python. It has several distinct areas of
- functionality which can be used individually or combined
- together. Its major components are illustrated below,
- with component dependencies organized into layers:
- .. image:: sqla_arch_small.png
- Above, the two most significant front-facing portions of
- SQLAlchemy are the **Object Relational Mapper (ORM)** and the
- **Core**.
- Core contains the breadth of SQLAlchemy's SQL and database
- integration and description services, the most prominent part of this
- being the **SQL Expression Language**.
- The SQL Expression Language is a toolkit all its own, independent of the ORM
- package, which provides a system of constructing SQL expressions represented by
- composable objects, which can then be "executed" against a target database
- within the scope of a specific transaction, returning a result set.
- Inserts, updates and deletes (i.e. :term:`DML`) are achieved by passing
- SQL expression objects representing these statements along with dictionaries
- that represent parameters to be used with each statement.
- The ORM builds upon Core to provide a means of working with a domain object
- model mapped to a database schema. When using the ORM, SQL statements are
- constructed in mostly the same way as when using Core, however the task of DML,
- which here refers to the persistence of business objects in a database, is
- automated using a pattern called :term:`unit of work`, which translates changes
- in state against mutable objects into INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE constructs
- which are then invoked in terms of those objects. SELECT statements are also
- augmented by ORM-specific automations and object-centric querying capabilities.
- Whereas working with Core and the SQL Expression language presents a
- schema-centric view of the database, along with a programming paradigm that is
- oriented around immutability, the ORM builds on top of this a domain-centric
- view of the database with a programming paradigm that is more explcitly
- object-oriented and reliant upon mutability. Since a relational database is
- itself a mutable service, the difference is that Core/SQL Expression language
- is command oriented whereas the ORM is state oriented.
- .. _doc_overview:
- Documentation Overview
- ======================
- The documentation is separated into four sections:
- * :ref:`unified_tutorial` - this all-new tutorial for the 1.4/2.0 series of
- SQLAlchemy introduces the entire library holistically, starting from a
- description of Core and working more and more towards ORM-specific concepts.
- New users, as well as users coming from :term:`1.x style`, who wish to work
- in :term:`2.0 style` should start here.
- * :ref:`orm_toplevel` - In this section, reference documentation for the ORM is
- presented; this section also includes the now-legacy
- :ref:`ormtutorial_toplevel`.
- * :ref:`core_toplevel` - Here, reference documentation for
- everything else within Core is presented; section also includes the legacy
- :ref:`sqlexpression_toplevel`. SQLAlchemy engine, connection, and pooling
- services are also described here.
- * :ref:`dialect_toplevel` - Provides reference documentation
- for all :term:`dialect` implementations, including :term:`DBAPI` specifics.
- Code Examples
- =============
- Working code examples, mostly regarding the ORM, are included in the
- SQLAlchemy distribution. A description of all the included example
- applications is at :ref:`examples_toplevel`.
- There is also a wide variety of examples involving both core SQLAlchemy
- constructs as well as the ORM on the wiki. See
- `Theatrum Chemicum <https://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes>`_.
- .. _installation:
- Installation Guide
- ==================
- Supported Platforms
- -------------------
- SQLAlchemy supports the following platforms:
- * cPython 3.7 and higher
- * Python-3 compatible versions of `PyPy <http://pypy.org/>`_
- .. versionchanged:: 2.0
- SQLAlchemy now targets Python 3.7 and above.
- AsyncIO Support
- ----------------
- SQLAlchemy's ``asyncio`` support depends upon the
- `greenlet <https://pypi.org/project/greenlet/>`_ project. This dependency
- will be installed by default on common machine platforms, however is not
- supported on every architecture and also may not install by default on
- less common architectures. See the section :ref:`asyncio_install` for
- additional details on ensuring asyncio support is present.
- Supported Installation Methods
- -------------------------------
- SQLAlchemy installation is via standard Python methodologies that are
- based on `setuptools <https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/>`_, either
- by referring to ``setup.py`` directly or by using
- `pip <https://pypi.org/project/pip/>`_ or other setuptools-compatible
- approaches.
- Install via pip
- ---------------
- When ``pip`` is available, the distribution can be
- downloaded from PyPI and installed in one step::
- pip install SQLAlchemy
- This command will download the latest **released** version of SQLAlchemy from the `Python
- Cheese Shop <https://pypi.org/project/SQLAlchemy>`_ and install it to your system.
- In order to install the latest **prerelease** version, such as ``2.0.0b1``,
- pip requires that the ``--pre`` flag be used::
- pip install --pre SQLAlchemy
- Where above, if the most recent version is a prerelease, it will be installed
- instead of the latest released version.
- Installing using setup.py
- ----------------------------------
- Otherwise, you can install from the distribution using the ``setup.py`` script::
- python setup.py install
- .. _c_extensions:
- Installing the C Extensions
- ----------------------------------
- SQLAlchemy includes C extensions which provide an extra speed boost for
- dealing with result sets. The extensions are supported on both the 2.xx
- and 3.xx series of cPython.
- ``setup.py`` will automatically build the extensions if an appropriate platform is
- detected. If the build of the C extensions fails due to a missing compiler or
- other issue, the setup process will output a warning message and re-run the
- build without the C extensions upon completion, reporting final status.
- To run the build/install without even attempting to compile the C extensions,
- the ``DISABLE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT`` environment variable may be specified. The
- use case for this is either for special testing circumstances, or in the rare
- case of compatibility/build issues not overcome by the usual "rebuild"
- mechanism::
- export DISABLE_SQLALCHEMY_CEXT=1; python setup.py install
- .. versionchanged:: 1.1 The legacy ``--without-cextensions`` flag has been
- removed from the installer as it relies on deprecated features of
- setuptools.
- Installing a Database API
- ----------------------------------
- SQLAlchemy is designed to operate with a :term:`DBAPI` implementation built for a
- particular database, and includes support for the most popular databases.
- The individual database sections in :doc:`/dialects/index` enumerate
- the available DBAPIs for each database, including external links.
- Checking the Installed SQLAlchemy Version
- ------------------------------------------
- This documentation covers SQLAlchemy version 2.0. If you're working on a
- system that already has SQLAlchemy installed, check the version from your
- Python prompt like this:
- .. sourcecode:: python+sql
- >>> import sqlalchemy
- >>> sqlalchemy.__version__ # doctest: +SKIP
- 2.0.0
- .. _migration:
- 1.x to 2.0 Migration
- =====================
- Notes on the new API released in SQLAlchemy 2.0 is available here at :doc:`changelog/migration_20`.