https://github.com/Doap/browsercms · Ruby · 333 lines · 284 code · 49 blank · 0 comment · 2 complexity · 94e2a0a8f793b8b1d7254438bc0046d9 MD5 · raw file
- require 'test_helper'
- class Cms::ApiTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- test "Find block from tablename without namespace" do
- assert_equal Cms::HtmlBlock, Cms::Acts::ContentBlock.model_for(:html_block)
- end
- test "Find block from tablename with namespace" do
- Cms.expects(:table_prefix).returns("cms_")
- assert_equal Cms::HtmlBlock, Cms::Acts::ContentBlock.model_for(:cms_html_block)
- end
- test "Find model for non-namespaced classes" do
- class ::Unscoped ; end
- model = Cms::Acts::ContentBlock.model_for(:unscoped)
- assert_equal ::Unscoped, model
- end
- test "Nonexistant class returns NilModel that still responds to defaults" do
- model = Cms::Acts::ContentBlock.model_for(:table_not_likely_to_exist)
- assert_equal Cms::Acts::ContentBlock::NilModel, model.class
- assert_equal "table_not_likely_to_exist_id", model.version_foreign_key
- end
- end
- class ContentBlockTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @block = Factory(:html_block, :name => "Test")
- end
- def test_publishing
- assert_equal "Draft", @block.status_name
- assert !@block.published?
- @block.publish
- assert @block.published?
- @block.publish_on_save = true
- @block.save
- assert @block.published?
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "Whatever")
- assert !@block.live?
- end
- def test_revision_comment_on_create
- assert_equal 'Created', @block.draft.version_comment
- end
- def test_revision_comment_on_update
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "Something Else", :content => "Whatever")
- assert_equal 'Changed content, name', @block.draft.version_comment
- end
- test "Updating a block without changing attributes shouldn't cause new save" do
- result = @block.update_attributes(:name => @block.name)
- assert_equal 1, @block.version, "Block should keep itself at version 1"
- assert_equal 1, @block.versions.size, "Should only have the one original version of the block"
- assert_equal 'Created', @block.draft.version_comment
- assert result , "Update with same attributes should still return true"
- end
- def test_custom_revision_comment
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "Something Else", :version_comment => "Something Changed")
- assert_equal "Something Changed", @block.draft.version_comment
- end
- end
- class SoftPublishingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @block = Factory(:html_block, :name => "Test")
- end
- test "deleted? should return true for deleted records, false otherwise" do
- assert_equal false, @block.deleted?
- @block.destroy
- assert_equal true, @block.deleted?
- end
- test "Destroying a block should mark it as deleted, rather than remove it from the database" do
- @block.destroy
- found = Cms::HtmlBlock.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM #{Cms::HtmlBlock.table_name} where id = #{@block.id}")
- assert_equal 1, found.size, "Should find one record"
- assert_not_nil found[0], "A block should still exist in the database"
- assert_equal true, found[0].deleted, "It's published flag should be true"
- end
- test "exists? should not return blocks marked as deleted" do
- @block.destroy
- assert_equal false, Cms::HtmlBlock.exists?(@block.id)
- assert_equal false, Cms::HtmlBlock.exists?(["name = ?", @block.name])
- end
- test "find by id should throw an exception for records marked as deleted" do
- @block.destroy
- assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Cms::HtmlBlock.find(@b) }
- end
- test "dynamic finders (i.e. find_by_name) should not find deleted records" do
- @block.destroy
- assert_nil Cms::HtmlBlock.find_by_name(@block.name)
- end
- test "find with deleted returns all records even marked as deleted" do
- @block.destroy
- assert_not_nil Cms::HtmlBlock.find_with_deleted(@block.id)
- end
- test "Marking as deleted should create a new record in the versions table" do
- @block.destroy
- deleted_block = Cms::HtmlBlock.find_with_deleted(@block.id)
- assert_equal 2, deleted_block.versions.size
- assert_equal 2, deleted_block.version
- assert_equal 1, deleted_block.versions.first.version
- assert_equal 2, Cms::HtmlBlock::Version.count(:conditions => {:html_block_id => @block.id})
- end
- test "Count should exclude deleted records" do
- html_block_count = Cms::HtmlBlock.count
- @block.destroy
- assert_decremented html_block_count, Cms::HtmlBlock.count
- end
- test "count_with_deleted should return all records, even those marked as deleted" do
- original_count = Cms::HtmlBlock.count
- @block.destroy
- assert_equal original_count, Cms::HtmlBlock.count_with_deleted
- end
- def test_delete_all
- Cms::HtmlBlock.delete_all(["name = ?", @block.name])
- assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Cms::HtmlBlock.find(@block.id) }
- assert Cms::HtmlBlock.find_with_deleted(@block.id).deleted?
- end
- end
- class VersionedContentBlock < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @block = Factory(:html_block, :name => "Versioned Content Block")
- end
- test "Calling publish! on a block should save it, and mark that block as published." do
- @block.publish!
