PHP | 436 lines | 368 code | 66 blank | 2 comment | 36 complexity | d9aa9244d396a9edcfb5f94bbe60a45d MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- ini_set('date.timezone', 'America/New_York');
- class MediaPlace
- {
- private $_dbx;
- public function __construct()
- {
- $this->_dbx = new mysqli('', 'mpdb', 'mpFj8*Qm159788', 'mediaplace');
- //$this->_dbx = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'mediaplace');
- }
- public function valid_api_key($_key)
- {
- $_user = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT user_id FROM `user` WHERE account_key = '".$this->__sanitize($_key)."'");
- $_user = $_user->fetch_object();
- if ($_user->user_id) {
- return(true);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function log($_method, $_data)
- {
- $_sql = "INSERT INTO json_rpc_log (
- method,
- raw_data,
- `key`,
- ts
- ) VALUES (
- '{$this->__sanitize($_method)}',
- '".$this->_dbx->real_escape_string($_data)."',
- '".$this->_dbx->real_escape_string($_data->_key)."',
- NOW()
- )";
- if ($this->_dbx->query($_sql)) {
- return(true);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function load_plugin_config()
- {
- $sSectionSql = "SELECT * FROM `pluginConfigurationSections`;";
- $rSections = $this->_dbx->query($sSectionSql);
- $aIni = array();
- while ($oSection = $rSections->fetch_object()) {
- $aIni[$oSection->sSectionName] = array();
- $sVariableSql = "SELECT * FROM `pluginConfigurationKeys` WHERE `iConfigurationSectionId` = {$oSection->iSectionId};";
- $rVariables = $this->_dbx->query($sVariableSql);
- while ($oVariable = $rVariables->fetch_object()) {
- $aIni[$oSection->sSectionName][$oVariable->sConfigurationName] = $oVariable->sConfigurationValue;
- }
- }
- return $aIni;
- }
- public function login($_username, $_password)
- {
- $_userSql = "SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE display_name = '".$this->__sanitize($_username)."' AND (passwd = PASSWORD('".addslashes($_password)."') OR passwd = MD5(SHA1('".addslashes($_password)."')))";
- $_user = $this->_dbx->query($_userSql);
- $_user = $_user->fetch_object();
- if (!is_object($_user)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ($_user->user_id) {
- return $_user;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- public function api_login($_key) {
- $_user = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE account_key = '{$this->__sanitize($_key)}'");
- $_user = $_user->fetch_object();
- if ($_user->user_id) {
- return($_user);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function fetch_user($_id)
- {
- $_user = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE id = {$this->__sanitize($_id)}");
- $_user = $_user->fetch_object();
- if ($_user->user_id) {
- return($_user);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function article_search($_query)
- {
- $_results = array();
- $_q = "SELECT a.*, c.label AS cat_label, s.label AS subcat_label, u.display_name, u.display_pic ";
- $_q .= "FROM `article` a INNER JOIN categories c ON (c.id = a.category_id) ";
- $_q .= "LEFT JOIN categories d ON (d.id = a.secondcategory_id) ";
- $_q .= "LEFT JOIN subcategories s ON (s.id = a.subcategory_id) ";
- $_q .= "INNER JOIN `user` u ON (u.user_id = a.author_id) WHERE ";
- $_q .= "a.title LIKE '%{$this->__sanitize($_query['criteria'])}%' OR a.content LIKE '%{$this->__sanitize($_query['criteria'])}%' ";
- $_q .= "OR a.description LIKE '%{$this->__sanitize($_query['criteria'])}%' OR ";
- $_q .= "a.tag_words LIKE ".((isset($_query['tag_words'])) ? "'%{$this->__sanitize($_query['tag_words'])}%'" : "'%{$this->__sanitize($_query['criteria'])}%'");
- if (isset($_query['start_date']) && isset($_query['end_date'])) {
- $_q .= " OR (a.date_created BETWEEN '".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->__sanitize($_query['start_date'])))."' AND '".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->__sanitize($_query['end_date'])))."')";
- }
- elseif (isset($_query['start_date'])) {
- $_q .= " OR (a.date_created >= ".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->__sanitize($_query['start_date'])))."')";
- }
- elseif (isset($_query['end_date'])) {
- $_q .= " OR (a.date_created <= ".date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->__sanitize($_query['end_date'])))."')";
- }
- if (isset($_query['category'])) {
- $_q .= " AND a.category_id = {$this->__sanitize($_query['category'])}";
- }
- if (isset($_query['secondcategory'])) {
