Python | 156 lines | 142 code | 11 blank | 3 comment | 15 complexity | d580ba94833cd8506d1a1a24207a3d8f MD5 | raw file
- """<tt070.py
- In the previous program, you could make the buttons do something by clicking on
- them with the mouse, but you couldn't make them do something by pressing a key
- on the keyboard. In this program, we see how to make them react to keyboard
- events as well as mouse events.
- First, we need the concept of "input focus", or simply "focus".
- If you're familiar with Greek mythology (or if you saw the Disney animated movie
- "Hercules") you may remember the Fates. The Fates were three old women who
- controlled the destinies of men. Each human life was a thread in the hands of
- the Fates, and when they cut the thread, the life ended.
- The remarkable thing about the Fates was that they shared only one eye among
- all three of them. The one with the eye had to do all of the seeing, and tell
- the other two what she saw. The eye could be passed from one Fate to another,
- so they could take turns seeing. And of course, if you could steal the eye, you
- had a MAJOR bargaining chip when negotiating with the Fates.
- "Focus" is what allows the widgets on your GUI to see keyboard events. It is to
- the widgets on your GUI, what the single eye was to the Fates.
- Only one widget at a time can have the focus, and the widget that "has focus" is
- the widget that sees, and responds to, keyboard events. "Setting focus" on a
- widget is the process of giving the focus to the widget.
- In this program, for example, our GUI has two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel".
- Suppose I hit the RETURN button on the keyboard. Will that keypress "Return"
- event be seen by (or sent to) the "OK" button, indicating the user has accepted
- his choice? Or will the "Return" event be seen by (or sent to) the "Cancel"
- button, indicating that the user has cancelled the operation? It depends on
- where the "focus" is. That is, it depends on which (if any) of the buttons "has
- focus".
- Like the Fates' eye, which could be passed from one Fate to another, focus can
- be passed from one GUI widget to another. There are several ways of passing, or
- moving, the focus from one widget to another. One way is with the mouse. You
- can "set focus" on a widget by clicking on the widget with the left mouse
- button. (At least, this model, which is called the "click to type" model, is
- the way it works on Windows and Macintosh, and in Tk and Tkinter. There are
- some systems that use a "focus follows mouse" convention in which the widget
- that is under the mouse automatically has focus, and no click is necessary. You
- can get the same effect in Tk by using the tk_focusFollowsMouse procedure.)
- Another way to set focus is with the keyboard. The set of widgets that are
- capable of receiving the focus are stored in a circular list (the "traversal
- order") in the order in which the widgets were created. Hitting the TAB key on
- the keyboard moves the focus from its current location (which may be nowhere) to
- the next widget in the list. At the end of the list, the focus moves to the
- widget at the head of the list. And hitting SHIFT+TAB moves the focus backward,
- rather than forward, in the list.
- When a GUI button has focus, the fact that it has focus is shown by a small
- dotted box around the text of the button. Here's how to see it. Run our
- previous program. When the program starts, and the GUI displays, neither of the
- buttons has focus, so you don't see the dotted box. Now hit the TAB key. You
- will see the little dotted box appear around the left button, showing that focus
- has been given to it. Now hit the TAB key again, and again. You will see how
- the focus jumps to the next button, and when it reaches the last button, it
- wraps around again to the first one. (Since the program shows only two buttons,
- the effect is that the focus jumps back and forth between the two buttons.)
- (0)
- In this program, we would like the OK button to have focus from the very
- beginning. So we use the "focus_force()" method, which forces the focus to go to
- the OK button. When you run this program, you will see that the OK button has
- focus from the time the application starts.
- In the last program, our buttons responded to only one keyboard event -- a keyprees
- of the TAB key -- which moved the focus back and forth between the two buttons.
- But if you hit the ENTER/RETURN key on the keyboard, nothing happened. That is
- because we had bound only mouse clicks, not keyboard events, to our buttons.
- In this program we will also bind keyboard events to the buttons.
- (1) (2)
- The statements to bind keyboard events to the buttons are quite simple -- they
- have the same format as statements to bind mouse events. The only difference is
- that the name of the event is the name of a keyboard event (in this case,
- "<Return>") rather than a mouse event.
- We want a press of the RETURN key on the keyboard and a click of the left mouse
- button to have the same effect on the widget, so we bind the same event handler
- to both types of events.
- This program shows that you can bind multiple types of events to a single widget
- (such as a button). And you can bind multiple <widget, event> combinations to
- the same event handler.
- (3) (4)
- Now that our button widgets respond to multiple kinds of events, we can
- demonstrate how to retrieve information from an event object. What we will do
- is to pass the event objects to (5) a "report_event" routine that will (6) print
- out information about the event that it obtains from the event's attributes.
- Note that in order to see this information printed out on the console, you
- must run this program using python (not pythonw) from a console window.
- When you run this program, you will see two buttons. Clicking on the left
- button, or pressing the RETURN key when the button has the keyboard focus, will
- change its color. Clicking on the right button, or pressing the RETURN key when
- the button has the keyboard focus, will shut down the application. For any of
- these keyboard or mouse events, you should see a printed message giving the time
- of the event and describing the event.
- [Revised: 2002-09-26]
- >"""
- from Tkinter import *
- class MyApp:
- def __init__(self, parent):
- self.myParent = parent
- self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent)
- self.myContainer1.pack()
- self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
- self.button1.configure(text="OK", background= "green")
- self.button1.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.button1.focus_force() ### (0)
- self.button1.bind("<Button-1>", self.button1Click)
- self.button1.bind("<Return>", self.button1Click) ### (1)
- self.button2 = Button(self.myContainer1)
- self.button2.configure(text="Cancel", background="red")
- self.button2.pack(side=RIGHT)
- self.button2.bind("<Button-1>", self.button2Click)
- self.button2.bind("<Return>", self.button2Click) ### (2)
- def button1Click(self, event):
- report_event(event) ### (3)
- if self.button1["background"] == "green":
- self.button1["background"] = "yellow"
- else:
- self.button1["background"] = "green"
- def button2Click(self, event):
- report_event(event) ### (4)
- self.myParent.destroy()
- def report_event(event): ### (5)
- """Print a description of an event, based on its attributes.
- """
- event_name = {"2": "KeyPress", "4": "ButtonPress"}
- print "Time:", str(event.time) ### (6)
- print "EventType=" + str(event.type), \
- event_name[str(event.type)],\
- "EventWidgetId=" + str(event.widget), \
- "EventKeySymbol=" + str(event.keysym)
- root = Tk()
- myapp = MyApp(root)
- root.mainloop()