Python | 899 lines | 878 code | 11 blank | 10 comment | 4 complexity | 47445411bb3707e849546b94541f9e5f MD5 | raw file
- # Written by TheGurke 2011
- """Vector graphics engine for the card table as a gtk.Widget"""
- import math
- import random
- import logging
- from gettext import gettext as _
- import cairo
- import glib
- import gtk
- from progenitus import config
- from progenitus.db import cards
- from progenitus.db import pics
- #
- # There is an important distinction between on-screen coordinates (int) and
- # virtual desktop coordinates in inch (float).
- # The desktop can be zoomed freely about the point (0.0, 0.0), but not moved.
- #
- class DragNDrop(object):
- """An object to save drag and drop information"""
- def __init__(self, item, start_x, start_y):
- assert(isinstance(item, Item))
- self.item = item
- self.start_x = start_x
- self.start_y = start_y
- self.item_x = item.x # the item's x and y coordinates at the time the
- self.item_y = item.y # dragging started
- self.set_hand_index(start_x, start_y)
- desktop = self.item.widget
- if desktop.is_over_hand(start_x, start_y):
- self.initial_hand_index = desktop.get_hand_card_index(start_x,
- start_y)
- # There is a difference to set_hand_index!
- else:
- self.initial_hand_index = None
- def set_hand_index(self, x ,y):
- """Set the current hand index of hovering over the hand area"""
- desktop = self.item.widget
- if desktop.is_over_hand(x, y):
- self.hand_index = desktop.get_hand_index(x, y)
- else:
- self.hand_index = None
- def update_pos(self, x, y):
- """Update the item's position"""
- dx = x - self.start_x
- dy = y - self.start_y
- self.item.x = dx / float(self.item.widget.zoom) + self.item_x
- self.item.y = dy / float(self.item.widget.zoom) + self.item_y
- self.set_hand_index(x, y)
- class CairoDesktop(gtk.DrawingArea):
- """A Widget for drawing on using cairo"""
- __gsignals__ = {"expose-event": "override"}
- enlarged_card = None
- enlarged_card_last_pos = None # Last x, y position of the enlarged card
- bg_color = 1, 1, 1
- zoom = 12. # current zoom factor; the larger means zooming in; type is float
- # position is always centered around (0,0)
- y_offset = 0 # number of on-screen pixels that are covered on the bottom
- flip_y = False
- _items = [] # Cards and other stuff
- _dragndrop = None
- # Callbacks to be filled
- movement_callback = None
- hover_callback = None
- prop_callback = None
- # Initialize
- def __init__(self, interface, eventbox=None):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.picfactory = pics.PicFactory()
- if eventbox is not None:
- self.setup_eventbox(eventbox)
- self.show() # Visible by default
- self.interface = interface
- def reset(self):
- """Reset all properties to their default values; clear the board"""
- self.picfactory = pics.PicFactory()
- self._items = []
- self._dragndrop = None
- # self.zoom = 12.
