CoffeeScript | 292 lines | 214 code | 37 blank | 41 comment | 35 complexity | 3b8a85c32628a194a6f02f4449cea0ae MD5 | raw file
- ### QUICK CHAT DEMO ####
- # Delete this file once you've seen how the demo works
- exports.load = ->
- $(->
- window.Topic = Backbone.Model.extend({
- # Default attributes for the todo.
- defaults: {
- },
- # Ensure that each todo created has `content`.
- initialize: ->
- self = this
- self.medias = new MediaList(null, {topic_id: self.id})
- ,
- # Remove this Topic from *localStorage* and delete its view.
- clear: ->
- this.destroy()
- $("#topic-" + this.id).remove()
- this.view.remove()
- if this.info_view
- this.info_view.remove()
- })
- window.TopicList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- # Reference to this collection's model.
- model: Topic,
- # Save all of the todo items under the `"todos"` namespace.
- localStorage: new Store("topic")
- # Filter down the list of all todo items that are finished.
- })
- # Create our global collection of **Todos**.
- window.Topics = new TopicList
- # Todo Item View
- # --------------
- # The DOM element for a todo item...
- window.TopicRowView = Backbone.View.extend({
- #... is a list tag.
- tagName: "li",
- # Cache the template function for a single item.
- show_template: $( "#topic_row" ),
- edit_template: $( "#topic_edit_row"),
- # The DOM events specific to an item.
- events: {
- "click": "open"
- "dblclick": "edit"
- "keypress input[name='edit_topic']": "editOnEnter"
- },
- # The TodoView listens for changes to its model, re-rendering. Since there's
- # a one-to-one correspondence between a **Todo** and a **TodoView** in this
- # app, we set a direct reference on the model for convenience.
- initialize: ->
- _.bindAll(this, 'render', 'open')
- this.model.bind('change', this.render)
- this.model.view = this
- ,
- open: ->
- if !$(this.el).hasClass("active")
- topic_view = new TopicInfoView({model: this.model})
- $("#topic").html(topic_view.render().el)
- this.activate()
- AppRouter.navigate("topics/" + this.model.id);
- ,
- edit: ->
- $(this.el).html(this.edit_template.tmpl(this.model.toJSON()))
- editOnEnter: (e) ->
- if e.keyCode != 13
- return
- self = this
- value = $(e.target).val()
- self.model.set({name: value},{silent: true})
- self.model.save()
- activate: ->
- $(".active").removeClass("active")
- $(this.el).addClass("active")
- # Re-render the contents of the todo item.
- render: ->
- console.log("rerender row")
- position = this.model.get("position")
- if position
- if position.pivot == "BEFORE"
- $("#topic-list #"+position.pivot_topic_id).before($(this.el))
- else if position.pivot == "AFTER"
- console.log("ASFTER")
- $($("#topic-list #"+position.pivot_topic_id)).after(this.el)
- $(this.el).html(this.show_template.tmpl(this.model.toJSON()))
- $(this.el).attr("id", this.model.id)
- return this
- })
- window.TopicInfoView = Backbone.View.extend({
- #... is a list tag.
- tagName: "div",
- className: "topic-info",
- # Cache the template function for a single item.
- template: $( "#topic_info_view" ),
- # The DOM events specific to an item.
- events: {
- "click #delete_topic": "deleteTopic",
- "click .add_notice": "addNotice"
- },
- # The TodoView listens for changes to its model, re-rendering. Since there's
- # a one-to-one correspondence between a **Todo** and a **TodoView** in this
- # app, we set a direct reference on the model for convenience.
- initialize: ->
- _.bindAll(this, 'addOne', 'addAll', 'render')
- this.model.info_view = this
- this.model.medias.bind('add', this.addOne)
- this.model.medias.bind('reset', this.addAll)
- this.model.medias.bind('all', this.render)
- this.model.bind('change', this.render)
- $("#medias").html("")
- this.model.medias.fetch()
- ,
- addNotice: (e) ->
- alert "add notice"
- addOne: (media) ->
- view = new MediaRowView({model: media})
- $("#medias").prepend(view.render().el)
- ,
- # Add all items in the **Todos** collection at once.
- addAll: ->
- this.model.medias.each(this.addOne)
- ,
- deleteTopic: ->
- this.model.clear()
- $("#content").prepend("<div id='main'></div>")
- # Re-render the contents of the todo item.
