Python | 396 lines | 374 code | 18 blank | 4 comment | 4 complexity | dda08f8b71b3ef6e94403c0a682e3d5e MD5 | raw file
- "move_std template"
- from copy import deepcopy
- import bottleneck as bn
- __all__ = ["move_std"]
- FLOAT_DTYPES = [x for x in bn.dtypes if 'float' in x]
- INT_DTYPES = [x for x in bn.dtypes if 'int' in x]
- # Float dtypes (no axis=None) -----------------------------------------------
- floats = {}
- floats['dtypes'] = FLOAT_DTYPES
- floats['axisNone'] = False
- floats['force_output_dtype'] = False
- floats['reuse_non_nan_func'] = False
- floats['top'] = """
- @cython.boundscheck(False)
- @cython.wraparound(False)
- def NAME_NDIMd_DTYPE_axisAXIS(np.ndarray[np.DTYPE_t, ndim=NDIM] a,
- int window, int ddof):
- "Moving std of NDIMd array of dtype=DTYPE along axis=AXIS."
- cdef Py_ssize_t count = 0
- cdef double asum = 0, a2sum = 0, ai
- """
- loop = {}
- loop[1] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nINDEX0):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nINDEX0)
- for iINDEX0 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- iINDEX0 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) / (count - ddof))
- else:
- for iINDEX0 in range(window, nINDEX0):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- if ai == ai:
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- count -= 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) / (count - ddof))
- else:
- return y
- """
- loop[2] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nAXIS):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nAXIS)
- for iINDEX0 in range(nINDEX0):
- asum = 0
- a2sum = 0
- count = 0
- for iINDEX1 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- iINDEX1 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) / (count - ddof))
- else:
- for iINDEX1 in range(window, nINDEX1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- if ai == ai:
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- count -= 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) \
- / (count - ddof))
- else:
- return y
- """
- loop[3] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nAXIS):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nAXIS)
- for iINDEX0 in range(nINDEX0):
- for iINDEX1 in range(nINDEX1):
- asum = 0
- a2sum = 0
- count = 0
- for iINDEX2 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- iINDEX2 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) \
- / (count - ddof))
- else:
- for iINDEX2 in range(window, nINDEX2):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- if ai == ai:
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- count += 1
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- if ai == ai:
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- count -= 1
- if count == window:
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / count) \
- / (count - ddof))
- else:
- return y
- """
- floats['loop'] = loop
- # Int dtypes (no axis=None) ------------------------------------------------
- ints = deepcopy(floats)
- ints['force_output_dtype'] = 'float64'
- ints['dtypes'] = INT_DTYPES
- ints['top'] += " cdef int winddof\n"
- loop = {}
- loop[1] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nINDEX0):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nINDEX0)
- winddof = window - ddof
- for iINDEX0 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- iINDEX0 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- for iINDEX0 in range(window, nINDEX0):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- return y
- """
- loop[2] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nAXIS):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nAXIS)
- winddof = window - ddof
- for iINDEX0 in range(nINDEX0):
- asum = 0
- a2sum = 0
- for iINDEX1 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- iINDEX1 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- for iINDEX1 in range(window, nINDEX1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- return y
- """
- loop[3] = """\
- if (window < 1) or (window > nAXIS):
- raise ValueError, MOVE_WINDOW_ERR_MSG % (window, nAXIS)
- winddof = window - ddof
- for iINDEX0 in range(nINDEX0):
- for iINDEX1 in range(nINDEX1):
- asum = 0
- a2sum = 0
- for iINDEX2 in range(window - 1):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- iINDEX2 = window - 1
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- for iINDEX2 in range(window, nINDEX2):
- ai = a[INDEXALL]
- asum += ai
- a2sum += ai * ai
- ai = a[INDEXREPLACE|iAXIS - window|]
- asum -= ai
- a2sum -= ai * ai
- y[INDEXALL] = sqrt((a2sum - asum * asum / window) / winddof)
- return y
- """
- ints['loop'] = loop
- # Slow, unaccelerated ndim/dtype --------------------------------------------
- slow = {}
- slow['name'] = "move_std"
- slow['signature'] = "arr, window, ddof"
- slow['func'] = "bn.slow.move_std(arr, window, axis=AXIS, ddof=ddof)"
- # Template ------------------------------------------------------------------
- move_std = {}
- move_std['name'] = 'move_std'
- move_std['is_reducing_function'] = False
- move_std['cdef_output'] = True
- move_std['slow'] = slow
- move_std['templates'] = {}
- move_std['templates']['float'] = floats
- move_std['templates']['int'] = ints
- move_std['pyx_file'] = 'move/%sbit/move_std.pyx'
- move_std['main'] = '''"move_std auto-generated from template"
- def move_std(arr, int window, int axis=-1, int ddof=0):
- """
- Moving window standard deviation along the specified axis.
