Python | 278 lines | 225 code | 27 blank | 26 comment | 12 complexity | 60667fcabcfd748d1ce663a3877fd5d1 MD5 | raw file
- """This file contain auxiliary Ops, used during the compilation phase."""
- import copy
- import warnings
- import theano
- from theano import gof
- def register_view_op_c_code(type, code, version=()):
- """ Tell ViewOp how to generate C code for a Theano Type
- :param typ: A Theano type. It must be the Theano class itself and not an
- instance of the class.
- :param code: C code that deep copies the Theano type 'typ'.
- Use %(iname)s and %(oname)s for the input and output C
- variable names respectively.
- :param version: A number indicating the version of the code, for cache.
- """
- ViewOp.c_code_and_version[type] = (code, version)
- class ViewOp(gof.Op):
- """
- Returns an inplace view of the input. Used internally by Theano.
- """
- view_map = {0: [0]}
- # Mapping from Type to C code (and version) to use.
- # In the C code, the name of the input variable is %(iname)s,
- # the output variable is %(oname)s.
- c_code_and_version = {}
- def make_node(self, x):
- return gof.Apply(self, [x], [x.type()])
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return type(self) == type(other)
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(type(self))
- def perform(self, node, inp, out):
- x, = inp
- z, = out
- z[0] = x
- def __str__(self):
- return '%s' % self.__class__.__name__
- def c_code(self, node, nodename, inp, out, sub):
- iname, = inp
- oname, = out
- fail = sub['fail']
- itype = node.inputs[0].type.__class__
- if itype in self.c_code_and_version:
- code, version = self.c_code_and_version[itype]
- return code % locals()
- # Else, no C code
- return super(ViewOp, self).c_code(node, nodename, inp, out, sub)
- def c_code_cache_version(self):
- version = []
- # If any of the c code is unversionned, we have to return ()
- # Else, we will return a list of (type name, version) pairs.
- for t, (c, v) in sorted(self.c_code_and_version.items(), key=lambda pair: str(pair[0])):
- if not v:
- warnings.warn("Type %s has C code for ViewOp, but it has "
- "no version. You should add a 'version' keyword arg "
- "when calling register_deep_copy_op_c_code." % t,
- stacklevel=2)
- return ()
- version.append((str(t), v))
- return tuple(version)
- def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes):
- return input_shapes
- def grad(self, args, g_outs):
- return g_outs
- view_op = ViewOp()
- class OutputGuard(ViewOp):
- """
- This op is used only internally by Theano.
- Only the AddDestroyHandler optimizer tries to insert them in the graph.
- This Op is declared as destructive while it is not destroying
- anything. It returns a view. This is used to prevent destruction of
- the output variables of a Theano function.
- There is a mechanism in Theano that should prevent this, but the use
- of OutputGuard adds a safeguard: it may be possible for some optimization
- run before the add_destroy_handler phase to bypass this mechanism, by
- making in-place optimizations.
- TODO: find a current full explanation.
- """
- destroy_map = {0: [0]}
- _output_guard = OutputGuard()
- def register_deep_copy_op_c_code(typ, code, version=()):
- """ Tell DeepCopyOp how to generate C code for a Theano Type
- :param typ: A Theano type. It must be the Theano class itself and not an
- instance of the class.
- :param code: C code that deep copies the Theano type 'typ'.
- Use %(iname)s and %(oname)s for the input and output C
- variable names respectively.
- :param version: A number indicating the version of the code, for cache.
- """
- DeepCopyOp.c_code_and_version[typ] = (code, version)
- class DeepCopyOp(gof.Op):
- # Mapping from Type to C code (and version) to use.
- # In the C code, the name of the input variable is %(iname)s,
- # the output variable is %(oname)s.
