https://bitbucket.org/haris_peco/debrief · Java · 1437 lines · 996 code · 210 blank · 231 comment · 271 complexity · 5aa582ce331ca49358a3da68e2e205ac MD5 · raw file
- package com.visutools.nav.bislider;
- import java.awt.AWTException;
- import java.awt.BorderLayout;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.awt.Dimension;
- import java.awt.Font;
- import java.awt.FontMetrics;
- import java.awt.Graphics;
- import java.awt.Graphics2D;
- import java.awt.Point;
- import java.awt.Polygon;
- import java.awt.Rectangle;
- import java.awt.RenderingHints;
- import java.awt.Robot;
- import java.awt.Shape;
- import java.awt.SystemColor;
- import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
- import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
- import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
- import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
- import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
- import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
- import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
- import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
- import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
- import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
- import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
- import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
- import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.text.ParseException;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
- import javax.swing.JComponent;
- import javax.swing.JLabel;
- import javax.swing.JPanel;
- import javax.swing.JSlider;
- import javax.swing.JTextField;
- import javax.swing.Popup;
- import javax.swing.PopupFactory;
- import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
- import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
- import javax.swing.UIManager;
- import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
- import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
- import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
- import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
- import javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource;
- import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
- import MWC.Utilities.ReaderWriter.XML.MWCXMLReader;
- /**
- * The graphical interface of the bean (drawing and mouse event handling). <br>
- * <br>
- * <table border=1 width="90%">
- * <tr>
- * <td> Copyright 1997-2005 Frederic Vernier. All Rights Reserved.<br>
- * <br>
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for educational, research and non-profit purposes, without fee,
- * and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and the following three paragraphs appear in all copies.<br>
- * <br>
- * To request Permission to incorporate this software into commercial products
- * contact Frederic Vernier, 19 butte aux cailles street, Paris, 75013, France.
- * Tel: (+33) 871 747 387. eMail: Frederic.Vernier@laposte.net / Web site:
- * http://vernier.frederic.free.fr <br>
- * <br>
- * </td>
- * </tr>
- * </table> <br>
- * <b>Project related :</b> FiCell, FieldExplorer<br>
- * <br>
- * <b>Dates:</b> <br>
- * <li> Format : 01/11/2001
- * <li> Last Modif : 11/02/2003 <br>
- * <b>Bugs:</b> <br>
- * <li> ??? <br>
- * <b>To Do:</b> <br>
- * <li> alt or shift pressed -> repaint
- *
- * @author Frederic Vernier, Frederic.Vernier@laposte.net
- * @version 1.4.1
- * @created 16 f�vrier 2004
- */
- public class BiSliderPresentation implements Serializable, MouseListener,
- MouseMotionListener, ComponentListener
- {
- // ------------ MODIFIERS|--------------------
- // Type|----------------------------------------------- Name = Init value
- protected final static javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_SIZE_FOR_NAME = null;
- final static long serialVersionUID = 6420110040552724883L;
- protected SwingBiSlider Ctrl = null;
- protected JComponent JComponent1 = null;
- protected int[][] ColorTable = null;
- protected long j = 0;
- protected int NbAff = 0;
- // for feedback
- protected final int NOTHING = 200;
- protected final int RIGHT_POLYGON = 201;
- protected final int LEFT_POLYGON = 202;
- protected final int SELECTION = 203;
- protected final int FIRST_LABEL = 204;
- protected final int LAST_LABEL = 205;
- protected int MouseUnder = NOTHING;
- // Triangle polygons for the rulers
- protected Polygon TheLeft_Polygon = null;
- protected Polygon TheRight_Polygon = null;
- protected Rectangle2D RectFirstLabel = null;
- protected Rectangle2D RectLastLabel = null;
- protected Rectangle2D RectangleSegment = null;
- // indicate if the tool has already been painted on screen or never.
- protected boolean NeverDrawn = true;
- // graduation variables
- protected double GraduationWidth = 1;
- // we need to remember the precise value opened when the precise popup shows
- // up because we will move around it
- protected double PreciseOpenedValue = 0;
- // Constants for the Dragging variable
- protected final static int NONE = 100;
- protected final static int LEFT_RULER = 101;
- protected final static int RIGHT_RULER = 102;
- protected final static int SHIFT_LEFT_RULER = 103;
- protected final static int SHIFT_RIGHT_RULER = 104;
- protected final static int SEGMENT = 105;
- protected final static int SHIFT_SEGMENT = 106;
- protected final static int ALT_LEFT_RULER = 107;
- protected final static int ALT_RIGHT_RULER = 108;
- protected final static int SEGMENT_SIZE = 109;
- protected final static int SEGMENT_SIZE_INT = 110;
- protected final static int PRECISE_LEFT_RULER = 111;
- protected final static int PRECISE_RIGHT_RULER = 112;
- protected int Dragging = NONE;
- protected int LeftValue = 0;
- protected int RightValue = 0;
- protected int DeplBef = 0;
- protected int DeplAft = 0;
- protected double Center = 0;
- // The width and height can change when the tool is resized
- protected int RulerWidth = 0;
- protected final static int MINIMUM_RULER_HEIGHT = 20;
- protected final static int PREFERRED_RULER_HEIGHT = 20;
- protected int RulerHeight = PREFERRED_RULER_HEIGHT;
- // but not the margins.