- $_q .= " AND s.id = {$this->__sanitize($_query['secondcategory'])}";
- }
- $_q .= ' ORDER BY a.`date_created` DESC ';
- if (isset($_query['limit'])) {
- $limit = $_query['limit'];
- } else {
- $limit = 60;
- }
- $_q .= ' LIMIT '.$limit.' ';
- $_search = $this->_dbx->query($_q);
- while ($_article = $_search->fetch_object()) {
- if ($_article->active) {
- $_article->content = $this->__secure_desanitize($_article->content);
- //secure preview
- $_article->content = nl2br( trim( strip_tags( $_article->content ) ));
- $_article->comments = $this->__article_comments($_article->article_id);
- $_article->syndications = $this->__article_syndications($_article->article_id);
- $_article->purchases = $this->__article_purchases($_article->article_id);
- $_article->views = $this->__article_views($_article->article_id);
- $_results[] = $_article;
- }
- }
- return($_results);
- }
- public function article_deactivate($_article_id, $_author_key=NULL)
- {
- $_q = "SELECT `user_id` from `user` WHERE `account_key` = '".$this->__sanitize($_author_key)."' ";
- $_result = $this->_dbx->query($_q);
- if (!$_result) {
- return false;
- }
- $_user = $_result->fetch_object();
- $_user_id = $_user->user_id;
- $_q = "UPDATE `article` SET `active` = 0 WHERE `article_id` = '{$this->__sanitize($_article_id)}' AND `author_id` = '{$this->__sanitize($_user_id)}'";
- if ($this->_dbx->query($_q)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function article_fetch($_article_id)
- {
- $_sql = 'SELECT a.*,
- u.display_name AS author_name,
- c.label AS cat_label,
- d.label AS secondcat_label, s.label as subcat_label, e.label AS secondsubcat_label
- FROM `article` AS a
- INNER JOIN `user` AS u ON (u.user_id = a.author_id)
- INNER JOIN categories AS c ON (c.id = a.category_id)
- LEFT JOIN categories AS d ON (d.id = a.secondcategory_id)
- LEFT JOIN subcategories AS s ON (s.id = a.subcategory_id)
- LEFT JOIN subcategories AS e ON (e.id = a.secondsubcategory_id)
- WHERE a.article_id = \''.$this->__sanitize($_article_id).'\'';
- $_result = $this->_dbx->query( $_sql );
- $_article = $_result->fetch_object();
- $_article->content = $this->__secure_desanitize($_article->content);
- $_article->comments = $this->__article_comments($_article->article_id);
- $_article->syndications = $this->__article_syndications($_article->article_id);
- $_article->purchases = $this->__article_purchases($_article->article_id);
- $_article->views = $this->__article_views($_article->article_id);
- return $_article;
- }
- public function grab_all_categories()
- {
- $_categories = array();
- $_cats = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY `order` ASC");
- while ($_cat = $_cats->fetch_object()) {
- $_categories[] = $_cat;
- }
- return($_categories);
- }
- public function grab_categories()
- {
- $_categories = array();
- $_cats = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY `order` ASC");
- while ($_cat = $_cats->fetch_object()) {
- $_categories[] = $_cat;
- }
- return($_categories);
- }
- public function grab_subcategories($_category)
- {
- $_categories = array();
- $_cats = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM subcategories WHERE category_id = {$this->__sanitize($_category)}");
- while ($_cat = $_cats->fetch_object()) {
- $_categories[] = $_cat;
- }
- return($_categories);
- }
- public function article_post($_data)
- {
- $guid = whv_uuid();
- $_sql = "INSERT INTO `article` (
- article_id,
- author_id,
- content,
- title,
- description,
- name,
- category_id,
- secondcategory_id,
- subcategory_id,
- secondsubcategory_id,
- group_id,
- private,
- tag_words,
- cost,
- date_created,
- from_blog,
- from_url,
- allow_free
- ) VALUES (
- '".$guid."',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->author_id)}',
- '{$this->__secure_sanitize($_data->content)}',
- '{$this->__secure_sanitize($_data->title)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->description)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->name)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->category_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->secondcategory_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->subcategory_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->secondsubcategory_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->group_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->private)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->tag_words)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->cost)}',
- NOW(),
