JavaScript | 357 lines | 283 code | 51 blank | 23 comment | 59 complexity | 57eb09975c1e2d3af4d5e33004fb6536 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * jQuery Impromptu
- * By: Trent Richardson [http://trentrichardson.com]
- * Version 3.1
- * Last Modified: 3/30/2010
- *
- * Copyright 2011 Trent Richardson
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/GPL-LICENSE.txt
- * http://trentrichardson.com/Impromptu/MIT-LICENSE.txt
- *
- */
- (function($) {
- $.prompt = function(message, options) {
- options = $.extend({},$.prompt.defaults,options);
- $.prompt.currentPrefix = options.prefix;
- var ie6 = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7);
- var $body = $(document.body);
- var $window = $(window);
- options.classes = $.trim(options.classes);
- if(options.classes != '')
- options.classes = ' '+ options.classes;
- //build the box and fade
- var msgbox = '<div class="'+ options.prefix +'box'+ options.classes +'" id="'+ options.prefix +'box">';
- if(options.useiframe && (($('object, applet').length > 0) || ie6)) {
- msgbox += '<iframe src="javascript:false;" style="display:block;position:absolute;z-index:-1;" class="'+ options.prefix +'fade" id="'+ options.prefix +'fade"></iframe>';
- } else {
- if(ie6) {
- $('select').css('visibility','hidden');
- }
- msgbox +='<div class="'+ options.prefix +'fade" id="'+ options.prefix +'fade"></div>';
- }
- msgbox += '<div class="'+ options.prefix +'" id="'+ options.prefix +'"><div class="'+ options.prefix +'container"><div class="';
- msgbox += options.prefix +'close">X</div><div id="'+ options.prefix +'states"></div>';
- msgbox += '</div></div></div>';
- var $jqib = $(msgbox).appendTo($body);
- var $jqi = $jqib.children('#'+ options.prefix);
- var $jqif = $jqib.children('#'+ options.prefix +'fade');
- //if a string was passed, convert to a single state
- if(message.constructor == String){
- message = {
- state0: {
- html: message,
- buttons: options.buttons,
- focus: options.focus,
- submit: options.submit
- }
- };
- }
- //build the states
- var states = "";
- $.each(message,function(statename,stateobj){
- stateobj = $.extend({},$.prompt.defaults.state,stateobj);
- message[statename] = stateobj;
- states += '<div id="'+ options.prefix +'_state_'+ statename +'" class="'+ options.prefix + '_state" style="display:none;"><div class="'+ options.prefix +'message">' + stateobj.html +'</div><div class="'+ options.prefix +'buttons">';
- $.each(stateobj.buttons, function(k, v){
- if(typeof v == 'object')
- states += '<button name="' + options.prefix + '_' + statename + '_button' + v.title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi,'') + '" id="' + options.prefix + '_' + statename + '_button' + v.title.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi,'') + '" value="' + v.value + '">' + v.title + '</button>';
- else states += '<button name="' + options.prefix + '_' + statename + '_button' + k + '" id="' + options.prefix + '_' + statename + '_button' + k + '" value="' + v + '">' + k + '</button>';
- });
- states += '</div></div>';
- });
- //insert the states...
- $jqi.find('#'+ options.prefix +'states').html(states).children('.'+ options.prefix +'_state:first').css('display','block');
- $jqi.find('.'+ options.prefix +'buttons:empty').css('display','none');
- //Events
- $.each(message,function(statename,stateobj){
- var $state = $jqi.find('#'+ options.prefix +'_state_'+ statename);
- $state.children('.'+ options.prefix +'buttons').children('button').click(function(){
- var msg = $state.children('.'+ options.prefix +'message');
- var clicked = stateobj.buttons[$(this).text()];
- if(clicked == undefined){
- for(var i in stateobj.buttons)
- if(stateobj.buttons[i].title == $(this).text())
- clicked = stateobj.buttons[i].value;
- }
- if(typeof clicked == 'object')
- clicked = clicked.value;
- var forminputs = {};
- //collect all form element values from all states
- $.each($jqi.find('#'+ options.prefix +'states :input').serializeArray(),function(i,obj){
- if (forminputs[obj.name] === undefined) {
- forminputs[obj.name] = obj.value;
- } else if (typeof forminputs[obj.name] == Array || typeof forminputs[obj.name] == 'object') {
- forminputs[obj.name].push(obj.value);
- } else {
- forminputs[obj.name] = [forminputs[obj.name],obj.value];
- }
- });
- var close = stateobj.submit(clicked,msg,forminputs);
- if(close === undefined || close) {
- removePrompt(true,clicked,msg,forminputs);
- }
- });
- $state.find('.'+ options.prefix +'buttons button:eq('+ stateobj.focus +')').addClass(options.prefix +'defaultbutton');
- });
- var ie6scroll = function(){
- $jqib.css({ top: $window.scrollTop() });
- };
- var fadeClicked = function(){
- if(options.persistent){
- var i = 0;
- $jqib.addClass(options.prefix +'warning');
- var intervalid = setInterval(function(){
- $jqib.toggleClass(options.prefix +'warning');
- if(i++ > 1){
- clearInterval(intervalid);
- $jqib.removeClass(options.prefix +'warning');
- }
- }, 100);
- }
- else {
- removePrompt();
- }
- };
- var keyPressEventHandler = function(e){
- var key = (window.event) ? event.keyCode : e.keyCode; // MSIE or Firefox?