- protected final static int MARGIN_RULER_LEFT = 20;
- protected int Margin_Ruler_Top = 13;
- protected final static int MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT = 20;
- protected final static int MARGIN_RULER_BOTTOM = 3;
- // protected Dimension PreferredSize = new Dimension(5, 5);
- // protected Dimension MinimumSize = new Dimension(5, 5);
- protected JTextField JTextFieldMin = new JTextField("");
- protected JTextField JTextFieldMax = new JTextField("");
- protected Vector<Point> LastFiveEvents = null;
- protected JPanel JPanel1 = new JPanel();
- protected JSlider JSlider1 = new JSlider(JSlider.VERTICAL, -100, 100, 0);
- protected JLabel JLabel1 = new JLabel("0");
- protected ContentPainterSupport ContentPainterSupport1 = null;
- protected FormatLong _myFormatter;
- /**
- * Contructor, create the polygons and other nested object then register mouse
- * callbacks.
- *
- * @param Ctrl_Arg
- * Description of the Parameter
- */
- public BiSliderPresentation(SwingBiSlider Ctrl_Arg, ContentPainterSupport ContentPainterSupport_Arg,
- FormatLong formatter)
- {
- this.Ctrl = Ctrl_Arg;
- this.ContentPainterSupport1 = ContentPainterSupport_Arg;
- if(formatter != null)
- {
- _myFormatter = formatter;
- }
- else
- {
- _myFormatter = new FormatLong();
- }
- Ctrl.setBackground(null);
- JPanel1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- JPanel1.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Ctrl.getForeground()));
- JSlider1.setPaintLabels(true);
- JSlider1.setMajorTickSpacing(20);
- JSlider1.setMinorTickSpacing(1);
- JPanel1.add(JSlider1, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- JPanel1.add(JLabel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
- JLabel1.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER);
- JLabel1.setOpaque(true);
- JSlider1.setOpaque(true);
- JPanel1.revalidate();
- /*
- * JSlider1.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){ public void
- * mousePressed(MouseEvent MouseEvent_Arg){
- * System.out.println(""+MouseEvent_Arg); } });
- */
- JSlider1.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener()
- {
- public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ChangeEvent_Arg)
- {
- double MiddleVal = PreciseOpenedValue;
- double Amplitude = Ctrl.getSegmentSize() / Ctrl.getSegmentCount();
- if (Dragging == PRECISE_RIGHT_RULER
- && MiddleVal - Amplitude < Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue())
- {
- MiddleVal = Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue() + Amplitude;
- }
- else if (Dragging == PRECISE_LEFT_RULER
- && MiddleVal + Amplitude > Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue())
- {
- MiddleVal = Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue() - Amplitude;
- }
- else if (MiddleVal - Amplitude < Ctrl.getMinimumValue())
- {
- MiddleVal = Ctrl.getMinimumValue() + Amplitude;
- }
- else if (MiddleVal + Amplitude > Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- MiddleVal = Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Amplitude;
- }
- double Val = MiddleVal + ((double) JSlider1.getValue()) / 100d * Amplitude;
- JLabel1.setText(Ctrl.getDecimalFormater().format(Val));
- if (Dragging == PRECISE_LEFT_RULER)
- Ctrl.setMinimumColoredValue(Val);
- if (Dragging == PRECISE_RIGHT_RULER)
- Ctrl.setMaximumColoredValue(Val);
- }
- });
- if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName().equals("Metal"))
- {
- int[] xp1 = { LeftValue, LeftValue - 7, LeftValue - 7, LeftValue - 6,
- LeftValue + 6, LeftValue + 7, LeftValue + 7 };
- int[] yp1 = { Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 14,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 7, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 7 };
- TheLeft_Polygon = new Polygon(xp1, yp1, 7);
- int[] xp2 = { RightValue - 7, RightValue - 7, RightValue - 6, RightValue + 6,
- RightValue + 7, RightValue + 7, RightValue };
- int[] yp2 = { Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 7, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 7, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 14, };
- TheRight_Polygon = new Polygon(xp2, yp2, 7);
- }
- else
- { // Triangles by default
- TheLeft_Polygon = new Polygon();
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - RulerHeight
- / 2 - 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue + RulerHeight / 2 + 2, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + RulerHeight + 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - RulerHeight
- / 2 - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon = new Polygon();
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue - 2 - RulerHeight / 2, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight / 2 + 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue - 2 - RulerHeight / 2, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- }
- JComponent1 = Ctrl;
- JComponent1.addMouseListener(this);
- JComponent1.addMouseMotionListener(this);
- JComponent1.addComponentListener(this);
- JComponent1.setLayout(null);
- // PreferredSize =
- // MinimumSize = );
- Ctrl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT + 16
- * Ctrl.getSegmentCount(), Margin_Ruler_Top + MARGIN_RULER_BOTTOM
- Ctrl.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT + 8
- * Ctrl.getSegmentCount(), Margin_Ruler_Top + MARGIN_RULER_BOTTOM
- JTextFieldMin.setVisible(false);
- JTextFieldMax.setVisible(false);
- JTextFieldMin.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener()
- {
- public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- }
- public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- try
- {
- JTextFieldMin.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException NumberFormatException_Arg)
- {
- JTextFieldMin.setBackground(new Color(255, 128, 128));
- }
- }
- public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- try
- {
- JTextFieldMin.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException NumberFormatException_Arg)
- {
- JTextFieldMin.setBackground(new Color(255, 128, 128));
- }
- }
- });
- JTextFieldMin.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
- {
- public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
- {
- if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
- {
- while (JTextFieldMin.getActionListeners().length > 0)
- {
- JTextFieldMin.removeActionListener(JTextFieldMin.getActionListeners()[0]);
- }
- JTextFieldMin.setVisible(false);
- }
- JTextFieldMin.setSize(JTextFieldMin.getPreferredSize().width + 10, JTextFieldMin
- .getPreferredSize().height);
- }
- });
- JComponent1.add(JTextFieldMin);
- JTextFieldMax.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener()
- {
- public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- }
