Python | 80 lines | 53 code | 15 blank | 12 comment | 10 complexity | 966aee95ae06020f737c1c860ab1fdfb MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- submit plugin
- Plugin read by omero.cli.Cli during initialization. The method(s)
- defined here will be added to the Cli class for later use.
- Copyright 2007 Glencoe Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Use is subject to license terms supplied in LICENSE.txt
- """
- from omero.cli import BaseControl, CLI
- import cmd, sys, exceptions
- import sys
- prompt = "omero submit [%s]> "
- class Save(exceptions.Exception):
- pass
- class Cancel(exceptions.Exception):
- pass
- class SubmitCLI(CLI):
- def __init__(self):
- CLI.__init__(self)
- self.queue = []
- self.prompt = prompt % str(0)
- def postcmd(self, stop, line):
- self.queue.append(line)
- self.prompt = prompt % str(len(self.queue))
- return CLI.postcmd(self, stop, line)
- def do_save(self, arg):
- raise Save()
- def do_cancel(self, arg):
- raise Cancel()
- def post_process(self):
- print "Uploading"
- print self.queue
- HELP = """When run without arguments, submit shell is opened
- which takes commands without executing them. On save,
- the file is trasferred to the server, and executed."""
- class SubmitControl(BaseControl):
- def _configure(self, parser):
- parser.add_argument("arg", nargs="*", help="single command with args")
- parser.set_defaults(func=self.__call__)
- def __call__(self, args):
- submit = SubmitCLI()
- arg = args.arg
- if arg and len(arg) > 0:
- submit.invoke(arg)
- submit.post_process()
- else:
- try:
- submit.invokeloop()
- except Save, s:
- submit.execute()
- except Cancel, c:
- l = len(submit.queue)
- if l > 0:
- print l," items queued. Really cancel? [Yn]"
- try:
- # register("submit", SubmitControl, HELP)
- pass
- except NameError:
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- cli = CLI()
- cli.register("submit", SubmitControl, HELP)
- cli.invoke(sys.argv[1:])