- self.enlarged_card = None
- self.y_offset = 0
- def setup_eventbox(self, eventbox):
- """Configure and eventbox so it sends events to this widget"""
- assert(isinstance(eventbox, gtk.Widget))
- eventbox.connect("button-press-event", self.mouse_down)
- eventbox.connect("button-release-event", self.mouse_up)
- eventbox.connect("motion-notify-event", self.mouse_motion)
- eventbox.connect("scroll-event", self.mouse_scroll)
- eventbox.set_events(eventbox.get_events() | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK)
- def do_expose_event(self, event):
- # Handle the expose-event by painting
- cr = self.window.cairo_create()
- a = event.area
- cr.rectangle(a.x, a.y, a.width, a.height)
- cr.clip()
- self.paint(cr)
- # Coordinates
- def get_screen_coords(self):
- """Get the screen coordinates of this widget"""
- w, h = self.window.get_size()
- return 0, 0, w, h - self.get_hand_height()
- def get_wh(self):
- """Return the size of the currently visible playing area in desktop """
- """coordinates"""
- assert(isinstance(self.zoom, float))
- w, h = self.window.get_size()
- return w / self.zoom, (h - self.get_hand_height()) / float(self.zoom)
- def get_hand_height(self):
- """Get the height of the bottom area reserved for the cards in hand """
- """in on-screen coordinates"""
- return int(math.ceil(1.2 * 3.5 * self.zoom)) - self.y_offset
- # Item container
- def add_item(self, item, position_hint=None):
- assert(isinstance(item, Item))
- if self._items.count(item) < 1:
- if position_hint is None:
- self._items.append(item)
- else:
- self._items.insert(position_hint, item)
- item.parent = self
- item.widget = self
- if item.visible:
- item.repaint()
- if isinstance(item, Container):
- for item_ in item:
- item_.widget = self
- def remove_item(self, item):
- if self._items.count(item) > 0:
- self._items.remove(item)
- item.repaint()
- item.parent = None
- item.widget = None
- def get_item_at(self, x, y):
- """Find an item by its screen coordinates"""
- items_reversed = self._items[:]
- items_reversed.reverse()
- for item in items_reversed:
- if item.match_pixel(x, y):
- while hasattr(item, "get_item_at"):
- item_ = item.get_item_at(x, y)
- if item_ is None:
- return item
- else:
- item = item_
- return item
- return None
- # Hand
- def get_hand(self):
- """Get the hand card list"""
- if self.interface.my_player is None:
- return []
- hand = self.interface.my_player.hand[:]
- # If dragging apply dragging information
- if (self._dragndrop is not None
- and isinstance(self._dragndrop.item, CardItem)
- and not self._dragndrop.item.istoken):
- if self._dragndrop.initial_hand_index is not None:
- i = self._dragndrop.initial_hand_index
- hand = hand[:i] + hand[i+1:]
- if self._dragndrop.hand_index is not None:
- hand.insert(self._dragndrop.hand_index,
- self._dragndrop.item.card)
- return hand
- def is_over_hand(self, x, y):
- """Determine whether an pointer position is over the hand area"""
- return y > self.get_screen_coords()[3]
- def get_hand_index(self, x, y):
- """Get the list index where the position suggests insertion"""
- # Note the difference to get_hand_card_index
- x, y = int(x), int(y)
- hand = self.get_hand()
- if hand is None:
- return
- w, h = self.window.get_size()
- card_width = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom))
- spacing = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom * 0.1))
- x = x - w / 2 + (card_width + spacing) * (len(hand) + 1) / 2
- # relative coordinates on the hand
- assert(isinstance(x, int))
- i = x / (card_width + spacing)
- if i < 0:
- i = 0
- if i > len(hand):
- i = len(hand)
- return i
- def get_hand_card_index(self, x, y):
- # Note the difference to get_hand_index
- """Get a card in the hand by its on-screen coordinates"""
- x, y = int(x), int(y)
- hand = self.get_hand()
- if hand is None:
- return
- w, h = self.window.get_size()
- if y < h - self.get_hand_height() or y > h:
- return None
- card_width = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom))
- spacing = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom * 0.1))
- x = x - w / 2 + ((card_width + spacing) * len(hand) - spacing) / 2
- assert(isinstance(x, int))
- if x % (card_width + spacing) > card_width:
- return None
- i = x / (card_width + spacing)
- if 0 <= i < len(hand):
- return i
- return None