- public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- try
- {
- JTextFieldMax.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException NumberFormatException_Arg)
- {
- JTextFieldMax.setBackground(new Color(255, 128, 128));
- }
- }
- public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent DocumentEvent_Arg)
- {
- try
- {
- JTextFieldMax.setBackground(Color.WHITE);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException NumberFormatException_Arg)
- {
- JTextFieldMax.setBackground(new Color(255, 128, 128));
- }
- }
- });
- JTextFieldMax.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter()
- {
- public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
- {
- if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
- {
- while (JTextFieldMax.getActionListeners().length > 0)
- {
- JTextFieldMax.removeActionListener(JTextFieldMax.getActionListeners()[0]);
- }
- JTextFieldMax.setVisible(false);
- }
- int OldX = JTextFieldMax.getLocation().x;
- int OldWidth = JTextFieldMax.getSize().width;
- JTextFieldMax.setSize(JTextFieldMax.getPreferredSize().width + 10, JTextFieldMax
- .getPreferredSize().height);
- JTextFieldMax.setLocation(OldX + (OldWidth - JTextFieldMax.getSize().width),
- JTextFieldMax.getLocation().y);
- }
- });
- JComponent1.add(JTextFieldMax);
- JComponent1.setDoubleBuffered(true);
- // JComponent1.setSize(300, 50);
- } // constructor()
- /**
- * @param Color_Arg
- * Description of the Parameter
- * @return the opposite color to make shadow of text with it
- */
- protected Color getOppositeColor(Color Color_Arg)
- {
- int R = Color_Arg.getRed();
- int G = Color_Arg.getGreen();
- int B = Color_Arg.getBlue();
- R = 255 - R;
- int R2 = (Color_Arg.getRed() + 128) % 255;
- if (Math.abs(R - Color_Arg.getRed()) < Math.abs(R2 - Color_Arg.getRed()))
- {
- R = R2;
- }
- G = 255 - G;
- int G2 = (Color_Arg.getGreen() + 128) % 255;
- if (Math.abs(G - Color_Arg.getGreen()) < Math.abs(G2 - Color_Arg.getGreen()))
- {
- G = G2;
- }
- B = 255 - B;
- int B2 = (Color_Arg.getBlue() + 128) % 255;
- if (Math.abs(B - Color_Arg.getBlue()) < Math.abs(B2 - Color_Arg.getBlue()))
- {
- B = B2;
- }
- return new Color(R, G, B);
- } // getOppositeColor()
- /**
- * Sets the rulers value if the new values are coherents.
- *
- * @param Min_Arg
- * the value of the min triangle
- * @param Max_Arg
- * the value of the max triangle
- */
- public void setRulerValues(double Min_Arg, double Max_Arg)
- {
- int SegmentCount = Ctrl.getSegmentCount();
- if (SegmentCount == 0)
- {
- SegmentCount = 1;
- }
- RulerWidth = JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT - MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT;
- GraduationWidth = (RulerWidth * Ctrl.getSegmentSize())
- / (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue());
- NeverDrawn = false;
- int NewLeftValue = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + ((Min_Arg - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()) * RulerWidth)
- / (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()));
- int NewRightValue = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + ((Max_Arg - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()) * RulerWidth)
- / (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()));
- if (NewLeftValue <= NewRightValue && NewLeftValue >= MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- && NewRightValue <= MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth)
- {
- LeftValue = NewLeftValue;
- RightValue = NewRightValue;
- int TriangleSide = RulerHeight / 2;
- TriangleSide = Math.max(Math.min(TriangleSide, 20), 10);
- if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName().equals("Metal"))
- {
- int[] xp1 = { LeftValue, LeftValue - 7, LeftValue - 7, LeftValue - 6,
- LeftValue + 6, LeftValue + 7, LeftValue + 7 };
- int[] yp1 = { Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 14,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 7, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1 - 7 };
- TheLeft_Polygon = new Polygon(xp1, yp1, 7);
- int[] xp2 = { RightValue - 7, RightValue - 7, RightValue - 6, RightValue + 6,
- RightValue + 7, RightValue + 7, RightValue };
- int[] yp2 = { Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 7, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 7, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1 + 14, };
- TheRight_Polygon = new Polygon(xp2, yp2, 7);
- }
- else
- { // Triangles by default
- TheLeft_Polygon = new Polygon();
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - TriangleSide
- - 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue + TriangleSide + 2, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + RulerHeight + 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight + 1);
- TheLeft_Polygon.addPoint(LeftValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - TriangleSide
- - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon = new Polygon();
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue - 2 - TriangleSide, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue, Margin_Ruler_Top + TriangleSide + 1);
- TheRight_Polygon.addPoint(RightValue - 2 - TriangleSide, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- }
- }
- else if (Ctrl.getSize().width == 0 || Ctrl.getSize().height == 0)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- System.err.println("\nsetRulerValues()");
- System.err.println(" Size = " + Ctrl.getSize());
- System.err.println(" NewLeftValue = " + NewLeftValue);
- System.err.println(" NewRightValue = " + NewRightValue);
- System.err.println(" MARGIN_RULER_LEFT = " + MARGIN_RULER_LEFT);
- System.err.println(" MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth = "
- + (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth));
- // Debug.debug(0, "");
- }
- } // setRulerValues()
- /**
- * Method called by the awt-swing mechanism when the area needs to be
- * refreshed
- *
- * @param Graphics_Arg
- * the graphic context to draw things
- */
- public void paint(Graphics Graphics_Arg)
- {
- if (Graphics_Arg == null)
- {
- return;
- }
- Graphics2D Graphics2 = (Graphics2D) Graphics_Arg;
- RenderingHints RenderingHints2 = new RenderingHints(null);
- RenderingHints2.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION,
- RenderingHints2.put(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING,
- RenderingHints2.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
- RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
- RenderingHints2.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED);
- Graphics2.setRenderingHints(RenderingHints2);
- Font Font1 = Ctrl.getFont();
- Font Font2 = new Font(Font1.getName(), Font.BOLD, Font1.getSize());
- Shape OldClip = Graphics2.getClip();
