https://github.com/cazzar/MCaznowl-Lava · C# · 255 lines · 204 code · 29 blank · 22 comment · 86 complexity · a984c6b71ef51ba237269b211ae371fd MD5 · raw file
- /*
- Copyright 2011 MCForge
- Dual-licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 and
- the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (the "Licenses"); you may
- not use this file except in compliance with the Licenses. You may
- obtain a copy of the Licenses at
- http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php
- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- software distributed under the Licenses are distributed on an "AS IS"
- or implied. See the Licenses for the specific language governing
- permissions and limitations under the Licenses.
- */
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- namespace MCForge
- {
- public class CmdFill : Command
- {
- public override string name { get { return "fill"; } }
- public override string shortcut { get { return "f"; } }
- public override string type { get { return "build"; } }
- public override bool museumUsable { get { return false; } }
- public override LevelPermission defaultRank { get { return LevelPermission.AdvBuilder; } }
- public CmdFill() { }
- public override void Use(Player p, string message)
- {
- CatchPos cpos;
- int number = message.Split(' ').Length;
- if (number > 2) { Help(p); return; }
- if (number == 2)
- {
- int pos = message.IndexOf(' ');
- string t = message.Substring(0, pos).ToLower();
- string s = message.Substring(pos + 1).ToLower();
- cpos.type = Block.Byte(t);
- if (cpos.type == 255) { Player.SendMessage(p, "There is no block \"" + t + "\"."); return; }
- if (!Block.canPlace(p, cpos.type)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot place that."); return; }
- if (s == "up") cpos.fillType = FillType.Up;
- else if (s == "down") cpos.fillType = FillType.Down;
- else if (s == "layer") cpos.fillType = FillType.Layer;
- else if (s == "vertical_x") cpos.fillType = FillType.VerticalX;
- else if (s == "vertical_z") cpos.fillType = FillType.VerticalZ;
- else { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid fill type"); return; }
- }
- else if (message != "")
- {
- message = message.ToLower();
- if (message == "up") { cpos.fillType = FillType.Up; cpos.type = Block.Zero; }
- else if (message == "down") { cpos.fillType = FillType.Down; cpos.type = Block.Zero; }
- else if (message == "layer") { cpos.fillType = FillType.Layer; cpos.type = Block.Zero; }
- else if (message == "vertical_x") { cpos.fillType = FillType.VerticalX; cpos.type = Block.Zero; }
- else if (message == "vertical_z") { cpos.fillType = FillType.VerticalZ; cpos.type = Block.Zero; }
- else
- {
- cpos.type = Block.Byte(message);
- if (cpos.type == (byte)255) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Invalid block or fill type"); return; }
- if (!Block.canPlace(p, cpos.type)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot place that."); return; }
- cpos.fillType = FillType.Default;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- cpos.type = Block.Zero; cpos.fillType = FillType.Default;
- }
- cpos.x = 0; cpos.y = 0; cpos.z = 0; p.blockchangeObject = cpos;
- Player.SendMessage(p, "Destroy the block you wish to fill."); p.ClearBlockchange();
- p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
- }
- public override void Help(Player p)
- {
- Player.SendMessage(p, "/fill [block] [type] - Fills the area specified with [block].");
- Player.SendMessage(p, "[types] - up, down, layer, vertical_x, vertical_z");
- }
- public void Blockchange1(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte type)
- {
- try
- {
- p.ClearBlockchange();
- CatchPos cpos = (CatchPos)p.blockchangeObject;
- if (cpos.type == Block.Zero) cpos.type = p.bindings[type];
- byte oldType = p.level.GetTile(x, y, z);
- p.SendBlockchange(x, y, z, oldType);
- if (cpos.type == oldType) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot fill with the same type."); return; }