- //escape key closes
- if(key==27) {
- fadeClicked();
- }
- //constrain tabs
- if (key == 9){
- var $inputels = $(':input:enabled:visible',$jqib);
- var fwd = !e.shiftKey && e.target == $inputels[$inputels.length-1];
- var back = e.shiftKey && e.target == $inputels[0];
- if (fwd || back) {
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (!$inputels)
- return;
- var el = $inputels[back===true ? $inputels.length-1 : 0];
- if (el)
- el.focus();
- },10);
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- var positionPrompt = function(){
- $jqib.css({
- position: (ie6) ? "absolute" : "fixed",
- height: $window.height(),
- width: "100%",
- top: (ie6)? $window.scrollTop() : 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0
- });
- $jqif.css({
- position: "absolute",
- height: $window.height(),
- width: "100%",
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0
- });
- $jqi.css({
- position: "absolute",
- top: options.top,
- left: "50%",
- marginLeft: (($jqi.outerWidth()/2)*-1)
- });
- };
- var stylePrompt = function(){
- $jqif.css({
- zIndex: options.zIndex,
- display: "none",
- opacity: options.opacity
- });
- $jqi.css({
- zIndex: options.zIndex+1,
- display: "none"
- });
- $jqib.css({
- zIndex: options.zIndex
- });
- };
- var removePrompt = function(callCallback, clicked, msg, formvals){
- $jqi.remove();
- //ie6, remove the scroll event
- if(ie6) {
- $body.unbind('scroll',ie6scroll);
- }
- $window.unbind('resize',positionPrompt);
- $jqif.fadeOut(options.overlayspeed,function(){
- $jqif.unbind('click',fadeClicked);
- $jqif.remove();
- if(callCallback) {
- options.callback(clicked,msg,formvals);
- }
- $jqib.unbind('keypress',keyPressEventHandler);
- $jqib.remove();
- if(ie6 && !options.useiframe) {
- $('select').css('visibility','visible');
- }
- });
- };
- positionPrompt();
- stylePrompt();
- //ie6, add a scroll event to fix position:fixed
- if(ie6) {
- $window.scroll(ie6scroll);
- }
- $jqif.click(fadeClicked);
- $window.resize(positionPrompt);
- $jqib.bind("keydown keypress",keyPressEventHandler);
- $jqi.find('.'+ options.prefix +'close').click(removePrompt);
- //Show it
- $jqif.fadeIn(options.overlayspeed);
- $jqi[options.show](options.promptspeed,options.loaded);
- $jqi.find('#'+ options.prefix +'states .'+ options.prefix +'_state:first .'+ options.prefix +'defaultbutton').focus();
- if(options.timeout > 0)
- setTimeout($.prompt.close,options.timeout);
- return $jqib;
- };
- $.prompt.defaults = {
- prefix:'jqi',
- classes: '',
- buttons: {
- Ok: true
- },
- loaded: function(){
- },
- submit: function(){
- return true;
- },
- callback: function(){
- },
- opacity: 0.6,
- zIndex: 999,
- overlayspeed: 'slow',
- promptspeed: 'fast',
- show: 'fadeIn',
- focus: 0,
- useiframe: false,
- top: "15%",
- persistent: true,
- timeout: 0,
- state: {
- html: '',
- buttons: {
- Ok: true
- },
- focus: 0,
- submit: function(){
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- $.prompt.currentPrefix = $.prompt.defaults.prefix;
- $.prompt.setDefaults = function(o) {
- $.prompt.defaults = $.extend({}, $.prompt.defaults, o);
- };
- $.prompt.setStateDefaults = function(o) {
- $.prompt.defaults.state = $.extend({}, $.prompt.defaults.state, o);
- };
- $.prompt.getStateContent = function(state) {
- return $('#'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state_'+ state);
- };
- $.prompt.getCurrentState = function() {
- return $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state:visible');
- };
- $.prompt.getCurrentStateName = function() {
- var stateid = $.prompt.getCurrentState().attr('id');
- return stateid.replace($.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state_','');
- };
- $.prompt.goToState = function(state, callback) {
- $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state').slideUp('slow');
- $('#'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state_'+ state).slideDown('slow',function(){
- $(this).find('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'defaultbutton').focus();
- if (typeof callback == 'function')
- callback();
- });
- };
- $.prompt.nextState = function(callback) {
- var $next = $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state:visible').next();
- $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state').slideUp('slow');
- $next.slideDown('slow',function(){
- $next.find('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'defaultbutton').focus();
- if (typeof callback == 'function')
- callback();
- });
- };
- $.prompt.prevState = function(callback) {
- var $next = $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state:visible').prev();
- $('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'_state').slideUp('slow');
- $next.slideDown('slow',function(){
- $next.find('.'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'defaultbutton').focus();
- if (typeof callback == 'function')
- callback();
- });
- };
- $.prompt.close = function() {
- $('#'+ $.prompt.currentPrefix +'box').fadeOut('fast',function(){
- $(this).remove();
- });
- };
- $.fn.prompt = function(options){
- if(options == undefined)
- options = {};
- if(options.withDataAndEvents == undefined)
- options.withDataAndEvents = false;
- $.prompt($(this).clone(options.withDataAndEvents).html(),options);
- }
- })(jQuery);