- // Shape NewClip = new Rectangle2D.Float(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT,
- // Margin_Ruler_Top,RulerWidth, RulerHeight);
- Shape NewClip = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + 2, Margin_Ruler_Top,
- RulerWidth - 3, RulerHeight, Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize());
- int SegmentCount = Ctrl.getSegmentCount();
- FontMetrics TheFontMetrics = Graphics2.getFontMetrics();
- RulerWidth = JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT - MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT;
- double ValuesWidth = Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue();
- if (NeverDrawn)
- {
- LeftValue = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + ((Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue() - Ctrl
- .getMinimumValue()) * RulerWidth)
- / (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()));
- RightValue = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + ((Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue() - Ctrl
- .getMinimumValue()) * RulerWidth)
- / (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()));
- TheRight_Polygon.translate(RulerWidth, 0);
- NeverDrawn = false;
- }
- if (RulerWidth != JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- {
- int NewRulerWidth = JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- NewRulerWidth = NewRulerWidth - NewRulerWidth % SegmentCount;
- int NewLeftValue = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- + ((LeftValue - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT) * (NewRulerWidth)) / RulerWidth;
- int NewRightValue = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- + ((RightValue - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT) * (NewRulerWidth)) / RulerWidth;
- TheLeft_Polygon.translate(NewLeftValue - LeftValue, 0);
- TheRight_Polygon.translate(NewRightValue - RightValue, 0);
- LeftValue = NewLeftValue;
- RightValue = NewRightValue;
- RulerWidth = NewRulerWidth;
- GraduationWidth = (float) ((RulerWidth * Ctrl.getSegmentSize()) / (Ctrl
- .getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()));
- }
- Color BackColor = null;
- Object SliderBackColor = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(
- "Slider.background");
- if (SliderBackColor != null || !(SliderBackColor instanceof ColorUIResource))
- BackColor = (Color) SliderBackColor;
- if (BackColor == null || Ctrl.getBackground() != null)
- BackColor = Ctrl.getBackground();
- if (BackColor != null)
- Graphics2.setColor(BackColor);
- Graphics2.fillRect(0, 0, JComponent1.getSize().width, JComponent1.getSize().height);
- Graphics2.setClip(NewClip);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground());
- Graphics2.fillRoundRect(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT, Margin_Ruler_Top, RulerWidth, RulerHeight,
- Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize());
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().darker());
- Graphics2.drawArc(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top, Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl
- .getArcSize(), 90, 90);
- Graphics2.drawArc(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - Ctrl.getArcSize() - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top, Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize(), 0, 90);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().brighter());
- Graphics2.drawArc(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - Ctrl.getArcSize() - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl
- .getArcSize(), 270, 90);
- Graphics2.drawArc(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight
- - Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize(), 180, 90);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().darker());
- Graphics2.drawLine(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2 - 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + 1, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2 + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + 1);
- Graphics2.drawLine(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2,
- MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().brighter());
- Graphics2.drawLine(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + RulerHeight - 1, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2 + 1,
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - 1);
- Graphics2.drawLine(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2 + 1, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + RulerHeight - Ctrl.getArcSize() / 2);
- Graphics2.setClip(OldClip);
- int LastMax = 0;
- /*
- * NewClip = new RoundRectangle2D.Float( MARGIN_RULER_LEFT+2,
- * Margin_Ruler_Top, RulerWidth-3, RulerHeight, Ctrl.getArcSize(),
- * Ctrl.getArcSize());
- */
- // it is the right opportunity to look for how many full non colored
- // segments there are before the fisrt one
- int SegmentCountBefore = 0;
- double[][] ColTable = Ctrl.getColorTable();
- // Graphics2.setClip(NewClip);
- for (int i = 0; i <= SegmentCount; i++)
- {
- double Val = Ctrl.getMinimumValue() + i * Ctrl.getSegmentSize();
- double Val2 = Ctrl.getMinimumValue() + (i + 1) * Ctrl.getSegmentSize();
- if (Val <= ColTable[0][0] && ColTable[0][0] < Val2)
- SegmentCountBefore = i;
- String Unit = Ctrl.getUnit();
- String NumberString = "";
- int NumberWidth = 0;
- int x = 0;
- String MaxNumberString = "";
- if (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() == (long) Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- MaxNumberString = "" + (_myFormatter.format((long) Ctrl.getMaximumValue())) + Unit;
- }
- else
- {
- MaxNumberString = "" + _myFormatter.format((((long) (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() * 10)) / 10)) + Unit;
- }
- if (Val > Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- Val = Ctrl.getMaximumValue();
- if (Val == (long) Val)
- {
- NumberString = "" + _myFormatter.format(((long) Val)) + Unit;
- }
- else
- {
- NumberString = "" + _myFormatter.format((long)(((long) (Val * 10)) / 10f)) + Unit;
- }
- NumberWidth = TheFontMetrics.stringWidth(NumberString);
- x = JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT - NumberWidth;
- }
- else
- {
- if (Val == (long) Val)
- {
- NumberString = "" + _myFormatter.format(((long) Val)) + Unit;
- }
- else
- {
- NumberString = "" + _myFormatter.format((long)(((long) (Val * 10)) / 10f)) + Unit;
- }
- NumberWidth = TheFontMetrics.stringWidth(NumberString);
- x = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * i)
- - (int) ((NumberWidth * ((float) i / SegmentCount)));
- }
- // get the color
- Graphics_Arg.setColor(Ctrl.getForeground());
- if (Val == Ctrl.getMaximumValue() || Val == Ctrl.getMinimumValue())
- {
- Graphics2.setFont(Font2);