- if (!Block.canPlace(p, oldType) && !Block.BuildIn(oldType)) { Player.SendMessage(p, "Cannot fill with that."); return; }
- byte[] mapBlocks = new byte[p.level.blocks.Length];
- List<Pos> buffer = new List<Pos>();
- p.level.blocks.CopyTo(mapBlocks, 0);
- fromWhere.Clear();
- deep = 0;
- FloodFill(p, x, y, z, cpos.type, oldType, cpos.fillType, ref mapBlocks, ref buffer);
- int totalFill = fromWhere.Count;
- for (int i = 0; i < totalFill; i++)
- {
- totalFill = fromWhere.Count;
- Pos pos = fromWhere[i];
- deep = 0;
- FloodFill(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, cpos.type, oldType, cpos.fillType, ref mapBlocks, ref buffer);
- totalFill = fromWhere.Count;
- }
- fromWhere.Clear();
- if (buffer.Count > p.group.maxBlocks)
- {
- Player.SendMessage(p, "You tried to fill " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
- Player.SendMessage(p, "You cannot fill more than " + p.group.maxBlocks + ".");
- return;
- }
- foreach (Pos pos in buffer)
- {
- p.level.Blockchange(p, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, cpos.type);
- }
- Player.SendMessage(p, "Filled " + buffer.Count + " blocks.");
- buffer.Clear();
- buffer = null;
- mapBlocks = null;
- if (p.staticCommands) p.Blockchange += new Player.BlockchangeEventHandler(Blockchange1);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- Server.ErrorLog(e);
- }
- }
- int deep;
- List<Pos> fromWhere = new List<Pos>();
- public void FloodFill(Player p, ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, byte b, byte oldType, FillType fillType, ref byte[] blocks, ref List<Pos> buffer)
- {
- try
- {
- Pos pos;
- pos.x = x; pos.y = y; pos.z = z;
- if (deep > 4000)
- {
- fromWhere.Add(pos);
- return;
- }
- blocks[x + p.level.width * z + p.level.width * p.level.height * y] = b;
- buffer.Add(pos);
- //x
- if (fillType != FillType.VerticalX)
- {
- if (GetTile((ushort)(x + 1), y, z, p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, (ushort)(x + 1), y, z, b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- if (x > 0)
- if (GetTile((ushort)(x - 1), y, z, p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, (ushort)(x - 1), y, z, b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- }
- //z
- if (fillType != FillType.VerticalZ)
- {
- if (GetTile(x, y, (ushort)(z + 1), p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, x, y, (ushort)(z + 1), b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- if (z > 0)
- if (GetTile(x, y, (ushort)(z - 1), p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, x, y, (ushort)(z - 1), b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- }
- //y
- if (fillType == 0 || fillType == FillType.Up || fillType > FillType.Layer)
- {
- if (GetTile(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- }
- if (fillType == 0 || fillType == FillType.Down || fillType > FillType.Layer)
- {
- if (y > 0)
- if (GetTile(x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, p.level, blocks) == oldType)
- {
- deep++;
- FloodFill(p, x, (ushort)(y - 1), z, b, oldType, fillType, ref blocks, ref buffer);
- deep--;
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); }
- }
- public byte GetTile(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z, Level l, byte[] blocks)
- {
- //if (PosToInt(x, y, z) >= blocks.Length) { return null; }
- //Avoid internal overflow
- if (x < 0) { return Block.Zero; }
- if (x >= l.width) { return Block.Zero; }
- if (y < 0) { return Block.Zero; }
- if (y >= l.depth) { return Block.Zero; }
- if (z < 0) { return Block.Zero; }
- if (z >= l.height) { return Block.Zero; }
- try
- {
- return blocks[l.PosToInt(x, y, z)];
- }
- catch (Exception e) { Server.ErrorLog(e); return Block.Zero; }
- }
- struct CatchPos { public ushort x, y, z; public byte type; public FillType fillType; }
- public struct Pos { public ushort x, y, z; }
- public enum FillType : int
- {
- Default = 0,
- Up = 1,
- Down = 2,
- Layer = 3,
- VerticalX = 4,
- VerticalZ = 5
- }
- }
- }