- Unlike bn.nanstd, which uses a more rubust two-pass algorithm, move_std
- uses a faster one-pass algorithm.
- An example of a one-pass algorithm:
- >>> np.sqrt((arr*arr).mean() - arr.mean()**2)
- An example of a two-pass algorithm:
- >>> np.sqrt(((arr - arr.mean())**2).mean())
- Note in the two-pass algorithm the mean must be found (first pass) before
- the squared deviation (second pass) can be found.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arr : ndarray
- Input array.
- window : int
- The number of elements in the moving window.
- axis : int, optional
- The axis over which to perform the moving standard deviation. By
- default the moving standard deviation is taken over the last axis
- (axis=-1). An axis of None is not allowed.
- Returns
- -------
- y : ndarray
- The moving standard deviation of the input array along the specified
- axis. The output has the same shape as the input.
- Examples
- --------
- >>> arr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
- >>> bn.move_std(arr, window=2)
- array([ nan, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
- """
- func, arr = move_std_selector(arr, axis)
- return func(arr, window, ddof)
- def move_std_selector(arr, int axis):
- """
- Return move_std function and array that matches `arr` and `axis`.
- Under the hood Bottleneck uses a separate Cython function for each
- combination of ndim, dtype, and axis. A lot of the overhead in
- bn.move_std() is in checking that `axis` is within range, converting
- `arr` into an array (if it is not already an array), and selecting the
- function to use to calculate the moving standard deviation.
- You can get rid of the overhead by doing all this before you, for example,
- enter an inner loop, by using this function.
- Parameters
- ----------
- arr : array_like
- Input array. If `arr` is not an array, a conversion is attempted.
- axis : {int, None}
- Axis along which the moving standard deviation is to be computed.
- Returns
- -------
- func : function
- The moving standard deviation function that matches the number of
- dimensions, dtype, and the axis along which you wish to find the
- standard deviation.
- a : ndarray
- If the input array `arr` is not a ndarray, then `a` will contain the
- result of converting `arr` into a ndarray otherwise a view is
- returned.
- Examples
- --------
- Create a numpy array:
- >>> arr = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
- Obtain the function needed to determine the sum of `arr` along axis=0:
- >>> window, axis = 2, 0
- >>> func, a = bn.move.move_std_selector(arr, axis)
- >>> func
- <built-in function move_std_1d_float64_axis0>
- Use the returned function and array to determine the moving std:
- >>> func(a, window)
- array([ nan, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
- """
- cdef np.ndarray a
- if type(arr) is np.ndarray:
- a = arr
- else:
- a = np.array(arr, copy=False)
- cdef int ndim = PyArray_NDIM(a)
- cdef int dtype = PyArray_TYPE(a)
- if axis < 0:
- axis += ndim
- cdef tuple key = (ndim, dtype, axis)
- try:
- func = move_std_dict[key]
- except KeyError:
- if (axis < 0) or (axis >= ndim):
- raise ValueError, "axis(=%d) out of bounds" % axis
- try:
- func = move_std_slow_dict[axis]
- except KeyError:
- tup = (str(ndim), str(a.dtype), str(axis))
- raise TypeError, "Unsupported ndim/dtype/axis (%s/%s/%s)." % tup
- return func, a
- '''