- Graphics2.drawString(NumberString, x, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- // restore the font
- Graphics2.setFont(Font1);
- LastMax = x + NumberWidth;
- } // if not too close to the last one or too close to the previous one
- else if (x + NumberWidth < JComponent1.getSize().width - MARGIN_RULER_RIGHT
- - TheFontMetrics.stringWidth(MaxNumberString)
- && x >= LastMax + 8)
- {
- Graphics2.drawString(NumberString, x, Margin_Ruler_Top - 1);
- LastMax = x + NumberWidth;
- }
- if (LastMax == x + NumberWidth)
- {
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().darker().darker());
- }
- else
- {
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getSliderBackground().darker());
- }
- if (ContentPainterSupport1.getPainterListenerNumber() > 0
- && Val < Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- int x0 = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * i);
- int x3 = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * (i + 1));
- Rectangle Rect1bis = new Rectangle(x0, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x3 - x0,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- x3 = Math.min(x3, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth);
- Rectangle RectClip = new Rectangle(x0, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x3 - x0 + 2,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- Shape ShapeClip = Graphics2.getClip();
- Color Color0 = Graphics2.getColor();
- Graphics2.setClip(RectClip);
- ContentPainterSupport1.firePaint(Ctrl, Graphics2, Val, Val2, i, null, Rect1bis,
- Rect1bis);
- Graphics2.setClip(ShapeClip);
- Graphics2.setColor(Color0);
- }
- if (i != 0 && Val < Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- if (ContentPainterSupport1.getPainterListenerNumber() == 0)
- Graphics2.drawLine(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * i),
- Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * i),
- Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - 2);
- }
- if (i == 0)
- {
- RectFirstLabel = new Rectangle(x - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- - TheFontMetrics.getAscent(), NumberWidth + 1, TheFontMetrics.getAscent());
- }
- if (i == SegmentCount)
- {
- RectLastLabel = new Rectangle(x - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- - TheFontMetrics.getAscent(), NumberWidth + 1, TheFontMetrics.getAscent());
- }
- if (MouseUnder == FIRST_LABEL)
- {
- Graphics2.draw(RectFirstLabel);
- }
- if (MouseUnder == LAST_LABEL)
- {
- Graphics2.draw(RectLastLabel);
- }
- }
- if (MouseUnder == SEGMENT && RectangleSegment != null)
- {
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control.darker());
- Graphics2.draw(RectangleSegment);
- }
- // ColorisationEvent CE1 = new ColorisationEvent(this,
- // Ctrl.getColorTable());
- // colored segment
- for (int i = 0; i < ColTable.length; i++)
- {
- Graphics2.setColor(new Color((int) (ColTable[i][2])));
- if (ColTable[i][0] < ColTable[i][1])
- {
- // the selection only
- int x1 = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (RulerWidth * (ColTable[i][0] - Ctrl
- .getMinimumValue()))
- / ValuesWidth) + 1;
- int x2 = (int) (MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (RulerWidth * ((ColTable[i][1]) - Ctrl
- .getMinimumValue()))
- / ValuesWidth);
- // the full segment
- int x0 = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * (int) ColTable[i][3]);
- int x3 = MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + (int) (GraduationWidth * (int) (ColTable[i][3] + 1));
- Rectangle Rect1bis = new Rectangle(x1, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x2 - x1,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- x3 = Math.min(x3, MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth);
- Rectangle Rect1 = new Rectangle(x1, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x2 - x1,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- Rectangle RectClip = new Rectangle(x1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x2 - x1 + 2,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- Rectangle Rect2 = new Rectangle(x0, Margin_Ruler_Top + 2, x3 - x0,
- RulerHeight - 3);
- if (ContentPainterSupport1.getPainterListenerNumber() == 0)
- {
- Graphics2.fill(Rect1);
- if (i != 0)
- {
- Graphics2.setColor(new Color(Graphics2.getColor().getRed(), Graphics2
- .getColor().getGreen(), Graphics2.getColor().getBlue(), 192));
- Graphics2.drawLine(x1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + 3, x1 - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + RulerHeight - 3);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Color Color0 = Graphics2.getColor();
- Graphics2.setClip(NewClip);
- Graphics2.clip(RectClip);
- ContentPainterSupport1.firePaint(Ctrl, Graphics2, ColTable[i][0],
- ColTable[i][1], i + SegmentCountBefore, Graphics2.getColor(), Rect1bis,
- Rect2);
- Graphics2.setClip(OldClip);
- Graphics2.setColor(Color0);
- }
- }
- }
- Graphics2.setClip(OldClip);
- if (Dragging == ALT_LEFT_RULER || Dragging == ALT_RIGHT_RULER)
- {
- Rectangle Rect1 = TheRight_Polygon.getBounds();
- Rectangle Rect2 = TheLeft_Polygon.getBounds();
- Rectangle2D Rectangle2D1 = Rect1.createUnion(Rect2);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.scrollbar.darker());
- Graphics2.fillRect((int) (Rectangle2D1.getX() + Rectangle2D1.getWidth() / 2),
- Margin_Ruler_Top, 2, RulerHeight);
- }
- // Graphics2.setColor(getOppositeColor(Ctrl.getBackground()));
- Graphics2.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- Graphics2.drawRoundRect(MARGIN_RULER_LEFT, Margin_Ruler_Top, RulerWidth, RulerHeight,
- Ctrl.getArcSize(), Ctrl.getArcSize());
- paintThumbs(Graphics2);
- if (Dragging == ALT_RIGHT_RULER || Dragging == ALT_LEFT_RULER
- || Dragging == RIGHT_RULER || Dragging == SEGMENT || Dragging == SHIFT_SEGMENT
- || Dragging == SHIFT_RIGHT_RULER)
- {
- String ValString = "";
- if (Math.abs(((int) Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue()) - Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue()) < 0.0001)
- {
- ValString = "" + _myFormatter.format((int) Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue());
- }
- else
- {
- ValString = _myFormatter.format((long) Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue());
- }
- Graphics2.setColor(getOppositeColor(Ctrl.getForeground()));
- Graphics2.drawString(ValString, RightValue + 3, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + TheFontMetrics.getAscent() + 1);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getForeground());
- Graphics2.drawString(ValString, RightValue + 2, Margin_Ruler_Top
- + TheFontMetrics.getAscent());
- }
- if (Dragging == ALT_RIGHT_RULER || Dragging == ALT_LEFT_RULER
- || Dragging == LEFT_RULER || Dragging == SEGMENT || Dragging == SHIFT_SEGMENT
