Python | 233 lines | 220 code | 2 blank | 11 comment | 0 complexity | 7dcf3c1e62862eb0cfe51da6130a6090 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- HQL plugin
- Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s)
- defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.
- Copyright 2008 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
- """
- from omero.cli import BaseControl, CLI
- import exceptions
- import cmd
- import time
- import cmd
- import sys
- HELP = """Executes an HQL statement with the given parameters.
- If no query is given, then a shell is opened which
- will run any entered query with the current parameters."""
- class HqlControl(BaseControl):
- def _configure(self, parser):
- parser.set_defaults(func=self.__call__)
- parser.add_argument("query", nargs="?", help="Single query to run")
- parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="No user input")
- parser.add_argument("--limit", help="Maximum number of return values", type=int, default=25)
- parser.add_argument("--offset", help="Number of entries to skip", type=int, default=0)
- parser.add_argument("--admin", help="Run an admin query", default=False, action="store_true")
- def __call__(self, args):
- if args.query:
- self.hql(args)
- else:
- if args.quiet:
- self.ctx.die(67, "Can't ask for query with --quiet option")
- while True:
- args.query = self.ctx.input("Enter query:")
- if not args.query:
- break
- if not self.hql(args, loop = True):
- break
- def hql(self, args, loop = False):
- from omero_sys_ParametersI import ParametersI
- ice_map = dict()
- if args.admin:
- ice_map["omero.group"]="-1"
- c = self.ctx.conn(args)
- q = c.sf.getQueryService()
- p = ParametersI()
- p.page(args.offset, args.limit)
- rv = self.project(q, args.query, p, ice_map)
- has_details = self.display(rv)
- if args.quiet:
- return
- input = """
- To see details for object, enter line number.
- To move ahead one page, enter 'p'
- To re-display list, enter 'r'.
- To quit, enter 'q' or just enter.
- """
- if loop:
- input = input + """To run another query, press enter\n"""
- while True:
- id = self.ctx.input(input)
- id = id.lower()
- # Exit loop
- if not id:
- return True
- if id.startswith("q"):
- return False
- # Stay in loop
- if id.startswith("p"):
- p.page(p.getOffset().val + p.getLimit().val, p.getLimit())
- self.ctx.dbg("\nCurrent page: offset=%s, limit=%s\n" % (p.theFilter.offset.val, p.theFilter.limit.val))
- rv = self.project(q, args.query, p, ice_map)
- self.display(rv)
- elif id.startswith("r"):
- self.display(rv)
- else:
- try:
- id = long(id)
- obj = rv[id]
- if id not in has_details:
- self.ctx.out("No details available: %s" % id)
- continue
- else:
- obj = obj[0].val # Unwrap the object_list from IQuery.projection
- except:
- self.ctx.out("Invalid choice: %s" % id)
- continue
- keys = sorted(obj.__dict__)
- keys.remove("_id")
- keys.remove("_details")
- self.ctx.out("id = %s" % obj.id.val)
- for key in keys:
- value = self.unwrap(obj.__dict__[key])
- if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
- value = "'%s'" % value
- if key.startswith("_"):
- key = key[1:]
- self.ctx.out("%s = %s" % (key, value))
- continue
- def display(self, rv, cols = None):
- import omero_model_Details_ice
- import omero_model_IObject_ice
- import omero.rtypes
- from omero.model import IObject
- from omero.model import Details
- from omero.util.text import TableBuilder
- has_details = []
- tb = TableBuilder("#")
- for idx, object_list in enumerate(rv):
- klass = "Null"
- id = ""
- values = {}
- # Handling for simple lookup
- if len(object_list) == 1 and isinstance(object_list[0], omero.rtypes.RObjectI):
- has_details.append(idx)
- o = object_list[0].val
- if o:
- tb.cols(["Class", "Id"])
- klass = o.__class__.__name__
- id = o.id.val
- for k, v in o.__dict__.items():
- values[k] = self.unwrap(v)
- values = self.filter(values)
- tb.cols(values.keys())
- tb.row(idx, klass, id, **values)
- # Handling for true projections
- else:
- indices = range(1, len(object_list) + 1)
- if cols is not None:
- tb.cols(cols)
- else:
- tb.cols(["Col%s" % x for x in indices])
- values = tuple([self.unwrap(x) for x in object_list])
- tb.row(idx, *values)
- self.ctx.out(str(tb.build()))
- return has_details
- def unwrap(self, object, cache = None):
- if cache == None:
- cache = {}
- elif object in cache:
- return cache[id(object)]
- from omero.rtypes import unwrap
- import omero_model_Details_ice
- import omero_model_IObject_ice
- from omero.model import IObject
- from omero.model import Details
- from omero.rtypes import RObjectI
- from omero.rtypes import RTimeI
- #if isinstance(object, list):
- # return [self.unwrap(x, cache) for x in object]
- #elif isinstance(object, RObject):
- # return self.unwrap(object.val, cache)
- unwrapped = unwrap(object, cache)
- if isinstance(unwrapped, IObject):
- rv = "%s:%s" % (unwrapped.__class__.__name__, unwrapped.id.val)
- elif isinstance(object, RTimeI):
- rv = time.ctime(unwrapped/1000.0)
- elif isinstance(object, Details):
- owner = None
- group = None
- if unwrapped.owner is not None:
- owner = unwrapped.owner.id.val
- if unwrapped.group is not None:
- group = unwrapped.group.id.val
- rv = "owner=%s;group=%s" % (owner, group)
- else:
- rv = unwrapped
- cache[id(object)] = rv
- return rv;
- def filter(self, values):
- values = dict(values)
- for x in ("_id", "_loaded"):
- if x in values:
- values.pop(x)
- if "owner=None;group=None" == values.get("_details"):
- values.pop("_details")
- multi_valued = sorted([k for k in values if isinstance(values[k], list)])
- false_valued = sorted([k for k in values if not values[k]])
- for x in multi_valued + false_valued:
- if x in values:
- values.pop(x)
- rv = dict()
- for k, v in values.items():
- if k.startswith("_"):
- rv[k[1:]] = v
- else:
- rv[k] = v
- return rv
- def project(self, querySvc, queryStr, params, ice_map):
- import omero
- try:
- rv = querySvc.projection(queryStr, params, ice_map)
- self.ctx.set("last.hql.rv", rv)
- return rv
- except omero.SecurityViolation, sv:
- if "omero.group" in ice_map:
- self.ctx.die(53, "SecurityViolation: Current user is not an admin and cannot use '--admin'")
- else:
- self.ctx.die(54, "SecurityViolation: %s" % sv)
- except omero.QueryException, qe:
- self.ctx.set("last.hql.rv", [])
- self.ctx.die(52, "Bad query: %s" % qe.message)
- try:
- register("hql", HqlControl, HELP)
- except NameError:
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- cli = CLI()
- cli.register("hql", HqlControl, HELP)
- cli.invoke(sys.argv[1:])