- found = Cms::HtmlBlock.find(@block)
- assert_equal true, found.published?
- end
- test "Getting a block as of a particular version shouldn't be considered a 'new record'." do
- @block.update_attributes(:name=>"Changed", :publish_on_save=>true)
- @block.reload
- @v1 = @block.as_of_version(1)
- assert_equal false, @v1.new_record?, "Old versions of blocks aren't 'new' and shouldn't ever be resaved."
- end
- test 'Calling publish_on_save should not be sufficent to publish the block'do
- @block.publish_on_save = true
- @block.save
- found = Cms::HtmlBlock.find(@block)
- assert_equal 1, found.version
- end
- test "Setting the 'publish' flag on a block, along with any other change, and saving it should mark that block as published." do
- @block.publish_on_save = true
- @block.name = "Anything else"
- @block.save
- found = Cms::HtmlBlock.find(@block)
- assert_equal true, found.published?
- end
- def test_edit
- old_name = "Versioned Content Block"
- new_name = "New version of content block"
- @block.publish!
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, old_name
- @block.name = new_name
- @block.save
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, new_name
- @block.name = old_name
- @block.save
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, old_name
- end
- def test_revert
- old_name = "Versioned Content Block"
- new_name = "New version of content block"
- @block.publish!
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, old_name
- version = @block.version
- @block.name = new_name
- @block.save
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, new_name
- @block.revert_to(version)
- @block.reload
- assert_equal @block.draft.name, old_name
- end
- end
- class VersionedContentBlockConnectedToAPageTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @page = Factory(:page, :section => root_section)
- @block = Factory(:html_block, :name => "Versioned Content Block")
- @page.create_connector(@block, "main")
- reset(:page, :block)
- end
- def test_editing_connected_to_an_unpublished_page
- page_version_count = Cms::Page::Version.count
- assert_equal 2, @page.versions.size, "Should be two versions of the page"
- assert !@page.published?, "The page should not be published yet."
- pages = Cms::Page.connected_to(:connectable => @block, :version => @block.version).all
- assert_equal [@page], pages, "The block should be connected to page"
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "something different")
- assert_equal false, @block.skip_callbacks
- assert_equal 2, @block.versions.size, "should be two versions of this block"
- reset(:page)
- assert !@page.published?
- assert_equal 3, @page.versions.size, "Should be three versions of the page."
- assert_equal 3, @page.draft.version, "Draft version of page should be updated to v3 since its connected to the updated block."
- assert_incremented page_version_count, Cms::Page::Version.count
- assert_match /^HtmlBlock #\d+ was Edited/, @page.draft.version_comment
- conns = @block.connectors.all(:order => 'id')
- assert_equal 2, conns.size
- assert_properties conns[0], :page => @page, :page_version => 2, :connectable => @block, :connectable_version => 1, :container => "main"
- assert_properties conns[1], :page => @page, :page_version => 3, :connectable => @block, :connectable_version => 2, :container => "main"
- end
- # Verify that when we have a block connected to a published page, the page should remain published.
- def test_editing_connected_to_a_published_page
- @page.publish!
- reset(:page, :block)
- assert @page.published?
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "something different", :publish_on_save => true)
- reset(:page)
- assert @page.published?
- end
- def test_deleting_when_connected_to_page
- @page.publish!
- reset(:page, :block)
- page_connector_count = @page.connectors.for_page_version(@page.draft.version).count
- page_version = @page.draft.version
- @block.destroy
- reset(:page)
- assert_decremented page_connector_count, @page.connectors.for_page_version(@page.draft.version).count
- assert_incremented page_version, @page.draft.version
- assert_match /^HtmlBlock #\d+ was Deleted/, @page.draft.version_comment
- end
- end
- class NonVersionedContentBlockConnectedToAPageTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def setup
- @page = Factory(:page, :section => root_section)
- @block = Factory(:non_versioned_block, :name => "Non-Versioned Non-Publishable Content Block")
- @page.create_connector(@block, "main")
- reset(:page, :block)
- end
- def test_editing_connected_to_an_unpublished_page
- page_version_count = Cms::Page::Version.count
- assert_equal "Dynamic Portlet '#{@block.name}' was added to the 'main' container", @page.draft.version_comment
- assert !@page.published?
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "something different")
- reset(:page)
- assert 2, @page.version
- assert_equal page_version_count, Cms::Page::Version.count
- assert !@page.published?
- conns = Cms::Connector.for_connectable(@block).all(:order => 'id')
- assert_equal 1, conns.size
- assert_properties conns[0], :page => @page, :page_version => 2, :connectable => @block, :connectable_version => nil, :container => "main"
- end
- def test_editing_connected_to_a_published_page
- @page.publish!
- reset(:page)
- assert @page.published?
- assert @block.update_attributes(:name => "something different")
- reset(:page)
- assert @page.published?
- end
- end