- || Dragging == SHIFT_LEFT_RULER)
- {
- String ValString = "";
- if (Math.abs(((int) Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue()) - Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue()) < 0.0001)
- {
- ValString = "" + _myFormatter.format((int) Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue());
- }
- else
- {
- ValString = _myFormatter.format((long) Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue());
- }
- Graphics2.setColor(getOppositeColor(Ctrl.getForeground()));
- Graphics2.drawString(ValString, LeftValue - TheFontMetrics.stringWidth(ValString)
- - 1, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - 1);
- Graphics2.setColor(Ctrl.getForeground());
- Graphics2.drawString(ValString, LeftValue - TheFontMetrics.stringWidth(ValString)
- - 2, Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight - 2);
- }
- if (JTextFieldMax.isVisible())
- {
- JTextFieldMax.repaint();
- }
- if (JTextFieldMin.isVisible())
- {
- JTextFieldMin.repaint();
- }
- } // paint()
- /**
- * paint a thumb
- */
- public void paintThumbs(Graphics Graphics_Arg)
- {
- Graphics2D Graphics2 = (Graphics2D) Graphics_Arg;
- // System.out.println("getLookAndFeel="+UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName());
- // System.out.println("getCurrentTheme="+MetalLookAndFeel.getCurrentTheme().getName());
- // TODO : Ocean Theme
- if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName().equals("Metal"))
- {
- if (Dragging == LEFT_RULER || Dragging == SHIFT_LEFT_RULER
- || Dragging == ALT_LEFT_RULER)
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, true, TheLeft_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel
- .getPrimaryControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlDarkShadow(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControl());
- else if (MouseUnder == LEFT_POLYGON)
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, true, TheLeft_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel
- .getControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getControl());
- else
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, true, TheLeft_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel.getControl(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight());
- if (Dragging == RIGHT_RULER || Dragging == SHIFT_RIGHT_RULER
- || Dragging == ALT_RIGHT_RULER)
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, false, TheRight_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel
- .getPrimaryControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlDarkShadow(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControl());
- else if ((MouseUnder == RIGHT_POLYGON))
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, false, TheRight_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel
- .getControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getControlDarkShadow(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getControl());
- else
- paintThumb(Graphics_Arg, false, TheRight_Polygon, MetalLookAndFeel.getControl(),
- MetalLookAndFeel.getControlShadow(), MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight());
- }
- else
- { // default thumb = triangle
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control);
- if (Dragging == LEFT_RULER || Dragging == SHIFT_LEFT_RULER
- || Dragging == ALT_LEFT_RULER)
- Graphics2.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlShadow());
- else if (MouseUnder == LEFT_POLYGON)
- Graphics2.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight());
- Graphics2.fillPolygon(TheLeft_Polygon);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control);
- if (Dragging == RIGHT_RULER || Dragging == SHIFT_RIGHT_RULER
- || Dragging == ALT_RIGHT_RULER)
- Graphics2.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getPrimaryControlShadow());
- else if (MouseUnder == RIGHT_POLYGON)
- Graphics2.setColor(MetalLookAndFeel.getControlHighlight());
- Graphics2.fillPolygon(TheRight_Polygon);
- // shadow
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control.brighter());
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[0] + 1, TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[0] + 2,
- TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[2] + 1, TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[0] + 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[0] + 1, TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[1] + 1);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control.darker());
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 2, TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[1] - 1,
- TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[2] + 1, TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[1] + 1, TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[2] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- if (MouseUnder == SELECTION)
- {
- Rectangle Rect1 = TheRight_Polygon.getBounds();
- Rectangle Rect2 = TheLeft_Polygon.getBounds();
- Rectangle2D Rectangle2D1 = Rect1.createUnion(Rect2);
- Graphics2.draw(Rectangle2D1);
- }
- else if (MouseUnder == LEFT_POLYGON)
- {
- // Graphics2.fillPolygon(TheLeft_Polygon);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control.darker().darker());
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[0] + 1,
- TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[0] + 2, TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[2] + 1,
- TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control);
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 2,
- TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[1] - 1, TheLeft_Polygon.xpoints[2] + 1,
- TheLeft_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- }
- else if (MouseUnder == RIGHT_POLYGON)
- {
- // Graphics2.fillPolygon(TheRight_Polygon);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control.darker().darker());
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[0] + 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[0] + 1, TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[1] + 1);
- Graphics2.setColor(SystemColor.control);
- Graphics2.drawLine(TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[1] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[1] + 1, TheRight_Polygon.xpoints[2] - 1,
- TheRight_Polygon.ypoints[2] - 1);
- }
- // Graphics2.setColor(getOppositeColor(Ctrl.getBackground()));
- Graphics2.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- Graphics2.drawPolygon(TheLeft_Polygon);
- Graphics2.drawPolygon(TheRight_Polygon);
- }
- }// paintThumb()
- // Parameters of the widget
- /**
- * Paints shadowed dots on the given <tt>Graphics</tt> objects. The
- * coordinates of the points must be given in arrays.