- def get_hand_card(self, x, y):
- """If there is a hand card at (x, y) then return the card, else None"""
- hand = self.get_hand()
- i = self.get_hand_card_index(x, y)
- if i is None:
- return None
- return hand[i]
- def repaint_hand(self):
- w, h = self.window.get_size()
- hh = self.get_hand_height()
- self.queue_draw_area(0, h - hh, w, hh)
- def _paint_hand(self, cr, width, height):
- hand = self.get_hand()
- if hand is None:
- return
- card_width = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom))
- card_height = int(math.ceil(3.5 * self.zoom))
- spacing = int(math.ceil(2.5 * self.zoom * 0.1))
- x = width / 2 - ((card_width + spacing) * len(hand) - spacing) / 2
- y = height - card_height - spacing + self.y_offset
- # Divider line
- cr.save()
- cr.set_line_width(1)
- cr.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
- cr.move_to(int(0.1 * width), y - spacing / 2)
- cr.line_to(int(0.9 * width), y - spacing / 2)
- cr.stroke()
- cr.restore()
- for card in hand:
- cr.save()
- cr.rectangle(x, y, card_width, card_height)
- cr.translate(x, y)
- cr.clip()
- surface = self.picfactory.get(card.id, card_width)
- assert isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface)
- cr.set_source_surface(surface)
- cr.paint()
- cr.restore()
- x += card_width + spacing
- # Enlarged card
- def _get_enlarged_card_pos(self):
- """Get the x, y coordinates of the enlarged card"""
- px, py, mask = self.get_parent_window().get_pointer()
- _x, _y, w, h, bd = self.get_parent_window().get_geometry()
- # Display card on the left or on the right?
- x = w - self.enlarged_card[0].get_width() if px < w / 2 else 0
- y = int((h - self.enlarged_card[0].get_height()) / 2)
- return x, y
- def repaint_enlarged_card(self):
- """Repaint the area where the enlarged card is"""
- if self.enlarged_card_last_pos is not None:
- x, y = self.enlarged_card_last_pos
- w = self.enlarged_card[0].get_width()
- h = self.enlarged_card[0].get_height()
- self.queue_draw_area(x, y, w, h)
- def show_enlarged_card(self, cardid=None, flipped=False):
- """Show the large version of a card"""
- if cardid is None:
- if self.enlarged_card is not None:
- self.repaint_enlarged_card()
- self.enlarged_card = None
- self.enlarged_card_last_pos = None
- else:
- self.repaint_enlarged_card()
- cardpic = pics.surface_from_pixbuf(pics.get(cardid))[0]
- self.enlarged_card = cardpic, flipped
- self.enlarged_card_last_pos = self._get_enlarged_card_pos()
- self.repaint_enlarged_card()
- def _paint_enlarged_card(self, cr, width, height):
- if self.enlarged_card is not None:
- cr.translate(*self._get_enlarged_card_pos())
- w = self.enlarged_card[0].get_width()
- h = self.enlarged_card[0].get_height()
- if self.enlarged_card[1]:
- cr.translate(w / 2, h / 2)
- cr.rotate(math.pi)
- cr.translate(-w / 2, -h / 2)
- cr.set_source_surface(self.enlarged_card[0])
- cr.paint()
- # Painting
- def repaint(self):
- self.queue_draw()
- def paint(self, cr):
- """Use Cairo to paint the widget"""
- assert isinstance(cr, cairo.Context)
- width, height = self.window.get_size()
- # Background fill
- cr.set_source_rgb(*self.bg_color)
- cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
- cr.fill()
- # Set viewport
- height_ = height - self.get_hand_height()
- cr.save()
- cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height_)
- cr.clip()
- # Paint items
- for item in self._items:
- if item.visible:
- cr.save()
- cr.rectangle(*item.get_screen_coords())
- cr.clip()
- cr.translate(*item.get_screen_coords()[:2])
- item.paint(self, cr)
- cr.restore()
- cr.restore()
- # Paint hand and enlarged cards
- self._paint_hand(cr, width, height)
- self._paint_enlarged_card(cr, width, height_)
- # Mouse input
- def mouse_down(self, widget, event):
- item = self.get_item_at(event.x, event.y)
- handcard = self.get_hand_card(event.x, event.y)
- if item is not None and item.mine and item.visible:
- if event.button == 1 and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS:
- item.double_click(event)
- elif event.button == 1 and item.dragable:
- # Start dragging
- self._dragndrop = DragNDrop(item, event.x, event.y)
- self._dragndrop.started = self.interface.my_player.battlefield
- # Raise the item to be on top of all others
- self.remove_item(item)
- self.add_item(item)
- self.show_enlarged_card(None)