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->from_blog)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->from_url)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_data->allow_free)}'
- )";
- if ($this->_dbx->query($_sql)) {
- return $guid;
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function article_increment_syndications($_article, $_user)
- {
- if ($this->_dbx->query("INSERT INTO `syndicated` (uid, aid, syndicated) VALUES ('".$this->__sanitize($_user)."', '".$this->__sanitize($_article)."', NOW())")) {
- return(true);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function comments_grab($_article)
- {
- $_comments = array();
- $_comm = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE article_id = '{$this->__sanitize($_article)}'");
- while ($_comment = $_comm->fetch_object()) {
- $_comment->content = $this->__secure_desanitize($_comment->content);
- $_comments[] = $_comment;
- }
- return($_comments);
- }
- public function comment_post($_comment)
- {
- $_sql = "INSERT INTO comments (
- article_id,
- author_name,
- author_email,
- author_url,
- author_ip,
- date_created,
- content,
- parent_id,
- site_id,
- from_blog,
- from_url
- ) VALUES (
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->article_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->author_name)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->author_email)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->author_url)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->author_ip)}',
- NOW(),
- '{$this->__secure_sanitize($_comment->content)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->parent_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->site_id)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->from_blog)}',
- '{$this->__sanitize($_comment->from_url)}'
- )";
- if ($this->_dbx->query($_sql)) {
- return(true);
- } else {
- return(false);
- }
- }
- public function my_groups($_user)
- {
- $_owned = array();
- $_joined = array();
- $_all = array();
- $_oq = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT * FROM groups WHERE creator = '".$this->__sanitize($_user)."'");
- $_jq = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT j.*, g.* FROM group_members j INNER JOIN groups g ON (j.gid = g.id) WHERE uid = '".$this->__sanitize($_user)."'");
- while ($_row = $_oq->fetch_object()) {
- $_owned[] = $_row;
- }
- while ($_row = $_jq->fetch_object()) {
- $_joined[] = $_row;
- }
- foreach ($_owned as $_group) {
- $_all[] = $_group;
- }
- foreach ($_joined as $_group) {
- $_all[] = $_group;
- }
- return(array(
- 'owned' => $_owned,
- 'joined' => $_joined,
- 'all' => $_all
- ));
- }
- private function __sanitize($_string)
- {
- return(addslashes(strip_tags($_string)));
- }
- private function __secure_sanitize($_string)
- {
- return(addslashes(htmlentities($_string)));
- }
- private function __secure_desanitize($_string)
- {
- return(html_entity_decode($_string));
- }
- private function __article_comments($_article)
- {
- $_comments = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS comment_count FROM comments WHERE article_id = '".$this->__sanitize($_article)."'");
- $_comments = $_comments->fetch_object();
- return($_comments->comment_count);
- }
- private function __article_syndications($_article)
- {
- $_syndications = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT COUNT(aid) AS syndication_count FROM syndicated WHERE aid = '".$this->__sanitize($_article)."'");
- $_syndications = $_syndications->fetch_object();
- return($_syndications->syndication_count);
- }
- private function __article_purchases($_article)
- {
- $_purchases = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT COUNT(article_id) AS purchase_count FROM invoices WHERE article_id = '".$this->__sanitize($_article)."'");
- $_purchases = $_purchases->fetch_object();
- return($_purchases->purchase_count);
- }
- private function __article_views($_article)
- {
- $_views = $this->_dbx->query("SELECT COUNT(entity_id) AS view_count FROM views WHERE entity_id = '".$this->__sanitize($_article)."' AND entity_type = 'article'");
- $_views = $_views->fetch_object();
- return($_views->view_count);
- }
- }
- function whv_uuid() {
- return sprintf( '%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
- mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ),
- mt_rand( 0, 0x0fff ) | 0x4000,
- mt_rand( 0, 0x3fff ) | 0x8000,
- mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff )
- );
- }