- *
- * @param g
- * the <tt>Graphics</tt> object on which we wand to paint the dots
- * @param xCoords
- * array containing the X coordinates of the dots
- * @param yCoords
- * array containing the Y coordinates of the dots
- * @param num
- * the number of dots
- * @author Christophe Jacquet, Frederic Vernier
- */
- private void paintShadowedDots(Graphics g, int[] xCoords, int[] yCoords, int num,
- Color DarkColor_Arg, Color BrightColor_Arg)
- {
- for (int s = 0; s < 2; s++)
- {
- g.setColor(s == 0 ? BrightColor_Arg : DarkColor_Arg);
- for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
- {
- g.drawLine(xCoords[i] + s, yCoords[i] + s, xCoords[i] + s, yCoords[i] + s);
- }
- }
- }// paintShadowedDots()
- /**
- * Draws an arrow (upward or downward) on a given <tt>Graphics</tt> object.
- *
- * @param g
- * the <tt>Graphics</tt> object on which we want to paint the arrow
- * @param up
- * if <tt>true</tt>, the arrow will be painted upward. If
- * @author Christophe Jacquet, Frederic Vernier <tt>false</tt>, it will be
- * painted downward
- */
- private void paintThumb(Graphics Graphics_Arg, boolean up, Polygon Thumb_Arg,
- Color MainColor_Arg, Color DarkColor_Arg, Color BrightColor_Arg)
- {
- Graphics2D G2 = (Graphics2D) Graphics_Arg;
- // HACK: commented out the next block of code. Because it's being compared with
- // 'false', it can never run anyway. I suspect it's part of Borlander's workaround
- //
- // if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getName().equals("Metal") && false)
- // {
- // Color BackColor = null;
- // Object SliderBackColor = UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getDefaults().get(
- // "Slider.gradient");
- // if (SliderBackColor != null && SliderBackColor instanceof List)
- // {
- // List GradientProperties = (List) SliderBackColor;
- // Float Cut1 = (Float) GradientProperties.get(0);
- // Float Cut2 = (Float) GradientProperties.get(1);
- // Color Color1 = (Color) GradientProperties.get(2);
- // Color Color2 = (Color) GradientProperties.get(3);
- // Color Color3 = (Color) GradientProperties.get(4);
- // float Rem = 1f - Cut2.floatValue() - 2 * Cut1.floatValue();
- // int x1 = up ? Thumb_Arg.xpoints[0] : Thumb_Arg.xpoints[6];
- // int y1 = up ? Thumb_Arg.ypoints[0] : Thumb_Arg.ypoints[6];
- //
- // int x2 = up ? Thumb_Arg.xpoints[1] : Thumb_Arg.xpoints[5];
- // int y2 = up ? Thumb_Arg.ypoints[1] : Thumb_Arg.ypoints[5];
- //
- // Shape Shape0 = G2.getClip();
- // G2.setClip(Thumb_Arg);
- // if (up)
- // {
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint1 = new GradientPaint(x1 - 7, y1, Color3, x1, y1
- // + (int) (16f * Rem), Color1);
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint2 = new GradientPaint(x1, y1 + (int) (16f * Rem),
- // Color1, x1, y1 + (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue())), Color2);
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint3 = new GradientPaint(x1, y1
- // + (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue() + Cut2.floatValue())), Color2, x1,
- // y1 + 16, Color3);
- //
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint1);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1, 15, (int) (16f * Rem));
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint2);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1 + (int) (16f * Rem), 15,
- // (int) (16f * Cut1.floatValue()) + 1);
- // G2.setColor(Color2);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1 + (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue())), 15,
- // (int) (16f * Cut2.floatValue()) + 1);
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint3);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1
- // + (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue() + Cut2.floatValue())), 15,
- // (int) (16f * Cut1.floatValue()) + 1);
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint1 = new GradientPaint(x1 - 7, y1, Color3, x1, y1
- // - (int) (16f * Rem), Color1);
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint2 = new GradientPaint(x1, y1 - (int) (16f * Rem),
- // Color1, x1, y1 - (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue())), Color2);
- // GradientPaint GradientPaint3 = new GradientPaint(x1, y1
- // - (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue() + Cut2.floatValue())), Color2, x1,
- // y1 - 16, Color3);
- //
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint1);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1 - (int) (16f * Rem), 15, (int) (16f * Rem));
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint2);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1 - (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue())), 15,
- // (int) (16f * Cut1.floatValue()) + 1);
- // G2.setColor(Color2);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1
- // - (int) (16f * (Rem + Cut1.floatValue() + Cut2.floatValue())), 15,
- // (int) (16f * Cut2.floatValue()) + 1);
- // G2.setPaint(GradientPaint3);
- // G2.fillRect(x1 - 7, y1 - 16, 15, (int) (16f * Cut1.floatValue()) + 1);
- // }
- // G2.setClip(Shape0);
- // }
- //
- // }
- // else
- // {
- G2.setColor(new Color(MainColor_Arg.getRed(), MainColor_Arg.getGreen(),
- MainColor_Arg.getBlue(), 196));
- G2.fillPolygon(Thumb_Arg);
- // }
- G2.setColor(Color.BLACK);
- G2.drawPolygon(Thumb_Arg);
- int yy = up ? Thumb_Arg.ypoints[0] + 8 : Thumb_Arg.ypoints[6] - 13;
- int xx = up ? Thumb_Arg.xpoints[0] : Thumb_Arg.xpoints[6];
- int[] xp = { xx - 5, xx - 1, xx + 3, xx - 3, xx + 1, xx - 5, xx - 1, xx + 3 };
- int[] yp = { yy, yy, yy, yy + 2, yy + 2, yy + 4, yy + 4, yy + 4 };
- paintShadowedDots(G2, xp, yp, 8, DarkColor_Arg, BrightColor_Arg);
- }// paintThumb()
- /**
- * Method called by the awt-swing mechanism when the user press the mouse
- * button over this component