- elif handcard is not None:
- if event.button == 1:
- # Create new card item
- width, height = self.window.get_size()
- item = CardItem(handcard, None, True)
- item.x = (event.x - width / 2) / self.zoom - 2.5 / 2
- item.y = (event.y - height / 2) / self.zoom
- item.visible = False
- self.add_item(item)
- item.clamp_coords()
- # Start dragging
- self._dragndrop = DragNDrop(item, event.x, event.y)
- self._dragndrop.started = self.interface.my_player.hand
- assert(self._dragndrop.initial_hand_index is not None)
- self.show_enlarged_card(None)
- elif (item is None and event.button == 1
- and event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS):
- # Double click on the desktop
- self.interface.untap_all()
- if event.button == 3 and self.prop_callback is not None:
- self.show_enlarged_card(None)
- self.prop_callback(item if item is not None else handcard, event)
- def mouse_up(self, widget, event):
- if event.button == 1 and self._dragndrop is not None:
- item = self._dragndrop.item
- # If the dragged distance was 0, do nothing
- if (event.x == self._dragndrop.start_x
- and event.y == self._dragndrop.start_y):
- self._dragndrop = None
- return
- # Stop dragging
- if isinstance(item, CardItem) or isinstance(item, Tray):
- player = self.interface.my_player
- started = self._dragndrop.started
- finished = player.battlefield
- if (isinstance(item, CardItem) and not item.istoken
- and self.is_over_hand(event.x, event.y)):
- finished = player.hand
- if started is not player.battlefield:
- self.remove_item(item)
- item_ = item.card
- else:
- item_ = item
- if started is player.hand and finished is player.hand:
- # Moved within the hand
- ii = self._dragndrop.initial_hand_index
- i = self._dragndrop.hand_index
- player.hand[ii:ii+1] = []
- player.hand.insert(i, item.card)
- elif finished is player.battlefield:
- player.move_card(item_, started, finished, item.x, item.y)
- else:
- player.move_card(item_, self._dragndrop.started, finished)
- self._dragndrop = None
- def mouse_motion(self, widget, event):
- hand = self.get_hand()
- if self._dragndrop is not None: # Dragging something
- item = self._dragndrop.item
- item.repaint()
- # Update movement coordinates
- i = self._dragndrop.hand_index
- self._dragndrop.update_pos(event.x, event.y)
- if isinstance(item, CardItem):
- # Card items can be moved to the hand
- item.visible = (not self.is_over_hand(event.x, event.y)
- or item.istoken)
- if not item.istoken and i is not self._dragndrop.hand_index:
- self.repaint_hand()
- item.clamp_coords()
- item.repaint()
- # Update drag status
- self._dragndrop.last_x = event.x
- self._dragndrop.last_y = event.y
- else: # Not dragging
- item = self.get_item_at(event.x, event.y)
- handcard = self.get_hand_card(event.x, event.y)
- if handcard is not None:
- self.show_enlarged_card(handcard.id)
- if self.hover_callback is not None:
- self.hover_callback(handcard)
- elif (item is not None and item.visible
- and isinstance(item, CardItem)):
- if item.faceup:
- self.show_enlarged_card(item.cardid, item.flipped)
- # check for special "transform" cards that have two sides
- elif (not cards.is_token(item.cardid)
- and item.cardid[-1] == "a"):
- self.show_enlarged_card(item.cardid[:-1] + "b",
- item.flipped)
- elif item.mine:
- self.show_enlarged_card(item.cardid, item.flipped)
- else:
- self.show_enlarged_card(None)
- else:
- self.show_enlarged_card(None)
- if item is not None and self.hover_callback is not None:
- self.hover_callback(item)
- def mouse_scroll(self, widget, event):
- pass
- #
- # Item
- #
- class Item(object):
- """Abstract class for everything that will be painted by CairoDesktop"""
- x, y, w, h = 0, 0, 0, 0 # dimensions
- itemid = None
- dragable = False
- mine = False
- parent = None # the immediate parent item
- widget = None # The CairoDesktop widget this item is associated with
- network_sync = True
- visible = True
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if self.itemid is not None:
- return self.itemid == other.itemid
- else:
- return self is other
- def get_wh(self):
- return self.w, self.h
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- """Paint on the cairo context"""
- pass
- def show_tooltip(self):
- pass
- def double_click(self, event):
- pass
- def match_pixel(self, x, y):
- """Is this pixel part of this item?"""
