Ruby | 387 lines | 313 code | 55 blank | 19 comment | 9 complexity | e40ec17f82c2095ecab2443eec401868 MD5 | raw file
- require 'test_helper'
- class GeneratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include Sprout::TestHelper
- context "The Sprout::Generator" do
- should "identify a default set of search paths" do
- File.stubs(:directory?).returns true
- paths = Sprout::Generator.search_paths
- assert_equal File.join('config', 'generators'), paths.shift
- assert_equal File.join('vendor', 'generators'), paths.shift
- assert_equal Sprout.generator_cache, paths.shift
- assert_equal Dir.pwd, paths.shift
- end
- should "return empty search paths if no defaults are found" do
- File.stubs(:directory?).returns false
- paths = Sprout::Generator.search_paths
- assert_equal [], paths
- end
- end
- context "A new application generator" do
- setup do
- @fixture = File.join fixtures, 'generators', 'fake'
- @templates = File.join fixtures, 'generators', 'templates'
- @string_io = StringIO.new
- @generator = configure_generator FakeGenerator.new
- Sprout::Generator.register OtherFakeGenerator
- FileUtils.mkdir_p @fixture
- end
- teardown do
- remove_file @fixture
- end
- context "that is asked to execute/create" do
- should "default path to pwd" do
- generator = FakeGenerator.new
- assert_equal Dir.pwd, generator.path
- end
- should "create outer directory and file" do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.execute
- project = File.join(@fixture, 'some_project')
- assert_directory project
- assert_file File.join(project, 'SomeFile')
- assert_directory File.join(project, 'src')
- assert_file File.join(project, 'src', 'SomeProject.as') do |content|
- assert_matches /public class SomeProject/, content
- assert_matches /public function SomeProject/, content
- end
- end
- should "show template paths and nothing else" do
- @generator.parse! ['--show-template-paths']
- output = @generator.execute
- assert_equal 7, output.split("\n").size
- end
- should "not clobber existing files" do
- dir = File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'src')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
- File.open File.join(dir, 'SomeProject.as'), 'w+' do |f|
- f.write "Hello World"
- end
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.execute
- assert_matches /Hello World/, File.read(File.join(dir, 'SomeProject.as'))
- end
- should "clobber existing files if --force" do
- dir = File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'src')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
- File.open File.join(dir, 'SomeProject.as'), 'w+' do |f|
- f.write "Hello World"
- end
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.force = true
- @generator.execute
- assert_matches /public function SomeProject/, File.read(File.join(dir, 'SomeProject.as'))
- end
- should "call another generator" do
- @generator.external = true
- @generator.execute
- assert_file File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'SomeOtherOtherFile') do |content|
- assert_matches /We are agents of the free?/, content
- end
- end
- should "copy templates from the first found template path" do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.band_name = 'R.E.M.'
- @generator.execute
- assert_file File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'SomeFile') do |content|
- assert_matches /got my Orange Crush - R.E.M./, content
- end
- end
- should "respect updates from subclasses" do
- @generator = configure_generator SubclassedGenerator.new
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.force = true
- @generator.execute
- assert_file File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'SomeFile') do |content|
- assert_matches /Living Jest enough for the City and SomeProject/, content
- end
- end
- should "use concrete template when provided" do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.execute
- assert_file File.join(@fixture, 'some_project', 'SomeOtherFile') do |content|
- assert_matches /I've had my fun/, content
- end
- end
- should "raise missing template error if expected template is not found" do
- @generator = configure_generator MissingTemplateGenerator.new
- assert_raises Sprout::Errors::MissingTemplateError do
- @generator.execute
- end
- assert !File.exists?(File.join(@fixture, 'some_project')), "Shouldn't leave half-generated files around"
- end
- should "notify user of all files created" do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Skipped directory: .')