- c_code_and_version = {}
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(type(self))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return type(self) == type(other)
- def make_node(self, x):
- return gof.Apply(self, [x], [x.type()])
- def perform(self, node, args, outs):
- if hasattr(args[0], 'copy'):
- #when args[0] is a an ndarray of 0 dimensions,
- #this return a numpy.dtype and not an ndarray
- #So when the args have a copy attribute we use it
- #as this don't have this problem
- outs[0][0] = args[0].copy()
- else:
- outs[0][0] = copy.deepcopy(args[0])
- def c_code_cache_version(self):
- version = []
- # If any of the c code is unversionned, we have to return ()
- # Else, we will return a list of (type name, version) pairs.
- for t, (c, v) in sorted(self.c_code_and_version.items(), key=lambda pair: str(pair[0])):
- if not v:
- warnings.warn("Type %s has C code for DeepCopyOp, but it has "
- "no version. You should add a 'version' keyword arg "
- "when calling register_OutputGuard_c_code." % t,
- stacklevel=2)
- return ()
- version.append((str(t), v))
- return tuple(version)
- def c_code(self, node, name, inames, onames, sub):
- iname, = inames
- oname, = onames
- fail = sub['fail']
- itype = node.inputs[0].type.__class__
- if itype in self.c_code_and_version:
- code, version = self.c_code_and_version[itype]
- return code % locals()
- # Else, no C code
- return super(DeepCopyOp, self).c_code(node, name, inames, onames, sub)
- deep_copy_op = DeepCopyOp()
- class Shape_i(gof.Op):
- """
- L{Op} to return the shape of a matrix.
- @note: Non-differentiable.
- """
- # Mapping from Type to C code (and version) to use.
- # In the C code, the name of the input variable is %(iname)s,
- # the output variable is %(oname)s.
- c_code_and_version = {}
- def __init__(self, i):
- self.i = i
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(type(self)) ^ self.i
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return type(self) == type(other) and self.i == other.i
- def __str__(self):
- return '%s{%i}' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.i)
- def make_node(self, x):
- # x could be one of a number of types
- # the only thing we require is that the variable have a .ndim,
- # and that the value have a .shape
- if not isinstance(x, theano.Variable):
- raise TypeError('x must be Variable with ndim attribute', x)
- if x.ndim <= self.i:
- raise TypeError('x has too few dimensions for Shape_i',
- (x, self.i))
- return theano.Apply(self, [x], [theano.tensor.lscalar()])
- def perform(self, node, inp, out_):
- x, = inp
- out, = out_
- if out[0] is None:
- out[0] = theano._asarray(x.shape[self.i], dtype='int64')
- else:
- out[0][...] = x.shape[self.i]
- def c_code_cache_version(self):
- version = []
- # If any of the c code is unversionned, we have to return ()
- # Else, we will return a list of (type name, version) pairs.
- for t, (c, v) in sorted(self.c_code_and_version.items(),
- key=lambda pair: str(pair[0])):
- if not v:
- warnings.warn("Type %s has C code for Shape_i, but it has "
- "no version. You should add a 'version' keyword arg "
- "when calling register_OutputGuard_c_code." % t,
- stacklevel=2)
- return ()
- version.append((str(t), v))
- return tuple(version)
- def c_code(self, node, name, inames, onames, sub):
- iname, = inames
- oname, = onames
- fail = sub['fail']
- i = self.i
- itype = node.inputs[0].type.__class__
- if itype in self.c_code_and_version:
- code, version = self.c_code_and_version[itype]
- return code % locals()
- # Else, no C code
- return super(Shape_i, self).c_code(node, name, inames, onames, sub)
- def infer_shape(self, node, input_shapes):
- return [()]
- def grad(self, inp, grads):
- return [None]
- def register_shape_i_c_code(typ, code, version=()):
- """ Tell DeepCopyOp how to generate C code for a Theano Type
- :param typ: A Theano type. It must be the Theano class itself and not an
- instance of the class.
- :param code: C code that deep copies the Theano type 'typ'.
- Use %(iname)s and %(oname)s for the input and output C
- variable names respectively.
- :param version: A number indicating the version of the code, for cache.
- """
- Shape_i.c_code_and_version[typ] = (code, version)
- # List of Theano Types that one can add an extra dimension and for which
- # Scan can deal with.
- expandable_types = ()