- coords = self.get_screen_coords()
- if x < coords[0] or x >= coords[0] + coords[2]:
- return False
- if y < coords[1] or y >= coords[1] + coords[3]:
- return False
- return True
- def get_screen_coords(self):
- """Get the on-screen-coordinates of this item"""
- x, y, w, h = self.parent.get_screen_coords()
- ix = int(math.floor(self.x * self.widget.zoom + w / 2))
- iy = int(math.floor(self.y * self.widget.zoom + h / 2))
- iw = int(math.ceil(self.w * self.widget.zoom))
- ih = int(math.ceil(self.h * self.widget.zoom))
- return ix, iy, iw, ih
- def clamp_coords(self):
- """Make sure that this card never leaves the playing area"""
- w, h = self.parent.get_wh()
- self.x = self.x if self.x >= -(w + self.w) / 2 else -(w + self.w) / 2
- self.y = self.y if self.y >= -(h + self.h) / 2 else -(h + self.h) / 2
- self.x = self.x if self.x <= (w - self.w) / 2 else (w - self.w) / 2
- self.y = self.y if self.y <= (h - self.h) / 2 else (h - self.h) / 2
- def repaint(self):
- """Queue a repaint of this item"""
- if self.widget is None:
- logging.debug("orphan item:")
- logging.debug(self)
- else:
- self.widget.queue_draw_area(*self.get_screen_coords())
- class Container(Item):
- """A Container holds a multitude of items and passes paint and other events
- on to them"""
- background = 1, 1, 1
- def __init__(self):
- self._items = []
- def add(self, item):
- """Add an item to this container"""
- self._items.append(item)
- item.parent = self
- item.widget = self.widget
- def remove(self, item):
- """Remove an item from this container"""
- self._items.remove(item)
- item.parent = None
- item.widget = None
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- w = int(math.ceil(self.w * desktop.zoom))
- h = int(math.ceil(self.h * desktop.zoom))
- # Background fill
- cr.set_source_rgb(*self.bg_color)
- cr.rectangle(0, 0, w, h)
- cr.fill()
- # Paint items
- for item in self._items:
- if item.visible:
- cr.save()
- cr.rectangle(*item.get_screen_coords())
- cr.clip()
- cr.translate(*item.get_screen_coords()[:2])
- item.paint(desktop, cr)
- cr.restore()
- def get_item_at(self, x, y):
- """Get an item at a point on the screen"""
- dx, dy, dw, dh = self.get_screen_coords()
- x -= dx
- y -= dy
- for item in self._items:
- if item.match_pixel(x, y):
- return item
- return None
- def show_tooltip(self, x, y):
- dx, dy, dw, dh = self.get_screen_coords()
- x -= dx
- y -= dy
- item = self.get_item_at(self, x, y)
- if item is None:
- self.show_own_tooltip(x, y)
- else:
- item.show_tooltip(x, y)
- def show_own_tooltip(self, x, y):
- pass
- def double_click(self, event):
- dx, dy, dw, dh = self.get_screen_coords()
- x = event.x - dx
- y = event.y - dy
- item = self.get_item_at(x, y)
- if item is not None:
- item.double_click(event)
- # Emulate container type
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self._items)
- def __contains__(self, item):
- return item in self._items
- def __iter__(self):
- return self._items.__iter__()
- class TextItem(Item):
- color = 0, 0, 0
- font_face = "sans-serif"
- fontsize = 0
- update = None
- def __init__(self, text=""):
- self.text = text
- def get_wh(self):
- """Get the expected width of the text in desktop coordinates"""
- assert(isinstance(self.widget.zoom, float))
- surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 0, 0)