- *
- * @param MouseEvent_Arg
- * the mouse event generatedby the awt-swing mechanism
- */
- public void mousePressed(MouseEvent MouseEvent_Arg)
- {
- LastFiveEvents = new Vector<Point>();
- LastFiveEvents.add(MouseEvent_Arg.getPoint());
- if (JTextFieldMin.isVisible())
- {
- JTextFieldMin.postActionEvent();
- while (JTextFieldMin.getActionListeners().length > 0)
- {
- JTextFieldMin.removeActionListener(JTextFieldMin.getActionListeners()[0]);
- }
- JTextFieldMin.setVisible(false);
- Ctrl.requestFocus();
- }
- if (JTextFieldMax.isVisible())
- {
- JTextFieldMax.postActionEvent();
- while (JTextFieldMax.getActionListeners().length > 0)
- {
- JTextFieldMax.removeActionListener(JTextFieldMax.getActionListeners()[0]);
- }
- JTextFieldMax.setVisible(false);
- Ctrl.requestFocus();
- }
- if (Ctrl.isPrecise() && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getClickCount() > 1
- && TheLeft_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY()))
- {
- openPrecisionPopup(LEFT_POLYGON, new Point(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg
- .getY()));
- return;
- }
- else if (Ctrl.isPrecise() && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getClickCount() > 1
- && TheRight_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY()))
- {
- openPrecisionPopup(RIGHT_POLYGON, new Point(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg
- .getY()));
- return;
- } // Clic the first number to drag it and change the SegmentCount
- else if (RectFirstLabel != null && MouseEvent_Arg.getClickCount() == 1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && RectFirstLabel.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = SEGMENT_SIZE_INT;
- }
- else if (RectFirstLabel != null && MouseEvent_Arg.getClickCount() == 1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && RectFirstLabel.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = SEGMENT_SIZE;
- } // The user want to modify the minimum by draging the left triangle
- else if (TheLeft_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && !MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = LEFT_RULER;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- }
- else if (TheLeft_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = SHIFT_LEFT_RULER;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // the user want to modify the maximum by draging the left triangle
- else if (TheRight_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && !MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = RIGHT_RULER;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // the user want to modify the maximum by draging the left triangle
- else if (TheRight_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // The user may want to drag the segment.
- else if (MouseEvent_Arg.getX() > LeftValue
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getX() < RightValue && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() > Margin_Ruler_Top
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() < Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && !MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = SEGMENT;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // The user may want to drag the segment (but stay aligned on graduations)
- else if (MouseEvent_Arg.getX() > LeftValue
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getX() < RightValue && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() > Margin_Ruler_Top
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() < Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight
- && !MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown() && MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown())
- {
- Dragging = SHIFT_SEGMENT;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // The user may want to drag the segment.
- else if (TheRight_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 && MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown())
- {
- Dragging = ALT_RIGHT_RULER;
- Center = (Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue() + Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue()) / 2;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // The user may want to drag the segment.
- else if (TheLeft_Polygon.contains(MouseEvent_Arg.getX(), MouseEvent_Arg.getY())
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1 && MouseEvent_Arg.isAltDown())
- {
- Dragging = ALT_LEFT_RULER;
- Center = (Ctrl.getMinimumColoredValue() + Ctrl.getMaximumColoredValue()) / 2;
- DeplBef = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - LeftValue;
- DeplAft = RightValue - MouseEvent_Arg.getX();
- JComponent1.repaint();
- } // Double click in a new segment with SHIFT pressed for concatenation of
- // the segment
- else if (MouseEvent_Arg.isShiftDown()
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getClickCount() > 1
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getX() > MARGIN_RULER_LEFT
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getX() < MARGIN_RULER_LEFT + RulerWidth
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() > Margin_Ruler_Top
- && MouseEvent_Arg.getY() < Margin_Ruler_Top + RulerHeight)
- {
- int d1 = MouseEvent_Arg.getX() - MARGIN_RULER_LEFT;
- int GraduationCount = (int) Math.floor(d1 / GraduationWidth);
- double Min = Ctrl.getMinimumValue()
- + (float) ((GraduationCount * GraduationWidth)
- * (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()) / RulerWidth);
- double Max = Ctrl.getMinimumValue()
- + (float) (((GraduationCount + 1) * GraduationWidth)
- * (Ctrl.getMaximumValue() - Ctrl.getMinimumValue()) / RulerWidth);
- // because the last segment is maybe smaller than a regular one
- if (Max > Ctrl.getMaximumValue())
- {
- Max = Ctrl.getMaximumValue