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Created directory: ./some_project')
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Created file: ./some_project/SomeFile')
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Created file: ./some_project/SomeOtherFile')
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Created directory: ./some_project/src')
- @string_io.expects(:puts).with('Created file: ./some_project/src/SomeProject.as')
- @generator.execute
- end
- should "not notify if quiet is true" do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.quiet = true
- @string_io.expects(:puts).never
- @generator.execute
- end
- should "only have one param in class definition" do
- assert_equal 3, FakeGenerator.static_parameter_collection.size
- assert_equal 2, FakeGenerator.static_default_value_collection.size
- end
- should "not update superclass parameter collection" do
- assert_equal 7, Sprout::Generator::Base.static_parameter_collection.size
- assert_equal 1, Sprout::Generator::Base.static_default_value_collection.size
- end
- ##
- # TODO: Add ability to prompt the user if requested files already exist,
- # and force != true
- end
- context "that is asked to unexecute/delete" do
- setup do
- @generator.input = 'some_project'
- @generator.execute
- @project = File.join @fixture, 'some_project'
- @file = File.join @project, 'SomeFile'
- assert_file File.join(@fixture, 'some_project')
- end
- should "remove the expected files" do
- @generator.unexecute
- assert !File.exists?(@project), "Project should be deleted"
- end
- should "remove the expected files if destroy == true" do
- @generator.destroy = true
- @generator.execute
- assert !File.exists?(@project), "Project should be deleted"
- end
- should "not remove files (or their parents) that have been edited" do
- # Edit the file:
- File.open @file, 'w+' do |f|
- f.write "New Content"
- end
- @generator.unexecute
- assert !File.exists?(File.join(@project, 'src')), "src dir should be removed"
- assert_file @file, "Edited files should not be removed"
- end
- should "remove edited files if force is true" do
- # Edit the file:
- File.open @file, 'w+' do |f|
- f.write "New Content"
- end
- @generator.force = true
- @generator.unexecute
- assert !File.exists?(@project), "Project dir should be removed"
- end
- should "not remove directories that have files in them" do
- @file = File.join(@project, 'SomeNewFile.as')
- File.open(@file, 'w+') do |f|
- f.write 'New Content'
- end
- @generator.unexecute
- assert_file @file, 'New file should not be removed'
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def configure_generator generator
- generator.input = 'some_project'
- generator.logger = @string_io
- generator.path = @fixture
- generator.templates << @templates
- generator
- end
- ##
- # This is a fake Generator that should
- # exercise the inputs.
- class FakeGenerator < Sprout::Generator::Base
- add_param :external, Boolean
- ##
- # Register this generator by input, type and version
- #register :application, :fake, '1.0.pre'
- ##
- # Some argument for the Fake Generator
- add_param :band_name, String, { :default => 'Styx' }
- ##
- # Source path
- add_param :src, String, { :default => 'src' }
- ##
- # The package (usually Gem) name
- set :pkg_name, 'generator_test'
- ##
- # The package version
- set :pkg_version, '1.0.pre'
- def class_name
- @class_name ||= input.camel_case
- end
- def manifest
- directory input do
- template 'SomeFile'
- template 'SomeOtherFile', 'OtherFileTemplate'
- generator :other_fake if external
- directory src do
- template "#{class_name}.as", 'Main.as'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class OtherFakeGenerator < Sprout::Generator::Base
- add_param :band_name, String, { :default => 'Barf' }
- def manifest
- directory input do
- template 'SomeOtherOtherFile', 'OtherFileTemplate'
- end
- end
- end
- context "an unregistered generator" do
- setup do
- @generators = File.join fixtures, 'generators'
- @path = File.join @generators, 'fake'
- @project = File.join @path, 'SomeProject'
- $:.unshift @generators
- end
- teardown do
- $:.shift
- remove_file @path
- end
- should "fail to find unknown generator" do
- assert_raises Sprout::Errors::LoadError do
- generator = Sprout::Generator.load :demo, 'unknown_file', '>= 1.0.pre'
- end
- end
- should "be loadable if it's in the load path" do
- generator = Sprout::Generator.load :application, 'temp_generator', '>= 1.0.pre'
- assert_not_nil generator
- generator.logger = StringIO.new
- generator.path = @path
- generator.input = 'SomeProject'
- generator.execute
- assert_file @project, "Should have created project folder"
- end
- end
- context "a generator that is a subclass of another" do
- # Require the source files for this context
- require 'fixtures/generators/song_generator'
- require 'fixtures/generators/song_subclass/least_favorite'
- setup do
- @path = File.join(fixtures, 'generators', 'tmp')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p @path
- @song_generator = SongGenerator.new
- @song_generator.logger = StringIO.new
- @song_generator.path = @path
- @least_favorite = LeastFavorite.new
- @least_favorite.logger = StringIO.new
- @least_favorite.path = @path
- end
- teardown do
- remove_file @path
- end
- should "select templates from where it's defined - not it's superclass" do
- @song_generator.favorite = 'I Feel Better'
- @song_generator.execute
- assert_file File.join(@path, 'i_feel_better.txt') do |content|
- assert_matches /Your favorite song is 'I Feel Better'/, content
- end
- @least_favorite.favorite = 'I Feel Better'
- @least_favorite.execute
- assert_file File.join(@path, 'sucky', 'i_feel_better.txt') do |content|
- assert_matches /Your LEAST favorite song is 'I Feel Better'/, content
- end
- end
- end
- class SubclassedGenerator < FakeGenerator
- add_param :new_param, String, { :default => 'Other' }
- def manifest
- super
- directory input do
- template 'SomeFile', 'SomeSubclassFile'
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # This is a broken generator that should fail
- # with a MissingTemplateError
- class MissingTemplateGenerator < Sprout::Generator::Base
- def manifest
- directory input do
- template 'FileWithNoTemplate'
- end
- end
- end
- end