- cr = cairo.Context(surface)
- cr.select_font_face(self.font_face)
- cr.set_font_size(self.fontsize * self.widget.zoom)
- xb, yb, w, h, xa, ya = cr.text_extents(self.text)
- return (w + 2) / self.widget.zoom, (h + 2) / self.widget.zoom # FIXME
- def set_text(self, text):
- """Update the text and item width"""
- self.text = text
- self.w, self.h = self.get_wh()
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- assert(isinstance(self.widget.zoom, float))
- if self.update is not None:
- self.update()
- cr.set_source_rgb(*self.color)
- cr.select_font_face(self.font_face)
- cr.set_font_size(self.fontsize * self.widget.zoom)
- cr.move_to(0, self.fontsize * self.widget.zoom)
- cr.show_text(self.text)
- #
- # CardItem
- #
- class CardItem(Item):
- """A magic card or token"""
- w = 2.5 # Card width in inches
- h = 3.5 # Card height in inches
- card = None
- token = None
- cardid = None
- istoken = False # Is this card only a token / copy?
- # Tokens cannot go to the library/graveyard/hand etc.
- tapped = False
- flipped = False
- faceup = True # True is face up
- does_not_untap = False
- creates_tokens = None
- default_counters = None
- border_color = None
- dragable = True
- def __init__(self, cardortoken, owner, mine=False):
- if isinstance(cardortoken, cards.Card):
- self.card = cardortoken
- elif isinstance(cardortoken, cards.Token):
- self.token = cardortoken
- self.istoken = True
- else:
- assert(False)
- self.cardid = cardortoken.id
- assert(self.cardid is not None)
- self.owner = owner
- self.controller = owner
- self.mine = mine
- self.counters = dict()
- self.default_counters = []
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- # check for special "transform" cards that have two sides
- if self.faceup:
- cardid = self.cardid
- else:
- if not cards.is_token(self.cardid) and self.cardid[-1] == "a":
- cardid = self.cardid[:-1] + "b"
- else:
- cardid = "deckmaster"
- width = int(math.ceil((self.h if self.tapped else self.w)
- * desktop.zoom))
- surface = desktop.picfactory.get(cardid, width)
- assert(isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface))
- # rotate image
- phi = math.pi / 2 if self.tapped else 0
- phi += math.pi if self.flipped else 0
- if self.tapped:
- cr.translate(surface.get_height() / 2, surface.get_width() / 2)
- else:
- cr.translate(surface.get_width() / 2, surface.get_height() / 2)
- cr.rotate(phi)
- cr.translate(-surface.get_width() / 2, -surface.get_height() / 2)
- cr.set_source_surface(surface)
- cr.paint()
- def get_description(self):
- """Get a one line description of this card item"""
- text = ""
- if self.card is not None:
- text = (self.card.name if self.mine or self.faceup else
- _("face down card"))
- if self.istoken:
- text += " (clone)"
- else:
- text = _("%s token") % str(self.token)
- if not self.mine:
- if self.controller is not None:
- text = _("{0}'s {1}").format(self.controller.nick, text)
- # Add counter information
- for counter, num in self.counters.items():
- if num == 1:
- text += ", one %s counter" % counter
- else:
- text += ", %d %s counters" % (num, counter)
- return text
- def double_click(self, event):
- self.toggle_tapped()
- def toggle_tapped(self):
- self.set_tapped(not self.tapped)
- def set_tapped(self, tapped):
- """Set the tapped status of this card"""
- assert(isinstance(tapped, bool))