- render: ->
- $(this.el).html(this.template.tmpl(this.model.toJSON()))
- return this
- })
- window.SidebarView = Backbone.View.extend({
- # Instead of generating a new element, bind to the existing skeleton of
- # the App already present in the HTML.
- el: $("#content"),
- template: $("#sidebar_view"),
- # Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones.
- events: {
- "keypress .new_topic": "createOnEnter"
- "click .add_topic" : "addNewTopic"
- },
- # At initialization we bind to the relevant events on the `Todos`
- # collection, when items are added or changed. Kick things off by
- # loading any preexisting todos that might be saved in *localStorage*.
- initialize: ->
- _.bindAll(this, 'addOne', 'addAll', 'render')
- this.user_id = this.options.user_id
- this.active_topic_id = this.options.active_topic_id
- self = this
- Topics.bind('add', this.addOne)
- Topics.bind('reset', this.addAll)
- Topics.bind('all', this.render)
- Topics.fetch({success: (status) ->
- if self.active_topic_id
- topic = Topics.get(self.active_topic_id)
- if topic
- topic_view = new TopicInfoView({model: topic})
- $("#topic").html(topic_view.render().el)
- $("#topic-list").sortable({
- containment: 'parent',
- items: 'li',
- update: (e,ui) ->
- console.log $(ui.item).next().attr("id")
- if $(ui.item).attr("id")
- topic = Topics.get($(ui.item).attr("id"))
- console.log("asdasd")
- console.log $(ui.item).next()
- if ($(ui.item).next().length > 0)
- position = {next_topic_id: $(ui.item).next().attr("id")}
- else if ($(ui.item).prev().length > 0)
- position = {prev_topic_id: $(ui.item).prev().attr("id")}
- if position
- topic.set(position, {silent: true})
- topic.save()
- })
- $("#topic-list").disableSelection()
- })
- ,
- # Re-rendering the App just means refreshing the statistics -- the rest
- # of the app doesn't change.
- render: ->
- ,
- addNewTopic: ->
- if $(".new_topic").length == 0
- $("#topic-list").prepend($("#new_topic_row").tmpl())
- ,
- createOnEnter: (e) ->
- if e.keyCode != 13
- return
- self = this
- console.log "asjdjkas"
- console.log "danger"
- console.log this.newAttributes()
- x = Topics.create(this.newAttributes(), {
- success: (response) ->
- console.log "kill"
- console.log response
- })
- $(e.target).parent().remove()
- ,
- # Generate the attributes for a new Todo item.
- newAttributes: ->
- attr = []
- attr["name"] = $("#new-topic").val()
- if $(".new_topic").next().length > 0
- attr["next_topic_id"] = $(".new_topic").next().attr("id")
- else if $(".new_topic").prev().length > 0
- attr["prev_topic_id"] = $(".new_topic").prev().attr("id")
- return attr
- ,
- # Add a single todo item to the list by creating a view for it, and
- # appending its element to the `<ul>`.
- addOne: (topic) ->
- view = new TopicRowView({model: topic})
- if topic.id == this.active_topic_id
- view.activate()
- position = topic.get("position")
- if position
- if position.pivot == "BEFORE"
- $("#" + position.pivot_topic_id).before(view.render().el)
- else if position.pivot == "AFTER"
- $("#" + position.pivot_topic_id).after(view.render().el)
- console.log("AFTER")
- else
- this.$("#topic-list").append(view.render().el)
- ,
- # Add all items in the **Todos** collection at once.
- addAll: ->
- Topics.each(this.addOne)
- })
- )
- exports.init = (options) ->
- #let jquery load this one
- options || (options = {})
- SS.events.on 'newTopic', (topic) ->
- existing_topic = Topics.get(topic.id)
- if existing_topic
- console.log "topic already exists!"
- else
- console.log "adding topic!"
- Topics.add(topic)
- SS.events.on 'updateTopic', (params) ->
- console.log("UPPPPPDATE")
- console.log(params)
- existing_topic = Topics.get(params.id)
- delete params["id"]
- console.log(existing_topic.set(params))
- console.log(existing_topic)
- SS.events.on 'deleteTopic', (topic_id) ->
- existing_topic = Topics.get(topic_id)
- if existing_topic
- existing_topic.clear()
- $(->
- # Finally, we kick things off by creating the **App**.
- $("#content").html($("#main_view").tmpl())
- $("#sidebar").html($("#sidebar_view").tmpl())
- window.Sidebar = new SidebarView(options)
- )