- if self.tapped != tapped:
- self.repaint()
- self.w, self.h = self.h, self.w
- self.repaint()
- self.tapped = tapped
- if self.controller is not None:
- self.controller.send_network_cmd("tap", self.itemid)
- def toggle_flipped(self):
- self.set_flipped(not self.flipped)
- def set_flipped(self, flipped):
- """Set the flipped status of this card"""
- assert(isinstance(flipped, bool))
- if self.flipped != flipped:
- self.repaint()
- self.flipped = flipped
- if self.controller is not None:
- self.controller.send_network_cmd("flip", self.itemid)
- def turn_over(self):
- self.set_faceup(not self.faceup)
- def set_faceup(self, faceup=True):
- """Set the direction the card is facing: up (True) or down (False)"""
- assert(isinstance(faceup, bool))
- if self.faceup != faceup:
- self.repaint()
- self.faceup = faceup
- if self.controller is not None:
- self.controller.send_network_cmd("face", self.itemid)
- #
- # Tray
- #
- class Tray(Container):
- """The tray is composed of the library, the graveyard, the player name,
- a life counter and a hand card counter (for other players)"""
- w = 2.5 * 3.4
- h = 3.5 * 1.4
- bg_color = 0.9, 0.9, 0.9
- dragable = True
- def __init__(self, player, mine=False):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.player = player
- self.mine = mine
- # Populate the container
- self.library_item = Library()
- self.library_item.x = 2.5 * 0.05
- self.library_item.y = 3.5 * (-0.35)
- self.add(self.library_item)
- self.graveyard_item = Graveyard()
- self.graveyard_item.x = 2.5 * (-1.05)
- self.graveyard_item.y = 3.5 * (-0.35)
- self.add(self.graveyard_item)
- self.name_item = TextItem()
- self.name_item.x = -self.w / 2
- self.name_item.y = -self.h / 2
- self.name_item.fontsize = 3.5 * 0.2
- self.name_item.update = \
- lambda: self.name_item.set_text(self.player.jid.resource)
- self.add(self.name_item)
- self.card_count_item = TextItem()
- self.card_count_item.color = 0.5, 0.5, 0
- self.card_count_item.x = 2.5 * 1.3
- self.card_count_item.y = 3.5 * (-0.2)
- self.card_count_item.fontsize = 3.5 * 0.14
- self.card_count_item.update = \
- lambda: self.card_count_item.set_text(str(len(self.player.hand)))
- self.add(self.card_count_item)
- self.life_item = TextItem()
- self.life_item.color = 0.5, 0, 0
- self.life_item.x = 2.5 * 1.3
- self.life_item.y = 3.5 * 0.2
- self.life_item.fontsize = 3.5 * 0.14
- self.life_item.update = \
- lambda: self.life_item.set_text(str(self.player.life))
- self.add(self.life_item)
- for item in self:
- item.mine = self.mine
- class Library(Item):
- w = 2.5
- h = 3.5
- def double_click(self, event):
- self.parent.player.draw_card()
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- if len(self.parent.player.library) > 0:
- width = int(math.ceil(self.w * desktop.zoom))
- surface = desktop.picfactory.get("deckmaster", width)
- assert(isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface))
- cr.set_source_surface(surface)
- cr.paint()
- class Graveyard(Item):
- w = 2.5
- h = 3.5
- def paint(self, desktop, cr):
- if len(self.parent.player.graveyard) > 0:
- card = self.parent.player.graveyard[-1]
- width = int(math.ceil(self.w * desktop.zoom))
- surface = desktop.picfactory.get(card.id, width)
- assert(isinstance(surface, cairo.Surface))
- cr.set_source_surface(surface)
- cr.paint()